#yeeting this out without proofreading good night
presumenothing · 6 months
from zhou shen's second album 《反深代词》 | listen here
a (very liberties-taken) lyric translation; rhythm and imagery reigns in this house
看机械的白鸽 从空中飞过 that mechanical bird / through the sky, it flies 要如何点睛 它才堪称鲜活 with what light in its eyes / could it come to life 数字的晨昏 是否更缤纷 dawn, dusk in numbers / would that be more vivid? 仿生的情人 是否更忠贞 a lover in still life / would they be more loyal? 推开一扇门 还有万千重门 push; open one door / still await thousands more
生命何尝不是 从乌有 到乌有 what of life does not go / dust to dust 倘若感动时候 依然有 泪在流 so long as when emotion moves / tears still flow 不管是否身处那蜃楼 世界如何虚构 no matter if you're in that mirage / that world of fiction 情愿一生如梦游 willing; we live through a dream
在电幻的荒丘 寻真实的绿洲 seeking a real oasis / in technicolour wastelands 渺小得如蜉蝣 也仰望着宇宙 trivial, passing mayflies / yet flying our gaze to the skies
那来自过去 古老的眼神 from the long-gone past / that ancient gaze 如何能辨认 此刻是幻是真 how can it tell, now / is this dream or truth? 人造的天分 是否算慧根 from talent made by man / does there spring wisdom? 克隆的肉身 是否有灵魂 in the body of a clone / does there a soul lie? 永远在追问 却从来都没结论 endless; we question / but the answers never found Can it be real
Can it be real Can it be real The world is a mirage
那智慧的天梯 从来都 没尽头 those stairways of wisdom / never did have an end 这刹那的感受 却足够 算不朽 this moment of feeling / eternal, shall it last 我们终身住在那蜃楼 怀中一无所有 forever, we stay in that mirage / hands empty with air 仍愿一生如梦游 still, we give ourselves to this dream
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silverlightqueen · 6 years
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Olympus - Kim Seokjin
Dionysus, God of wine, fruitfulness, parties, festivals, madness, chaos, drunkenness, vegetation, ecstasy and the theatre, and Hestia, Goddess of the hearth, home and chastity
(greekgod!au, Dionysus!Seokjin x Hestia) 
Summary - High up in the clouds of Mount Olympus, the tallest of its kind in the ancient country of Greece, live a community of the most powerful beings to exist on this Earth. Their communities are not unlike those that they watch over, those of the humans. A clear political, economic and social hierarchy exists between the beings, some ruling over the others, some more wealthy than the others, some more powerful than the others. Their lives are much like those of humans, all of them working and living in homes with their families, normal names, normal jobs, normal lives. Some could even be considered ordinary. But those that are considered ordinary… our stories do not focus on those. Our stories focus on those that are positively extraordinary, to say the least. Our stories focus on seven Gods and seven Goddesses, powerful and strong, learning the most basic and human thing to exist; love. 
