#yeah im a little sick right now and its making me deranged
everytime i log in and see people thirsting over thorin fucking oakensheild it radicalizes me. radicalizes me to what you ask? idk stay tuned. either ill finally become a full lesbian or ill join a monastary or smnth.
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sherryandbelle-blog · 7 years
Sherry and Belle: Chapter 11
Sherry slowly woke to the loud ringtone of her cell phone downstairs, she sat up from her bed, quickly glancing at the dark sky through her bedroom window, before heading down to her kitchen. She sighed in detest as she silenced her phone, muting the random call from Nevada, "Sorry, 'bout that, Belle-" the boss froze as she noticed that the living room couch was unoccupied. "Hey Belle?" She cautiously pushed the bathroom door open, but no one was there, "Where did... Belle!?" Sherry quickly looked all around her house and yard, "Belle!!" the boss shook her head at her futile attempts, before heading back inside. She stared at the neatly folded up blankets on the couch, before calling his cell phone, only to hear it buzzing from the kitchen table. A soft knock distracted the worried woman from her frantic search, "Oh, h-hello Ms. Autumn, are you searching for someone, deary?" a small, elderly woman asked, "Oh, sorry to wake ya at this hour-" "Oh, you didn't wake me, hon, this is the only time I can smoke some dank without my husband finding out. He's a Republican, you know." the lady politely smiled. "Y-yeah... I should-" "And if ya tell him what I do, I'll cut your fingers, Mmhmm..." Sherry slowly nodded with wide eyes as she started creeping past the woman, "Good ta know, Mrs. Anderson, but I should REALLY go-" "If Colorado's allowed to blaze it, then I'm chokin' the ganja, too!". "Oh, and one more thing, Sherry..." The boss stopped at her truck door, sighing in protest, "If ye're lookin' f'r that tall gentleman who's been squattin' on your couch, he left about half an hour ago; I sent my doobie runner to trail 'im, last he reported, yer friend was heading to the BAD side. After that, Jimmy went to get tacos, the sassy little fool.". "Th-thank ya, Mrs. Anderson! Thank ya A LOT!" Sherry quickly backed out of her driveway, and sped away, {What was that idiot THINKIN'!? That part of town was where those three guys...} she shivered at the thought, growing increasingly sick with worry. A huge shadowy figure abruptly lept out at Sherry's truck, crumpling its hood and windshield as the creature rolled over the vehicle's front, leaping into an alleyway after hitting the asphalt. "W... wha... what was..." The boss quickly reached into the back of her truck, grabbing a loaded handgun, and stuffing it into her handbag, before slowly stepping out of the vehicle in shock. "Hello!?" She called out, walking around to the heavily dented front of her truck, then looking on to see the desolate street lit up by her headlights. "Hello!!" Sherry continued, glancing down dank alleyways as she steadily crept away from the safety of her vehicle. "HELLO-" The woman was abruptly silenced as a large, cold hand firmly clasped around her mouth, a man quietly shushed her from behind as he backed her into an alley close to her trunk. As soon as the tall man stopped walking and began to loosen his grip, Sherry harshy elbowed his firm stomach as hard as she could, before swiftly turning, reeling back to peg the guy in the face, only to see Belle shrinking back with his eyes closed. "BELLE!?" "Y-yes... listen, we should not be shouting like this." As he spoke, the boss realized that his forearms and chest were a bit torn up, and his whole body was shuddering. "What happened to ya?" "Oh..." He stood silent for a moment, before sighing, "I just wanted to find out what happened during that night when the fire broke out." "It was probably just an electrical problem, that shelter was VERY old-" "No. It was NOT that. That night, a group of beings showed up and attacked me, and if it's who I think it was, than I can fix all of this!". He exhaled quietly, before beginning to slowly push Sherry back toward her truck, "W-wait! Hold up! I'm NOT lettin' ya put yerself in danger!" she proclaimed as she turned to look him in the eye. "Heh, it's a thoughtful gesture, but I would like to-" Belle was cut off by a piercing, echoing shriek, catching both of them off guard. "Uh no... guess you ARE in this now..." He muttered, before tightly grabbing Sherry by her wrist, and sprinting deeper into the alleyway, dragging the woman along with him. "We have to make as much distance as we can from the alerting cry!!" The boy fearfully shouted as they weaved through various grimy alleys and darkened roads. "ALERTING CRY FROM WHAT!?!?!?" Sherry exclaimed as she was tirelessly tugged along, "They are called mirages! Long bodied, vicious predators that own mastery of agility in both open water, and on land! They actually ARE from an island!" Belle loudly explained, right before another screech sounded; the boss looked up to she a silent shadow gliding between two buildings overhead. "I REALLY did not want you dragged into-" "WAIT! 