#platonic fo/s
platonic-f-o-things · 4 months
Imagine going to the movies with your platonic and familial f/os! ✨
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What movie are you seeing? A comedy? A horror? A horror comedy? !!
Imagine looking at their face constantly to see their reactions!
Imagine grabbing each other when it gets intense!
“Oh mi gosh! Did you just see that?!?”
The info dumps and rambles afterwards too!
Who smuggled the snacks? If you didn’t, who paid up?
~Mod Teddy 🧸
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sugar-and-pearls · 3 months
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Self shipping community - I want to make a post about how to make friends here / how to survive in the community.
Does anyone have tips they wish to share?
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iluvpjo · 7 months
𝓟𝓪𝓻𝓽𝔂 𝓖𝓲𝓻𝓵 𝓖𝓮𝓽𝓼 𝓦𝓱𝓪𝓽 𝓢𝓱𝓮 𝓦𝓪𝓷𝓽𝓼
Synopsis: Luke and you went to a party being held at camp that Mr. D and Chiron have no clue about, whilst there you happen to get drunk and your best friend Luke has to keep an eye on you and take you back to your cabin. When you guys get back you drunkenly spill your feelings for him and start to get touchy, and your best friend has a hard time saying no to you.
Warning(s): NSFW! MDNI, alcohol! Drunk reader, I never edit or proof read my fics btw ermmm
Pairing: Luke Castellan x fem reader
Word count: 7,938k (bit long sorry I got excited writing abt Luke for the first time haha)
*No specified godly parent for reader
Send me a request! Here’s my req rules :)
Come find me on AO3!
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The night was drawn on for a long time, it seemed that no matter how many songs were played that no time was passing at all. Luke stood in the corner of the party underneath a tree, brushing off the few girls that attempted to speak to him. He didn’t wanna talk to them, not when he had to keep his eyes on you. His best friend for years, the two of you clicking immediately as soon as you arrived at camp, it was like you were meant for each other. In a platonic way obviously, the both of you thought — and lied to yourselves about it often.
There you were, stumbling around the party as your tired legs struggled to keep up. Luke furrowed his brows staring at you, he knew you were a strong girl but he couldn’t help but be worried for you. The two of you arrived at the party together but as you kept drinking and having fun you eventually grew apart from him, dancing like no one was watching in the crowds of other campers. It was shocking that Mr. D and Chiron hadn’t noticed the party at all, if they had then they’d surely have shut it down.
Luke eyed the cup you were holding, you’d probably swapped cups around seven to eight times by tonight. The classic red solo cups from the movies, one held loosely in your palm. With the way you were swaying around trying to stand properly you’d probably end up dropping your cup if you weren’t careful, then you’d come over and whine to Luke about it anyways. So Luke decided to approach you again, walking up beside you and gently tapping your shoulder to get your attention. You flinched for a second, shrugging your shoulder to get his hand off of you.
“Wha—? Get off me..” You murmured as you kept looking away, not yet noticing who the man was standing next to you. “It’s only me.” Luke replied, moving his hand back to touch your shoulder again. You smiled and turned your head as you heard his voice, your lips curled up a little crookedly. You definitely looked drunk. “Oh! Hey Lukeeee.. Where’ve you been? ‘Missed you.” You twisted around to open your arms and hug him, your cup falling to the ground absentmindedly. The cup you’d been holding for the last ten minutes, sipping and holding onto it like it was your most prized possession — discarded in just a second.
“You’re drunk.” Luke sighed and shook his head a little as he looked at you, your arms wrapped loosely around his torso and you pressed the side of your face to his chest. “Maybe a little tipsyyyy.. but I didn’t have THAT much to drink!” You laughed it off and shrugged your shoulders. “You’ve been going back and forth all night grabbing yourself drinks, you’re more than just a little tipsy.” Luke pinched his nose bridge before reluctantly rubbing your back.
You hummed happily as he pet your back “Hm? ‘You been watching me? Pfft.. Stalker.” You giggled again. Luke couldn’t help smiling to himself a little, shaking his head at you “Maybe we should head back to the cabins soon, yeah?” Luke suggested. He’d hoped that you’d agree and that you’d stop drinking, with the way you were already he was a little nervous thinking about you getting any drunker. “Whaaaat? Noooooo.. The party only just started!” You whined and stomped your foot on the dirt like a child who hadn’t gotten their way.
“We’ve been here for three hours already, aren’t you tired?” Luke asked you with a softer voice now after seeing you getting a little whiny. He didn’t like upsetting you, it hurt his heart when he did. He liked making you happy, he’d do anything to keep a smile on your face. He’d slay a man for you if you even just suggested the thought of it. “Tired? Nooo.. I’m very much awake! You can go to bed if you’re tired though, ‘you don’t need to stay here just for me..” You said to him as you slowly pulled away from your hug.
Luke gave a small pout to himself after you’d said that “No, I wouldn’t leave you alone here.” He answered immediately “I’m a big girl, I can take care of myself.” You shook your head at him as you wore a drunken smile. “I know you can, but I wouldn’t feel like a very good best friend if I left you by yourself.” Luke gave back a sympathetic smile, letting you know that he’d never doubt your ability to protect yourself. You were a big strong girl, but you were his big strong girl, so he couldn’t risk leaving you alone at the party to be talking to any other guys.
You stared at him blankly for a moment as you tried to process what he said, giggling to yourself a little as you swayed a bit. “Well.. now that you’re here with me.. let’s go dance!” You exclaimed and moved to grab both his hands in your excitedly. You acted excited every-time you two hung out together, like every moment hanging out together was a special thing— and it honestly was to you. Luke gave a soft sigh as you held onto his hands, shaking his head before giving you a small smile “..fine. Lead the way party girl.”
You dragged him along towards the center of it all, there were already a few drunk campers dancing together around you two. Luke regretted listening to your suggestion after you’d both stepped inside the small crowd of people, but the thought quickly faded away when he saw your bright smile on your face. It made him feel special that you always wore that big beautiful smile around him, and of course you would. He made you happy, there was never a bad moment with him, because the two of you were best friends for life.
“Dance with me!” You laughed and began to dance, swaying yourself side to side and twisting your body to go with the music. “You’ll be the death of me.” Luke commented to himself before joining you slowly, hoping not to attract any attention to the two of you. He copied as you did, swaying his body to the side and watching you with a glimmer in his eyes. Underneath the soft moonlight, the lit lanterns, and the occasional bright coloured lights scattered around the party, he thought you looked beautiful. He thought it often but it wasn’t often that it was ever spoken out loud.
After a couple minutes of dancing you began to grow tired, slowly letting yourself slump down. Luke caught you in his arms, letting you fall into his chest as you lost your balance. You giggled to yourself at your drunken clumsiness, putting your hands on his chest and moving your head to look up at him. “Don’t worry, I got’cha .” Luke murmured as he held your weight against him, making sure you wouldn’t fall to the floor and hurt yourself. “Heh.. Lukeeee..?” You slurred as you spoke to him.
“Yes?” Luke tilted his head at you and smiled to himself, wondering what drunken nonsense you’d spit up next. “Have I ever told you how much I loveee youuu?” You asked him, the question caught Luke off guard and he blinked confusedly for a second before answering. “What do you mean..?” He asked before shrugging and talking again “I- I think you’ve told me before. Maybe on my birthday or something.” He looked to the left trying to remember. “Mm.. Weeeeelllllll… I love you Luke! You’re my bestest friend forever and ever!!” You confessed to him.
“Yeah? I love ya too.” He couldn’t help but feel a weird weight on his chest after you’d said that, he thought that maybe you saying that last bit was a little unnecessary — of course he was your best friend forever and ever. But why had he expected you to have said something else? He tried to shake off the feeling, but he wasn’t able to. He couldn’t shake the feeling out of his chest when you were leaning your pretty face on it, nuzzling up against him like he was simply a warm pillow or something.
“Y-You’re so pretty Lukeeee.. Love you so much.” Luke could feel how drunk you were now with the way you were speaking to him, the look in your eyes also made him sorta nervous. Your drunken eyes stared up at his face through your long eyelashes, the alcohol not being able to mask the sheer look of want in your eyes. Luke stammered as he spoke, a little flustered from your words, but he tried to keep a regular mindset. “You think I’m pretty?” He asked and blinked confusedly “Of courseeee I do! I love your face.. and your eyes.. and your hair..” you started to mindlessly mumble.
Luke snapped you out of it “I think it’s time you go to bed sweet girl.” Luke mumbled back to you softly, moving his hand to gently rub your back. You nodded your head this time instead of fighting, moving your hands to cling to his chest. Luke sighed as he got what you wanted him to do, picking you up off of the ground and swinging you over his shoulder. He was lucky you weren’t the kind of drunk to get easily sick or else you probably would’ve thrown up your dinner from the action. You giggled to yourself in glee, swinging your legs back and forth as he held you tightly. It didn’t hurt but he didn’t want you to fall or anything, he was always so careful with you.
“Sleep over..” You told him as you both started heading over to the cabins, your head hanging low near his hips as he held you over his arm. “Hm? You want me to sleep over in your cabin with you?” Luke asked you, he wasn’t sure if he should — but he wasn’t sure if he shouldn’t. He’d feel bad if you became sick and needed him, but you were the luckiest camper in the world and had a whole cabin to yourself. Luke wouldn’t be able to simply sleep in an empty bunk or something like that, if he was gonna sleep over he’d have to sleep right next to you. The two of you hadn’t done something like that before, perhaps you both sat on your bed talking but you’d never actually slept together.
“Yeahhh!! Please Luke?” He couldn’t see you but he knew that you were making those puppy dog eyes at him, probably pouting your lips too like usual whenever you’d ask him for something. “Hm.. Okay, I’ll sleep over. I’ll take care of you, my drunken girl.” He snickered a little to himself after saying that last bit playfully. You liked his comment too, because not only did Luke hear you giggling but also because (and he couldn’t see you doing it) you were blushing.
Luke walked up to your cabin and swung open the door, closing and locking it behind the two of you so no campers would come in while you were sleeping. Luke walked over to your bed and set you down gently, lying you on your back so you’d be comfortable. You smiled up at him stupidly as he set you down, your hands making grabby motions towards him ushering him to come down towards you. Luke shook his head with a smile at your antics, kicking off his shoes and laying down beside you.
Luke laid on his back facing the ceiling, feeling a little bit awkward as he was lying there beside you. You turned around as soon as he laid down, twisting onto your side to face him happily. “Hehe, hi.” You giggled to yourself as you stared at him, Luke decided to amuse you and he turned to face you like you did to him. “Hello.” He chuckled quietly to himself at your drunken silliness, he didn’t really like you being drunk but he couldn’t lie that he found your drunken antics to be rather cute.
“Lukkkeeeee..” You dragged his name out to get his attention, he rolled his eyes for a second “Yes? What is it now, hm?” He hummed “You’re so handsome.. ‘love you..” You softly spoke, your eyes looking at him a little dazed. Luke had been getting flustered from you more than enough times tonight, and now that you’d said that he was flustered yet again. He blinked in surprise and slight confusion, wondering to himself why you’d say that so suddenly. He figured it was the alcohol.
“What makes you think that?” He asked you a little quietly, smiling to himself as he looked back at you. “I told youuuuu! Everything about you is so handsome and pretty.. My pretty boy.” You answered his question, slowly moving to nuzzle your head against his chest. Luke was more than surprised now, completely caught off guard yet again. ‘Is this still.. friendly?’ Luke thought to himself as he felt you nuzzle your face against him. “You’re drunk sweet girl, you ‘dunno what you’re talkin’ about..” Luke said, moving one of his hands to gently rub his knuckles against your soft cheek.
