#yeah this is about toichirou what about it
I will really be like ‘ugh i dont see why people are so obsessed with/attracted to this fictional man honestly hes kinda annoying like hes a great fictional character but as a person?? Idk why everyone is so horny for him’ and then I’ll see a gender swap/transfem au and ill be like ouuugh…… hiiiii :)
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m00ngbin · 9 months
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hamsterwalled · 10 months
I like Serizawa a normal amount (lie) I don't think about him and his backstory and his development all the time (lie) I don't think about how he's one of the first people to truly understand what Mob went through after getting all of Mob's emotions and memories blasted at him in the Culture Tower (lie) I don't think about how he might be the only person besides Dimple that knows everything about Mogamiland (and he actually knows more than Dimple because he saw EVERYTHING) (lie) I don't ever think about how he would have ended up being so different if he'd had a good support system growing up (this is not to say that I hate his mom she was trying her damnedest and the claw thing isn't really her fault she just wanted the best for him) (lie) I never ever think about serizawa and his mom reconnecting and how emotional that must have been (lie) I don't think about him growing his confidence while working at S&S and finally growing to be more independent after relying on Toichirou and Claw and his umbrella for so long (lie) I don't think about how he still uses an umbrella as a shield in the last/second to last episode (THE PARALLELS BETWEEN HIM DEFENDING REIGEN WHEN SERIZAWA FIRST MEETS HIM AND HIM DEFENDING HIM IN THE LAST FEW EPISODES. ALSO I WISH SERIZAWA HAD HAD A MOMENT WITH MOB LIKE EVERYONE ELSE UGH THAT WOULD HAVE MADE ME BAWL SO MUCH HARDER THAN I DID) (lie) Yeah I'm so normal about him I don't think about him that much (lie)
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cosmiicorvid · 2 years
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serirei swap!au !!!
some info about it (idk how to add the read more thing on mobil, sorry!!): also, there is a lot here but there’s also i didn’t add that i think abt a lot so feel free to ask me about it !! (pls i wanna talk abt it so bad)
- when reigen quits his job at the water cooler place, he never reads that one magazine, and instead is barely scraping by. he stays in his apartment a Lot.
- serizawa is somehow inspired to leave his room (undecided how yet) and open up spirits and such to help people and make a difference.
- toichirou shows up at reigen’s apartment. reigen, to this, says “look man you got the wrong guy, i’m not even an esper… but, i have nothing better to do with my life.” and joins claw.
- toichirou offers to embue his power on reigen for protection, but he declines. after some persuasion though, he does take the psychic embued umbrella.
- at the same time this happens… Serizawa is struggling every day at spirits and such, wanting to close the place up for good. but he always promises himself just one more day. until Shigeo shows up.
- at this point he’s basically “geez. i can’t just leave this kid hanging…” and promises to help him learn his power. he tells Shigeo that he himself doesn’t have powers, but used to, and knows enough to teach him. (this is the lie. he still has powers, however he refuses to use them.)
- during the season 1 finale… it works about the same. serizawa tells Shigeo it’s okay to run away, his power is given to serizawa, and then he proceeds to beat the crap out of everyone. this is an important moment for not just Shigeo, but for Serizawa to realize that holding his own power away may not be as great as he thought.
- during season 2 he opens up to the idea of maybe trying out his own power for the first time in a long time.
- i am… unsure how separation arc works still, so sorry :(((
- serizawa feels very guilty for mogami arc because he knows he could have done something sooner, but his fear held him back
- season 2 finale… this will be hard to explain with words. but!!! i know for a fact that when shou confronts touchirou, reigen is very fast to step in front it the kid to protect him. toichirou does not punish him for this physically, but does make him leave the room. this is when he meets Mob.
- the fight with Mob is again pretty similar, he absolutely refuses to fight him, but also refuses to give up on claw, though, instead of it being out of denial of the truth, it’s more a desperate cry of “i’ve gone this far, what’s the point now?”
- Mob teaches him that it’s never too late to make a change.
