#yeet crew
kyurochurro · 4 months
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saw this image on Pinterest and the pose gave me such riker vibes that I just HAD to draw it as him and troi HEHEHE
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swiftllama · 9 months
Anthony’s laugh when the cake splattered on Ian 🥰
Also such a bestie moment to laugh the hardest when something funnily unfortunate happens to your bff 😄
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poly-smosh-vibes · 4 months
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this little moment when Amanda is laughing at Damiens ghostbusters joke makes me so happy and hasn't left my head since the video came out
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lonely-night · 7 months
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20 years later seven discovered captain janeway's recorded message to her and the crew before she was assimilated to get voyager home.
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sidetongue · 10 months
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3 x sad wet spaniels, 1 x muddy retriever, 1 x drooly setter and 1x demonic rodent
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emhasthoughts · 8 months
So we meet again
Before you read: Check @dcartcorner's Elsewhere AU as this is taking place around the first bit of bundle 17. This has only been proof-read by me with the help of the documents corrections. So sorry for any potential error in grammar or spelling.
Summary: His parents' refusal to leave had also been a cause of why he never visited the train station. Most of the time the train would simply go past the station and town, letting the people inside see part of it for a moment while kids would sometimes gather close to a fence or the station to watch it pass. This day was different.
The town Michael Crew lived in did not get a lot of visits. Sure, people would move in occasionally, retired couples or families that were simply too tired of the bigger cities and wanted something smaller. There had been moments when Mike was younger when he wanted to move to somewhere bigger. He had asked his dad once. ”There’s pollution out there. You won’t be able to see the stars. I thought you liked the stars?” Had been the response. By now Mike knew there was more than just stars keeping them from moving. Family, friends, traditions and memories. Memories had been a reason Mike once begged for them to move. For nearly an entire week after being struck by lightning. He had cried and begged to move, to never face Dominic again, to never see the field again, to never see the faces of those who knew what happened to that poor little eight year old. In the end it did not work. 
His parents' refusal to leave had also been a cause of why he never visited the train station. Most of the time the train would simply go past the station and town, letting the people inside see part of it for a moment while kids would sometimes gather close to a fence or the station to watch it pass. This day was different. 
It was a rather cold autumn afternoon. Mike stood alone on the platform, watching the sky go from blue to pink as he waited for the train. Wishing for the train to arrive quicker with each passing minute as his hands started to feel like ice. Eventually it did arrive. Letting one single person out before continuing its way to the next town. 
The man was pretty much the opposite of Mike. Taller, not like it was much of a surprise, most of the other students in his class were taller than him by now. Hair black and tied into a bun, dressed pretty much only in black, tie, jacket, vest, shoes - did his trousers have a hole by the knee? The only exception was he white shirt and brown messenger bag. 
”Hello." Gerard looked him up and down for a quick moment. "You haven’t changed much Michael.” 
”Mike. As I’ve told you the last times we’ve spoken.” Gerard just hummed. 
”Right, right.” He got out a pack of cigarettes, looking around for a moment. ”This had best be important, kid.” He continued. Putting one into his mouth. For a moment Mike considered making a comment about it, how it was bad for people around him having to breath in the smoke, not to mention the smell. But he held back. Not like they were in a crowd and Mike had gotten used to the smell thanks to his friend.
”I’m not a kid.” Gerard raised an eyebrow. 
”What? You’re 18 yet?”
”Well… no-”
”There you have it, kid.” Alright, Gerard was really getting on his nerves now. He watched as Gerard lit his cigarette. 
”Fine.” He sighed. ”Can we please just leave? I’m getting cold.”
”Sure, lead the way.”
Mike was regretting taking Gerard to the library. He was quite fond of the place. A perfect place to hide if things ever got too overwhelming. He also preferred Martin Blackwood over the rest of the staff. Sadly said man was being threatened by Gerard. Mike just hoped he would be allowed back.
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So I made this post a little while ago regarding dndads characters and the tma entities and didn't really include any explanations cause that would have been very very long for a somewhat niche post. But, if you'll humor me, I feel compelled to make the quickest case for Vast! Taylor cause I'm thinking about him lol, and specifically without even getting into personality traits, I just want to point to Taylor's track record and note that he (off the top of my head):
Climbed to the top of the tallest tree he could find and shot a clone of himself off of it
Had to be physically held back from jumping off the highest floor of a twelve story building
Did a high-dive into an ocean of paper and abandoned Normal in said ocean of paper.
Had the chance to at least partially spare Scary from the damage of a very high fall. Didn't.
Submitting this as evidence to the court, people of the jury thank you for your time.
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transmasc-wizard · 2 years
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TMA Inktober Day 9 - MAG 46: Literary Heights
Altiora. Vertigo. The Vast.