Word Count: 4.3k+
a/n: so as y’all can probably guess from the summary, this is gonna be a seven part series (each part is gonna be kinda short though) and this is the first part (it’s kinda short and it hasn’t been proofread yet lol yeet). I really hope y’all enjoy this and please give me feedback💕Also this is in no way accurate to Greek mythology and I totally just put together the different gods and goddesses whose personalities I thought would go together lmao😭 
Warnings: none except I wouldn’t read this if you’re a super religious Christian bc they kinda speak ill of Virgin Mary😬
Character List:
Kim Seokjin – Dionysus
Min Yoongi – Hades
Jung Hoseok – Hephaestus
Kim Namjoon – Apollo
Park Jimin – Poseidon
Kim Taehyung – Ares
Jeon Jungkook – Hermes 
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‘Dionysus, come on. It’s time to go!’ Apollo says, pulling on the arm of his friend who flirts drunkenly with a group of women at the bar. ‘Not yet, Poll, I’m just making some new friends!’ he says, putting his arms around Apollo, whose face scrunches up in disgust. ‘You reek of wine. Come on, we’ve got work in the morning. Zeus won’t be impressed if you’re late, or drunk,’ Apollo says, tugging his friend out of the bar. ‘Finally,’ Ares huffs, the other five men waiting in a circle around the entrance to the bar. ‘It’s getting embarrassing, Di. We’re gonna have to start leaving you at home next time we go out,’ Hermes says, holding the man up along with Apollo. Dionysus waves them off, standing upright by himself, and Apollo shrugs at Hermes. ‘I live up to my name, that’s all,’ Dionysus says, and the other men shake their heads. ‘I’ve got to go, guys, I’m running late. Got a long way to go, and all that,’ Poseidon says solemnly, and the other Gods nod, bidding him goodbye. ‘I should probably go, too. Can I get a lift, P?’ Hades says as Poseidon mounts his winged horse, his white fur rippled with brilliant blue. ‘Come on,’ Poseidon says with a tilt of his head, and Hades jumps onto the back of his horse. ‘See you in the morning,’ Hades says before the two brothers go flying off into the clouds, disappearing from sight. 
The sky is darkening, navy blue, royal blue, pink, orange and lilac all interwoven amongst each other, stars beginning to sparkle brightly. ‘Nyx did a good job tonight,’ Hermes says, and Hephaestus huffs loudly. ‘Don’t talk about her. Every time I’m getting somewhere with my work, the sky goes so dark and I’m forced to call it a day. It’s like she does it on purpose,’ he sighs, annoyed, and Apollo pats him on the back sympathetically. ‘Maybe she’s just looking out for you, H. She’s a nice girl,’ Apollo says, and Hephaestus just rolls his eyes in annoyance. ‘Can we get going, please? I need to get to bed, I’ve got an early start tomorrow, and I don’t want Athena to beat me to it,’ Ares complains, and the men begin walking in the direction of their houses, all five of which are near to one another. ‘Wait, guys. Where’s Di?’ Hermes asks, the four men stopping in their tracks and looking around for their friend who is no longer stood with them. ‘Oh, for fuck’s sake,’ Ares mutters. ‘Di! Dionysus!’ Hephaestus shouts. ‘H, shut up!’ Hermes says, clapping a hand over the other’s mouth, ‘it’s late, people are asleep!’ ‘Right, I’m going,’ Ares says, beginning to walk away. ‘Ares,’ Apollo says pleadingly. ‘No, Poll, he’s a fully-grown God, he can look after himself. It’s not like he’s gonna die or anything, he’s immortal. He’ll sober up in a ditch somewhere and worst comes to worst, he’ll miss work tomorrow. It’s not the end of the world, the humans will just have to go without fun for a day,’ Ares rants. ‘He’s right, guys, come on. Let’s just go,’ Hephaestus says, and the four men continue on their way home.
Dionysus, however, is going in the opposite direction to his home. Stumbling down an unlit alley, he calls out for his friends, having seen a cat, followed it, and now got lost. ‘Poll! Ares! P! Hades! Herm! H!’ he shouts, none of them answering. The people that live on that road are beginning to look out of their windows in annoyance, wondering what’s disturbing their sleep. ‘Ares! Hades! Herm! Poll! H! P!’ he shouts again, turning the corner onto a wider road and tripping over onto the floor. A door to his left opens then, warm yellow light spilling out onto the dark gravel of the road. ‘Can you help me? Do you know where my friends are?’ Dionysus calls out to the figure stood in the door way. The figure grows bigger and closer, casting a shadow over Dionysus, before they stop right beside him, bending down to help him up. The mysterious figure leads him into their abode and they shut the door behind them hastily. When the figure turns to look at Dionysus, who’s leaning against the wall tiredly, having sobered slightly due to his panic, he realises it’s a woman.
