#yeah i may be sleep deprived now but i wasnt when i was 10
wooltoesocks · 4 months
i swear buses have some kind of sleeping spell
got on, sat down and immediately was almost overcome by a wave of sleepiness
dark magic
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woozi · 2 years
*waves* hello… I had a question today, hope you don’t mind :) as someone who makes gifs, what type of like… performance stages do u tend to enjoy the most? bc a few months ago I got bored and started like. going thru svts performances and relentlessly judging the camerawork with my unfounded opinions lol so I was wondering if as a gifmaker u might have a unique perspective of that! like sometimes they have those cameras that will like follow the members (idk the right term) and other times they won’t, and sometimes the lighting is going crazy etc which I assume affects gifmaking… so yeah, I was just wondering! - car crash anon (as an aside, i /think/ I sent u an ask a while ago but also I was really sleep deprived so it may have been my imagination as to whether I actually sent it… im saying this bc I’d like to know if it was a) a real thing I did, which if so… I apologize for my incoherence and b) if it was not real / tumblr ate the ask… I hope I’m not pestering u, it just was. bothering me bc I didn’t have the clearest memory)
(im answering this based on the assumption that we're talking abt stages from shows mubank, emca and the like bc other perfs like the acoustic sessions are a whole different section for me tbh JFDJKDFJK)
ok first of all,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, giffing perf stages is an absolute nightmare but i would do it again and again even if it looks like shit bc they're always soOO fun yet so. fucking. hard. to color and smoothen (esp now that i dont have knlm anymore </3) JKFDJKFJDFJFD
i like it when there's camera movement but these music shows are going thROUGH SO MANY FUCKING HOOPS a lotta the times oh my god. they make stages much more enjoyable to watch when done right tbh. i personally think aespa is the best example of this!! movement makes it so fucking hard to frame gifs though JKDFJFDJK basically high risk high reward if u can pull it off tbh
ALSO YES OH MY GODDDDDDDDDDDDDDD, THE LIGHTING,,,,,,,,,,, i mean its necessary for the stage and i absolutely love lights (not when theyre excessively flashing though,,,) but they also make gifmaking so hard,,,, almost 100% of the time u gotta adjust it per gif 😭
but yeah u know by the end of the day we're all just making gifs for free bc we enjoy it so <3 10/10 would suffer for no reason again LMAOOO
also yes, love, omg it was not a fever dream bc i did receive it!! although i cant guarantee this if ever you've sent other ones bc tumblr really does eat up asks and one of my friends have also been sending me some for a while now and i wasnt able to get ANY of them 😭 i just figured out when she sent me a dm oh my fucking god. this website. BUT ALSO SOMETIMES!!! it just takes me a while to reply, teehee. but thank you for being patient with me!! <3 and you are NOT A BOTHER AT ALL OMG 😭😭😭 im sad that you'd even think so </3 i genuinely love talking to u u dont have to worry abt it at all!! <3 i hope you never get shy abt coming to me, i really like seeing u around!! and you've been w me for so long by now </3 ANYWAY!! thank u for dropping by again ily and i hope ur having a great one!!
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chrospw-doodles · 3 years
When the Ink doesn’t flow
So... for starters this is a rant I wrote somewhere between september and november of 2020, it was intended to be posted in my main blog @chrispriceway back then, but I decided to put this here to avoid being too too personal there, I mean it is supposed to be a happy place to goof around and show you cool stuff, that’s why I made this side blog, to be more personal and less awkard so, yeh.
What's up everybody, I know I haven't posted anything in a while and I wanted to adress my abcense and some other stuff that I wanted to talk about but never knew how to bring it up.
So, to those who follow me and dont really know who am I as a content creator:
hi, the name is Christian, you can call me Chris, I'm somewhat of an artist and like to post my stuff here.
Now, even if you have been following me for a while you may have noticed that I really don't post very often and that I haven't been around for a while even if I claim that I'm trying to be more active, well I think it's about time to talk about the issue and make some big changes around here.
But first of all, why does it even matter?
Well, to be honest the past three to four years I haven't really seen my online connection as serious business since I am primarly a student, and school does suck all of my time, the problem with that is that I really feel like I havent been respectful to you, the audience, not that I owe you anything but since I am now trying to make a living from my art, it is necessary to take this connection between the audience seriously and with a bit more respect.