[ID: a digital drawing of the scene from MAG 46 where Mike Crew jumps from the bell tower. He is a dark shape, mid-fall, the lichtenberg figure monster falling behind him. Lightning in a fractal pattern illuminates them both in blue. Below, dark buildings shine with orange windows. The words "MAG 46: LITERARY HEIGHTS" are written within the lightning. end ID.]
inktober taglist: @abouttogetshellshocked @cnnamonrolls @doublelifer @wherearetheplants @abysslll @idkjustgowithitok @multi-lefaiye. ask to be +/-
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beansayshi · 1 year
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I call them the eyestrain crew right now, 90s nightmares who would definitely be great at party’s (at least in my opinion)
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moongothic · 7 months
I want to preface this by saying that this is meant to be kind of a shitpost. I just. The thought passed my mind. I laughed at it. Thought about it again, laughed some more and I just had to get it out of my system. So here we are
So when I read the myth of Toyotama Hime I did start to wonder if it could be used as fuel for the Crocodad Fire, the myth being about Toyotama coming from Ryuugyuu Castle to give birth on land etc. And in One Piece, we do have that very castle on Fishman Island. Which isn't surprising or anything, Oda getting inspo/names from various mythologies is nothing new by a long shot, and it's unlikely you could somehow tie Crocodile to Fishman Island through that myth. Like Toyotama coming "from the ocean" could just be turned into "Crocodile coming from the sea as a pirate", doesn't have to be deeper than that
But then I thought
...Do we actually know Crocodile isn't part-merman
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Like. You see--
We know half-merfolk-half-humans do keep their fishtails like full-merfolk (see Charlotte Praline), and we know that while mermaids split their tails after 30, mermen never do. So between that and us having The Most Scandalous Feet Pics of Sir Crocodile (from the jailbreak cover story), well, we know he has basic ass human feet, so we know for certain he can't be half-merman
But also
Chimney is 1/4th mermaid. The only mermaid features she inherited from her grandmother were her hair color and her being a "good swimmer". Chimney is part-mermaid, and she has human feet
Like the only thing that could debunk this idea (based on what we know about Chimney) would be if Crocodile was a shit swimmer, but he's a Devil Fruit user so of course he can't fucking swim. So we have literally nothing to prove or debunk the idea.
So like
You've heard of "Crocodile is Whitebeard's bio-son" You've heard of "Crocodile is the missing Kuja Empress" You've even heard of "Crocodile is Xebec's son".
So how about
"Crocodile is 1/4th merman"
Why the fuck not
But the funny thing is
Not only would it weirdly explain why the fuck our beloved Sand Man Who Can't Fucking Swim is named after an animal known for swimming (like OP has weird fucking names, see; Smoker, Baby 5, Monkey D. Dragon, etc. What bugs me about Crocodile is the slightly contradictatory theming, but if he was named "Crocodile" by his merfolk parents, suddenly, it kind of works)
But also like. We know Crocodile fucking Hates the Government. And to be fair, there's plenty of reasons for anyone to hate the World Government, you don't need a personal grudge to hate them.
But if he had merfolk parents (who might be stuck living on the surface because they wouldn't have been able to get their child to Fishman Island without someone essentially delivering him there, 'cause he wouldn't have been able to just SWIM there), then there's a genuinely possibility said parent(s) could've ended up getting caught and turned into slaves. And boy would that give someone A Personal Fucking Grudge Against The Government
But also, due to the in-universe discrimination against merfolk, if Crocodile was part-merman it could mean he could've been harassed for it since a young age, or worse yet, could've become a target for slavers if anybody found out. And somehow, having to hide that part about his heritage would work really well into his trust issues
Not to mention, after escaping Impel Down, Croc and Jinbei have this brief convo (that turns racist) where Croc expresses his surprise over Jinbei being able to summon fish, having thought only merfolk could do that. Of course, Croc being a seasoned pirate and all you could totally expect him to like know about mermaid legends etc, but him having no knowledge about Fishmen is a bit odd. Especially because we know he's been to the New World, so you'd think he must've gone to Fishman Island at least once before? Although, his former Shichibukai Rights probably would've allowed him to cross over the Red Line through Marijois instead of having to pass through Fishman Island, but regardless, it's odd, is it not? But if Crocodile did have merfolk parents whom he got separated from at a young age?? Maybe he learned a thing or two about that side of his family, but never enough?? And then having to hide that side of his heritage could've left him just estranged????
Also IDK if it's worth anything but in the cover stories, we were introduced to our first mermaid Camie at the tail end of Alabasta, while the Miss Goldenweek coverstory ran during Water 7 where we meet Kokoro and Chimney. IDK it's a funny coincidence
I just
Could you fucking imagine
How fucking insane would that be, if Crocodile was part-merman
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Stupid The Magnus Archives headcanon 2:
Mike Crew came across someone saying Yeet once and then used it the next time he threw someone off a building and fell in love with it.
