#this is 100% not a word-for-word literal TL (obviously)
presumenothing · 6 months
from zhou shen's second album 《反深代词》 | listen here
a (very liberties-taken) lyric translation; rhythm and imagery reigns in this house
看机械的白鸽 从空中飞过 that mechanical bird / through the sky, it flies 要如何点睛 它才堪称鲜活 with what light in its eyes / could it come to life 数字的晨昏 是否更缤纷 dawn, dusk in numbers / would that be more vivid? 仿生的情人 是否更忠贞 a lover in still life / would they be more loyal? 推开一扇门 还有万千重门 push; open one door / still await thousands more
生命何尝不是 从乌有 到乌有 what of life does not go / dust to dust 倘若感动时候 依然有 泪在流 so long as when emotion moves / tears still flow 不管是否身处那蜃楼 世界如何虚构 no matter if you're in that mirage / that world of fiction 情愿一生如梦游 willing; we live through a dream
在电幻的荒丘 寻真实的绿洲 seeking a real oasis / in technicolour wastelands 渺小得如蜉蝣 也仰望着宇宙 trivial, passing mayflies / yet flying our gaze to the skies
那来自过去 古老的眼神 from the long-gone past / that ancient gaze 如何能辨认 此刻是幻是真 how can it tell, now / is this dream or truth? 人造的天分 是否算慧根 from talent made by man / does there spring wisdom? 克隆的肉身 是否有灵魂 in the body of a clone / does there a soul lie? 永远在追问 却从来都没结论 endless; we question / but the answers never found Can it be real
Can it be real Can it be real The world is a mirage
那智慧的天梯 从来都 没尽头 those stairways of wisdom / never did have an end 这刹那的感受 却足够 算不朽 this moment of feeling / eternal, shall it last 我们终身住在那蜃楼 怀中一无所有 forever, we stay in that mirage / hands empty with air 仍愿一生如梦游 still, we give ourselves to this dream
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l0v3tast3 · 1 year
Older!pervy!boyfriend!price was sooo vfhdhshsg. I loved it.
But he would probably 100% get you pregnant. And whisk you awy from your parents.
god DAMN you anons are gonna kill me you just keep coming up with better and better ideas (☆ω☆) also uwu thank you anon im glad you liked it :3 <<333
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obviously, you can't blame the man for wanting kids. plenty of people do, plenty of people don't, and there's nothing wrong with either. so when he watches you coo at a baby that you pass by while out walking together, you shouldn't be surprised that as soon as you're back home john is pressing your legs into your chest to dig his cock that much deeper into you.
he's like a man possessed; you'll end up a babbling mess, weakly pushing at his chest and scratching at his arms, trying desperately to form the words to ask him for a break. john bends down to kiss your drool-covered lips and wipe away the tears of overstimulation from your cheeks. he murmurs soothingly that you're doing so good, that you'll look so beautiful with his baby, that he'll take such good care of everything, such good care of you.
john's hips slow their assault on yours and melt into a near-hypnotizing rock back and forth as a way of giving you a break. "already so gorgeous, how am i gonna handle you carrying my child, hm? y'think you're already pregnant, darling? mm, i know you're tired, i know sweetheart, we just gotta make sure. jus' one more, promise, bein' such a good girl f'me."
of course it's not "just one more". never mind the fact that he's in his late thirties and most men his age would have probably pulled several muscles by now. never mind the fact that he's cumming in you, buried as deep as he possibly can be inside you for the fourth time that night. none of that matters because the image of your belly round and your tits swollen and heavy with milk, you asking him for help because they're just so sore makes him feel drunk.
and sure enough, a couple weeks later when your period is late, the pregnancy test you take with a shaking leg comes up positive. john nearly cries from happiness when you tell him; he's over the moon, pretty much worshipping you, raining kisses all over your face and neck and hugging you and promising you everything you'd ever want and need. your parents don't take it nearly as well, so you end up moving in with him, to his even greater delight (he's already setting up the nursery by the time you manage to get all your stuff out of your old room).
john damn near makes the call to take a leave of absence before you even take the test, no doubt about it. he makes good on his promises and gets you everything you even mention you're thinking about (sometimes you think he's psychic because he'll get stuff you like before you even say anything about it). you'll never have to lift a finger. he claims it's so you don't hurt the baby, but he's literally taking plates out of your hands to put back in the cupboards when you're still in your first trimester.