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(bonus doodle of reigen protecting shou because … yeah )
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spoonie-ritsu · 6 years
OH another ritshou au i love but, as usual, haven’t developed (i might have already made a post about this, or it might have been on twitter, idk man it’s late and i’m on mobile)
ok to start off: shigeo and ritsu are androids specifically designed to be used as strategic weapons. shigeo was their first creation (whos they?? idk some sketchy lab, surprisingly not claw), he was designed as... kind of more human than machine. his body is mostly human, he can even age and all that, but he’s made up of some ~unknown super highly advanced biotech~ that gives him his insanely destructive powers. unfortunately for the Lab People, they made mob’s personality... a bit Too “child-like” - easily swayed or tricked, and didn’t have great control over his powers. it didn’t take long for them to lose him (idk how but teru and reigen found him, and convinced him to get away from the people that wanted to use him to hurt people)
SO in comes plan b: ritsu! their enhanced prototype, still created in the early teen years of development but a bit more mature, book smart, clever, etc. this was more ideal for what the scientists needed, a child to gain the trust of their enemies and slip into their territory undetected, and wise enough to be able to execute his mission plan with reliable accuracy. his powers were toned down a bit, can still heck stuff up but it’s a lot easier for him to control
plan b is a success! they even plan on using ritsu to go out and retrieve shigeo for them. you know, before everyone’s favorite gremlin boy shou infiltrates the lab and steals (kidnaps) ritsu. not really though he convinced ritsu to go with him aaksn... surprisingly, a young boy does not in fact feel great about having a destiny of being used as a human (android? cyborg??) weapon. so yeah he bails with shou, they run off, no real destination in mind (as far as ritsu knows...)
except shou broke into the lab to steal ritsu on toichirou’s orders, to take ritsu for claw to use instead. eventually, shou finds he actually likes ritsu and confesses, ritsu is very much upset and hurt by this and storms off.
aaaand cliffhanger because that’s all i got folks
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miserabull · 7 years
I wanna ask what you think about Reigen, Shou, Shinji Kamuro and Minegishi :D
Thanks so much and sorry in anticipation for how huge this ended up getting! To tell the truth, I don’t blame anyone if nobody ends up reading through it, I just have lots of thoughts and a big love for meta. for this meme
note. I changed hotness level to cuteness level for the children, uh
general opinion: fall in a hole and die | don’t like them | eh | they’re fine I guess | like them! | love them | actual love of my life
hotness level: get away from me | meh | neutral | theoretically hot but not my type? | pretty hot | gorgeous! | 10/10 would bang
…I don’t know, I think on a conventional beauty scale Reigen would be neutral-to-meh, but he’s charming on his own way
hogwarts house: gryffindor | slytherin | ravenclaw | hufflepuff
he falls close to slytherin I think, but the hufflepuff side is stronger
best quality: Reigen’s loyalty and commitment to his role as Mob’s father figure is astounding. I mean, we know he has loose standard when it comes to the law and deceiving people and he’s not the most put together guy, but the length he’s willing to go to protect and guide this child is amazing and  makes him a big hero in my book.
worst quality: The worst for me is that he tends to talk out of his ass, like, his words have a really big effect on Mob and I understand what he’s going for but being so adamant about the kid not using his powers against people ever was…not ideal I think, considering  circumstances. Also, due to his own personal failures his lessons sometimes are not the best or just hypocritical(but it still means a lot that he’s trying).
ship them with: Serizawa, and Dimple though that one is a little harder to work logistically, can you even smooch a ghost?
brotp them with: If mentor/father-son relationship type counts, MOB(and to a lesser extent, all the esper kids). Dimple.
needs to stay away from: uuuh…Mogami? but everybody does, really.
misc. thoughts: I think Reigen is one of the best handled characters in the story and I don’t talk about him enough or draw him or just appreciate him as I should. He’s precious and I’m really glad Mob has someone like him, and also the funniest, most extra guy ever.
general opinion: fall in a hole and die | don’t like them | eh | they’re fine I guess | like them! | love them | actual love of my life
cuteness level: get away from me | meh | neutral | theoretically hot but not my type| pretty hot | gorgeous! | 10/10
he’s a cute kid who is going to be a handsome little(yes) man someday.
hogwarts house: gryffindor | slytherin | ravenclaw | hufflepuff
to be honest, I kind  of want him to be a slytherin and he has the cunning and tenacious part down, but he also has a lot of gryffindor(brave, brash) and I think in a hogwarts AU Toichirou would definitely be a slytherin, so when his own turn on the sorting hat came Shou would never accept being the same.
best quality: Hm, strong morals and sense of responsibility is a big one(I mean, it would be understandable if he wanted to take his dad down just out of personal grudge, but he’s clearly disgusted by his philosophy and arrogance. unlike Toichirou, he has a good heart and shows concern and interest on other people’s well-being). But well, I guess, most of all, I just love how spontaneous he is? How he says what’s on his mind for good or bad and is creative and quick on his feet, willing to innovate/take risks and make the most of whatever is thrown his way. He’s independent, unapologetically rowdy and free and I love him for it.
