#yeah... i start to think you are n. zyme....
memena-03 · 2 years
Hello again,
A mix of technology and chemistry you say...
Most intriguing. I certainly hope you don't mind me taking notes on this. I make it my business to learn about any and all technology I don't understand.
And I hope you'll forgive my phrasing. Perhaps 'mischief' was not the right word. You do not seem the sort to go out and purposely cause harm. Though you do seem to find fun wherever you go.
Nonetheless, I must thank you for explanation. You say your shoes have technology as well? Just how many gadgets do you wield?
Ok... You are so curioso i see...
Well... for me Isn't a problem if you Want take notes... But i don't said how i made them... I Will Just Say how work...
And Is ok.... I Know what you mean.. but yeah... I try to have fun for make people Happy ... But
...Not evrywhere i go i find fun...
And you welcome i Happy to make some One understand things...
And i have 3 gadgets-
(Without counting mine biology sistem)
Mine glases and i aredy explain how work
Mine gloves and tecnaly help me to not hurt some One... Eheh....
And mine shoes... The Ones help me to go to diferents AU (AU mean alternative univers)
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