when you start showing, john just goes fucking crazy. of course he restrains himself, but thank god your hormones are making you more horny too because the physical proof of you growing his child, your belly swelling and your breasts steadily growing heavier makes him feel like a teenager discovering porn again, constantly fucking horny for you.
tl;dr, john price will breed you literally as soon as you even give a hint of wanting/liking kids
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bibibbon · 3 months
something that constantly pisses me off about lov bashers is that they don’t understand that an explanation is not an excuse.
they can’t wrap their head around the fact that yes toga is a murderer but that doesn’t negate the fact that she was driven to that point by society.
if her parents supported her and helped her with the symptoms and urges caused by her quirk i doubt she would’ve become a villain.
she was literally driven to insanity not because she’s always been that way, but because suppressing her urges for so long caused her to snap.
twice became a villain because he had no other choice. he had no family, no job, and he was just a child. he had no where to go and no one to help him.
it really hits home for me because i have autism and several other mental problems, so some of my behaviors are because of those issues. but whenever i say that people say i’m making excuses when i’m not. i understand that some of my behaviors aren’t okay. that my mental illnesses aren’t my fault, but they are my responsibility.
yes toga should go to jail/juvenile detention because she’s killed several people, but we should acknowledge that the reason she became a murderer is because of how she was treated. BUT that doesn’t mean her being a murderer is okay or justified.
this also relates to how i believe spinner was right about how placating to their oppressors will do nothing.
the civil rights movement wasn’t all sunshine and rainbows. they had to *fight* for their rights. key word being fight.
yes peaceful protest are certainly effective but they won’t work 100% of the time. sometimes you just have to get your hands dirty.
for example, sit-ins and peaceful marches were extremely important to the movement. but sometimes you just need to throw a brick at a cop.
stonewall isn’t infamous because it was peaceful. it’s infamous because it showed the world that the lgbtq community wasn’t going to sit idly by and let themselves be brutalized.
but the thing is 100% of spinners ideology won’t work, and 100% of shoji’s ideology won’t work either. there needs to be a balance between the two.
tl;dr some of the mha community is allergic to nuance and it makes me wanna scream.
Tbh I wouldn't label myself a league of villains basher but Iam definitely anti against the lov fans that claim the league are completely innocent and haven't done any crimes whatsoever.
I have said this before and I will say it again all of the leauge of villain members are victims. They are victims!!! But they have also done bad things. They are victims and they are bad people. Two things can coexist at once.
One thing that I find interesting about some league members that I wish was explored more often was the hypocrisy they had. For example take toga who has stated that she doesn't want to go to jail for her crimes and has murdered but also simultaneously gets distraught over twices death. I love toga but that can definitely be described as hypocritical and it's something that I love about her and I wish horikoshi delved into this with the league a whole lot more.
Also one of my problems that I mentioned in another post is that the leauge don't actually have a viable goal. As of current their goal was to simply destroy and create carnage so they can somehow get a better world for themselves. Realistically that plan is incredibly flawed and would obviously backfire horribly so I wish that horikoshi could of made it so that they developed out of that plan and used the MVA to target groups like the HPSC and other parts of the government to prove their point without harming innocent kids and civilians.
Agreed shoji and spinners ideologies are both flawed but if combined there can be a common ground reached. Thinking about this I can't help but also wonder what if shigaraki properly used the MVA and their resources? What if there wasn't an outright war? What if there was more bonding between the villains and their heroes?
@mikeellee used to suggest that shigaraki would try and get izuku on board with the MVA and I can't help but think that's a great idea and would help the narrative while adding more nuance and development to izuku and other characters.
