#yeah yeah yeah they're good whatever on an ideological level im fine with them
intertexts-moving · 8 months
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so you’ve never spoken to a radfem in your life
im only answering this as a way to make this info publicly available btw any other asks within this vein will be deleted. just so yall know ahead of time
i actually have spoken to an unfortunate number of radfems in my lifetime, sadly. on varying levels of the indoctrination scale. all of these experiences have been largely negative based solely on the fact alone that their "goal" was to "save" me or w/e and "show me the error of my transgender ways". as if that's ever in good faith when used in any other argument w any other minority esp within the queer community ever lmfao. so understandably, they were quite distressing, especially when i was a kid.
here's the thing.
even if i weren't trans. even if i weren't nonbinary or a trans man, or in some alternate universe where i am AMAB, a trans woman/transfem. i'm still black. i know bioessentialist bullshit, where it comes from, and where it leads, intimately.
there is a reason why, even if individual radfems themselves deny this and/or aren't willing to engage in this behavior, largely, groups/organizations/whatever tf terms they're using to mask the fact that they're a violent hate group radfems use which are founded by and/or primarily made up of radfems self-identified or otherwise, are often seen or discovered to be in cahoots w white supremacist/n-zi/fascist/other racial "superiority" based regime fundamentalist/traditionalist groups. there is a reason. and it is not hard to see.
radfems are almost word for word in some cases simply re-packaging n-zi/white supremacist/KKK/race essentialist/facist/etc groups' ideology/"science"/teachings/misc. assorted bullshit under the sparkly guise of "feminism" and "female liberation" or "lesbian separatism" etc etc
it surprises me exactly not at all that radfems either dont care or arent aware or arent willing to address this issue. i expected that from those sad losers who are intent on blaming everyone but themselves for their problems, who insist that they aren't at all in any way responsible for feeding into the systemic oppression that is the patriarchy in reality, who insist that everyone BUT themselves examine their behavior/beliefs/etc.
who believe that the patriarchy would magically disappear if all those "Evil Male Penis-Havers" (heavy sarcasm) were simply systemically slaughtered(*) because it is easier for humans, historically as a species, to pick one group of people to call the Other, the "Them", and blame their problems on Them, and "if we just got rid of Them (code for: queers, black ppl, jewish ppl, native american ppl/indigenous ppl worldwide/disabled ppl/mentally ill ppl, etc etc the list goes on and on and fucking on), all of our problems would go away too!"
i expected this from them. cool. fine. they're easy to block bc they make it obvious who they are from their incredibly visually unappealing and often straight up inaccessible, but nonetheless telling, blogs.
i'm just disappointed in the supposedly anti-radfem crowd, esp my fellow trans and nonbinary folk n other queers, who blindly follow the radfem ideology, and then when it is pointed out to them, regardless of how kindly it is done or how nicely or privately etc, unfortunately often react defensively instead of being willing to listen. that's what upsets me and makes me sad more than anything.
like yeah radfems also upset me and make me sad at times, esp when i get unwillingly exposed to their bullshit bc it makes my head hurt with how stupid it all is. but im far more upset n hurt when ppl who should be by all means on my side, are more willing to side w the ppl they claim to hate rather than listen to me when i talk abt yknow. my life experiences.
(*)(i mean. that alone, no matter how you package it, is genocidal. the fact that they want AMAB/people they label as AMAB whether theyre "technically correct" or not, folks to be subjugated in ways which ultimately lead to their eventual "eradication" so as to "liberate" the poor suffering AFABs who can't fight back any other way (again heavy sarcasm), is, no matter what the reason, genocidal. they want a genocide)
any terfs and/or radfems of any kind who interact w this post will simply be blocked on sight. im not about to waste my precious time and energy debating w yall. just do me a favor n stay away from trans folk irl and online, yall hating us does not mean abuse towards us is justified esp when the ppl ur harassing are strangers to u. like cmon man. if someone specific in ur life is causing u grief maybe talk to them abt it personally, dont do that shit where u bother random trans folk or harass them for some strange reason for "daring" to exist while trans (heavy sarcasm, we r clearly not in the wrong here but yknow, these ppl are apparently already unable to understand this so -shrug emoji-)
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