#yeah sure copyright and stealing art is bad and all but THIS is worse.
lucycalled · 1 year
People who try to make robots and AI look as humanoid as possible should BURN IN HELL. I want to see the mechanism...
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ask-de-writer · 5 years
DARING DO and the ADVENTURE of the X'IBIAN VASE! : MLP Fan Fiction : Part 1 of 21
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DARING DO and the
De Writer (Glen Ten-Eyck) @ask-de-writer​
Carmen Pondiego @askcarmenpondiego​
Cover Art by
Doctor Dimension
52630 words
© 2020 by Glen Ten-Eyck
Writing begun 08/26/15
All rights reserved.  This document may not be copied or distributed on or to any medium or placed in any mass storage system except by the express written consent of the author.
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Users of Tumblr.com are specifically granted the following rights.  They may reblog the story.  They may use the characters or original characters in my settings for fan fiction, fan art works, cosplay, or fan musical compositions, provided that such things are done without charge.  I will allow those who do commission art works to charge for their images. 
All sorts of fan art, cosplay, music or fictions is actively encouraged.
Daring Do was sitting at the bar of the Adventurer’s Guild, sipping her coconut milk and pineapple juice.  She was still steaming about the Royal Museum’s Acquisition Committee trying to put her last find, the Golden Necklace of Pharow Underrock, through “the routine process.”  
The routine process gave them the possession of the neckalce for over a year before she could see any return on the difficult, expensive, and dangerous expedition to obtain the priceless artifact.
Her recovery of it from Count Umber had involved a physical altercation.  The memory made her sweet drink taste sour.
Glancing into the back bar mirror, she casually placed a hoof on her pith helmet.  A business suited pony approached her, proffering a card.  Instead of taking the card, Daring Do swiftly lifted her pith helmet.  A knife, aimed at the suited pony stood quivering in her hat, sunk deep into the cork.
She pulled the knife out and flipped it casually back.  The thump of it striking hilt first was followed by the collapse of the silken robed pony who had thrown it.
She turned toward the shaken business suited pony who had just paled three shades of yellow green lighter.  Brightly, she said, “Well, that was a few moments of rollicking fun!  What do you have for me?”
With a shaking hoof, he proffered a card.  “Please call us at your earliest convenience. If you wish, I can take you to the appointment."
Daring Do raised an eyebrow. “Appointment?  You would make an appointment without asking me?  A bit arrogant, aren’t you?  I have some personal business to take care of first.  I will call later, after it is done.”  She turned her back and pointedly resumed her drink.
It tasted better, for some reason.
She sat at the bar until she was sure that he was gone, sipping her drink, the case with the Golden Necklace of Pharow Underrock safely in her saddlebag.  Daring Do hated what she had to do next.
She and her mother, Carmen Pondiego, master thief and head of V.I.L.E., did not see eye to eye on ANYTHING.  However, her mom’s advice was the best that she was going to find.  Daring Do steeled herself and pulled out her magic net mirror.  She tapped the code that she could not forget and hated.
The glass shimmered before a dark, redheaded figure with a gleaming grin answered the call. “City Morgue, you kill ‘em, we chill ‘em. Oooh! Look who is finally dropping a line.”
Answering in a gritty voice, Daring Do spoke low. “Uncle M, I’m trying to get a hold of-” “Yeah yeah, I know. Don’t go ruffling your feathers. Hey Red! Yer kid is on the line!”
Daring rolled her eyes as the view shakily changed to the beaming visage of a khaki colored unicorn mare dressed in red, her pale green eyes throwing a piercing glance at Daring Do. “Adora!! I am so glad you called! How was your trip? I hope you haven’t come across too much trouble. You know I will send some agents to help you if you ever need it.”
Daring Do rubbed her brow, “Mother, you know I hate that name, and no I don’t need your lawless agents. I… I just need some advice.”
A soft chuckle arose, “Of course, Daring dear. Now what seems to be the trouble?” Carmen lifted her brows as she calmly smiled, and the young pegasus held back a scoff. The thief seemed too friendly and eager to help, but why?
“Listen, its not trouble, I just want your -honest- opinion.”
Carmen pouted playfully, “My dear, you wound me, I have always been truthful to you.”
Sourly, Daring Do replied, “I do know that, Mother.  That is the only reason that I am calling you now.
“The expedition went well.  I even got the legendary Golden Necklace of Pharow Underrock.  The assorted traps didn’t even cause much damage to the Pyramid of Keychops.
“The Royal University would not and will not underwrite the expedition but they want me to DONATE the necklace.  They even threatened my tenure in the Chair of Antiquities to get it for free.  The Royal Museum was almost worse.”
The face of Carmen in the mirror nearly lost it with hilarity.  “The Royal Museum!?  It takes over a year to sell them a glass bead!  Then they will try to push you into letting it go for less than half of your price!”
Resisting a twitch in her eye, Daring Do cleared her throat, “Listen, Ma, what… Would you LEGALLY do if you didn’t get paid for a job that you did over a year ago?”
The thief took a moment to think. “Do you really want to go through the whole legal mess of suing said offender? Of course it would make it easier if you actually had a written contract.
“Heavens knows you don’t use the office here that I gave you and you bounce around from location to location so often without a home base so I don’t have any idea where you would keep such a document anyway…”
Daring’s grip on the mirror tightened. “Mother… I DO have an office.  It is in the Royal University!  I am the Chair of Antiquities!”
“Right.  Well, I would collect whatever you agreed on selling and take it elsewhere.. Are you needing my help with that?”