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imaginarianisms · 2 months
hey y'all im& typing this out mostly bc i& feel the need to like make it extra clear bc sometimes i& feel like im& not coming off clearly enough & i already talked about it w/ macy where we both agree & this is general & @ /nbh so !! if i'm& sending you a bunch of stuff in discord dms, that's in no way me& tryna rush you for replies or anything like that, that's just me& being excited about our munchkins & their dynamics, you can take as long as you want to reply to me or just not even reply to asks/memes & shit bc it doesn't bother me @ all i& just love writing when i& feel inspo & i get a lot of ideas & when i& do that i& tend to like blast that out bc of a) i& get excited & that's gotta Come Out & b) this is the most important reason but i& have did so i& easily forget so i& make sure to like let it all out before i& forget so i& could send yall 100 asks/memes/starters or w/e & you could answer 100 of them or some of them & i'd& still not expect anything back bc life is obviously difficult for a lotta ppl out here rn, my& own included, you can take as long as you need to reply to my& shit, when i& throw in stuff in our& dms thats literally just me& thinking "oh hmmm this sounds interesting i wonder what [x] would think of this" & just pop off. yall are not obligated to reply to every single thing i& say (although if that happens thats cool) or reply in exactly 000000000.1 seconds i'm& never gonna be out here rushing people. like. I& Get It TM. this blog is permanently on semihiatus & medium to very low sporadic activity, our& writing speed entirely depends on motivation, there's days where i& write a few replies in seconds, several replies in one day or months or even years where i& post nothing at all, there's no in between bc this is a hobby. lmao. like. in my& case i& like having a clean dashboard so i& won't be following back every single blog that follows me & i unfollow ppl who're pretty much cricket silence w/ me for extended long periods of time (this obviously doesn't apply to people on hiatus or people that i Know are inherently low activity or very busy irl or if we're extremely close) but it Does apply to mutuals who like literally Never respond to starters i've written, answer memes i've sent, or people who never send me asks/memes or ppl who Never respond to our threads & otherwise making no genuine attempt to interact beyond clicking the follow button & that's It & never speaking to me ever all while being clearly active on the dash as i've& said previously on my rules, but again on the flip side, i'm& more than happy to refollow sb again if they approach me with genuine interest, but all of that is just to make sure my dash is active & communication is essential which leads me& to my& next point. but At The Same Time i expect to be told that if i'm doing or talking too much bc otherwise I Won't Know. esp bc im& not a mindreader. bc it's happened on occasions in the past in the older days of me being on here like years ago where like sb would like ignore me w/o saying a word (& that's not inherently a bad thing but it Does sting especially bc i have bpd) as to why. like. you can tell me to like slow it down bc you're overwhelmed & i& can literally just write it down in a discord server channel ykwim?? it aint hard. im& autistic & i& also have bpd & did, im& traumatized & there are days where i& just straight up do not feel like doing anything & that's perfectly normal. yall feel me?? tl;dr; if i'm& sending you a bunch of stuff in dms, that's in no way me& tryna rush you for replies or anything like that, take your time, take care of yourself first, but At The Same Time i expect to be told that if i'm doing/talking too much bc otherwise I Won't Know ok ily
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elizatronicwarfare · 2 years
listen it's like day three of Witch From Mercury brain poisioning and i am still not over it so I'm gonna go over why I think this gundam series specifically is a big deal.
obviously the most prominent feature of this series is the female protagonist, and the precisely-delivered normalisation of queerness in this gundam timeline. lots of people have already said lots of words about it, so we'll yadda yadda here.
Gundam, as has been pointed out again and again, is a very politically-charged anime franchise. The original was a critique of imperialist japan dressed up as a critique of nazi germany, and pulled no punches when it depicted war as a horrific and brutal practice. Subsequent seasons have been just as unflinching and not shyed away from showing human conflict as cruel, wasteful, and pointless. Yes, the robots ARE cool, but not when they are used as tools of brutal oppression and ethnic cleansing by a totalitarian state.
This is important to do, but it has gone on for so long that a sort of outrage fatigue has been engendered in Gundam viewers. The constant parade of warcrimes, state-sanctioned atrocities, and brutal murders of beloved characters have achieved meme status among fans, and people aren't taking the biting political commentary as seriously. People need a break, and it's my understanding that Build Divers was an attempt to provide that with harmless Angelic Layer-style fun (more on Build Divers later).
While Witch From Mercury's prologue has shown us that this series will not be shying away from the traditional depictions of war as an atrocity, it looks to be focusing on a more low-stakes school life plot that borrows elements and pacing from shoujo anime - especially with so many female cast members. There is definitely an over-arching anticapitalist aesop looming in the background, but the moment-to-moment action is mostly low stakes highschool drama about the new girl and her attempts to fit in (and why the Cool Robots are part of it). This is a refreshing change of pace for Gundam.
Back to Build Divers. The reason why Witch From Mercury is notable as a palate-cleanser over Build Divers (which as far as I know contains 100% less attempted shuttle bombings) is that it is not selling gunpla as aggressively.