In those three years all I've ever did was too much talk and too little deliver, so I apologize to those people who were really invested into the stuff I do, I really appreciate you guys.
So with that aside...
I wanted to talk about mental health.
well MY mental health
I know what you may be thinking, "what the heck Chris? What does this have to do with you being a lazy ass biss?"
Well, it's kinda simple as it is complicated so I will be putting here some bullets to make it easier to you to navigate through and to let you know how long it is going to be to those who really really just want to skip this post already
Danplan Drama
College is a biss
When job becomes priority over school
How did all of this affect my mental state
And how I feel about it
Final thoughts
I'm not okay
Well, was, not anymore (mostly), or at least not as serious as I was some monts ago. Listen, shit went down, it's 2020 and that was inevitable, but I really want to go trough some points to give you context.
This year has been specially rough to me because of some circumstances that a few may know, but for context I'll be telling you about it.
The danplan shit did a lotta damage my bros
Ah, yes, long story short, I was an animator in that channel before the figgin drama
But it wasnt really that bad, you see, I really think that it was inevitable that it was going to end like that because of how are those two, but at the time I had to shut a lot of stuff because I didn't wanted to make it worse as the other animators did... but in retrospective, If we had talked about how we felt about the issue in that moment maybe it could have been better, or maybe not, I don't know and maybe I'll post a rant about it some other time (or maybe I wont), the point. is.
It was emotionally taxing, and to be honest it screwed me very bad. You see, I know I am not that good of an artist in comparisson to the others, nor have the best management of my social media, or another project to keep me on the public eye for a while, and since I went back to school I couldnt possible be hired by another channel because of my lack of time; so loosing my job at danplan was a HUGE deal to me because I knew that none of the jobs available in my country could pay off as good nor be as flexible as being an animator was, so that whole ordeal was really, really frustrating.
Then school became a living hell
Since I escentially lost that job I did try desperately to find anything as good to fill the void (it sounds dramatic but believe me, it felt really bad fam.) So the opportunity presented itself and I took a bone in stephen's channel.
In all honesty it was a good job and it was quite fun, but I didn't really stayed as a full time animator, I believe it was due lack of time or maybe my style wasn't really what they were going for, and tbh fair game... but it was still bad news for me because I was that desperate to find a new job, and I was so inmersed on doing that so I wasn't taking good care of my grades.
So now I had two problems, no job, and I was doing terrible on school because of my obsession with the job hunting.
And at the time I was still part of the community...
I was very active in the dp community and in Pau's server, I found great people and did some art because I really felt happy about it...
But honestly, that didn't last long.
School started to be a real problem and I did fail two of my school subjects, at the end of the semester I was burned out, and sleep deprived, so there was that.
One of my finals was a video talking about the drama and stuff and I've never finished it because I ran out of time and eventually I didn't felt it right abaut it, because it was like opening a grave again, like it was something too disrespectful even if it was originally intended for the sake of the animators, to give them, us, some justice at the end of the day... but I couldn't do it. It wasn't fair to everyone else because they moved on.
Tumblr media
And that was the beginning of this crappy thing I've been carrying around.
I just. Can't. Finish. Anything.
I just overthink everything and fail before I begin any of the pieces, or Im about to finish but change my mind because Its. Not. Good. Enough.
I have a TON of pieces that never saw the light of the day BECAUSE I'm not in the right state of mind, and it is painful, because I love doing art as much as I love engaging with you guys, even if you are a few to maybe 10 people, I enjoy it. And It sucks to not be able to do stuff because I feel crappy.
And I know for fact that feeling crappy it's a crappy excuse to not do anything
But I don't mean that to anyone else but myself, because I feel like I could be better and do better, but... it isn't working, the global situation did some damage too, and I've been manageing, still, I haven't been able to finish a lot of stuff and honestly, I just want to come back before I become a ghost account.
So what's up? What's poppin'?
The plan is to try to force myself to finish at least one piece per week to keep this alive until I find the will to work normally again.
Maybe it's not the best solution, but I think this will motivate me a little since I really want to materialize some projects that I have had on the back of my head for a long time now, and I really want to start em' and share it with you along the way... so yeah, that's basically it.
Well, that was a long one, and if you happened read this far, thank you, I really appreciate it.
I hope I will be seeing you soon...
Stay creative, my dudes.