Daring Do’s grip on the mirror tightened even more. “Mother … Mother.  I have already taken it back!  I also know that V.I.L.E. makes a ton of money on the, um, resale of assorted goods.”
Dryly, Carmen pointed out, “In spite of our REPUTATION, we have NEVER been caught doing or been convicted of ANY CRIME.”  Her face twisted to a cheerfully sideways smile as she added, “Give me a few moments to check our inventory of PERFECTLY LEGAL buyers.”
Instead of “hold music” the recorded image of her uncle Marehem's blue furred, orange maned visage appeared giving the commercial message, “Allstable Insurance, You are in good hooves with Allstable!  Please feel free to inquire about our customized policies and truly reasonable rates!”
Daring Do’s teeth grinding together would have been sweet music to any dentist!
Carmen’s cheerful face came back to the mirror in time to save it from being tossed across the room!
One eyebrow raised in amusement, she poked, “Adora, my sweet.  I COULD move the necklace for you. V.I.L.E. does have to be paid for their efforts, of course.  How does 20 percent sound?  I am only offering such a good rate because you are family, no matter that SOMEPONY managed totally destroy all records of her connection to her MOTHER.”
Carmen grinned as Daring Do’s teeth ground together again.  Regaining her control, she asked her mother, “Oh, another thing. Do you know anything about the ROT law offices? They offered a card, I think they want me to find something for them.”
Silence came over the mirror.
Carmen sighed, “Daring, if being an outlaw taught me anything, its presentation. If you are shady, you pick a shady name for intimidation, for greater intimidation one would use a completely harmless and cheerful name, though that is rare.
“I don’t know much of them but if their name means anything, I would use extreme caution if dealing with them. It could be a bluff or it could simply be an acronym, it could mean that they are rotten to the bone. Are you sure you don’t want me to send someone…?”
“Alright, Adora, dear.  If you are in the area, we’re having lasagna at 7:00,” Carmen shrugged, blowing a motherly kiss.
“I’ll be sure to miss it..” Daring Do groaned, turning off the mirror.  She rubbed her forehead, fingers running through her monotone mane.
Daring Do was just getting ready to leave when the unconscious pony in the silken robes started to stir.  He fumbled for and recovered his knife.
Setting eyes on her he got up, made a formal Far Eastern bow and said, “Miss Do, if I may be permitted to say so, that was most ill done.  That pony and a few others with him are treacherous liars and wish to steal a priceless thing to which they have no right.”
Daring Do returned quietly, “It was very bad form of you to try murdering him here, in this club. The alley or even the street outside would have been better.
“As for his character, I already know that much of him and his associates.  What more can you tell me?”
Haughtily he dodged her question.  “You knew of his evil ways and still chose to listen to him?  Perhaps I have misjudged you.”
She made a formal Far Eastern bow to him and replied in perfect X'ibian with an ancient proverb. “The failure to listen is the greatest cause of Ignorance.”
The pony’s eyes flew wide and his face fell.  “I have erred greatly by my precipitous action.  Be sure to listen with wisdom.”
He took his leave, robes making a slight swishing sound against the carpet of the Club floor.
Daring Do followed him out but he was nowhere to be seen.  Consulting the card, she trotted up the street.
The building itself was not even hard to locate.  It had a flagpole hanging over the street with a flag of pale off green with gray letters outlined in brownish red. “The Legal Team of ROT, for all of your legal needs!” was flapping in the breeze.
She entered, thinking ironically of the old joke, “pony walked down the street and turned into a drug store.  After five sales, he bought what he wanted and changed back into a pony!”
She walked up to the receptionist and proffered the card.  The receptionist looked down her nose at Daring Do and pronounced, “You are late for your appointment.  You will have to wait for at least an hour.”
Daring Do gave her a return snooty stare and retorted, “No, I do not.  THEY made the appointment without consulting me.  I informed them that they would have to wait until my business was done.  
“I am only marginally interested in whatever they want me for.  You may inform them that they can call me at their earliest convenience to set a mutually agreeable appointment.”  She tipped her pith helmet and turned to leave.
Frantically, the receptionist called after her, “Miss Do!  Please take the elevator with the bronze doors!  The Partners will see you immediately!”
“That is better, Horstense!” Daring Do entered the elevator, which had an earth pony operator. She serenely pulled a large, double edged knife and began to carefully trim her left hoof.  Conversationally, she mentioned, “If this car gets stuck between floors, you get stuck too.  Not seriously, of course.  You will become qualified for a higher paid job, though.  Castrato in the Fallen Pony Choir.”  He paled at the thought.  The elevator ride was uneventful.
She stepped out into a foyer with big glass doors at the far end.  They had black and gilt letters proclaiming, ROT, the firm for all Legal Work.”  Beyond the doors was an office with three desks placed in a U shape with a single hard chair at the focus of the U.  The desks were not occupied, so Daring Do checked to see if the doors were unlocked.
They were.  With a grin, Daring Do entered and quickly leaped across the desk at the center.  She first lifted the comfortable, padded swivel chair out and replaced it with the hard chair.  Checking the desk itself, she found a large flagon of expensive pomegranate juice and a snifter.  There was only one door that they could enter from.  She took their waste baskets and put them where the door swinging in would just miss them. Checking the other desks yielded an assortment of documents, a number of them were maps with X'ibian characters instead of Equestrian words.
She settled herself comfortably, far back, near the doors, away from the focus of the desks.  She leaned back, smiling, and poured a healthy shot.  While studying the maps, she started sipping.
Looking closely at two of the documents caused her to pull out her Magic Net mirror and make several urgent calls.
NEXT ==>
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