Luke could feel the heat radiating off of your face, your cheeks were flushed and flustered — and not only from the alcohol. “I might be drunk, but I know you’re still a pretty boy..” You pouted your lips as you said that. ‘Why’s he not taking me seriously? I’m not stupid.. I’m not THAT drunk.’ You thought to yourself, did he think that you were so drunk that you wouldn’t be able to remember his gorgeous face? Never. Not when you thought about him so often. He was your best friend, how could you not? Especially when you had secret feelings for him.
Unfortunately however, your drunk self had absolutely no clue that it was supposed to be a secret. Here you were mumbling about how pretty he is to you, and dragging your fingernails up and down his arm gently leaving goosebumps in your wake. “You thinkin’ straight party girl? I think the alcohol is getting to you, maybe it’s best we go to sleep..” Luke answered with a softer voice, his face etched with concern. Luke moved his hand to touch your forehead, feeling your temperature.
He then moved his hand down to feel your cheek. Your drunken self smiled dumbly at his actions, leaning into the touch affectionately like he was just cupping your face for fun. “I’m fine Luke, ‘m not a baby. I don’t wanna go to sleep, ‘m not tired.” You whined and furrowed your eyebrows at him. He would’ve thought you were genuinely upset if it weren’t for the cute pout that painted your lips, or for the soft gradient on your cheeks. “You’re drunk, and you’re not thinking right. Sleep’s good for you.” Luke replied.
“Hmph. ‘Don’t care. Why do you think I’m not thinking right? I’m thinking completely normally!” You huffed and moved back a little, crossing your arms over your chest. There was a soft pang in Luke’s chest, he didn’t wanna see you upset - even if you were acting like a bit of a whiny brat. He spoiled you with the way he treated you, and tonight would be no different. He was your best friend and he’d take care of you for as long as the boy could breathe, protecting you and serving you with his life practically.
“No, you’re not. You keep complimenting me and telling me you love me, you’re obviously out of it.” Luke pinched his nose bridge, but he wasn’t annoyed nor irritated with you at all. He’d never be like that with you. “But you ARE pretty and handsome.. And I DO love you. What’s wrong with what I’m saying? You don’t like itttt?” You asked him, tilting your pretty head to the side. “It’s not that. It’s just- you’d never say this stuff sober.” Luke couldn’t help chuckling to himself a little, despite the slight weight his sentence had on his own heart.
“I’m worried about what you’ll think when I’m sober.” You were quick to answer, like you’d already thought of it when you weren’t drunk. “I’d never get upset with you, you know that. But you don’t really think these things when you’re sober.. do you?” Luke was preparing for you to tell him that it was some sort of joke. His heart already hurt thinking about it. “Huh? ‘Course I do. I think about you alllllll the timeeee!” You confessed with a soft laugh “No you don’t, the alcohol is messing with your head.” Luke sighed softly and shook his head.
‘Why doesn’t he believe me?’ You thought to yourself, feeling Luke’s hand comfortingly caress your cheek like he was taking care of someone sick. You weren’t sick. “You can’t tell me what I think.. and the alcohol isn’t messing with my head!!” You complained, starting to get a little irritated that he wasn’t believing your words. “Of course it’s messing with your head sweet girl, why else would you be saying these things?” He asked “Because its true. Because you’re my pretty best friend, and I thought it was obvious that I wan’ more than that..” You huffed.
You didn’t even realise the words that just escaped your lips, not even after you’d said it. You were drunk, and when you were drunk you’d just say whatever’s on your mind, even if it was a secret you were never meant to speak out loud. “W-Wait.. Huh? You.. want more than us being friends? Like what?” Luke already knew the answer but for some reason the doubt in his brain was telling him that you obviously meant something else. You couldn’t want him like a lover, why would you when you were the most perfect girl in the world to him. You could probably have any guy you want, why’d you want him?
“Sometimes when I look at your face for too long I get sad that I can’t kiss you..” You confessed, your eyes moving from staring at his face in general to down at his lips. Luke licked his lips to wet them absentmindedly. “You do?” He was torn, not knowing wether or not if it was just the alcohol talking. “So often.. It surprises me that you can’t tell- but I’m glad you can’t. Don’t wan’ you to know how I feel about you because I ‘dunno how you’d react.” You confessed with this slight sad look on your face.
“I think you just told me? But sweet girl, how do you know it isn’t just the alcohol talking? Making you think you’ve got feelings that aren’t really there?” Luke asked and pulled you in for a hug, feeling upset with himself that he was making you sad. “Because I don’t just feel them when I’m drunk! I wan’ you everyday… I wanna kiss you and hug you, I want so much more than what we have..” You sighed and lowered your head to bury it into his chest. “I.. I ‘dunno if I can accept your feelings when you’re drunk sweet girl.” Luke started to gently rub your back to comfort you again.
“Whyyyyyy..?” You were pouting your lips again, and you looked like your eyes were about to well up with tears. Luke felt his heart shatter for you, he was making you feel like this? Luke pulled away from the hug that he’d roped you into, keeping his hands on your shoulders so that you’d look up at his face when he spoke next. “I wouldn’t wan’ you to make any bad decisions when you’re drunk. If I accept your feelings right now then you’re probably gonna wanna kiss and eventually that’d lead to making out and- I just don’t want you to wake up upset the next day regretting it.” Luke looked you in the eyes.
“Hmph!” You huffed and looked away from him, whining to yourself in your head about how you weren’t getting what you wanted. “You know what? You’re right.” You said, returning your gaze to look up at him with slightly squinted eyes. “Alright.. Thank y-“ you cut Luke off before he could finish his sentence “-I would wanna kiss you tonight. And I would wanna makeout with you too. But you’re wrong about me regretting it, I don’t regret anything I do with you.” You finished. “I’m sober, and you’re not, it feels wrong. Like I’d be taking advantage of you.” Luke explained.
“Like I’d care if you did.” You rolled your eyes at him before ever so slowly moving to kiss his cheek, Luke let you at first but as you kept leaving soft kisses pressed against his jaw he had to try and regain his composure and gently push your head away. “That’s not good thinking sweet girl. I’d never forgive myself for taking advantage of you like this.” Luke shook his head like he was already disappointed in himself. “You wouldn’t be! T-Think of it as me taking advantage of you!” You suggested with a small excited look on your face.
“How would that even work?” Luke questioned quizzically as he furrowed his eyebrows at you, “Like.. I’d be taking advantage of what a good best friend you are, you’re always trying to make me happy and treat me nicely.. and you know, accepting my feelings would make me real happy.” You moved closer and gazed into his eyes longingly with want. “It’d make you happy now but what about in the morning?” Luke felt like he was slowly losing this non existent battle with you. But little did he know that he had lost the battle before it even started, because of course he’d give you whatever you wanted at the drop of a hat - why should this be any different?
“In the morning I’d probably feel.. like having swollen lips, and I’d probably feel pretty warm from having you curled up to me.” You answered “That’s not what I mean sweet girl and you know that. We kiss and I accept your feelings and then what happens tomorrow? What if you regret it all?” Luke was struggling to keep himself from immediately giving in to you, he already felt like kissing you just staring at your face like how he was. “If I regret it then we can pretend it didn’t happen. And if I don’t regret it? It happens again..” You felt like you were begging him at this point.
“Hm…. Fine. But you’re the one who begged me for this. Please, I hope you don’t regret asking for it.” Luke spoke that last sentence to himself even as he kept staring at you. Slowly, Luke began to close the gap between the two of you. You eagerly leaned in and closed your eyes, feeling his lips gently brush up against yours. His lips were soft and suddenly it was like this kiss had reawakened every positive thought you had about him right then and there, releasing all the feelings and desires for him. You kissed him back, beginning to move your lips against his.
Luke did the same thing, your lips moving together in sync as you both kissed. Luke felt slightly guilty but he also felt relieved to be able to finally do something like this, the pressure that was resting on his chest had been lifted off of it. Luke moved one of his hands to caress your hair affectionately, the other hand gently grasping your waist. You felt better than ever, your arms moving to wrap around his neck loosely. The way Luke was kissing you was so gentle and sweet, it wasn’t like how you’d fantasised but you still found it really nice!
Your drunken self took a little more action, keeping the kiss gentle and sweet but making a move to switch things up just a little. You parted your lips slightly, darting your pink tongue out just past your lips to attempt to enter his mouth. Luke caught on and quickly had to have an internal conversation with himself on wether or not he should let you, but then found himself wondering why in the world he wouldn’t let his best friend get what she wants, what she deserves. He let your tongue inside his mouth, which made you let out a soft hum/moan of delight.
It made you feel hot already, your tongue finally exploring the inside of his mouth; It felt lewd, it felt good. Luke could taste the faint taste of alcohol which made him a little irked at first, but he then relaxed as he tasted the aftertaste of some fruity flavour your alcohol was mixed with. Luke slowly moved his tongue against yours as you guys kissed, tongues not fighting for dominance but instead just playing with each other. You leaned forward to try and move your body closer to him, which made your tongue slightly slide further into his mouth which caused him to let out a quiet moan.
You would’ve teased him about it if your own mouth wasn’t occupied. You moved your hands again, one moving to grab his hair gently and the other hand moving to rest on his hip as you both moved to sit up a little more on the bed. Luke then slowly moved his own hands off of you before grabbing at your hips and tugging you forward, your weight landing in his lap. Your head felt spinny and you felt very giddy as he placed you in his lap, your knees on either side of him. You guys eventually broke away from the kiss, drawing a soft whine from you.
“Be patient sweet girl, ‘both need time to breathe..” Luke chuckled softly to himself at your reaction to him pulling away, both of you taking a breather for a moment. Your eyes blinked in confusion when you felt something weird, like there was something pulsing underneath you or something. Your eyes drifted down to look at where you were sitting in his lap, your jaw opening just a little to elicit a soft gasp from your lips. You could tell he was hard, and what you’d felt before was him twitching.
Luke rubbed the back of his neck sheepishly now, glancing away a little flusteredly as his cheeks became pink. “Sorry about that, can’t control it.. it- it’ll go away on its own don’t worry about that.” Luke looked embarrassed as he said that, making you wanna kiss him again. “What if I don’t want it to?” You asked him with a sly grin, a playful tone to your voice. “Huh? What do you mean, what’re you gonna-“ Luke clenched his teeth and shut his mouth when he felt your hips grind against him.
His head fell back slowly as he felt your fronts pressing against each other’s, “Y-You don’t have to- we really shouldn’t-“ Luke tried to speak. It was mainly distinguishable except for the few moans and groans that interrupted it. You kept moving slowly against him until his hands on your hips gripped tighter and he made you pause your actions. “Huh?” You asked with a dumb look on your face, ‘Was I not allowed to do that?’ Your face now looked a little guilty.
“Sweet girl, I thought we wouldn’t be doing anything you’d be regretting tomorrow?” He asked and you shook your head “W-We are! I won’t regret this, please just let me-“ He cut you off this time. “-Hold on. Hold on. I- Is that you I’m feeling?” Luke asked after taking a quick sharp breath, you confusedly looked down at where he was looking and grew a little embarrassed. You’d worn a skirt to the party, and right now he could feel the panties under your skirt becoming soaked by the minute.