A woman he’s never seen before, beautiful and unearthly, her hazel hair braided at her crown, the rest spilling out over her shoulders like liquid chocolate, her skin as clean and pure as marble. ‘Pardon my intrusion, madam, but I lost my friends in a drunken state, and I’m not quite sure where it is I am. If you could just give me directions to God’s End, please, and I’ll be on my way,’ he says, their eyes on each other. ‘It can’t be… Dionysus?’ she asks, her voice melodious, the best sound he’d ever heard. ‘Indeed, that is I,’ he says, holding out a hand. She takes it and he presses a gentle kiss to her soft skin. ‘May I ask of your name?’ he says, letting go of her hand, drinking her in. ‘Hestia,’ she replies quietly, and he realises why he’s never seen her before. Hestia’s the Goddess of hearth, home and chastity. A blush colours her cheeks slightly as Dionysus’ eyes bore into her, her thoughts definitely not coinciding with what she should practice. His body, slim and tall, is clad in a tight armour, showing every bend and curve of his subtle muscles, his dark hair spilling out onto his forehead, and his lips, pink and plump, mouth words at her.
‘Pardon?’ she breathes out, realising he’s talking. ‘I asked for directions, your grace,’ he says, and she nearly chokes, shocked at being called your grace by a God, one of the highest rank, no less. Yes, Hestia is powerful, but Dionysus is one of the ancient ones, part of Zeus’ own inner circle. ‘I- to God’s End?’ she asks, and he nods. ‘Come through into here,’ she says, leading him from the foyer into the living room. ‘Come, sit beside the fire. You’re soaked through,’ she says, pulling an armchair up beside the hearth and pushing him into it. It’s only then that Dionysus realises that she’s right, he is soaked through, and it must have been raining outside. ‘Here,’ Hestia says, throwing a warm blanket over him, and he wonders why she’s being so nice, before remembering that it’s in her nature as Goddess of the home. ‘Would you like something to drink or eat?’ she asks. ‘Have you any wine?’ he asks, and she raises a sceptical eyebrow. ‘Forgive me for asking, your grace, but am I right in thinking that a touch too much wine led you into this situation?’ she asks, and he lets out a loud laugh at her shrewd intelligence. ‘So I thought. I’ll bring you some tea,’ she says, disappearing out of the room.
When she returns, Dionysus has completely warmed up, the fire having worked wonders. He suspects some sort of spell from Hephaestus. She pushes the tea into his hands, watching to make sure he drinks it all, and once he’s done, she takes the mug from him in an instant. ‘Thank you for your hospitality, your grace, but I must get going now,’ he says, beginning to rise from his seat. ‘Why don’t you stay? You don’t seem to be in a fit state to travel home now, as God’s End is somewhat of a trek from here, and hospitality and homeliness is part of my duties,’ she offers shyly. ‘Your duties for the humans, not for Olympians. Thank you for your offer, my lady Hestia, but I cannot accept. I would not want to rid of your chaste status,’ Dionysus says, and Hestia’s eyes grow wide, her face reddening rapidly. ‘That came out wrong, that’s not what I meant in the slightest. I meant to say I don’t want to rid of your status with Zeus. If he got wind of me staying the night with you, he’ll get ideas, as everyone does about me and my reputation,’ the God explains himself, and Hestia nods in understanding, her heart rate rocketing. ‘I’m sure Zeus would be angrier to hear I am not fulfilling my duties, which are for humans and Olympians alike, for the two are not so distant from one another,’ she says, and Dionysus hesitates. Hestia notices his hesitation and jumps on it. ‘You’re staying, it’s decided,’ she says. He nods, succumbing to her persuasion, and she leads him upstairs.