worst quality: The negative of being so spontaneous, too impulsive. Facing his dad head-on like he did was noble, but ultimately a very bad strategy and really reckless. That combined with his complete lack of awareness on how to deal with people and a one track mind also makes for a dangerous and fiery combination. …I also love him for it, to be honest.
ship them with: RITSU. Yeah…and Teru, a little bit, but mostly I like them being buddies that at one point made out but decided to not go that way. …in fact, I like thinking that Teru is Shou’s first kiss somehow. Just, out of curiosity and solidarity, you feel me?
brotp them with: Ritsu, but if I have to pick another then, well, Teru. They would get along so well and be a force to be reckoned with… I also would very much like for him to have a strong bond with Serizawa, but would understand if he never completely forgives him for standing by his awful dad for so long.
needs to stay away from: Crystalware and stuff that he can easily break, which on second thought, with his power, is most things. And on the opposite end of that, Toichirou, of course.
misc. thoughts:  WHEN WILL HE COME BACK? He has so much potential as a character both with his past and what he’s doing now and he has so much to contribute and he JUST DISAPPEARED without even a proper goodbye. If he’s not back before the story is over I’m going to be really disappointed, but my hope is strong. I love this wild punk kid so much, and I desperately want a confirmation that he’s happy and doing well, and it would melt my icy heart to know that he’s still in Ritsu’s life after everything.
general opinion: fall in a hole and die | don’t like them | eh | they’re fine I guess | like them! | love them | actual love of my life
cuteness level: get away from me | meh | neutral | theoretically hot but not my type | pretty hot | gorgeous! | 10/10
well I wouldn’t want him to actually get away from me and he’s a child still, but I like to think he’s pretty greasy and not pleasant looking.
hogwarts house: gryffindor | slytherin | ravenclaw | hufflepuff
bordering on slytherin. He’s very focused, somewhat academically successful and knows how to work rules, but he’s also cunning and plays by his own set of morals.
best quality: …well, it would be a lie to say I like Kamuro primarily for his qualities, but that said, he does have them. He’s a kid and he’s learning and struggling with a very toxic home environment, and even though he literally had to have his senses knocked onto him to correct his path he ultimately did and isn’t a bad person.
worst quality: The bitterness is too strong on this one, and he’s unscrupulous. His frustration at a bad situation and self-loathing makes him want to hurt others to feel that he has at least some control over things. Unfortunately, along with that he also has actual power, which ends up being a really bad combination for Salt Mid School.
ship them with: I don’t know. Tokugawa maybe? Why not.
brotp them with: Ritsu and Tokugawa. Now that I think I feel like most of my responses to ‘ship with’ will inevitably show up as brotp too, hm.
needs to stay away from: His piece of shit brother. He may have changed or something, but as far as I know, him, yeah
misc. thoughts: I’m really fond of Kamuro! I tend to pick favorites who are villains or at least very morally ambiguous, and I kinda feel like Kamuro could be up there if there was more of him. Breeding negative feelings and acting out due to frustration and trauma or feeling helpless is a thing I relate with and I tend to feel close to characters that have this kind of thing going, be it in a way that makes me feel like they’re something I should strive towards being like or the complete opposite. I think this ends up being one of the main reasons I love Ritsu, the main difference here being that we keep following his story along with his brother’s and getting to know him better while Kamuro fades into the background almost completely after the big clean up arc(…but he’s still relevant in my heart).
general opinion: fall in a hole and die | don’t like them | eh | they’re fine I guess | like them! | love them | actual love of my life
hotness level: get away from me | meh | neutral | theoretically hot but not my type | pretty hot | gorgeous! | 10/10 would bang
More like, maybe kind of too creepy to be traditionally good-looking, but SO ELEGANT. Graceful. Ethereal. Don’t judge me
hogwarts house: gryffindor | slytherin | ravenclaw | hufflepuff
my slytherin kindred
best quality: He’s changing into a kind and nurturing person, and is willing to grow. Remember to support your local weird psychic plant person on their path to redemption.
worst quality: He’s pretty selfish. Willing to go along with Toichirou’s plan as long as it would put him on the theoretical winning side, and only making a turn when he felt like he owed Mob personally. However, as I said before, he’s growing to be better and we’ve seen him be somewhat caring now.
ship them with: Nobody really, but I can roll with Shimazaki as I’ve seen some people shipping.
brotp them with: The big 5, especially Hatori and Shimazaki(because they’re all so different and it’s funny).
needs to stay away from: Toichirou and Mogami, as everybody should. But to be completely honest, I don’t mind him staying away from Shou as well, but that’s for the kid to decide what he’s fine with.
misc. thoughts: I’m getting used to non-binary Minegishi and I really like that fanon, so I was unsure about what pronouns to use here, hahaha. They were my favorite from the super 5 since I laid eyes on them and I’m really glad they’re still around, I’m a sucker for atoning ex-villains.
