#yeah the ost releasing officially has me octopilled. so i picked up my second playthrough i started a few months ago
mayordeas-clone ยท 7 months
//octopath 2 spoilerz (mainly regarding temenos's story in crackridge + endgame information)
so i remember during my first playthrough i always wondered what happened to roi, and while i didn't get the direct answer i was hoping for as i cut through my second playthrough, i did read on the wiki that the dark entity (ochette's chapter 1 boss) is heavily implied to be roi corrupted and transformed. which is kind of making me go crazy because thats just really cool to me
obvs i should take a lot of info from fandom wikis with a grain of salt (especially the octopath wiki which is very rough around the edges in places) but the departing words the entity says before disappearing matching with roi's words in his final conversation with temmy... plus the sprite having a tattered white and teal colored robe on the back....... I'M INSANE ABOUT THIS. THIS IS SO COOL AAA
the wiki also mentions that roi's disappearance was likely the moonshade order had found and killed him when he was trying to get rid of the darkblood bow (later to be given to petrichor). it makes me wonder if his transformation came about in a similar way the darkling of the sorrowful moon came into existence (perhaps harvey got his hands on him? i shudder at the thought. imagine if ori namedropped him in her diary entries. i think i would have lost my mind)
MAN. i just think it's so cool how much octopath 2 improved interconnecting all 8 travelers' stories together for the endgame chapter, even in just little character overlapping details like this (or trousseau defecting to the moonshade order because of claude's influence as another example). i loooved octopath 1 don't get me wrong and reading the long text dumps about how everything came together was cool, but the way octopath 2 did is is just so much more fun and honestly feels more intentional? (some of octopath 1's stories had some pretty loose connections to the grand plot... like i can barely remember how therion's connected tbh)
jhfkjs teeny tiny ramble about a teeny tiny thing in this game. might make more as i progress further in my second playthrough (or go on more wiki dives lol). i do love this game a lot
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