#yeehaw y'all i'm so excited to see this come together
platonic-f-o-things · 8 months
Imma gush about my friend Mark!! He’s like an older brother to me!! He's really caring and selfless and strong! We’ve both been through a lot, but we’re always there to support each other! He gives the bestest big ol bear hugs :D
We hang out at each other’s houses all the time! We have pretty different music tastes (Mark’s into 80s indie rock, while I prefer stuff like artcore and future bass), so it’s fun to show each other songs the other hasn’t heard before! We’re both good at baking and writing, and we love to just curl up and relax after a long day. He’s very cozy ouo
It was his birthday last month, and his sister Sarah and his uncle Dave and I all worked together to set things up and get gifts! And Mark really liked it!! I made the cake ouo
Also!!!! An official Mark plush got released recently, and I ordered one and it’ll be shipped sometime around my birthday :D
Howdy howdy Anon!
Your friend Mark sounds SO FUN :D!! I am so so glad you've been able to rely on each other during hard times in y'all's pasts :'>! I imagine having a friend like Mark would be so relieving, especially when you need a big hug and a reliable shoulder to lean on and I know Mark appreciates you and how you're always there to support him too!
I love that y'all have such different tastes in music! I can imagine it's super fun to just hang around and swap songs, maybe put one on to see how the other feels about it in real time :>!! Is Mark more into the rhythm of the song or the lyrics? What about you?
Baking is so so fun!! Are either of you messy bakers? Do you bake together often, or bake things for each other :D? I imagine that Mark gets super happy when you surprise him with something you've made :>!!!
When it comes to writing, do you two like to swap story ideas, or share your writing for feedback? Do you ever gift each other writings to enjoy? Oooooo have y'all thought of writing a story together :>? That all sounds so fun!!!
I hope he had a lovely birthday, which I'm sure he did because he had all his important people with him! Baking a cake for a friend's birthday is so precious to me ;--; ✨️💚!!! It's so exciting that the plush will be coming around your own birthday!!! Yeehaw!! I hope you get it around your birthday, and that you can take joy in having the plush around!! I also hope you and Mark and whomever else you invite for your birthday have a fantastic time, happy birthday 🎂!!!!!!!
Know you're invited to come back anytime to answer the questions I asked whenever or if ever you'd like!!
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Let’s get this show on the road!
Mordecai here again (I’ve got literally nothing to do except set up this blog)
I think before I post the first bit to this AU I’ll give you some insight about everyone in this AU
Kell Maresh- working a full time job at The Stone’s Throw (a coffee shop) and after finally getting together will Lila lives with her in their shared apartment. He’s the organized one in the relationship. He likes to sleep in whenever he can and whenever Lila comes into the shop with someone he doesn’t know he unknowingly glares at them the whole time they’re there. 
Delilah Bard- currently in University studying Sciences (chemistry) and basically lives off coffee. (I mean what uni student doesn’t live off caffeine) When she and Kell first meet Lila orders the largest amount of caffeine, Baron (her adoptive dad) doesn’t let her. She ends up being very disorganized and Kell always has to clean up after her. Got banned from the kitchen after setting it on fire (whoops)
Rhy Maresh- well obviously Kell’s brother! He also goes to Uni with Lila but studies Languages. Living with Alucard. Despite helping Kell and Lila get together Rhy likes to interrupt their date nights and teases them a ton about how cute they are together. 
Alucard Emery- He’s literally the same. Nothing about him changes and it’s great!I’m pretty sure Kell might punch him in the face at some point. (Nathan pls make it happen) I’m being honest Nathan and I came up with some kind of job for him but I can’t remember to save my life.
Holland Vosijk- Travels a ton for work and doesn’t see everyone often but when he does some kind of drama forms and he’s the true disgruntled neighbour. Works as a designer for the Dane twins and obviously HATES it but it’s good money. The Dane’s fashion line is called “White London” (Nathan came up with it, isn’t it brilliant!)
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