“S-Sorry!! J-Just wan’ you..” You gave a guilty look, pouting your lips and feeling kinda embarrassed. Luke stayed silent for a moment which made you feel worse, until his hands on your hips guided you to grind back down on him again. “I can tell you need this.. and who am I to deprive you of your needs?” Luke sighed as he gave in yet again, his own needs being met too now. Your eyes fluttered shut and you struggled not to make loud high pitched moans, but you tried your best and instead was little out heaps of soft breathy moans instead.
“You’re so pretty in my lap.. should’ve had you here a long time ago, huh, sweet girl?” Luke asked you with a slight playful tone, you could tell he was teasing you. You wanted to say something smart but your drunk brain just wanted to nod “Y-Yes.. Would’ve loved to sit in your lap Luke..” You admitted shamelessly. “I would’ve felt guilty having you sit in my lap though.. Because I know I’d get hard and I couldn’t be thinking perverted things of my best friend like that.” Luke kissed your jaw.
Kisses were peppered along your jawline, making your head tilt back. “I would’ve loved it.. Would’ve acted all stupid and clueless so I’d have an excuse to rub up against you..” You giggled as you confessed “I’m not dumb sweetheart, I would’ve noticed that right away.” Luke chuckled “Mm.. would you have done anything to stop me?” You tilted your head at him “…Maybe not.” Luke shrugged before kissing your lips again.
While kissing together your hands found their way down to the end of Luke’s shirt, creeping their way up underneath. Luke paused your movements for a moment, pulling away from the kiss and making you confused for a second. He then slid his shirt up over his head and threw it to the ground, you then felt giddy and excited as you saw his exposed torso and chest. “So pretty..” You mumbled to yourself drunkly before moving your head to kiss his collarbone, making Luke take a sharp inhale. You weren’t thinking much when you made your movements, only taking what you wanted.
Your hands touched over his muscles, caressing his abs with your gentle hands. “You’re killing meeee…” Luke drew his words out, giving a small smirk as his own hands rubbed gently at your hips. “Mm.. ‘love you..” You replied and kept touching him, exploring him like you’ve been wanting to do for a long time now. Months, maybe even years now, and you were finally getting what you wanted. Of course, you could’ve easily asked him earlier but you weren’t confident enough to do it.
You stopped your hands after touching him for a minute, remembering that you should take your top off too. You quickly and eagerly pulled the fabric over your head and dropped it off the side of the bed, sitting there on his lap with this big dumb smile on your face. “..Wow.” Luke’s eyes widened as he took in the sight of your barely covered chest, his hands moving to grasp at your pudgy breasts inside your bra. “Have you been wanting to touch them as badly as I’ve been wanting you to?” You asked him with a glimmer of hope on your face.
“Of course I have. They’re so pretty.. all for me?” Luke asked you with a smug look on his face, of course you nodded your pretty little head. There was no point in lying when he already knew the truth. Luke moved his hands off of your covered breasts and unclipped your bra so that they’d be free “Is this still okay?” He asked you afterwards. “Yep!!” You nodded again, taking his hands in yours and placing them back over your now naked breasts. As you watched him fondle you your eyes glanced down at his veiny arms, his hands were veiny too, it made your heart flutter.
“Your hands are so…” You got lost in your own thoughts, just as Luke did when he was finally touching you. Luke’s fingers curiously pinched your nipples for a moment which made you whine, after this he decided to curiously bend his neck down and place one into his mouth. You didn’t stop him, you didn’t want to. You sat there like a pretty little doll for him on his lap and let him explore his thoughts, his mouth sucking and tugging on your nipple appreciatively. “I-if you keep sucking them you’re gonna leave a hickey!” You pouted your lips, yet you enjoyed the attention he was giving you.
“I don’t think that’s possible sweetheart.. but even if it was, would you complain?” He looked up at you through his half lidded eyes, wanting to hear your words. If you said yes he’d pull off immediately, yet you bashfully shook your head and said no. “That’s what I thought.” Luke chuckled quietly before moving to your other breast, sucking on the other one a little more harsher and drawing out a soft moan from you. Your fingers found themselves in his hair, grasping his head a little to keep him where he was.
When you had enough of him abusing your nipples you let go and he got the idea to pull off, moving back and staring down at you in his lap again. “You sure you still want me to do this sweet girl?” He asked you, caressing your face in his hand. You leaned into his touch and nodded your head “Yes, please?” You asked him. Luke sighed and then smiled down at you, moving his hand from your cheek to ruffle your hair “Anything for my girl.” Luke answered. He couldn’t say no to you, you were his favourite girl.
Luke pulled your skirt and underwear down at the same time, and you lifted yourself off of his lap to let him pull them off of you. He threw your skirt onto the floor and held your underwear in his hand for a moment, admiring the wet spot in the middle that covered your crotch. “D-Don’t look at that..” You whined in embarrassment, moving shyly to try and take them from his hands. Luke lifted his arm up so you wouldn’t be able to grab them, his taller height putting you at a disadvantage. “Am I embarrassing you sweet girl?” He chuckled to himself “Y-Yes.” You huffed with pink cheeks, pouting at him and furrowing your eyebrows.
“You’re so cute.” Luke chuckled again as he admired your reaction “But sweetheart, I’m not trying to embarrass you. Promise. I’m just simply admiring this mess you’ve made for me..” Luke reassured you, slowly putting the pair into the pocket of his pants. “H-Hey are you taking those?!” You asked him flusteredly, “I am. That a problem? I’ll give them back if it is.” Luke asked you and tilted his head. You huffed and sat back before saying “..No..” and giving him this coy look.
“I’ll take good care of them.. Actually, I shouldn’t make false claims like that. When you get them back they’ll be more ruined than when I got them.” Luke admitted before kissing your jaw softly and then pulling away, you would’ve made some comment but you shut yourself up as Luke slowly began to undo his pants. He moved you off of his lap for a moment so he could take them off, placing them carefully on the floor so that his prize he got off of you wouldn’t fall out of his pocket.
Luke then pulled down his underwear, letting his already hardened cock spring up to life. Your eyes watched it hungrily, your tongue darting to lick your lips as they suddenly felt dry. “You’re staring sweetheart.” He snickered at you before joining you back onto the bed, crawling on top of you and pushing you down gently so your back hit the blankets beneath you. You felt pretty flustered but you wanted to go through with this for sure, it was everything you could’ve wanted. “S-Sorry Lukeeeee… you look BIG.” You commented softly, your drunken mind speaking your thoughts out loud.
“You still wanna do thi-“ you cut him off “Yes, I do! Do you?” You asked him and pouted your lips a little, you’d hoped he wouldn’t say no but you wouldn’t force him if he did. Luke smiled down at you “Of course I do.” He answered and kissed your lips again before pulling back. Luke moved one of his arms that were beside your head, his hand creeping down between your legs. You felt shy being so exposed but the alcohol in your system kept you from hiding away, Luke’s fingers slowly and curiously dipped between your thighs to gently touch your clit.
It was more like a poke at first as he started exploring you, but then he started to gently rub at your soft bundle of nerves and it made you squeal. “A-ah..” You whined as he began to touch you down there, you were pretty sensitive at times and you’d guessed that right now it was one of those times. Luke smirked down at you appreciatively, his fingers continuing to rub at your clit to get you extra wet for him. Your hips grinded up against his hand, shuddering for a moment or two. “F-Feels good..” you whimpered “Looks like it does.” Luke responded.
“D-Don’t tease me!” You huffed a little, Luke only chuckled and shook his head at you “I wouldn’t think of doing such a thing sweet girl.” The way he looked down at you gave you butterflies. Your legs unwillingly parted a little more on their own, spreading yourself out even more for him. Luke could see everything now and he felt like he was getting the best show of his life, his fingers slowly moved from your clit and he began to drag his hand down between your slick covered folds.
You stared at him with anticipation, your chest moving up and down as you breathed heavily. Luke pushed a finger inside and felt no resistance, snickering to himself quietly before pushing in another. This time there was a slight resistance but it didn’t cause you any pain or discomfort, you were wet with slick covering your entire pussy so of course it wouldn’t be too hard for his fingers to find their way inside. “A-Ah’ Lukeeee..” You bit on your bottom lip as you felt his fingers inside of you, waiting for them to move or do SOMETHING.
“You’re so wet sweet girl, all for me..” Luke admired the way your pussy clenched around his fingers, he began to move his hand slowly. His fingers curled, pushing in and out of you ever so slowly. He didn’t mean to tease you and make you whine, he just wanted to make sure you’d be prepared, but as soon as your pretty lips went and said “Luke! Please, just- move them faster.. please?” You begged, he stopped playing around and listened to you. He’d never wanna make you beg for something, you were his girl, he’d never do that to you.
His fingers began to move faster now, his fingers making this flicking motion inside of you as he dug his fingers inside even further. It felt good, it made you start to squirm and moan on the bed, which drove Luke absolutely crazy. The sounds of your moaning and the squelching of your pussy around his fingers made his own cock begin to twitch and leak with precum, dripping onto his own thigh. Luke kept fingering your hole though to open you up, “Could I slip in another finger or would that be too much?” He asked you with a sweet voice.
“P-Put it in..” You answered. Luke hummed and let a third finger push into your tiny hole, stretching you out more for when it was time for his aching cock to enter you. His movements didn’t stop, he kept finger fucking you with three fingers now which definitely stretched you out. Luke could feel your pussy inside opening up even more for him and that’s when he asked “Could I enter you now sweet girl? That still alright?” He looked down at you as he asked. “Y-Yes please!!” You reached out for him and beckoned him to come closer and fuck you.
Luke withdrew his fingers from your hole, leaving you twitching and leaking as he reached for his own cock. He stroked himself for a moment before slowly lining himself up with you, pushing the head of his cock in slowly. “A-ah..” You groaned and clenched your teeth “Is it too much? Need me to pull out?” He asked worriedly but you shook your head “No! P-Please. It feels good.. J-Just- keep going..” You gulped. Luke noticed now that you weren’t moaning from pain and he was happy to listen to your request.
He kept slowly pushing in, inch by inch he filled you up. He was halfway through when he noticed this dazed look in your eyes “You alright sweet girl?” He asked and tapped your cheek with his hand to get your attention, you giggled and nodded your head “R-Really good. It feels good. A-Are you in?” You asked a little bashfully. “I’m halfway in sweetheart, Is it too much for you?” He asked “No!! Y-You just feel big.. and good.. keep going” you encouraged him.
Luke hummed and listened, pushing in even more until he filled you up fully. You were squirming now even though he hadn’t moved, “My stomach hurts.. but it feels so good! P-Please move now, please fuck me..” You threw your head back against the sheets. Luke listened and began to move inside of you, setting a slow pace at first to get you used to how his cock felt rubbing up against you. Of course it didn’t take long for you to get needy though and start to buck your hips back up against him.
“No need for that sweetheart. You want me to go faster or harder and you just tell me. You don’t need to work for it.” Luke reassured you and grabbed your hips a little roughly so you’d stop moving them. Luke then set the pace to be faster, slamming his hips against you and fucking you hard like you’d been wanting for as long as you could think. “YES! Ah!~” You felt yourself being folded in half by him, he moved closer and threw your legs over his shoulders so he could pound you even deeper.
Luke let out a guttural groan as he was fucking you, unable to keep his own sounds inside. It felt too good for the both of you to stay quiet, but at least you didn’t share a cabin with anyone. Your arms moved to cling to Luke, pulling him down slightly closer to you so that you could hug his neck. You would’ve pulled him closer but your legs could only bend so far. You could feel Luke drilling your cunt, pressing up against your cervix and making this aching feeling in your stomach— but despite that it felt like heaven on earth.
