#yeah we’ll call it peachmesis why not
flamigoat · 4 months
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A new challenger approaches!!!
I thought it would be interesting that if Rayman got together with Rabbid Peach, Raymesis would try to one up him by flirting with her. He hopes that she’ll fall for him instead and he’ll finally win something against Rayman. Surely it’ll work! A very unhinged dynamic.
At first, this is purely an attempt to get on Rayman’s nerves. He doesn’t actually want to pursue Rabbid Peach romantically, or so he planned.
Unfortunately for Raymesis, this will not go as planned, as he falls for her instead. In this scenario, Rabbid Peach will probably never like him back. But Raymesis can dream can’t he? This leads to the situation becoming even messier.
I have a little head canon that when Rayman, and thingamajigs like him get upset or try to intimidate someone their snouts wrinkle like dogs do.
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