Yes, I know. Gundam exists to sell the toys, and the robots look Like That because it's easier to make little plastic figurines for them. Merchandising is baked into this franchise at the deepest levels, regardless of how important the anti-war political commentary is, and there is no getting away from it. However! That does not stop Build Divers being a shamlessly naked cash grab that attempts to drum up demand for mass re-releases of older kits. Build Divers is literally about buying and playing with gunpla in a way that makes it clear to customers (including kids) that this is a pastime they should pick up in real life.
It's something other anime franchises like Beyblades and B-Daman have also done, yes, but in these other cases there was not already a large and established industry to provide complimentary marketing and worm their fingers into peoples' brains until their wallets opened. Build Divers was on the nose, and was uncomfortably close to being a 30-minute commercial for gunpla. Witch From Mercury's primary focus is back on the plot, the characters, and the storytelling, which makes it much more digestible if you are not ten years old.
WFM gay, novel palate cleanser, less cringe than BD.
viewing is mandatory.
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findingroleplays · 1 year
hello my dead dovies!
i am a 29-year-old woman (she/her/hers) looking for another 21+ roleplay partner who has discord. please respect that i would prefer not to write with a cisman. i’m a literate writer who loves to worldbuild and am capable or multi-paragrah replies; i’d like someone with a similar skill level/passion.
i would like to begin this post discussing my one ““limit””, because i feel it’s an odd one when concerning a dead dove role play. i enjoy writing about/around/referencing/implying intimate 18+ situations, but when it comes to writing the explicit act itself, it just doesn’t interest me. i believe there are flowery ways to write about the topic, without having to get into the knitty-gritty details. again, physical attraction/acts of intimacy will take place, and we can absolutely write about them, i just prefer we go the flowery route with anything explicit.
however, other 18+ topics (such as violence, gore, drug use, illness/sickness, crime, etc) are 100% things we can dig into, deep and dirty, knitty and gritty, all of it. <3
if you’ve continued reading passed this point, then let’s move forward.
i’m specifically looking for an m/m hetalia role play. the first character i play is southern italy, and while i can write against most any character, i’ll provide a few ideas… spain, prussia, france, portugal, netherlands, denmark, russia. open to 2ps as long as they aren’t overly edgy. i would also enjoy writing greece against turkey, but only turkey.
the plot/story idea i’m looking for is also somewhat specific.
i’m craving a stalk/victim roleplay. potentially (hopefully) with a decent age-gap, though with both characters still being 18+. idc we’re glorifying this horrible scenario because i love this trope. :)
this would be a humanverse au, or some variation of a modern omegaverse au, and whoever you choose to play would be an intimacy seeking stalker (and an alpha if applicable). tl;dr, an intimacy seeking stalker is typically someone who is (often, but not explicitly) lonely, and becomes romantically/intimately obsessed with/protective of their target, sometimes to the point of misinterpreting the actions or words of the victim as meant for them, or even perceiving an actual relationship between the two of them. we can also throw in a good ole dose of obsessive love disorder, which basically exacerbates this type of stalking. old “presents as an overwhelming, obsessive desire to protect and possess another person.” less likely to be violent/pushy/angry than other types of stalkers, though they can certainly delve into those things. after all, there are obviously going to be darker/taboo aspects of this plot.
i want us to play with all the classic stalker moves/tropes — leaving mail and gifts, taking photos, peeping through windows, knowing where they live, knowing their phone number, breaking in… i do not want to portray any physical violence from the stalker towards the target, though manipulation isn’t off the table.
in this roleplay i’d like for the stalking to start out small/slow/subtle, and escalate over time. i will likely portray lovino as initially put off, but eventually giving in/playing along. like i said, we’re glorifying this awful trope so there will be some level of reciprocation at some point.
like this and i’ll send you a message asap!