“It feels so good! Lukeeee, I love you!!~” You moaned out, you looked like you were absolutely fucked out at this point. Your eyes rolled into the back of your head, your legs were twitching, and you knew by tomorrow that your hips would feel awful but you couldn’t worry about that right now. Not with his incessant fucking into your tight hole. Luke admired the way you looked, your blissful face looked like how he’d imagined whenever he’d touch himself to the thought of you. He kept moving his hips with perfect stamina, moving on of his hands to dip back between your legs.
His cock kept hitting this perfect part inside your pussy which was making you feel real good, he then added a bit more stimulation to your pussy by rubbing at your clit up and down with his thumb. It was a little overstimulating and before you could say anything you ended up cumming, your pussy clenching around him and twitching inside. Your whole body shook for a moment as you were cumming, and Luke watched with delight as he watched your orgasm unfold.
Luke had fucked you through your orgasm but when you stopped shaking he paused his movements, about to pull out when you stopped him. You were a little tired looking now, trying to catch your breath as you spoke “B-But you haven’t came yet..” You felt guilty “I know, but I don’t wanna overstimulate you sweet girl.” Luke looked at you with worry as he didn’t wanna hurt you. “F-Fuck it.. I’m a strong girl, keep doing it.. please?” Luke couldn’t help but listen to you, if that’s what you wanted then that’s what you were gonna get.
“Tell me if it’s too much.” Luke warned you once.
Once, before he then moved his hips again. He was going faster now as he stopped worrying about your orgasm, now drilling himself into your cunt to try and get himself to cum. You were of course shaking from this, it was definitely a lot for your pussy to handle, but you’d be strong for him. It’s not like it felt bad either, because it felt really good! Luke kept fucking your hips for a moment or two, relentless and carefree with the pace he was setting.
“I- I’m gonna cum.. where do you want me to cum sweetheart?” He asked you quickly, knowing he had to pull out and cum somewhere. “I dunnoooooo… my thighs?” You suggested and let go of his neck so he could move away. Luke pulled back away from you, sitting up between your legs. Luke stopped fucking you and quickly pulled out of your hole, making you whine a little before he then let his load out onto your thighs, some of it dripping down towards your cunt anyways.
Luke used his hand to push it away, looking down at you lovingly after he’d finished cumming all over your thighs. “I love you so much.. did that feel good? Was that okay?” He asked you to make sure you were alright “Y-Yes.. it felt SO good! Thank you Luke, I love youuuuuu.” You giggled and pulled him back down onto the bed beside you to cuddle up to him.
“Be careful sweetheart you’ve still got my cum on you.” Luke warned, rubbing your back gently as you cuddled up to him. “How about we go for a shower, yeah? I think everyone’s gone to bed now, and whoever isn’t is still partying so we should be just fine.” Luke suggested and you gave a tired nod. Luke scooped you up bridal style in his arms and grabbed two towels for each of you, putting them on you guys before leaving your cabin.
He was right, when the both of you entered the boys shower room there was no one else there. You two quickly showered, Luke had to help you stand up and he even kindly cleaned you even though you said you didn’t need any help. After the shower he took you guys back both to your cabin, dried and dressed you both, and then joined you to go to sleep. “Mm.. Aren’t you worried about getting caught in here?” You asked tiredly “Nah, we’ll be alright sweet girl. Just go to sleep.” Luke murmured as he held you close and kissed your forehead.
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kiddiewrites · 3 months
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First Post
Sooooo this is the first fanfic I write, the current obsession is Call of Duty. Have I ever played the game?? No. Am I gonna play the game? Yes, I've downloaded the mobile version :D. Do the characters match their game personality? Probably not, the only source I have of them are other fanfics and edits I saw on tiktok JAJAJAJA.
Angst, T.F.141 x reader, Platonic!T.F.141 x reader, HURT, bit of OOC T.F. 141, pining!reader, bit of a sad ending, drunk confessions, overheard conversations, PAAAAAAAIIIIN (maybe I’m just projecting Enlgish is my second language so please be kind xd
∞ Command me to be well ∞
“There is no sweeter innocence, than our gentle sin”
In all honesty, you weren’t supposed to be there. You should’ve been in the med bay, you should’ve been filing reports on the last mission and updating medical records.
You’ve been assigned to Task Force 141 as their base doctor, having no experience in the field you remained back in HQ until they came back from deployment. You quickly realized they didn’t fully trust you as a doctor, whether it was due to your civilian background or a misjudgement of your abilities, you never knew and frankly you didn’t want to. You tried not to be a bother, you knew their job was hard as it was, so you tried a friendlier approach, making sure to try and interact with them if even at a minimum. 
Instead, you were faced with a hard cold truth, one that you hoped had vanished with a few friendlier words in your direction… you weren’t wanted.
Time seemed to move slower as the last few minutes replayed in your mind. 
The guys were sharing a much needed drink after a rather difficult mission. Letting the façade fall down for a bit, the whiskey loosening tongues and bringing to the surface feelings that could no longer be held down.
You were walking down the hallway that led to Price’s office, a bit of a pep to your walk and a container of baked goods in one hand and the files that needed his signature on the other. You knew they’d be a bit peckish after their mission so you thought ahead and brought some pastries that you knew they liked, even though Simon always said that those were more sugar than bread. In an instant the door to the Captain's office was at reach so you balanced the files over the container. 
-She’s jus so fecking annoying, y’know ?-
You stopped right when you were about to knock on the door, hand midair. 
-I ge’ tha’ we’re suppose to get along seein tha shes the fecking doctor- 
What?  Your breathing stopped and your body shivered
-Bu’ I jus can’t seem to tolerate’ er- the voices seemed a bit muffled by the closed door but still the volume was loud enough for you to hear… Listening as you stood there frozen, wishing that you couldn’t. 
-C’mon Johnny, she can be a bi’ annoying, sure.- Ouch 
-Bu’ she does ‘er job properly and at the end o’ the day, tha’s why she’s ‘ere fo’. - 
Kyle seemed to try and reason with him but even his own voice sounded strained. 
The beating of your heart going wild with every second that passed, your eyes stinging with unshed tears. They couldn’t refer to you right? Maybe, maybe it was someone else on their mission…
-Y/N does a good job, lads.- That’s the captain’s voice… Fuck…
-I get tha’, is jus… she keeps sticking t’ us like feckin glue everywhere we go- Oh no…
The tears were freely flowing now, not wanting to believe what you were hearing, sure you weren’t the most serious person but you never thought that would be a problem, specially after everything you’ve done with and for them. 
-Maybe you’ should stop inviting ‘er everywhere with us then- 
-Is no’ like I want to, Lt.  Bu’ she jus… pops ‘ere everytime I try and talk to all o’ you .- 
“Maybe I should go… But… my legs are not moving” 
-S’ your fault for flirting wi’ er when she came roun’ the firs time- Kyle was annoyed, months of interaction helping you to recognize the tone in their voices.
-Y’kno tha’ he does tha’ to everyone.- Simon sounded so sincere that you couldn’t help to feel stupid, as if you were just a joke. Another one of the bunch… 
-Lads, c’mon… She’s jus’ doin her job- Price was tired and he could already feel a headache starting to form in the back of his head.
-She’s a nice girl, ‘sides you kno’ tha’ i couldn’ stop Laswell for saddling ‘er with us- 
That was it, you never thought that they didn’t want you. They were a bit standoff-ish in the first few weeks or so but that was because they didn't know you… right? They were a tight-knit group, it was perfectly natural to not trust an outsider with their health, right? 
They became friendlier in the last weeks, actually letting you patch them up rather than doing it themselves when you weren’t in the med bay. The first one that apparently seemed friendly to you was Johnny, making you blush with his flirtatious ways but at least making you glad that he was starting to open up a bit, Kyle and Price being a bit on the quiet side but at least no longer just completely silent while you fixed them up and Simon… well he was still not talking to you or acknowledging you.
Knowing that all of your efforts were for nothing made you feel useless, it had nothing to do with your job, you knew you were good otherwise you wouldn’t have been assigned to the 141. 
So with a deep breath and a new goal in mind,  you turned away and left files in one hand and a slightly crushed box of pastries.
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“In the madness and soil, of that sad earthly scene”
You didn’t sleep a wink since that moment, pouring yourself over the medical files that needed your approval for final submission.
You were so deep in thought, that you didn’t hear the knocks at your door, only looking up when you heard a cough to get your attention. 
There stood your captain, looking very tired and you already could see the headache seeping into his usual calm demeanor. 
The urge to offer him a tea cup or a mild remedy for his head crossed your mind, he looked really tired but after what you heard last night you just couldn’t bring yourself to do so. 
- Is there something you needed, captain?- your voice came out a little bit tired and sharper than usual, something that didn’t went unnoticed by the captain
-Yeah, kid. The reports from the last mission, do you have’ em?- He narrowed his eyes a bit at you, as if trying to figure out what happened. 
-Sure, let me get them for you- you stood up and moved to the cabinet next to your desk, there you took them off next to where the box of pastries remained intact and went ahead to give the to  the captain. 
- Here, all of the medical procedures and recent injuries are already stated. All they need is your approval so your medical history can be updated in due course- 
You handed him the files and turned to look at him, his face was a mix of confusion and slight annoyance. This side of you was new to him and he didn’t quite like it, where once you were all smiles and cheerful disposition now stood a sad look and a blank face, as if the very sunshine was taken from you. 
-Is everything all righ’, kid?- he found himself asking, you sighed loudly and headed back to your desk.
-Don’t worry about me, captain. Is just a rough patch, that’s all- You sat down and started to go over the files laid out before you.
-Alrigh’, if you need anything…- he watched you for a few seconds and then turned away and left.
A sour mood was felt across the base and from the interaction each of them had with you over the course of the week … there was definitely something wrong. 
Johnny tried flirting with you, but instead of being all giggles and blushing mess you just looked at him with a tight lip smile and continued as if he never talked to you, even when Kyle came in to your office for a quick fix up of his most recent stitches you remained completely silent, only talking to give him instructions on how to take care of his injuries and when to take his pain meds. Price’s office was a bit quieter than usual, without your usual self trying to warm up to him with an equally warm cup of tea or coffee in hand to help him through his headaches, even Simon felt the shift in your behavior, when crossing in the hallways or the break room being greeted with nothing more than a call of his rank and quickly leaving. 
The boys went into the cafeteria that same week and were surprised to see that while to the other soldiers you were still friendly and smiley, to them you were nonchalant and seemed almost way too professional. And that was upsetting everyone, so when you finished your lunch and went back to your office, files and coffee in hand they all decided that enough was enough.
You hadn't even finished entering your office when the four men burst in right behind you. You turned around with a scared look and a squeak of surprise at the sudden intrusion, the coffee almost falling from your grip and the files clutched to your chest. The boys all looked at you with a mix of annoyance and betrayal and you felt small, very very small. 
-What the hell is wrong with you?- your voice was a bit raised from the fright you were still recovering from, as you walked to your desk to leave the files and the coffee, Johnny spoke up. 
-Us? Wha’ e’ ‘ell is wrong wit you?- You turned around with a very deep frown etched into your face. 
-What are you talking about? You’re the ones that burst into my office like a pack of wild animals.- A very annoyed Johnny stepped right up until he was face to face with you. 
-Johnny calm down, mate.- Gaz’s voice was heard over Johnny’s loud breathing. 
-No, no’ until she’s told us jus’ wha’ in the living fuck is wrong- His voice was dangerously low, and it was fucking terrifying. 