She shows him to a room, finds him some clean clothes, and waits outside whilst he changes. ‘Goodnight, Dionysus,’ she says as he climbs into bed. ‘Goodnight, fair lady Hestia,’ he replies, holding a hand out once more. She places hers in his and he presses his lips to her hand again, his chocolate eyes locked on her sky-blue ones. Before he acts on impulse and pulls her down on top of him. She lets out a small shriek as she lands on him, and he brushes a lock of her hair aside. ‘A thousand pardons, my lady, but you’re too fair to resist, and I would not be fulfilling my duty as the God of Ecstasy if I were to resist the temptation to enjoy beautiful things. If you would like me to stop, please say so,’ he says, rolling over so he lays atop of her. ‘Dionysus, I’m the Goddess of Chastity. What example would I be setting?’ she says, an undercurrent of amusement in her shocked tone. ‘Hestia, the humans look up to that Virgin Mary, don’t they? Science proves that virgins that bear children are not exactly virgins. If their beloved Virgin Mary isn’t chaste, why should you be?’ he reasons with her. ‘Virgin Mary is a fictional character based loosely on a young girl from centuries ago. I am very much real, Dionysus,’ she says. ‘Indeed, you are. Real, and beautiful,’ he says, a hand caressing her cheek. ‘Your attempts to seduce me will be fruitless, Dionysus. I am a lady of my word, a lady of celibacy, chastity,’ she says. ‘A chaste lady, a celibate lady, can still grace the lips of another with her own, surely? Will you deny me a kiss?’ he asks, and she hesitates, wanting him just as much as he wants her. ‘I will not deny you a kiss, my lord,’ she says, and instantly, his soft lips brush hers gently. Her hand snakes around his neck, pulling him closer to her, and their kiss quickly converts from gentle to rough in the space of seconds.
That night, Dionysus more than fulfilled her duty, whilst Hestia neglected hers greatly, her chastity broken. The following morning, when she awakens in Dionysus’ room, her body bare, she is greeted by Zeus stood at the window, watching her intently. ‘Hestia, I’m surprised,’ his deep voice rumbles into the room as she sits up, nervous. ‘A thousand apologies, my lord. I have neglected my duties greatly, and for that I ask your forgiveness,’ she says humbly, bowing her head. ‘No, my dear, I am not surprised at your eventual loss of chastity. I’m merely surprised at who it was that took it. I had always predicted it would be one of my brothers, both of whom have broken many chaste ladies’ resolves in their times. I suppose it’s fitting that the God of Chaos was the one to break your strong resolve,’ he says, and she coughs, shocked. ‘But aren’t you angry? I am no longer chaste,’ she says, and he chuckles deeply. ‘There are not many that are, Hestia. I am not angry, not in the slightest. But you do understand that now you must make an honest man of Dionysus. If word were to get out about the two of you, about you breaking your chastity before marriage, there’d be talk and uproar. Marry him, and you will have fulfilled your duties. You’ve stayed chaste for centuries, more than can be said for the rest of us on Olympus,’ he chuckles, and Hestia can’t believe her luck. ‘Thank you, my lord,’ she says, bowing her head once more. ‘Don’t thank me yet. Dionysus must agree to marry you after all,’ he says before disappearing into thin air, leaving her with a sense of dread.
When Hestia turns to look up at her companion, he’s looking up at her sleepily. ‘Am I correct in believing that Zeus was stood in that very spot a moment ago?’ he asks sleepily, and Hestia nods, worriedly. ‘Oh, no, are you in trouble? My deepest apologies, your grace,’ he says, sitting up hastily. ‘I’m not in trouble, he’s not angry in the slightest. But he… he says we must… marry,’ she forces out, and he blinks. ‘Marry? As in have a wedding?’ he asks, and she nods, not teasing him due to being in shock too. ‘Well, do you want to marry me?’ he asks. ‘Not particularly. I barely know you,’ she replies, not worrying about being rude. ‘I’m so glad you said that, because I feel the same,’ he says. ‘So what do we do then?’ she asks. ‘Isn’t it obvious? We get married, we can’t not follow Zeus’ instructions. But then we divorce after a few months. They can’t blame either of us for that, right?’ he suggests, and she nods. And so, a wedding is prepared. Olympus is a flurry of activity, everyone getting ready for the wedding of the God of Chaos and the Goddess of Chastity. Over the following weeks, the two had to act like a couple every time someone is around and become close friends whilst no one is around. They’re like the best of friends together, finishing each other’s sentences. He makes terrible jokes, she rolls her eyes at them, trying not to laugh. He cooks her amazing food and makes her amazing wine, and she empties her plate and glass out of gratitude. Never had a God and Goddess been so close. 
