#yeah. hello! (<- listening to video game osts at almost 3 am)
astrxealis · 6 months
kingdom hearts ost... you are so so so insane... i will always remember you...
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ebonyeagle · 7 years
My adventure in Mankind Divided so far:
Decided to list my thoughts as I play through it for the first time because why not. Completed Human Revolution 2 years ago, loved it, can’t wait to finally begin on this one!
Holy fuck that start screen is aesthetically pleasing!!
It gives me life when dank memes are embraced
Nice of them to make such thoroughly introduction video with full voiceover. Could listen to Elias Toufexis all day 
Eliza looks bomb af
Damn those graphics! Jensen sure looks different, all those details <3 
Yeees he did a super hero landing! what a majestic creature! 
Everything looks so beautiful! It is super weird tho to see other colours than black and gold. Everything is looking so friendly in a very non-friendly way
Omfg how do I even play FPS games!? This has been too long, send help!
So much stuff I can throw around!!
...And what is this weird triangular thing?
Damn Jensen is complex to control compared to Corvo! Feels great to be back in him tho. 
This is a gorgeous view!
I tried to be stealthy, now I’ve fucked everything up :C
RIP Jensen
Holy fuck I can’t see a damn thing! Everything is chaos! 
Oooh such cool intro video, just like in HR!!! :D Also, digging the OST, fits the game and still feels familiar 
Hell yeah baby, let me see moar of those shadeless eyes! I appreciate every moment of them
I think my PS4 may be overheating rn
Alex seems like a cool person, but what’s up with that hair colour 
These cops make me uncomfortable 
I’ve heard way too many Illuminati jokes so I can’t take that word seriously anymore 
Continuing the tradition with the melancholic music, like Jensen’s life isn’t sad enough 8C 
I want his lamp
So Sarif DID survive ! 
What a nice normal view, but so weird without the black and gold
Nice heels Jensen
I like this place, I wanna live here
Oooh looks like mr. Jensen found a new brand of cereal 
Why would I ever want to lift my refrigerator? 
A holo screen TV? Looks like I aint smashing this one 
Omg that framed photo of Kubrick T_T 
Did you just facetime your former boss half naked!? Not that I’m complaining
Dat trenchcoat :D 
Omg that cop is a bag of dicks :C Imma punch him in the dick
nvm me, just breaking into your apartment to read all your email.
Almost got a heart attack, plz don’t shoot at me when I’m hacking :( 
Omg cyberpunk hipster hobo dude :DD 
*sigh* this just screams DLC…. 
So. many. choices. 
Damn, had hoped to get a cool little guitar scene like in Bioshock Infinite :C 
Koller, you got a dead dude in yo basement, that’s nasty D;  
Hello again Sarif, time to setup DLC stuff I guess
Stairs? Nah, imma do a superhero landing again!
RIP Jensen…
Overall I’m having a ton of fun with this game! Didn’t get to play much but what I did play felt crisp and smooth and I can’t wait to get back in and explore Prague like the creep I am.  It will take some time though to get back to the genre. I’ve been playing too much Dark Souls the past year :P 
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