-First of, back the fuck off, sargeant. I may be just a bloody fucking nuisance but i’m a doctor and I will break every bone in your body while naming them- A surprised look flashed through everyone’s faces, you’ve never talked to them like that before, and when Johnny didn’t seem to back off, you pushed with all your might and managed to make him to stumble back a bit. 
At that moment Ghost approached him and held him before he could fall, but the look he gave you, was right down murderous. A chill ran down your spine and your instincts screamed at you to run but your legs didn’t seem to work. Price at seeing the angry look on both of your faces quickly stood in front of everyone and yelled at both of you to cut it out. 
-Y/LN, you’ll apologize this instant or you’ll be subject to a reprimand for assaulting a ranking officer.- Price knew at the moment those words left his lips… he’d fucked up. 
-Excuse me?- You turned to look at him, furious. The nerve of these men…
-You think that you can burst into my office, to then demand an answer for which I do not know the fucking question to and THEN reprimand me for protecting myself against a man that got way into my personal space?- 
Your voice was raised, you were very very pissed off and the boys knew it, they knew they weren’t the best when it came to you, almost neglecting your care due to years and years of trust issues. They knew it wasn’t fair to you, but still when the only ones taking care of them were themselves, they just couldn’t trust you completely.
- I have tried SO hard to have you guys to trust me, GOD KNOWS I’VE TRIED and you won’t let me.- You felt the tears well up in the corners of your eyes and the faces of shock in the squad just made you feel worse. 
You hated yourself for crying, but the anger in you, the betrayal and the sadness were all out there now, so might as well just tell them everything. 
-I know I’m pathetic to you, I know that you think I’m… how you put it, Sergeant MacTavish?- At the mention of his name he looked up at you - “so fucking annoying”, I think was the term used.- His eyes widened, he knew exactly what you were talking about and the others seemed to remember the conversation they had a few days prior. 
-You’ eard o’r conversation?- Gaz seemed a bit angry and confused, how the hell could you have heard them if you weren’t supposed to be in the building. 
-Yes… I know it was wrong… I needed the captain’s signature on all of your files so your medical records could be updated..- The realization dawned on the captain, that’s why you were so down the next day… You heard everything. 
- But… I guess it was ultimately for the best- Your voice a whisper as you looked at them. 
-If you’re that unsatisfied with my care, I’ll ask the brass for a transfer.- The determined look on your face was like a slap in their faces, you were really going to leave them. They needed to fix this but neither of them said anything, you took a deep breath and left the office, leaving the four men standing dumbfounded in your office.
“What in the actual fuck just happened?” a thought, accompanied with the memory of utter anger and sadness in your face that will hunt the squad for the rest of their lives. 
They needed to fix it… soon. 
“Only then I am human, only then I am clean”
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SOOOOOOO this was my first piece, i'm really sorry if it’s not the best so please forgive me jajaja.
If you liked it please like and reblog, I would like to keep writing and knowing you like it will make me very happy.
Jejejeje feedback is appreciated <3
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kywaslost · 1 year
Hiya! I read your platonic shinsou fanfic and I was wondering if you could write a fanfic where y/n (fem please) is a pre-teen and gets adopted into the erasermic family but she has a fear of men, and she struggles to do things because she's worried she would look bad/they might do something. Thank you if you do xxx
You’re Safe Here - Shinsou Hitoshi
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A/N: Now that I’ve written this entire thing, I’ve realized my dyslexic self read your request as mainly Shinsou. I feel stupid. I’m so sorry lol. If you’d like me to rewrite this I will. I was going to but I really like how this turned out. Please forgive me <3 I also used the prompts below that I found because I thought they’d fit the request.
Prompt/s Used: Lighting whumpee’s favorite candles, or listening to their favorite music, to tell whumpee that the space is theirs and that it will always be safe. / You don’t have to tell me. But if you do decide you want to. I’ll be here. / You don’t feel safe here, do you? 
After being tossed between foster homes for so long, you should be ecstatic to finally be adopted, right? Except you weren’t. You were petrified, to be honest. Usually, you’d meet your supposed new adoptive family and spend time with them while papers and forms were filed and signed, or at least that’s what you’d heard from other foster children throughout the years. But for some reason you were told to back your bags one day to meet your new family. And to top it all off, you were being adopted into a house consisting of only men.
It was a childish fear, to be afraid of almost every male on the planet, but it’s not like you can help it. Men from your past weren’t kind to you, resulting in an aversion to guys of almost every age. You avoided them when you could, fearing they would criticize you, or worse, use you. Being a young female in today’s society isn’t always easy, and you thought it would be safer to just avoid men as best you could.
You met your new fathers first. They were the ones to pick you up from the park where they agreed to meet you with your social worker. They seemed nice enough, but you couldn’t help but hide behind your social worker as they approached you.
“Excuse her,” your social worker smiled. “She’s a bit weary around men.”
“That’s alright!” The one with blonde hair smiled widely. “We understand!” The man was practically vibrating with excitement. So much so the man behind him had to place a hand on his shoulder. “Calm down, Hizashi. You are going to overwhelm her.”
You shot the black haired one a grateful look, thankful for his calmness. You were overwhelmed with anxiety and fear, and you couldn’t help but fear the blonde.
“I’m Shouta. Shouta Aizawa,” the second man said, crouching down a few feet in front of you.
“And I’m Hizashi Yamada!” The blonde smiled brightly, standing beside Aizawa.
Shouta slowly extended a hand out towards you, offering a small smile. “I understand that this is very overwhelming for you. A lot of new changes and new scenery, and I understand you are a bit afraid. How you feel is valid, I promise you. We will be here every step of the way to help you through it.”
You looked between the two men, then to your social worker. She just smiled and nodded encouragingly. Taking a deep breath, you slowly reached out and took Aizawa’s hand. That’s when your social worker patted your shoulder, then voiced that she’d be taking her leave now that you were in the hands of your new caretakers. Your breathing hitched as you watched her leave, panic slowly taking over your body. You jerked your hand back from Aizawa, pulling it to your chest without any thought, too caught up in trying to suppress an oncoming anxiety attack. 
“That’s alright, you don’t have to touch me yet. That’s ok, take your time,” Aizawa said calmly. Both him and Hizashi started to notice your growing panic, glancing quickly at each other before Aizawa stood. 
“Hey, why don’t we sit, yeah?” Hizashi offered, worry clear in his eyes. You nodded sharply, slowly following Hizashi over to a bench. He let you sit down before asking, “Can I sit over here?” He motioned to the other end of the bench and you nodded. You pulled your knees up to your chest, closing your eyes to concentrate on your breathing. 
Eventually you evened out your breathing and calmed your nerves ever so slightly. Uncurling yourself, you stood as you took in one last deep breath. Aizawa was sitting in front of you again, watching you closely. So was Hizashi.
“I’m sorry,” you mumbled. “I’m ok now.” 
The two men also stood. “Don’t apologize,” Aizawa said softly. “Take as much time as you need. We can sit here longer if you’d like?” You shook your head.
“You’re sure?” Hizashi asked and you nodded in response.
“Let’s get you home then.” 
You followed them to their car, freezing as Hizashi opened the door for you. You began to shake slightly again. Getting into the car encloses you with two men whom you barely knew. Needless to say, you were uncomfortable.
“Would you feel more comfortable if we walked?” Aizawa offered from the driver’s side of the car. “We aren’t too terribly far, it shouldn’t take too long. Would you feel safer if we walked?”
After thinking about it, you mumbled a quiet, “Can we?”
Hizashi responded, “Of course!” He turned to his husband. “I can come get the car later after patrol.”
You met their son later that night once dinner was served. It took a while to get used to the thought that you had a family now, and you spent several hours on the couch in the living room trying to grasp the fact that you were now living with three men. It calms your nerves to know that Aizawa and Hizashi were pro-heros, and their son was a hero-in-training, but that didn’t mean you were still on edge. You knew very little about your new family, and until then you would hypothetically sleep with one eye open.
Shinsou seemed nice enough, and he even watched whatever you wanted while your new fathers got ready for patrol. You assured them that you would be alright staying behind with Shinsou, and they apologized profusely for not being able to get out of work for the night. 
Once they had left, it was just you and Shinsou sitting in the living room. You were curled up on one end of the couch, and he was at the other end, giving you your space. You couldn’t help but watch him out of the corner of your eye, afraid he may make a move when you weren’t looking. The purple-haired boy noticed your staring, then turned his gaze from the tv to you.
“You don’t feel safe here, do you?” He asked. His question caught you off guard, and you didn’t answer. “Dad and Pa told me that you may be on edge for a while, that you had an aversion to males. I can only assume it has to do with childhood trauma? You don’t have to tell me. But if you do decide you want to. I’ll be here. I’m a good listener, and I don’t know, I always find it easier to talk to people closer to my age. And if there’s anything I can do to help this transition be smoother for you, please tell me.”
Tears brimmed your eyes as you looked away, nodding. “I think I’m going to go take a shower,” you said as you stood, hugging yourself tightly.
Shinsou nodded, eyes softening. “Ok. Do you remember where the bathroom is?” He helped you find everything you needed, even offering you a pair of his sweatpants and an old shirt to change into.
You took your time in the shower, even taking a moment to sit and cry. It had been a long and tiring day. You were so excited to have a permanent home, but still nervous given the situation. Once you had composed yourself, you stepped out of the shower and got dressed.
The house was silent as you stepped out of the bathroom, just as it was before. You could hear the TV in the living room where you assumed Shinsou still sat on the couch. Except when you entered the hallway, you could hear music coming from further down the hall. You made your way to your new room, not thinking much of it. Shinsou’s room was across the hall, so it could have been him.
You pushed your door open, standing still in the doorway when you took in the room. Your stuff was still sitting on the end of your bed, except now there was a lit candle on your night stand. And the music was coming from your room. A laptop sat open on the small desk in your room, spotify open and playing your favorite music artist. 
“I hope you don’t mind,” Hitoshi said behind you. You turned around to see him standing in the hallway. “Dad and Pa had a list of things you like, so I looked at it.” He smiled softly, putting his hands in his pockets. “I-I wanted you to know that this is your space. You’re safe here. So,” he chuckled, “the candle is, uh, it’s (fav. scent). And I made that playlist while you were in the shower.”
Your eyes welled with tears again. You couldn’t believe how thoughtful Hitoshi was.
“I’m adopted, too, and it was difficult for me at first. And dad did something similar for me. It helped me so I thought it’d help you.”
Shinsou froze as you dove into him, hugging him tightly. He snapped out of it quickly, though, and hugged you back just as tight.
“Thank you,” you cried into his shirt. “Thank you, Hitoshi.”
He smiled, so proud of you hugging him despite your fear. “Of course. Anything for my new sister.”
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colourstreakgryffin · 7 months
Hi I’m the anon who submitted the ‘Hi! I hope you’re having a good day, I was wondering if you could do a platonic fanfic with parental Husk and Angel dust with a teen reader who tries to sneak out to prove their ‘adult’ enough to go out on their own. Maybe they get caught w a secret S/O 🤔’ ask and to answer your question I think a Huskerdust parental duo would be killer, thanks!
Hmmm… okaaay! That can work! This is my first Angel Dust writing as well! Let’s just pretend HuskerDust isn’t built on sexual harassment and that these two get married after a healthy relationship— just a little AU for a, could be, cute couple… if it’s handled better! Also, sorry… this is kinda short
Husk and Angel Dust- Growing Up
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Before anything starts. Let’s establish how these two gay dads treat their adoptive teenage child!