'Actually from an island'!? Ya sayin' yer not from an island!?" Sherry's voice spiked with rage as she attempted to pull away from the boy. "Sorry... if we BOTH make it out of this, then I'll tell you the FULL truth. In the meantime, you should hide somewhere, I think they are just after me." Belle stopped at the edge of a poorly lit road, glancing around for a moment, before pointing at a long condemned building. "PLEASE. Just hide in here for a moment while I draw the mirages away-" "...Yer crazy..." Sherry stated in disbelief, "I heard Alex and Trevor talkin' 'bout some gang activity, but ya think they're ACTUAL monsters-" "They told you!?" The boy stepped back, frantically looking around. "Belle... just calm down, ya've been through a pretty traumatic experience recently, I get that-" "Ms. Autumn, this is not like that! My species bred them to- eh..." the shaken boy's face turned red as he clumsily shouted. "See!? Ya don't even think yer HUMAN anymore; I get that ye're in quite a stir, but ya NEED ta calm down." Belle stared at Sherry in disbelief, as if she was the crazy one. "You don't get it! How do you think I endured metal roofing slammed into my head, caught a falling tree branch with one hand, overpowered thugs, AND survived an attack from giant, reptilian beasts if I was merely 'human'!?" Belle began to sound increasingly aggressive, causing the immensely bewildered woman to steadily step back toward the alleyway they came from. "Y...ya... ye're completely INSANE!!!" She shouted in terror, before turning and sprinting as fast as she could down the filthly pathways, "MS. AUTUMN!!!" she heard Belle call out, but it sounded as if he stayed where he was, rather than chasing after her. {H-he must have Schizophrenia or somethin'! He's frikkin crazy! How did I even-!?} Sherry's adrenaline was rushing as she continued to sprint, taking various twists and turns as she struggled to remember which way she was dragged through. She finally stopped in the middle of a cold street as her eyes became fully blurred from tears, collapsing onto her knees as exhaustion suddenly gripped her, before hearing out of place, slow clapping. "That was quite a show!" A somewhat familiar voice called out; the boss rubbed the moisture out of her eyes, then stared over at a tall figure walking into view. "Ye're the guy from the hospital elevator." Sherry tiredly remarked, making the guy shudder with excitement, "You remembered! I never REALLY introduced myself... they call me 'Eirik'." the man grinned maniacally as he steadily approached the weakened woman. "It WAS quite adorable how you called Belethor insane BEFORE you ran away... sure makes MY job easier!" Eirik's eyes flickered with a deranged insanity that set off a sort of primal fear in Sherry, giving her a shaky second wind. She lept up, slamming the intimidating man back, then attempting to run into the alleyway she left from, only for a giant, darkly colored creature to lunge out in front of her. The lengthy, jagged creature let out a piercing, almost human shriek, revealing it's sharp, jutting beak. "These... are my mirages." The maniacal man grinned as several more dropped from the surrounding buildings, gliding down on wing like fins. "Why don't you go ahead and start running... it'll make this next part all the more... ENJOYABLE. AAHAHAHAAH!!!" Sherry quickly turned, sprinting full speed down the road. The woman suddenly reached for the gun in her purse, only to realize that the bag wasn't even around her shoulder; she glanced back to Eirik, who was holding her handbag above his head like a trophy, before gently setting it down, and signaling to his monsters. Sherry made a sharp turn for an alley, but was quickly met with a hissing beast, forcing her to stay on the same road, which the sadistic man was also casually treading. She tried a few more alleys, but every one had a vicious mirage waiting, until several bolted at her from an intersection, chasing her onto another street, as if they were herding her. {So Belle really ISN'T human!!} The woman realized as she was forced down another road, starting to stumble on her feet more and more as she continued running. "EIRIK!!!" Sherry's eyes shot up just in time to see Belle flash past her, brutally body slamming the pursuer across the center of the road, before backing up to the boss. "I heard the last shriek, but you were already gone by the time I got there... I brought this, though." The boy happily handed off Sherry's purse, before storming back toward the monstrous guy, who had stumbled to his feet. "Ah, if it isn't the prince of-" Belle abruptly punched Eirik in the jaw, shooting him back to the asphalt, "I'M SICK OF YOU STALKING ME!!!" he roared, grabbing the man's shirt collar with both hands, and beginning to spin him through the air. "I'M SICK OF YOU TRYING TO CATCH MY FRIENDS IN CAR ACCIDENTS!!!" He let go, senting the tall man straight through a pizzeria window, and causing a blast of crashing noises to echo through the street. "I'M SICK OF YOU ABUSING MS. AUTUMN!!!" Eirik lunged out toward Belle, only to get elbow dropped on the back of his neck. "AND I'M SICK. OF. YOU!!!" As the battered man stood, the boy reeled back for another punch; he let out a panicked yelp and Eirik abruptly caught Belle's fist in his mouth, viciously chomping