And then the wedding day arrives. ‘It’ll be fine, darling. Don’t worry,’ Athena says, sat cross-legged on the floor in her navy blue dress, matching to the other five bridesmaids, a Hydrangea flower crown askew atop her silver locks. ‘Thena, sit on a chair, you’ll crease your dress. And stop frowning, Tia, you’ll get lines in your foundation,’ Aphrodite says, fussing about. ‘You need to not worry, too, A. You’ll stress Tia out even more,’ Demeter says, watching the activity from the window sill, amused at the chaos. ‘You’re not getting cold feet, are you? Because if you are, I’ll totally sneak you out of this bitch,’ Nem says conspiratorially, and Hestia gives her a weak smile. ‘You can’t call a church ‘this bitch’, Nem,’ Aphrodite groans, fixing a flower crown onto the girl’s fiery red hair. ‘Okay, I know that smile was supposed to reassure us that you don’t have cold feet, Tia, but that totally did the opposite. And made you look like you have diarrhoea,’ Nyx says, brushing through her lilac hair. ‘Nyx! You can’t tell a bride that she looks like she has diarrhoea!’ Hemera exclaims, and Nyx shrugs. ‘Don’t listen to Nyx, you look beautiful, Tia, thanks to me, of course. Di won’t know what’s hit him,’ Aphrodite says, her voice muffled due to her head being buried in the wardrobe, looking for Hestia’s shoes.
‘Tia, can I come in?’ Hermes’ muffled voice comes from the other side of the door, and Hestia looks around to see if anyone’s indecent before answering, ‘Yeah.’ Hermes enters tentatively, looking around like a lost puppy until his eyes meet Hestia’s. ‘You have to walk down the aisle in, like, twenty minutes, so I thought I’d come warn you,’ he says, the knot of nerves in Hestia’s stomach getting a little tighter. ‘Thanks, Herm,’ she replies shakily. ‘Are you nervous? You wanna cancel? Because I’ll totally sneak you out into a different realm,’ Hermes offers, and Nem points at him. ‘Now that is my kinda guy,’ she says, and Hermes gives her a nervous smile, obviously intimidated (who wouldn’t be?). ‘No, Herm, I’m nervous but not enough to cancel. Thank you for letting me know, though,’ she says, and he leaves with a nod and a smile. ‘He’s cute,’ Hemera says shyly, and the girls all start shrieking, Hestia momentarily forgetting her nerves and getting caught up in the gossip. ‘I can hook you two up if you want, at the reception?’ Hestia offers, Hemera’s face reddening, hidden behind her blonde locks. ‘No, I just think he’s cute, that’s all,’ she says quietly, the girls teasing her. ‘Listen, Tia, don’t stress. It’ll all be fine. You and Di love each other, everyone can see it. Just watching the two of you together, it’s obvious. We’ll be right beside you every step of the way, okay?’ Demeter says quietly so none of the others can hear. But she’s wrong. They don’t love each other, it’s all an act. This is like a cruel punishment to show her she should’ve stayed chaste. Di doesn’t love her, and she doesn’t love him. They’re just friends, nothing more. Yes, she still finds him staggeringly attractive, but she’s also hit with the urge to strangle him because of his stupid jokes at least four times a day. He’s like an annoying friend that you don’t really like but keep around anyway. ‘Thanks, Dem, I appreciate it,’ Hestia says sincerely.