Husk is a doting and caring but also strict and wise father. He gives off the most brutal but truthful advice and reality facts. He is a loving parent and won’t tolerate his child being mistreated or bullied so you can always turn to him when upset or in need for help, he is emotionally intelligent and protective after all
Angel, on the other hand, is the most affectionate and mindful father you’ll ever meet and have. He isn’t the one to deal out the punishments, he’s the fun one. Playing with his child, giving them unconditional love, support and encouragement but he is also quite protective. He will come running at the drop of a hat
Whilst both Husk and Angel encourage their kid to be independent and not rely so much on them, they aren’t a fan of letting you out on your own. You are still fifteen and therefore, completely vulnerable to this nightmarish hellfire realm called H E double hockey sticks
However, you’re determined to prove to both of your dads that you’re capable of defending yourself and be an adult so you’ve been recently sneaking out of your home and going around Pentagram City. On your own, no protective powerful Overlord father or protective infamous actor father
You’ve been doing it for weeks now. Going behind your dads’ back to prove to yourself, then to anybody, your complete and utter independence… but of course, all good things must end
And both of your dads had caught you escaping the house through the window and your beloved partner, a demon you fell in love with and begun dating in secret, just waiting in the backyard of your home whilst you climb out
Husk is very annoyed and ordering you to explain yourself, not at all happy with what you’ve done whilst Angel is dragging you off the windowsill and is resisting the urge to cry since his heart is broken
Your dads fend off your lover, not wanting to deal with them at this moment whilst they are trying to scold their child for doing this… and yes. This causes a big old fight with your parents. You just wanted to prove that you can handle yourself whilst your dads aren’t happy that you did something so reckless and harmful to yourself
Husk takes a bit longer to own up to his accident. Making you cry and angrily go to bed. You’re nearly a legal adult and they are shackling you… Angel can sense how you feel and immediately apologies for his lashout and tries to encourage his husband to do the same thing
When they do. They talk to you, accepting and encouraging, to try make a compromise inbetween you wanting to go outside at night to have fun with your lover, and talking to them and informing them about your location so you three will be happy
Husk lays down the must text them rule with this accommodation himself and his husband have made for you, their precious baby, that you must follow this at all causes whilst Angel is actually excited about you going to have fun on your own but begs you to inform either himself or his husband if anything bad happens to you
They just love you… please. Give them a break, they’ll try their best to let you do whatever you want on your own… as long as they know you’re okay
“Heartthrob. Do you have your present for your partner? Yes? That’s good. When you get to the party, text me or your father so we know you’re okay. That’s all we ask now. Here, let me finish rolling you up before you go”
“Fluffball! Fluffball! Fluffball! Aww! You look so precious! You’ll blow the competition off the dancefloor and you’ll make that partner of yours’ jaw drop! Make sure to shoot me or your dad a text when you’re there, ‘kay?“
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princessanonymous · 8 months
When Night Comes
Platonic Yandere Vampire
Previous Part | Next Part
First Chapter
19. 𝓓𝓮𝓼𝓹𝓪𝓲𝓻’𝓼 𝓠𝓾𝓲𝓬𝓴𝓮𝓷𝓲𝓷𝓰
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"Where is she?!" Dorian's frantic voice echoed through the estate, his worry palpable.
As servants scurried in a hurried search, their footsteps resonating in sync with the ominous silence that enveloped the estate, Dorian's desperation escalated. Each passing moment felt like an eternity, and the once serene atmosphere now crackled with tension. Meanwhile, Killian leaned lazily against a wall, a stark contrast to the frantic pacing of the distressed father. His nonchalant demeanor, seemingly unaffected by the unfolding drama. He appeared to be more an observer of chaos than a participant in the search.
In a corner of the room, the coffin manufacturer sat in a plush chair, bewildered by the sudden panic that had gripped the once serene household. His eyes darted nervously from one end of the room to the other, as if expecting answers to manifest in the luxurious surroundings. The elegance of the room juxtaposed with the disarray of emotions, creating an atmosphere that seemed almost surreal for the mortal.
"She couldn't have left without anyone noticing," Dorian reasoned, his brow furrowed with concern. The frantic search continued, but the mansion offered no clues to the disappearance of his daughter. The air was thick with uncertainty, and the urgency of the situation hung palpably in the atmosphere. The blonde, casting a penetrating gaze at Killian, turned to the other vampire with an accusatory tone. "Why don't you do anything?"
"What is there to do?" Killian retorted haughtily. "She left. Accept it."
Anger flared within Dorian. "Accept it!?" he repeated with outrage. "My daughter is out there somewhere, alone with nobody to protect her !”
As the words lingered in his mind, Dorian's panic escalated. The memory of (Y/n)'s previous escape, when she had been attacked by a sanguini, intensified his resolve. He wouldn't let this happen once again. She was mortal, completely defenseless and weak. 
"Walking around aimlessly will not help," Killian answered with a sigh. "You may live."
Dorion looked at him, bewildered by the command before realizing the second part had been aimed at the coffin-maker who was still in the room. He turned his gaze toward the mortal, a bewildered look in his eyes as he processed Killian's command. The man, caught off guard, hesitated for a moment before nodding in acknowledgment. Slowly, he made his way towards the exit, leaving the room as instructed by the enigmatic vampire. He had forgotten about him, his mind having focused on the girl. 
Dorian's focus, however, quickly returned to the pressing matter at hand – the whereabouts of his daughter. The gravity of the situation weighed heavily on him, and he couldn't shake the fear that gripped his heart. The thought of his daughter being out there, alone in an unforgiving world, sent shivers down his spine. The once grandiose room now seemed suffocating, its walls closing in as Dorian's mind raced with worry. He couldn't fathom what his daughter might be experiencing, and the very idea that she could be subjected to unforgivable things gnawed at him. His protective instincts kicked in, overshadowing everything else.
Some people would not think twice about taking advantage of young, impressionable minds like his weak, fragile (Y/n). She was so frail; she wouldn't survive on her own. She was utterly, completely, truly alone. The child was so naive thinking that any mortal would simply take her in hearing her plight, but they wouldn't.
He felt Killian's hand on his shoulder. "Sit," he advised him while leading him to an armrest. "Your power is affecting the room; calm down."
He looked around, noticing the ice covering the place where he had been standing just moments before. "She's out there," he protested, clenching his fists, "I just can't..."
"You must stay calm," his partner said with conviction, "servants are already looking for her."
Dorian's eyes flickered with a mixture of frustration and fear. Despite the efforts of the servants scouring the estate, the absence of tangible information only fueled his worry. Useless. They were all utterly useless. It was preposterous. She had left once, and now once again they managed to let her slip through them. They would pay. He would deal with them after after finding his child. He could feel the seconds ticking away, each one adding to the uncertainty surrounding his daughter's disappearance.
He shook his head and stood once again, resuming his pacing, "There are three paths she could have taken," he mused out loud." The first is the one she took during her first escapade which I doubt she would take again. She can be quite clever. The second is one more remote that leads to a nunnery, but I doubt she even knows of the existence of this path. She would have had to walk through the nearby forest for at least an out by foot to even notice it. She doesn't leave home. She knows she isn't allowed to... and yet here we are. The third one however... while long, leads to a village and if this foolish daughter of mine—"
"The carpet; you're freezing the carpet," Killian admonished while pinching the bridge of his nose. "(Y/n) is a resourceful young girl, Dorian."
He tried laughing, but it sounded wet and slightly hysterical. "Don't be ridiculous. She can't survive on her own! She's so—fragile, and helpless and she could break at any second and— and she's out there!" He gestured out the window. He collapsed on the couch, shaking his head. "And if something happens to her... if something happens to my poor child..."
Each day, she mattered so much more to him. More than she had when he had first met her on that clearing. She had made him care for her. He cared so much for her. He couldn’t just let her go. He wouldn’t forgive himself. 
If something happened to (Y/n), Dorian knew it would completely shatter him.
Dorian looked up, his eyes teary and filled with a mix of frustration, fear, and desperation. Killian, sensing the need for comfort, passed an arm around Dorian's shoulders. The touch, though subtle, carried a warmth that overcame their cold exterior. The blond vampire reacted by resting his head on his lover's shoulder, finding solace in the physical closeness. Killian's presence, like an anchor in the storm of emotions, had a way of grounding Dorian back to the present when he felt himself spiraling into the abyss of worry and uncertainty.
"Dorian," Killian whispered, "calm down, just for a second. Breathe."
He nodded, chuckling slightly at the suggestion. He didn't need to breathe. "Such a human thing to do," he commented, feeling himself calm down slightly, slowly but surely.
Killian nodded, agreeing, "You know me." He sighed softly. "Why don't we focus on something else while the servants search?"
"Like what ?' He questioned reluctantly.
"Forget the girl for now, Dorian," he suggested calmly. The words were said with a soft, yet confident voice. "I'm sure she is fine."
The bland looked up in anger at the remark. His anger grew once his icy blue eyes met Dorian's bright red ones. A cold feeling washed over him, realizing the other had tried to use a moment of emotional vulnerability against him. Leaning forward and clenching his fists, he demanded, "What did you try to do?"
Killian looked away, giving him no answer. The blond gripped his lover's arm, his nails digging in his skin. The other only flinched slightly, almost imperceptibly, "What did you try to do?" He winced, but Dorian did not care. Fury roared through his mind.
He knew his partner's power very well. Knew that he hardly used it, but knew nonetheless the signs of it. "Did you try to make me forget about her?"
His silence was enough of an answer on its own. He felt betrayed and furious at the mere idea that Killian of all people would dare to use his mind control powers on him. He was about to explode with rage, unable to understand why he would try to use them for this. Dorian had seen Killian and (Y/n) interact together, he had witnessed the bond they shared grow. He couldn't understand why the man would simply decide to let it go. One shouldn't let go of the people they cared about so easily.
Wheels turned inside his head, and realization dawned upon him. He stood up and Killian followed suit. "It is you," he accused, pointing a finger. "You let her leave.” 
While Killian neither confirmed nor denied it verbally, Dorian already knew the answer. In a surge of fury, he lunged at Killian, gripping the other's shirt threateningly as his mind spun. "Killian, you—"
"Sir," a servant entered the room, breaking the tension. "It appears she has left on horseback; one is missing."
Flashes of worst-case scenarios flooded Dorian's mind. (Y/n) could have had an accident, been attacked. The horse might have rebelled. (Y/n) didn’t know how to ride a horse; he had never taught her for that reason. So that she wouldn’t attempt anything stupid. She could be dead by now. Dead, alone, and rotting in the wilderness.
He clutched Killian's shirt with a vice-like grip, feeling wetness in his eyes and his throat tightening. "You can't—" he glowered. "You can't do this to me, Killian."
The other offered no response. His eyes were cold and held no regret. He might have left the poor child to die and he did not care. Dorian’s weak pleas were met with indifference. This was his child, his daughter. He couldn't let her be taken away from him. How dare he do this ? How could he ? "Tell me!" Dorian pleaded desperately. "Tell me where you told her to go !"
No answer. 
No reaction. 
Dorian's face fell, and he began to tremble. "You can't do this to me, Killian," he whispered weakly. "You can't..."
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disabledidols · 5 months
Disability headcanon ask game (shipping edition)!
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I have tried to make this as inclusive as possible for all types of relationships (ie romantic, polyam, platonic, queer platonic, ect) alongside as inclusive as possible for all disability types.
If there's any issues with the way these questions are worded then feel free to let me know and I will change them. Anyway, on to the questions!