down with a set of long, jagged teeth. The boy forcefully tore away, shredding his hand further, the monster sounded a sickening gulp, "That was cute, but you always DID forget to stay alert during a hunt..." Sherry suddenly screamed as her right leg was latched into a mirage's jagged beak, then pulled out from under her. "It was fun, Belethor! CHASING her down, SHAKING her beliefs, DESTROYING her sense of security, and now..." Eirik wrapped his left arm around Belle's neck, forcing him to face the trapped woman with his other hand. "...We can BOTH watch her get EATEN ALIVE... from foot up, of course, we don't want your punishment to go TOO quickly, now do we?" Sherry suddenly felt the beast's beak sink in, "MS. AUTUMN!!!" Belle roared as the woman started shrieking in fierce pain. The woman quickly grabbed her purse with her shuddering arms, pulling out her pistol, and turning it toward the beast, screaming as she unloaded three shots at the monster's face. Its head suddenly fell limp, letting the woman hastily pry her leg out of its grasp, "NO!!!" Eirik shrieked as he stared at the large, dead creature in sheer fury. Belle took advantage of the distraction, quickly worming out of his arms, and picking Sherry up off the ground as he ran. "That was incredible!" The boy remarked, eyes fixed on the Texan's firearm, before suddenly looking down at the two deep lacerations in her lower leg; "I'll take you to a hospital as soon as this is over." Belle promised.                                                ●●● Belle slowed to a stop as he heard something clack against the pavement, {Ms. Autumn's gun?} he looked at the woman's increasingly pale face to see that she had fallen unconscious. "Guess I should probably call that ambulance now..." The boy gingerly set her down in the middle of the sidewalk, then reached in his jacket pocket for his small flip phone, only to remember leaving it on the kitchen table. He nervously reached into Sherry's bag for her phone, but she didn't have hers, either, "Eeeeh... Oh!" He pulled out a slip of paper with "David's new cell" and a phone number written on it, as well as some spare change. "Aaaand, there!" Belle ran across the street to an old payphone, glancing up at the closest street sign as it rang. "UUUUUH!!! Who IS this-" "IT'S BELLE!!! Ms. Autumn's REALLY hurt!" "WHAT!?!? WHERE ARE YOU!!!" The boy listed the street name, then noticed Eirik steadily approaching, "The wild animals are back! I have to go!!" Belle slammed the phone back into place before David could say anything else, then ran out to face the livid looking man. "BELETHOR!!!" He fiercely roared, glaring at the boy, then to the injured woman; Belle hopped in front of the crazed man, protecting the unconscious human. "I'M ENDING THIS!!!" Eirik continued, taking another step forward, "That APE killed my MIRAGE!!!" "You are not going to harm her further! Or any human, for that matter!". "And what makes you THINK I will agree to that..." The prince sighed, hesitating for a moment, "We'll fight, no holding back, you and me." the man's eyes widened in shock, before glinting with corrupt pleasure. "WELL!!... I suppose I can not refuse an invitation from the prince..." Eirik smirked, getting into a readied position, "N-not here! We should go somewhere more open, near the burnt down shelter, perhaps." he stared for a moment, then nodded, following the prince through the network of backstreets and alleyways, as sirens blared in the distance.                                                ●●● Belle lightly held the neck of the mirage he was riding as it nimbly sprinted and glided across the high plains, with Eirik and the rest of his pack following close behind. The boy glanced back at the silhouette of Amarillo against the dark, night sky, {I hope they will be okay...} he thought, before reluctantly looking away. "Here." The man stated as the pack jolted to a stop, "And it is away from the road, if concealment is what you wanted." Belle solemnly nodded, hopping off of the reptilian beast, and bracing himself for combat. "Are you ready to go home?..." Eirik suddenly asked in a flat tone, before rushing forward, attempting to body slam the boy, who calmly sidestepped him. The prince took on a more pompous gait as he dodged around his foe's imbalanced ferocity, "Of course not, only shrewd beings such as the Queen and yourself would desire to live down in that bleak palace.". Belle leaned back as Eirik slashed toward his face with a sleek, darkly colored claw hand, causing a look of annoyance to cross the boy's face, "HAHAHAAA!!! Seems like you chose to adopt Avidor's passive combat style, a shame too, since I was your original trainer!" the man shook his head with a smirk. "There are only two ways to live down in the palace, either you become a vicious, sadistic beast, or you suffer in the dark..." Belle gritted his teeth as he watched Eirik shrug somewhat mockingly, "Every one of your types are doomed to fall under the rest of us. Trygve, Avidor, and now you... Belethor..." The man flexed his transformed, monstrous hands and he let out a low chuckle of excitement. Belle abruptly stumbled off balance and Eirik rushed forward at an inhuman speed, releasing a