Later Simon Fairchild came across Mike saying and thought it was hilarious and did it the next time he harassed someone and the confusion on their face was iconic so he now does it too.
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firstdivisiongirl · 11 months
May I please have a One piece scenario of when the entire sunny crew discover that the platefuls of food that you (Sanji's teenage daughter) worked so hard on was missing and obviously the crew had been looking forward to eating the food that you made for dinner and it obviously wasn't going to happen because a certain someone ate it all and that certain someone happened to be Luffy and you were quick enough to catch him out for his food crime in regards of how he had a "I enjoyed the food" look on his face...you were not impressed by his actions considering that you spent hours making seventeen something dishes for everyone. You didn't care about a crime that you were planning on commiting on the captain in regards of him eating all the food. Luffy was facing death in the face big time and for the first time in years..Luffy felt as if he sensed danger. (A funny scenario to put it simply..it isn't serious..just a teenage girl getting angry with her captain because he ate all the food that she worked on for hours.)
No pairings.
Hi! You sure may. This was such a fun request. The moment I read this, I knew exactly what I wanted to do. It took me awhile, but I think I came up with something you will hopefully like. Bon appetite (get it because it’s about cooking. I’m going to stop now.)
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Which one of you ate the food?
You loved your crew.  You practically grew up with them.  I mean how could you not, your dad was on the crew.  Being the daughter of Sanji, you gained a lot.  Especially when it comes to culinary skills.  You guys were celebrating a huge victory, so you asked your dad if you could cook for the banquet, by yourself.  He of course agreed.  He was such a proud papa about you doing this.  You spent hours, no days preparing everyone’s favorites: meat, cotton candy, curry, rice, etc.  You had a total of 17 dishes completed, you even made the favorite dishes of former crew member Vivi and Luffy’s “bestie” Law.  You walked away to get all dressed up for the party.
The alcohol was flowing and the fun commenced.  Everyone was happy and celebrating.  Zoro and your dad were fighting like usual, but they were at least happy.  “Okay everyone,” you announced, “I’m going to get all the food.  I hope you like it.”
“Of course we will Y/N,” Nami reassured.
You walked into the kitchen.  You noticed all of the plates and bowls that were previously piled high with food were none empty, not even a crumb left.  You let out a frustrated eardrum shattering scream.  Your father was the first to rush in.  “Y/N,” he asked concerned, “what happened?”  Then he notices the empty plates.  Both of you storm back onto the deck with everyone else.  Your right leg is on fire, which matched the fire in your eyes.  “Which one of you ate all the food? I swear whoever ate it, will be kicked into the ocean!”
Everyone turned and looked right at their food loving Captain.  Luffy looked so scared sitting on his favorite seat on the Sunny.  The kind of scared he felt when he unexpectedly saw his grandfather.  He was sweating profusely.  Like buckets worth of it.  You walked up to him.  “If it makes you feel better, it was amazing,” he told you.  He was hoping you would go easy on him and just smack him, but you lifted your right leg and kicked him into the ocean.  He went flying.  “Should we go, I don't know, save him?” Usoop questioned, packing dripping from each word.
“We should.  But don’t let him anywhere near the kitchen for about an hour.  Also Franky, can you put a lock on the kitchen door?”
“Sure thing kid.”
Zoro dived into the ocean and came back up with a drenched Luffy.  You walked back into the kitchen to work on cooking, laughing at how your dad and your favorite swordsman yelled at your dumb straw hat wearing captain.  
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I can't stop thinking about the scene where the crew is all throwing Izzy overboard.
I fully believe that they're all doing it because they couldn't agree with who got to throw him overboard so Olu decided that they could all do it.
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rotzaprachim · 1 year
i found the daisy jones book soo boring. but i do think like, 60′s/70′s rockers rebelcaptain is a horrifically underrated au. more of that please 
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deer-snacks · 2 years
Alright, I don't really go here (yet) but you can blame @tokenqueerchip for getting me to go here and make a JRWI OC for the councilblr crew.
Name: Ren Usual Nickname: Lotus Age: 23 Pronouns: He/it/moon Gender: Transmasc Species: Moon Elf/Tiefling hybrid Class: Bard (college of whispers because spooky)
Personality: He's rather nice and friendly, albeit a bit introverted. He's also very hardworking and pulls his weight on the ship. He does tend to have rather unnerving moments though, mainly when someone slights him.
Not included in picrew appearance bits: pink-ish red long skirt, brown belt with a moon charm on the side, black heeled boots (so he can be a bit taller)
Picrew appearance:
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[picrew link here]
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