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empresspilaf-blog · 8 years
@nerieners 1,6,9,12,14,18 with Serizawa!
1: What is a scene that really got to you?
“The buddy buddy brothers act ends now” D: That wrecked me. Part because I know what it’s like to love your younger sibling and have them just be a jerk in return (we cool now though), and part because Mob is just so sweet. I mean, he’s precious, and he has all this terrible stuff happen to him. And his own brother decides to be a little shit?? I was literally yelling “RITSU YOU LITTLE ASS DON’T YOU DO THIS” at my screen. He got a small taste of power and suddenly thought he was better than his sweet darling brother?? No one will love you like family, and no psychic powers are worth treating your own sibling like that. I wanted to smack the little runt. Ahaha sorry, that scene really made me sad/ragey!
6: What friendship do you find the cutest?
When Mob hits “100% Friendship” during his little fight with Serizawa. I know it’s not really an established friendship, but it’s adorable how Seri just needed a friend. Someone to trust, and make him feel safe :3
9: Which antagonist could you never forgive?
This is hard because I have a tendency to forgive to easily haha. I guess probably Toichirou, because he pretty much raised his kid to be the next bad guy. Like Shou’s life was all about Claw. What about being a kid? Did he even go to school, or was he like homeschooled by one of the Scars? And if Toichirou was building Claw for 20 years, and Shou is 13, did he only have a child so that he would have an heir or something? I mean he’s said to be 48, so he was about 35 when Shou was born. What if he just found some woman to have a child with because he felt he needed one? and what if he subjected Shou to the torturous “awakening” shit, just to be 100% sure he would be strong, too???? (I’m getting ahead of myself hehe, I should write a headcannon fic on this, yeah?)
12: Would you visit Spirits and Such if you didn’t know any better?
Probably not, I’ve never really believed in psychics haha. And I’m pretty sure my house is haunted, but I like it that way! Makes things more interesting! I just want ghost friends lol. Sometimes I hear a dog’s tags jingling throughout the house while both of our dogs are asleep next to me. So I’m pretty sure we have a dog spirit, which is super freaking rad. I don’t want Reigen and Mob coming in here and messing that up for me haha
14: Are there any MP100 fanfics you HAVE to reccomend?
Well to be a disgusting creep, I pretty much just read the spicy fics  ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ So I’ll give you a few of those, but some of the stuff I read is kinda… well problematic, i guess? But here’s some more tame ones, some Serirei and stuff.
This is Serirei, with trans Reigen (it’s soooo cute) https://archiveofourown.org/works/9097609?view_adult=true
Another Serirei, where Serizawa is just so adorable (but when isn’t he haha) https://archiveofourown.org/works/8715556
This one isn’t naughty, it’s a Mob& Reader become friends thing but it’s REALLY good and still in progress and I’m (im)patiently awaiting the rest lol http://archiveofourown.org/works/7733887/chapters/17629138
Uhmm, if you wanna know about the other ones, I can tell you? I just didn’t want to post them on here. Plus I don’t really know what your comfort level is hah. There are some good reader& Reigen ones too, *winkwink* if youre into that (like my gross ass).  ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) Like I said, if anyone wants the really bad stuff I have reccomendations for that too… MOVING ON *coughcough*
18: Do you have any headcannons for (Serizawa)?
Oh, yesssssss :D First, I like the idea that one day, Reigen and Serizawa are going to go running with Mob, to help him train. And Seri’s gonna show up in like a tank top, and be really buff and it’s gonna make Reigen sooooo angry/jealous lol. Like he spent a ton of time working out, because he didn’t have much else to do in his room. I mean, there were weights in his room when Suzuki went to get him, so he was probably using them, yeah? So Reigen gets all jealous and tries to be more muscular than Serizawa, but goes overboard and just ends up getting hurt like that time he realized Mob is gonna be stronger than him one day. **Possible side story, Seri becomes coach for the Body Improvement Club**
Also, what if Serizawa is really super smart? I mean yeah he’s going to night school, but that’s because he didn’t finish school. He had all of those books in his room, I feel like he’s probably very intelligent, or at least knows a lot about the world. He and Mob study together and Mob is like star-struck because Seri is so smart, and he wants to grow up to be just like him. He tells him that one day, and Seri gets so flustered and happy, because Mob’s comment was so flattering. He walks a little taller and feels like maybe he’s not a failure, because he inspired a really neat kid. He thinks that maybe he’s not so useless after all.