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💐- Does [ship] fit into any x4x types? (ie cane user for cane user, sys4sys, ect)
🌸- Character A is having a bad disability day, how do their partner(s) help? Is there anything special they like to do? Does Character A accept their help?
💮- If one of the characters in the ship are having a bad disability day how long does it take the other(s) to pick up on the fact that they're struggling? Are they good at picking up on the signs, if not, is there a point that they do notice without being told?
🪷- If all characters in the relationship are disabled, what would happen if all of them were having a bad disability day?
🏵️- How do the characters in the ship react to their partner(s) looking after them? Is it easy for them to accept their partner(s) help? Has this changed over time?
🌹- How did the people in the relationship find out that their partner(s) are disabled? Was it a shock? Did the disability happen while they were already in their relationship?
🥀- What does a really really bad day look like for this ship? Do they ever fight over disability stuff? Do any of their disabilities negatively impact their relationship?
🌺- Have they have any comforting or happy stories around their disabilities? (Ie Character A gifting Character B the mobility aid they need, a time where Character B helped Character A in a way no one else had tried to before, ect)
🌻- Do they ever have to deal with ableism in regards to their relationship? How fo they deal with it?
🌼- If one of the characters disabilities is a progressive disability how do they plan their future? Does this impact their relationship as a whole?
🌷- How does being disabled imapct their love life? For example does it impact their date nights, activities they can and can't do as a couple, ect. (Note that this isn't a NSFW unless you want to answer it that way.)
🌱- If the ship were to get married how would their wedding accommodate their disabilities? Alternatively what would their house/appartment/whatever accommodate them?
🪴- If they plan on having a family how does being disabled effect this and their decision? Alternatively do they plan on having pets, of so how does being disabled impact their collective decision?
🌲- How do they accommodate eachother? Do they have a routine that helps with this? Do they do this consciously or subconsciously?
🌳- What would happen if they were to break up and/or loose eachother for any reason? How would this impact any party involved, would this trigger their disability?
🌴- If any of the people in the relationship have matching mobility aids medical aids, ect, do they have any funny stories or inside jokes about them?
🌵- If they were to have a date that incorporated their disability (ie a sensory friendly movie night, a day where they decorated their mobility aids together, ect) what would this be like?
🍄- Free question!
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fairy-writes · 2 months
Hi!!!!! Hru? I hope you’re doing fantastic! Forgive me if i am disturbing you, can you do a William James Moriarty with a Reader who is obsessed with History (Tudor to be specific).
If you cant it’s alright!
Just have a good day/night
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Reblogs and Comments are greatly appreciated!!
Fandom(s): Moriarty the Patriot
Pairing(s): William James Moriarty x Reader
Word Count: 0.5k
Genre(s)/Tag(s): Gender Neutral!Reader, Teacher!Reader, Can be interpreted as platonic or pre-romantic relationship
Notes: Hello lovely! I’m doing well, thank you! How are you?!
I tried to keep this as history-neutral (is that even a term?) as possible! I don’t know anything about Tudor other than I lived in a Tudor-style house for a few years.
As you pace outside the classroom, you shuffle your notes for the umpteenth time. 
What if you messed up? 
Would they fire you? 
What if they—
“Are you alright?” You swallow a shriek and whirl to see Professor Moriarty looking at you with vague concern. You shift from side to side, scuffing your shoes and offering an awkward smile. 
“Not really? I’m just incredibly nervous, is all.” You say after a moment’s hesitation. Professor Moriarty smiled that smile of his, and you began to relax. 
“It’s understandable. This is the senior class, after all. Even I am a bit nervous about teaching them at times. I couldn’t imagine what it would be like teaching them in your first year.” He said, and you blinked several times. 
“But you’re such a brilliant professor!” You say, and it’s true. You sat in on several of his mathematics lectures before becoming a professor at Durham University yourself. He had a way with words that made it easy to understand the complex mathematical equations on the board, and his exams were simple but thorough. 
Professor Moriarty ducked his head slightly and exhaled a quiet laugh. 
“You flatter me. Honestly, I’ve heard your first-year lectures. You’ll be fine.” He reassured you, and you sighed in relief. If he thought your lectures were halfway decent, you should be fine. The door to the classroom opened, and the professor who typically taught the history class peeked his head out. 
We’re ready for you, Professor.” He said, and you took a deep breath. Professor Moriarty stops you just before you enter the class. 
“You’ll do brilliantly.” He said with that same smile, and you grin back,
“Thank you, Professor Moriarty.”
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“—and that concludes my lecture for the day! I’ll be around for a few moments after class if you have any other questions. Just a reminder that the homework is whatever your professor assigned. I was just the guest lecturer for the day!” You clap your hands together and rest your elbows on the podium, watching as some students gather their things and file out of the classroom. You hadn’t really used the podium for anything besides a place to put your notes. 
Some students come up to you, asking clarifying questions or just questions that don’t fit into the lecture material. All of which you were happy to answer. You were just delighted to spark some interest in history.
“That was a wonderful lecture.” Professor Moriarty approached you as you erased the chalkboard of your diagrams and writing. You look at him over your shoulder with a relaxed smile. In contrast to how you were a few hours previous, you were calm, in your zone, and comfortable. 
“All thanks to you, Professor Moriarty. Your words really helped me calm down.” You say with a bright smile. He begins to shuffle your papers together, glancing over lecture material you weren’t able to fit in. 
“It wasn’t a problem at all. I’m glad to be of assistance. And please, just call me William.” He says politely. Your smile brightens just the slightest bit. 
You dust off your hands of chalk dust and extend one with your first name on your lips. 
“Alright, well, thank you for your help, William. It was a pleasure to meet you!” He takes your hand in his and gives it a firm shake. 
“The pleasure is all mine.”
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yoomtahsgf · 7 months
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platonic-f-o-things · 11 months
Imma gush about my friend Mark!! He’s like an older brother to me!! He's really caring and selfless and strong! We’ve both been through a lot, but we’re always there to support each other! He gives the bestest big ol bear hugs :D
We hang out at each other’s houses all the time! We have pretty different music tastes (Mark’s into 80s indie rock, while I prefer stuff like artcore and future bass), so it’s fun to show each other songs the other hasn’t heard before! We’re both good at baking and writing, and we love to just curl up and relax after a long day. He’s very cozy ouo
It was his birthday last month, and his sister Sarah and his uncle Dave and I all worked together to set things up and get gifts! And Mark really liked it!! I made the cake ouo
Also!!!! An official Mark plush got released recently, and I ordered one and it’ll be shipped sometime around my birthday :D
Howdy howdy Anon!
Your friend Mark sounds SO FUN :D!! I am so so glad you've been able to rely on each other during hard times in y'all's pasts :'>! I imagine having a friend like Mark would be so relieving, especially when you need a big hug and a reliable shoulder to lean on and I know Mark appreciates you and how you're always there to support him too!
I love that y'all have such different tastes in music! I can imagine it's super fun to just hang around and swap songs, maybe put one on to see how the other feels about it in real time :>!! Is Mark more into the rhythm of the song or the lyrics? What about you?
Baking is so so fun!! Are either of you messy bakers? Do you bake together often, or bake things for each other :D? I imagine that Mark gets super happy when you surprise him with something you've made :>!!!
When it comes to writing, do you two like to swap story ideas, or share your writing for feedback? Do you ever gift each other writings to enjoy? Oooooo have y'all thought of writing a story together :>? That all sounds so fun!!!
I hope he had a lovely birthday, which I'm sure he did because he had all his important people with him! Baking a cake for a friend's birthday is so precious to me ;--; ✨️💚!!! It's so exciting that the plush will be coming around your own birthday!!! Yeehaw!! I hope you get it around your birthday, and that you can take joy in having the plush around!! I also hope you and Mark and whomever else you invite for your birthday have a fantastic time, happy birthday 🎂!!!!!!!
Know you're invited to come back anytime to answer the questions I asked whenever or if ever you'd like!!
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goat-guy-tm · 5 months
I don't think I have actually went into an actual explination fo what the hell is going on with Malachi in my rewrite (at least my mcd rewrite) so I might as well do that now.
Before I get into it though, I know the whole thing with his castle is that it's got weird magic that makes it move. I don't care, that's not how it works in my rewrite.
Malachi came from a royal family, his parents were the king a queen of a kingdom that existed before even the time of the divine. Their family lived on the island off the shore of Bright Port, nearly right in the middle of the Southern and Eastern wolf tribes. Their people though? Vampires.
Having a deep connection with both tribes and a peace treaty, the kingdom existed peacefully for many MANY years. Yet, as the divine seemed to become legends of their own, one particular city and a divine themself started to spread harmful propaganda about the vamperic people.
Esmund, in his own quest to spread O'khasis's ruling started a crusade on vampires, causing a rift between him and many of the other divine, especially Enki as he went about having any existence of them destroyed as well.
In a ploy to try and save their son, Malachi's parents sent him away to essentially a "safe-house" castle.
That is about it, most of it from there is basically the same, sadly vampires get esnecially wiped out, save for Malachi.
Vamperism acts as a disease of sorts as well, in like....a strange way? While people can be born as vampires, it is still possible to turn another individual, but back during Malachi's childhood others wouldn't be turned unless it was situations of a life or death disease and vamperism is used to heal it, as vampires rarely if ever get sick (only times being dire situations aka starvation, sun poisning) or times when non vampires (commonly mortals) fall in love with vampires and wish to live as long as them.
Specifically transfers through salavia or blood, as vampires are able to stall their own salavia for moments while feeding (the common way to turn a sick individual), or for a non-vampire to drink the vampire's blood (commone turning for married/platonic involved individuals).
The process can be very painful, especially with the skull changing to make space for new fangs and teeth. Afterwards though, many have extremely high pain tolerances, leading many to believe that the pain of turning was worth it.
After the timeskip, a lot changed for Malachi, as he's now around his 30's (he was roughly 15 when he was ghostified and then unghostified) he is married with two kids (they are toddler twins) and has become the lord of O'khasis. To him it's really funny, Aphmau is concerned when she learns that he is, but Malachi also did so as his own way of making things equal.
He becomes quite angry when he comes to realize that a lot of O'khasis "traditions" and "culture" were actually just vampire traditions that Esmund decided he'd take.
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fanaticsnail · 7 months
Oh god this, okay so, okay so this is obviously related to @feral-artistry s last buggy picture which I will absolutely swoon over even more tomorrow but it just gotta get this out because rose its going to haunt me but I don’t want to just drop mini fic in their inbox even though I’m INSPIRED so uh ADFSDG:
Working at the Crossguild as some sort of servant and getting a call from Crocodile on the in house Denden to “Collect that fool and escort him to his quarters.” You obviously have put two and two together and rightfully assumed the clown was drunk of his rockers, what you didn’t guess was that he also would be just lounging around in his birthday suit. Mihawk at least threw a scarf on there for your sake but makes it clear you’re still supposed to bring Buggy back to his room. “Where… uh where are his clothes?” And Crocodile shrugs and Mihawk just responds with “Not the faintest idea.”
So the most awkward walk of shame starts because you desperately try to wrap the piece of cloth around Buggy’s hips like a skirt or loincloth but he’s a wriggly fucker when he’s drunk, giggling and letting himself fall back on the couch with a “WHEEEE!” Before cackling, laughing, trying to break into song every now and then. The other two men make no effort to help. You could swear Crocodile is holding back a grin. Like he knows. Like he knows that you have a hard time being so close to Buggy with him being so touchy. Like the man you hold a fair share of not strictly platonic or professional feelings for being buck naked and you desperately trying not to look, to give him some decency, is the most entertaining show he’s seen in a while.
