#yeah im putting this in my shuggy tag its too good
kalofi · 8 months
Late to this but after seeing your „inside joke“ Shuggy comic I really can’t shake the thought of them meeting again after 20 years as adults, having to work together for whatever reason, with Buggy vehemently trying not to rekindle any positive emotions he may or may have had about Shanks in the past, failing spectacularly, culminating in an uncharacteristically honest and emotional scene were they talk about things they both wanted to never acknowledge again.
So after all of that, after all that bonding and those vulnerable, absolutely devastating moments were they dove into those years of hurt and uncertainty together, what is the one thing that Shanks tells Buggy as he boards his ship again, an honest smile on his lips and a thumbs up?
„And Buggy? Go kill yourself.“
Buggy, who in fact does NOT remember that time he told Shanks to go unalive himself when they were teens and tried play it off as a joke and even less expected Shanks to actually think this was their little personal inside thing: „GH- YOU- WHU? *indignant confused clown sputtering*
im laughing SO hard at this im actually crying oh my GOOOODDDDDD deep breaths deep breaths thats so funny im hysterical gosh.
no like thank you actually i was tossing around doing a follow up to the initial comic with a premise sort of like this where theyre older and buggy forgot his one off comment but ofc shanks remembers bc shanks holds every memory of their time together very near and dear to his heart and so they reconnect and he’ll say it offhand lighthearted and ruin buggy’s life (again).
you played it out so beautifully though like this is more genius than anything i could ever come up with god theyre the worst arent they. theyre the absolute worst.
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