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vivipuppy · 3 years
continued ask-
Moroshena, the human rouge Mom who ran away after something horrible happened to her kids. Questions about her, and how she’s doing now that being a maternal figure isnt the only thing she is in life anymore
1) Why did they choose their classes? their subclasses? Well she’s a detective so thats inquisitive rouge right there.
After quitting the guard, she found kids who lived in the street. These kids knew how to get around, to see the world in a way of not just what it is, but “what i can do to help myself survive”, and they taught her the rouggery. When it comes to her multiclassed fighter, it may have something to do with the ancient viking frost giant spirit that shares her soul. Perhaps.
10) How often do they lie? What situations cause them to be dishonest? Oh moro has NO problem lying. If it doesnt hurt anyone, and it works? Lie. Lie lie lie. If it gets results, who cares? She wouldnt do it to anyone, perhaps, she would have to stay in contact with, if the lie is too obvious or tenuous, but any random joe? Whatever! Its not to say she’s like, some weirdly cold view on how important truth is or something. She just doesnt think that it hurts anyone, and her lies dont. She doesnt just say shit to hurt anyone, she says “hey im the police please answer these questions about the murderer i need to find” and shes not the police. She KNOWS how useful lying is- shes a detective, she runs into it all the time!
14) what is something they love about themselves? Giant tits and girldick
22) What is a promise theyve broken? ohh boy here we go. Was it that she loved her ex? Well, no, she did love her just..., maybe not the way they thought love was supposed to be. Keeping in contact with her mother? Well... she cant know, what her life is now. Thats knowing when to leave. Was it keeping the kids safe? Well... that wasnt a promise more than just an assumption... but... yeah. When she lies awake at night, unable to sleep, its because she didnt keep her son safe, and she should have stopped it. That she should have found who did it. But she ran. And shes here now.
30) What do they seek out from others? Company, companionship, distraction. Anything to distract her. There have been really fun moments where she is stressed and wants to relieve it by spending time with Brylin, but Brylin needs to deal with his stress by coming to terms with it alone, causing a bit of a rift between the two during needing time to process things. Thats big for her- she needs to talk, she needs to be around people, if she isnt, then its hard to assert you made the right choice, that you should be here.
34) Which party member do they go to in a crisis?
It sucks, but she does go to the fucking 16 year old child Brylin when she feels bad. Despite her no longer seeing her son in him, she does still.... does the stupid mom thing of offloading your shit onto someone who can really only tell you its alright and will be ok, becaues theyre a fucking child. She doesnt mean this, to her Brylin is just her friend who’s also a child, who she can talk to but also help protect.
42) What three words do they use to describe themselves?
Quick (as in her brain is quick, but also her speed and agility), attractive, and just.
46) What do they deprive themselves of? Moroshena is addicted to many things. She is addicted to alcohol, because it stops her from her mind racing at all times. She is addicted to nicotine, as it helps with the stress. She is addicted to gambling- the sense of losing it all brings a rush of self harm that nothing else can. But most of all she is addicted to her work, to the idea that she is a “detective” that is out here, risking her life to chase the truth, all to ignore how she feels about leaving her life and kids behind because of what happened. She wont think about it. She wont think about her kids anymore, of her ex and the genuinely nice times they had. She cant, shes onto This now. She deprives herself of her own past and thoughts.
58) what do they think their role in the party is? what is their role in actuality? 
Moro has been struggling with this a lot lately! See, everyone in the party has amazing magic that can outclass her in every way. And the truth is, outside of the world, and purely in gameplay- she is the worst character in any situation. Everyone has stats better than her in everything she thinks she should be doing (despite 2 we’ll get to that) Brylin is protecting everyone, despite her wanting that to be her protecting him
Neith and Delilah has special magic that she can never do
Aylia can get what she wants from people, by force or by (forceful) charm.
And in combat? What, she’s been doing the same amount of damage since day one? To pick up for all this slack she Has to be smart, she Has to do Everything. To her, she is completley useless and everyone else is FAR better at anything she tries to do
This is of course completely false and despite me not being super comfortable saying anything about a leader positon if moro died i do not know how the party would function. It obviously would, but she has become a backbone to the party, genuinely understanding the group both in what they can do and emotionally, better than they know how to work without her. She is daring, and very clever. She is able to see through lies and peice things together than anyone else (her insight and investigation stats are sooo high) and if i just kept dealing damage, her dps can outclass even aylia’s at times. Her speed too, as well as the sharpshooter feat means she can do anything always, very good at hitting things.
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