The twenty minutes disappears quickly in a flurry of last-minute activity, fixing hair and makeup, pulling on shoes and jewellery, finding bouquets. And then it’s time to go in. Before Hestia even knows it, she’s stood outside the door of the church, her friends all lined up in front of her. ‘My offer still stands, Tia. We can make our escape, go live in the underworld or something. Hades won’t mind,’ Nemesis whispers, stood in front of Hestia, who shakes her head with a feeble laugh. ‘Nem, stop offering to smuggle Tia out of her wedding!’ Aphrodite hisses, and Nemesis pulls a face at the back of her head, the other girls giggling. ‘Hestia, my dear,’ Zeus’ booming voice comes from beside Hestia where he’s just appeared. ‘Zeus,’ Hestia says by way of greeting, all of the girls bowing their heads to him. ‘Would you like me to walk you in?’ Zeus asks, and Hestia nods out of fear of tripping or fainting. The girls begin going in one-by-one, and Zeus asks her under his breath, ‘Do you love him yet?’ ‘No,’ Hestia whispers back, and he chuckles. ‘Does he love you?’ ‘No.’ ‘Oh, Hestia, all those years of living alone, never leaving home for more than an hour, really has made you so blind,’ Zeus says as they reach the doors, their turn to go in.
The bridal march sounds through the church, Hestia and Zeus walking forward down the aisle. Di’s six groomsmen stand in a line, dressed smartly in black tuxes, watching her, and Hestia’s six bridesmaids stand in a line opposite them, looking ethereal in their matching dresses, also watching her. And then Hestia locks eyes with Dionysus, and it’s like a wave hits her. He looks so handsome, dressed in a blue velvet jacket and a pair of black fitted trousers, watching her walk towards him. His chocolate eyes are crinkled due to his plump lips being curled up into a smile, and a tear drips from the inner corner of one eye. How could she not have realised it? Of course she’s in love with him. She has been from the start. She knew who he was when she heard him shouting in the street, only pretended that she didn’t, and had knowingly let the God of chaos into her house, made him stay the night. She’d only fallen more and more in love with him over the past few weeks. But he didn’t love her back. The thought hurt her heart and tears came to her eyes as she reached the altar, stood almost beside him. Zeus presses a kiss to the top of her head before taking a seat, leaving the two of them stood together. ‘You’re so beautiful, Tia. I’m so in love with you,’ he whispers, lifting her veil over her head, his breath taken away at her beauty. ‘You mean it?’ she whispers back. ‘I do,’ he confirms with a nod, and she believes it.
The ceremony goes without a hitch, the two saying their vows with honesty and affection, their friends and family shedding tears at the beautiful ceremony. The reception is chaotic, as one would expect, and everyone enjoys themselves immensely. After hours of dancing, drinking and mingling, just Dionysus, Hestia and their close friends are left. The newly-weds sit in the corner, watching their friends drink and dance, hands clasped and smiles on faces. ‘You’re my wife, Tia. I’m so lucky to have you as my wife,’ Dionysus murmurs against the skin of her hand and Hestia smiles indulgently at him. ‘I’m the lucky one,’ she replies. ‘Did you hear about the two cell phones that got married? The reception was fantastic,’ Dionysus says, his terrible joke followed by his signature windshield wiper laugh. ‘Oh, my God, Di, I take it back, you’re the lucky one,’ she says, and he clamours for her, Hestia batting him away. ‘Can you believe we weren’t in love when we first got engaged? Now look at us,’ Hestia says, Dionysus’ arms around her. ‘I guess our love was destined in the stars,’ he says. ‘I get the feeling Aphrodite had some kind of input,’ Hestia says, and Dionysus laughs. ‘I doubt it. That girl may be the Goddess of love, but she is dense. She complains all the time about not having a boyfriend/husband, but there are men lining up to even get a glimpse of her. She’s the most desired woman around,’ Dionysus says, and Hestia nods in agreement, having heard the rumours herself. ‘We should try and get her with one of your friends,’ Hestia says, and Dionysus laughs. ‘Which one? They’re all insane, save for Poseidon. He’s so serious and solemn, all the time. She’d get bored with him,’ Dionysus says. ‘We’ll see. She’s the Goddess of love, she’ll find someone,’ Hestia says assuredly.
