memena-03 · 2 years
-whene turn mine head back to mineself i see the that Person... That girl come to the rifts... I see me.. of a universe.. whene people like me.... Because evil and exacly me of the au come out of there-
@n-brio -> for your gane
^ see there up on his blog for understand the game i talking about ^
@bowstripe @nitros-oxide @cortexrules @toxic-gin @leonardimerick @donpinstripelli @pinstripesmalewife @n-odious-tropy @n-trance @n-tropy-f @n-sanity-beach @nginsuggestions @iris-rainbow @ntropy-masteroftime @nthropoid @ntropy-suggestion @obj-brio (i Know they aren't enogh)
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memena-03 · 2 years
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memena-03 · 2 years
I finish him!!! Finaly!!! The plushy of Jacob!!
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I... I did it because... I really miss him ..i think Is Mine fault if he disapear... I miss you pal ...
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memena-03 · 2 years
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memena-03 · 2 years
No old me....
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But now i'm dead
You are trapped in an elevator with the person on your lockscreen. Who is it?
Reblog with who you get stuck with~
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memena-03 · 2 years
He Is the most Easy
Nebula.. you can back to home right?.. you aren't stuck here right??
Yeah no worries!! - looks over to see his ship is wrecked. Some parts are stuck in a tree and some parts are missing or destroyed.- Uhh.. It'll be okay..! I think..?
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memena-03 · 2 years
👀 wha-
Nebula.. you can back to home right?.. you aren't stuck here right??
Yeah no worries!! - looks over to see his ship is wrecked. Some parts are stuck in a tree and some parts are missing or destroyed.- Uhh.. It'll be okay..! I think..?
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memena-03 · 2 years
In short.... This case ship mean She think we can do things of Who are in love
Nebula.. you can back to home right?.. you aren't stuck here right??
Yeah no worries!! - looks over to see his ship is wrecked. Some parts are stuck in a tree and some parts are missing or destroyed.- Uhh.. It'll be okay..! I think..?
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memena-03 · 2 years
Of corse :D
Nebula.. you can back to home right?.. you aren't stuck here right??
Yeah no worries!! - looks over to see his ship is wrecked. Some parts are stuck in a tree and some parts are missing or destroyed.- Uhh.. It'll be okay..! I think..?
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memena-03 · 2 years
If Is for that not Just of him
Nebula.. you can back to home right?.. you aren't stuck here right??
Yeah no worries!! - looks over to see his ship is wrecked. Some parts are stuck in a tree and some parts are missing or destroyed.- Uhh.. It'll be okay..! I think..?
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memena-03 · 2 years
*blush a Little* oh.. eheheh t.. thank you
Nebula.. you can back to home right?.. you aren't stuck here right??
Yeah no worries!! - looks over to see his ship is wrecked. Some parts are stuck in a tree and some parts are missing or destroyed.- Uhh.. It'll be okay..! I think..?
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memena-03 · 2 years
Mh? Why Isn't so bad??
Nebula.. you can back to home right?.. you aren't stuck here right??
Yeah no worries!! - looks over to see his ship is wrecked. Some parts are stuck in a tree and some parts are missing or destroyed.- Uhh.. It'll be okay..! I think..?
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memena-03 · 2 years
You Need mine help? Maybe i can do Something!
Nebula.. you can back to home right?.. you aren't stuck here right??
Yeah no worries!! - looks over to see his ship is wrecked. Some parts are stuck in a tree and some parts are missing or destroyed.- Uhh.. It'll be okay..! I think..?
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memena-03 · 2 years
**start to brush your hair**
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memena-03 · 2 years
Oh... Ok. Whene you want tale me why i Will be there for you... But now... Maybe Is Better i Will care about you... **Pet pet** want i brush your hairs?
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memena-03 · 2 years
Well i see you are really intressed to mine classes maybe i can make them for you too One day of you like It obviously
I don't exacly what do for gift for you ... Soo i Will teach you some things About mine well... Mine gadget
Something about your gadgets? That is truly a gift all on its own. You have my thanks.
So, which one will you teach me about? The goggles? The shoes? I simply must know more.
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memena-03 · 2 years
You welcome Pinstripe, Happy to Know you like It
Yeah yeah merry Christmas Pinstripe
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WH-!?!?? HAHHAHAHAHAAHAHAAA i love it! Thanks
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