vicious bombardment of slashes in the prince's general area, which he was barely able to avoid. The boy sprinted back as soon as he had an opening, breathing harshly, "HA! What's wrong, prince!? Is you idol's technique failing you!?" Belle stared in terror as smudged, black markings began appearing on his opponent's neck and face. "Your fighting is too brutal for the human form to contain! If you shatter that form-" "NO HOLDING BACK, BOY!!!" Eirik roared in a distorted voice as he charged forward, leaping right over the boy's head, and attacking from behind. The prince crashed into the ground as giant, black claws raked across his back, knocking the breath out of him from the impact alone. "YOU BETTER START FIGHTING BACK!!!" Eirik let out an echoing shriek as he threw the injured boy by his leg, causing him to land hard on his right arm; Belle let out a startled yell as he tried to push off of the ground, causing fierce pain to overtake his wrist, elbow, and shoulder. "EVEN IN THESE CONSTRICTING FORMS, WE ARE MUCH STRONGER THAN HUMANS, BUT THEN AGAIN, THAT IS STILL A LOW BAR!!!" The monstrous man waited for the prince to reluctantly stumble to his feet, before back handing him back to the ground. "GET UP..." Eirik growled as Belle curled up on the cold field, trembling in pain, the black markings steadily faded from man as he sighed. "Alright... are you ready to go home?..." The previously feral man asked with a sense of sincerity, causing the boy to angrily growl as he quickly got back to his feet, "Good." Eirik smirked menacingly as he got back into position. Belle launched himself forward, attempting to reel back a punch with his right arm, before wincing in pain as he slowed to a stop behind his opponent, who sighed in disappointment. Eirik firmly grabbed the prince by his hand, forcefully yanking his whole arm sideways, sounding off three loud pops, "You are the next hier to one of the eight supporting branches under the Queen, and you can't even remember to reset an injured limb BEFORE throwing a punch!?...". "If only you had continued to study under me, rather than trying to research that deserter Trygve, or idolizing a mere aid of the Queen, you COULD have been something. Now look at you..." Belle pushed himself off the ground with an exhausted look on his face. "I like this, though! I like working under beings smaller than myself. I like the kinship, the sense of family, the warmth... and I like the rest of the people! Humans gather at such a large scale, and every one is significantly different from the last!" The prince lightened up slightly as he explained to his mentor. "You do seem attached to these things, and I see how the colossal responsibilities of someone as IMPORTANT as you can weigh heavily, but you can not simply run from this! Now, are you ready to go home-" "I AM HOME!!!" Belle roared as his eyes flickered a tinted yellow, his hands steadily darkening as he grew increasingly enraged. Eirik batted the boy's sloppy attacks away with ease, sighing with further disappointment, "YOU WON'T HURT MY HOME!!!" the prince continued to scream as he continuously missed his target with his large claws. He let out a loud, reptilian hiss as he tried pouncing, only to bluntly fall on his face, "Your aim is atrocious, Belethor, your best asset in battle was always your tail, anyway. Too bad trying to use it any way would immediately destroy that pitiful disguise of yours." Eirik mocked as he continued to playfully dodge away from Belle's ongoing attack. "Alright, I think we are done." Eirik stated, bashing the rampaging prince in the back of the head.                                                ●●● "BELETHOR!!!" "BELLE!!!" Alex and Trevor repeatedly called out as they walked through the high plains, "It is nearly dawn! Are you sure he did not just go back to Sherry's place!?" Alex called out as he jogged back over to the other man. "I told David to wait there when Sherry was getting pulled into the ambulance, we would've heard from him if that were the case. Besides, you said you caught his scent leaving Amarillo awhile back." The business man watched the other man's face become smudged in black marks as he began sniffing the air around them. "His scent is definitely here, but where-" Alex froze, before slowly pointing over at a mirage, who seemed to be waiting for them. The two quickly followed the creature over a hill to see Eirik lifting an unconscious Belle off the ground; the beast gave a sharp shriek, before standing by its master's side. "EIRIK-" "Hello, Avidor! Take care of that 'Sherry' human, she seemed rather important to our prince!" The man called out as he placed the boy on the long back of his mirage, "What!?" Alex exclaimed as the two ran over to face the normally cruel adversary. "If I were to let him stay here, the Queen would surely destroy these little beings for getting in her way. I do not make the orders, I simply follow them. If you had done the same, he would have never gotten THIS close to them." The three stared at each other for an extended period of time, before Eirik eventually signaled for his beast to continue walking, and the other two didn't stop him.
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