Nemesis appears then, throwing herself into the seat beside the couple. ‘Di, your friends are so cute. Except for Hades, that is,’ she says, injecting venom into the latter half of her speech. ‘Why do you and Hades hate each other so much?’ Dionysus asks, and Hestia rolls her eyes, not wanting to hear this whole long story again. ‘Long story short, he embarrassed her in front of Zeus once and so she dredged up an old embarrassing rumour of his, and now they hate each other,’ Hestia sighs. ‘I was telling Zeus that I haven’t had much work recently, and he said to turn some more K-Pop idols against each other!’ Nemesis says, outraged. ‘Oh, is this about that guy from BTS, and the girl from Twice?’ Dionysus asks. ‘It wasn’t me that turned Jimin and Jeongyeon against each other! I have bigger things to focus on than that!’ she says, annoyed, and Hestia places a hand on her shoulder. ‘What did you dredge up of his?’ Dionysus asks. ‘I brought up Persephone,’ she says, and Dionysus laughs. ‘I didn’t abduct her! She begged to come live with me!’ Hades shouts, having heard the recent end of our conversation. ‘Sure,’ Nemesis says sarcastically, baiting him. ‘Stop with the arguing! It’s Di and Tia’s wedding, it has to be perfect!’ Aphrodite says, drunk on Dionysus’ wine.
Aphrodite drags Nemesis off to the toilet with her, and Hermes soon fills her seat. ‘I should probably get going, Di, I’ve got loads of business in America tomorrow,’ he says sorrowfully. ‘Oh, it’s something to do with the stock exchange, right?’ Hestia asks, and Hermes nods, a sad look on his face. ‘It’s okay, Herm, we understand,’ Dionysus says, and Hermes bids the two goodbye, leaving quietly before the others try to stop him. ‘We should probably shut this down and head back home now, to be fair. It’s late,’ Dionysus says. ‘No! Don’t! We’re all having fun!’ Nyx shouts. ‘There’s only nine of you left,’ Hestia says, doing a quick head count. ‘They’re right, guys, we probably should leave,’ Demeter says, and Apollo nods in agreement, the two sat together beside the dancefloor, probably discussing the something boring like politics or finance. ‘Where’s P?’ Hephaestus asks. ‘Probably gone home, the moody bastard,’ Ares jokes, he and Hades doing shots. ‘Don’t be nasty to him,’ Dionysus says sharply, the God of Chaos having a soft spot for Zeus’ brother. ‘A’s disappeared as well,’ Athena observes, all of them looking around for the Goddess of love. ‘She’s probably gone to see one of her human lovers. You know what she’s like,’ Nyx says, and the boys all gasp, not knowing Aphrodite’s true nature. ‘Nyx! You big mouth!’ Hemera exclaims, outraged on her friend’s behalf. ‘I honestly did not mean to say that out loud,’ Nyx says, her cheeks reddening. ‘If any of you say a single thing about Aphrodite, I will murder every last one of you,’ Nemesis says, wielding a long sword, the boys all holding their hands above their heads. ‘We won’t, we won’t, just please put down the sword,’ Hephaestus says, wincing when she brings the sword near his head. ‘I don’t know why you’re scared, you made the sword, it can’t harm you,’ Ares says with a roll of his eyes, and Hephaestus relaxes.
Eventually, the group begin to troop out of the venue, heading back home, Aphrodite and Poseidon nowhere to be seen. Not once do their friends suspect that they may be together, but that’s a story for another time. Looking back at the day, Hestia is full of contentedness, light and love for her friends and family, and for her husband. All she can think is, ‘Who would’ve thought Chastity and Chaos would be such a perfect match?’
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