You finally manage to get him up and hang half walk,half drag, half carry parts of him back to his room. Buggy is still giggly and affectionate. “Fa-Fa-Fuuuaaaa-Fank you deah. You a, You a real peach.“ he looks up from the spot where he’s leaning against your shoulder and detaches his head to give you an uncoordinated kiss on the cheek. Your face flames up.
You FINALLY get this poor idiot to bed, which he flops onto like a dead fish. You turn to leave when you feel his hand tug at your sleeve. „Wh-Why donchu stay hea? I gotta…I gotta biiiiag nice bed fo tu and-„ „Sir. Sir you’re drunk.“ He pouts „I-I like you when I’m sober too.“ „I like you too sir but-„ „Den why- Den why- Ahhh. AHHHH. I see.“ he pokes your nose and wags his finger in a tsk-tsk motion. „S because you a good pesson. N you, N you see me n say „He’s nut-He’s nut able to make…Consent…he’s….heeeeees-“ uuuughhg.“ his head hits the pillow again. „You shooo good. How did you get so beautiful n good?“ You gently reattach his hand to his wrist again. „I’m- I’m still gonna- still gonna like you -s-sober.“ he repeats, right before he drifts of to sleep.
You close the door and your hand ghosts over your cheek where he kissed you. You hope he was telling the truth.
For the love of "all that was and is, and is to come," creators ADORE when you drop in their inboxes. @feral-artistry would not mind, would you dear? 👀
Her Buggy art is just amazing. The hook, the hook, the hook. Every time the hook the hook the hooooook.
My gosh, look at you coming in with full prose, anon!! Mini fic drabble of assisting the cross-guild as their errand person is my absolute favourite.
Stumbly, jumbly clown man falling apart and stuttering is way too funny. Detached head cheek kisses with breath smelling of stagnant booze? Yes. I love a man.
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laracrofted · 9 months
I LIVE for positivity night, so thank you for hosting one 🥹
First and foremost, I am absolutely in love with Baby, I’m High Octane and am so excited for any future updates! It’s phenomenal and I devour every word you give us!
@hangmansgbaby is my platonic soulmate, the sharer of my brain cell, and my very best friend. We’ve been through some shit together 😅 but I couldn’t be more grateful that we’ve stayed as close as we are! I fell in love with her Always, Darling Jake series over a year ago (what?!) and have continually fallen for every single story she writes! Pucking Finally, a Javy x Nat hockey fic, is incredible and I CANNOT WAIT for yall to get to read Royally Pucked (the Jake x OC!!!! next story). It’s amazing. As is You Burn With Us, a Hunger Games x TGM crossover. I don’t have words for how good all of her writing is, but I can absolutely tell you they deserve all the love and praise in the world! Gbaby, I love you with my whole heart! 💕
@sarahsmi13s is another one of my early days babies! I’m so grateful for her friendship and always being happy to have me bounce ideas off of her! She also has SO MANY incredible series that are underrated. We bonded over my love for her Tell Them series and I absolutely latched onto J&S immediately after. I love you, Vin!
@roosterforme has been such a kind, loving, and supportive friend in the whole time I’ve known her! I’m wholeheartedly obsessed with Adult Education and almost had a heart attack when the queen Bradshaw Baddie™️ wrote a Jake fic! She also went and made me fall in love with a Bradley in Old Habits Die Hard. Beer Boy and Sugar FOR LIFE
@thedroneranger has been a sheer force of positivity through so many things! I’m so thankful that I’ve made a friend in Jay and that she loves GP as much as I do 😂. The To-Do List is one of my all time favorite series and was a huge inspiration for how I structured The Honeyverse! Coffin Cuddler™️ till the end of time
@trickphotography2 has been a supporter for quite a while now and I so enjoy all of our conversations! Her D-Day & Tis The Damn Season series have me in absolute chokehold and I pester the hell out of her regularly for little sneak peaks 😉
@callsigncurse is a new friend and I ADORE her! Snow is such a precious nugget and I’m so happy we found each other. Her Evergreen Falls series is absolute magic and yall should keep an eye out for it 😍
@aviatorobsessed ANDY. My sweet lovey! I live for her comments on my fics AND our conversations. I’m so happy we’ve gotten to be better friends and notifications from you make my heart so happy!
@teacupsandtopgun BETHHHHH. Beth is the best with the most thoughtful comments on everything and is honestly such a sweet soul! I’m fully hooked on Jake & Flick and still come back for more pain because it’s SO DAMN GOOD. Also, Beth’s moodboards are STUNNING and I swoon over them every time.
@seresinhangmanjake holy moly, I am so in love with the Oh, Baby! and The One I Want series she has. Her words paint a stunning scene and I always feel like I’m right in the middle of it!
@ohtobeleah is currently murdering my feelings with Was It Over? It’s so raw and real and emotional and my heart breaks more with every chapter. I also adore I.R.I.S and will forever love her badassery! I’m looking forward to getting to know her better in the new year!
@na-ta-sh-aa I honest to God teared up over your sweet submission and want to frame it!
To my newest friends @dizzybee03 @jynxmirage @shanimallina87 @djs8891 @taytaylala12 @capoteera @hookslove1592 :
I could not imagine writing without yall! Your kind words, screeching at me in reblogs or DMs and overall support make me smile so big that my face hurts! I’m so thankful y’all are always happy to let me bounce ideas off of you and encourage me when I’m struggling. I’m sure I’ve missed a few of my nuggets, but I love them all so much 💕
you've been such an incredible supporter of baby, i'm high octane, and i'm so grateful for your feedback and your kind words. happy new year! 🤍
end of the year positivity night 💌
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i-cant-sing · 2 years
No cause I'm starting to see how much of my rich uncle is like... my platonic yandere dad's? Like one time I got really sick that I had to stay in a hospital, and the doctors couldn't find put what tf was wrong with me, and then after a couple of more nights of me throwing up my body weight, my mom called my uncle crying and then the next day, a specialist from another hospital came all the way here to check me. She took one look at me, asked a couple fo questions and then changed my meds, and I started getting better the next day.
Or or how he has contacts everywhere. OR how he knows EVERYONE despite looking like he doesn't enjoy socialising. Like my brother's in laws, my mom was just mentioning someone from their family who had... been a little rude to his wife when we first met them, and like my uncle- he already knew who we were talking about, AND he seemed fo already be well aware of this rude guy's misogynistic/higher than thyself attitude.
Like like- how does he know???🤨🤨🤨
I mean I guess being a lawyer means u get to make a lot of contacts and know people from every industry, but still... my brother's inlaws who he even hadn't met before????
Very sus. But the good thing is that I won't have to worry about my future s/o because my uncle probably already knows who he is and his social security number💀💀
It still makes me sad to see him and my aunt age😭😭😭 they, parents and my grandparents deserve to live forever wtf😫
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n3onstarss · 2 years
Headcanons; ROTTMNT boys with a sea wolf reader!
relationship(s); Rise turtles x reader (separate obv)
romantic or platonic; romantic
reader type; sea wolf, yokai or mutant doesn't matter
Honestly thinks it's endearing!
somehow he pulled you and then finds you as a sea wolf one day
instantly even more smitten cause first he had a cute partner and now said partner is a wolf??
he'd take you fishing or swimming as often as a wolf and a turtle can
is glad you're still smaller than him too, he got lucky when you were a small wolf
he got unlucky with all the energy though-
he wants one, ONE, quiet turtle pile and as soon as everyone thinks he's asleep you're rolling on your back and Leo and Donnie are whisper fighting and Mikey is trying to copy you while you both chirp and yip at eachother
why does everyone he knows that's his age have such high energy??
either way, he'd just gather everyone back up and pass out (if that fails, use everyone as a mattress for his upper body to keep them still)
Definitely enjoys sharing fish or swimming activities
"You'd think someone with such pretty fur would hate getting it messy" as you're rolling in mud and swimming in the ocean
Doesn't mind any wolf habits (digging, swimming, growling, shaking water all over on purpose, eating raw fish, etc.) so long as you don't mind his turtle ones (creepily laying at the bottom of the pool like a swamp monster, chirping churning and huffing, he 100% eats bugs, etc.)
Finds it intriguing! Sea wolves aren't very well known, especially in NYC, so having you here to observe is interesting
even if, y'know, you're not there to be observed and half your habits aren't related anyways-
He already has a designated pool and sandbox, due to 3 out of 4 living water and/or wanting to dig, and will gladly sit in the pool while you do whatever (wet sand is ick.)
will also release live minnows or fish on cleaning day (AFTER it's clean.) so everyone can go wild and hunt, but mostly you two though
(Leo is still young so his diet is mostly herbivorous, Raph doesn't chase things to hunt and Mikey doesn't even like fish)
Petting your fur, especially if it's soft but either way, quickly becomes a stim or action of comfort.
if something is too stressful or overwhelming he'll kinda wave you over and latch onto your arm.
Constant all nighters! Stargazing, sitting together, hanging out with him while he works on projects, video games. you name it he'll do it!
"You HAVE to stop dragging mud and sand into the pool!"
as if he doesn't also do that-
Will hiss back at you when you growl, even if it's not towards him. it's a either a contest for the loudest or most intimidating or to extra intimidate the person
refuses to share fish with you. it's not that he doesn't like sharing stuff with you, the texture is gross and it's especially bad if you eat it raw. he'll stick to eating pizza and OCCASIONALLY frogs to freak Mikey out
Oh he LOVES it!!
you're soft and you swim and you're probably high energy and ough
match made in hell /pos
you both would annoy the shit out of everyone
running laps like that one meme of the person bouncing off the walls
constantly begs Raph for things and if it doesn't work asks you to help him puppy eyes his way into it (which is fine cause it's usually something you both like)
actually talks to you about his insecurities 😱
but seriously, he trusts you with his life and will fight beside you in battle every chance he gets no matter what
Donnie needs a portal mid battle? you're coming too. You're chasing a villain down? it doesn't matter that you're faster, he's coming too. never leaves your side if he can help it
will let you flop over him or will flop on you. constantly makes 'this blanket is rumbling' or 'this mattress is so boney' jokes
"Their fur is so soft cause it's full of secrets." will make mean girls references about your fur, especially if you just went swimming and shook off so now you're all poofy
Back and forth bad puns.
Will swim or fish with you at any time! loves spending time with you in both of your elements
purposefully breaks into fancy ass hotels with you to use the pools there, it lets you swim in salt water and him in fresh!
Loves when you shake off in his direction, he thinks it's funny, and he'll do it right back!
Adores it! big fluffy partner :)
will make you try any fish related cuisine he decides to test out!
refuses to swim with you. box turtles hate water and, while he can deal with it, he'd prefer not to most of the time
He will, however, make everyone go to a pond or something for a barbeque/picnic and then you both get to do what you like together!
loves cuddles and will tackle you whenever you enter the lair-
Bounces off the wall occasionally, brings you down to Earth other times though
he's definitely come up with some fun battle tactics that combine your strengths! One of which is wolf-o-rama, which is just whip-o-rama but you're clinging for dear life to the chains and being thrown at the villain-
It's that one dynamic where the bigger one is less scary than the smaller one and it's the funniest thing to the Hamato household
Lights candles because he knows your sense of smell is stronger and the sewers suck.
"Look at them and tell me there's a god!"
insists your insane as a joke but loves you for it at the same time
will gladly spend all night drawing and watching cartoons!!
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