Pretty much anything where Serizawa Katsuya is adorable and teddy-bear-like haha. Teddy Bear Umbrella Man for life.
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"I'm on your side" with shou...... i've been thinking about him a lot (and his dad, but don't tell) and i wanna see how you treat this kid. He needs someone in his corner!!!! Lotsa love, reigenquest
(I won't say a peep! And yeah...Shou Suzuki Defense Squad has arrived!)
By this point, it wasn't uncommon to have company out of the blue. Kind of tends to happen when you play big-sibling-slash-substitute-parent to the local troubled and otherwise in need of support and attention youths: if their parents either aren't around to help, can't know about the problem, or otherwise just wouldn't be of any aid, they come to me.
Still, it caught me slightly off guard when I saw the red-haired, fiery young teen that Ritsu introduced to me as Shou Suzuki at my doorstep the first time, alone. I would have thought for sure he would have came with Ritsu, but then again, it was about 10 at night, and maybe he didn't want to bother him.
"Hey...can I come in?"
"Of course...come on."
He was a little hesitant coming in, but when he did, he seemed to make himself at home. I could tell, though, that his apparent ease was a front, a facade. Why would he be here so late if everything way okay?
"So. Shou, right?"
"What brings you to my little corner of the city?"
Stretching out on the couch, he replies, "No reason."
I sit on a nearby chair.
"Bull. No one pops up on my doorstep at 10 pm for no reason. You came here for a reason, and you need to be honest with me, okay?"
There's a little bit of silence.
"...You know about my dad, right?" he finally mutters, barely audible.
I didn't know every detail, but I knew a bit. I knew he was at the head of Claw, before it was disbanded, and thus, was responsible for the attack and attempted takeover of the city, and the world. A lofty goal set by a man addicted to power. I knew Serizawa once took orders from him.
I wouldn't pretend to know Shou's home life when it came to him, but I could imagine it wasn't a good time.
"Tangentially, yeah. Toichirou Suzuki, right?"
"Yeah. Just. Thinking about him, I guess."
I mull over what to say a bit.
"You wanna tell me what specifically you're thinking about him for?"
"I dunno. I just. He's a dumbass. You know what he did, and now, he's in prison. It...feels weird, I guess."
He sits upright, and I hear his voice change.
"He...wasn't--isn't--a great dad. I guess I'm thinking about that too. He never really...I dunno. I guess it feels like he doesn't actually care."
He turns from me now, but I still hear his voice quivering.
"Damn it, sorry, I just..."
"It's okay, kiddo. Let it out. It won't do you any good to deny your feelings, or hold them back. I'm here. I'm on your side."
I see his arm go to his face, trying to hide his eyes, and, after a few more moments of trying to stop it, he can't anymore, and he sobs.
"That's what I mean! I never heard anything like that from him! It feels like he doesn't love me..."
I move to sit by him on the couch, and pull him close. He freezes at my touch before realizing he's safe, and leans in.
"I get how you feel, a little bit, anyways. I'm not gonna pretend like my dad is quite like yours, but I...don't have the best relationship with mine, either."
He rests his head on my shoulder, still crying, and I can feel the tears seep through my shirt. I rub his back, trying to soothe him.
"It seemed like...the only time I could get attention from him was when he...disciplined me."
The hairs on the back of my neck stand up, and I go cold.
"Shou...I'm sorry, kiddo. You deserve better."
"You know what he called me back at the cultural tower? A failure..."
He clings to me as though I'll disappear any moment.
"He called his own SON a failure..."
I hold him tight, and a few tears roll from my own eyes.
"You aren't a failure, Shou. I haven't known you long, but like HELL will I ever believe that of you. You're a strong kid. You shouldn't have to be as strong as you are at your age...but you are. You have a good heart...I know what you aimed to do."
He cries harder, as though it's been years since he's heard anything like that, and maybe it has been.
"Th-Thank you...."
He tries to stop crying now, suddenly embarrassed.
"Th-This is so stupid...I have a caring mom, why should I...why should this even bother me?"
"There's nothing stupid about wanting both of your parents to treat you well."
He goes silent, minus some sniffling. I stroke his hair, letting him stay where he is as long as he needs.
"D-Don't tell anyone I...you know. But...thank you."
"No problem, Shou. My lips are sealed."
"I should probably go back home...mom will be worried sick if I'm not there tomorrow morning."
"I'm not letting you go alone at this time of night. Come on, I'll go with you."
He smiles.
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