#yeah there is radium in our water supply. sorry
roguescum · 5 months
fully understand you not answering this but what do you headcanon for jimbei's genitalia situation? penis or claspers?
anon im about to say something absolutely fucking unhinged
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i dont think about jimbeis dick because i think he is an ace daddy dom. yeah i said it. now you may ask now hang on What in the everliving christ do you mean by that but heres my thoughts:
first of all he does not have Sex or do things with sexual intent per say, but hes a dom in the sense of rank, giving orders, and being the one to issue punishment/praise
his go-to method is praise and positive reinforcement but uses it just sparingly enough that it becomes cocaine to do whatever he says. even nami will occasionally go out of her way for Jimbei Praise. its just that good
that being said he is also the one to deal out punishment for bad behavior, but he only needs to do it Once. zo/san do not fight as much anymore but for two very different reasons
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he is the highest ranking dom in the hats. jimbei can dom anyone but No One can get jimbei. "oh but what about--" yues. yes he could. next question
he is the Only dom luff will EVER listen to. luff is otherwise the ranking dom (sorry. he does not take orders from anyone ever) but jimb has seen him when he was most delicate and their dynamic is an extension of that trust/his relying on jimb
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again hes not interested in sex or romantic acts, but the Emotional intimacy of being a dominant
when the crew call him "boss" thats daddy. im sorry. but im right.
tldr: jimbei probably has a dick but he doesnt even need to use it
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