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darkdoverpseeker · 1 year
[ apologies for resending this, but i’ve realise i neglected to use emojis last time. i’m sososo sorry, still learning about the tumblr rp community! 🙏 ]
hello my dead dovies!
i am a 29-year-old woman (she/her/hers) looking for another 21+ roleplay partner who has discord. please respect that i would prefer not to write with a cisman. i’m a literate writer who loves to worldbuild and am capable or multi-paragrah replies; i’d like someone with a similar skill level/passion.
i would like to begin this post discussing my one ““limit””, because i feel it’s an odd one when concerning a dead dove role play. i enjoy writing about/around/referencing/implying intimate 18+ situations, but when it comes to writing the explicit act itself, it just doesn’t interest me. i believe there are flowery ways to write about the topic, without having to get into the knitty-gritty details. again, physical attraction/acts of intimacy will take place, and we can absolutely write about them, i just prefer we go the flowery route with anything explicit.
however, other 18+ topics (such as violence, gore, drug use, illness/sickness, crime, etc) are 100% things we can dig into, deep and dirty, knitty and gritty, all of it. <3
if you’ve continued reading passed this point, then let’s move forward.
i’m specifically looking for an m/m hetalia role play. the first character i play is southern italy, and while i can write against most any character, i’ll provide a few ideas… spain, prussia, france, portugal, netherlands, denmark, russia. open to 2ps as long as they aren’t overly edgy. i would also enjoy writing greece against turkey, but only turkey.
the plot/story idea i’m looking for is also somewhat specific.
i’m craving a stalk/victim roleplay. potentially (hopefully) with a decent age-gap, though with both characters still being 18+. idc we’re glorifying this horrible scenario because i love this trope. :)
this would be a humanverse au, or some variation of a modern omegaverse au, and whoever you choose to play would be an intimacy seeking stalker (and an alpha if applicable). tl;dr, an intimacy seeking stalker is typically someone who is (often, but not explicitly) lonely, and becomes romantically/intimately obsessed with/protective of their target, sometimes to the point of misinterpreting the actions or words of the victim as meant for them, or even perceiving an actual relationship between the two of them. we can also throw in a good ole dose of obsessive love disorder, which basically exacerbates this type of stalking. old “presents as an overwhelming, obsessive desire to protect and possess another person.” less likely to be violent/pushy/angry than other types of stalkers, though they can certainly delve into those things. after all, there are obviously going to be darker/taboo aspects of this plot.
i want us to play with all the classic stalker moves/tropes — leaving mail and gifts, taking photos, peeping through windows, knowing where they live, knowing their phone number, breaking in… i do not want to portray any physical violence from the stalker towards the target, though manipulation isn’t off the table.
in this roleplay i’d like for the stalking to start out small/slow/subtle, and escalate over time. i will likely portray lovino as initially put off, but eventually giving in/playing along. like i said, we’re glorifying this awful trope so there will be some level of reciprocation at some point.
like this and i’ll send you a message asap!
like if interested!
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findroleplay · 1 year
hello my dead dovies!
i am a 29-year-old woman (she/her/hers) looking for another 21+ roleplay partner who has discord. please respect that i would prefer not to write with a cisman. i’m a literate writer who loves to worldbuild and am capable or multi-paragrah replies; i’d like someone with a similar skill level/passion.
i would like to begin this post discussing my one ““limit””, because i feel it’s an odd one when concerning a dead dove role play. i enjoy writing about/around/referencing/implying intimate 18+ situations, but when it comes to writing the explicit act itself, it just doesn’t interest me. i believe there are flowery ways to write about the topic, without having to get into the knotty-gritty details. again, physical attraction/acts of intimacy will take place, and we can absolutely write about them, i just prefer we go the flowery route with anything explicit.
however, other 18+ topics (such as violence, gore, drug use, illness/sickness, crime, etc) are 100% things we can dig into, deep and dirty, knitty and gritty, all of it. <3
if you’ve continued reading passed this point, then let’s move forward.
i’m specifically looking for an m/m hetalia role play. the first character i play is southern italy, and while i can write against most any character, i’ll provide a few ideas… spain, prussia, france, portugal, netherlands, denmark, russia. open to 2ps as long as they aren’t overly edgy. i would also enjoy writing greece against turkey, but only turkey.
the plot/story idea i’m looking for is also somewhat specific.
i’m craving a stalk/victim roleplay. potentially (hopefully) with a decent age-gap, though with both characters still being 18+. idc we’re glorifying this horrible scenario because i love this trope. :)
this would be a humanverse au, or some variation of a modern omegaverse au, and whoever you choose to play would be an intimacy seeking stalker (and an alpha if applicable). tl;dr, an intimacy seeking stalker is typically someone who is (often, but not explicitly) lonely, and becomes romantically/intimately obsessed with/protective of their target, sometimes to the point of misinterpreting the actions or words of the victim as meant for them, or even perceiving an actual relationship between the two of them. we can also throw in a good ole dose of obsessive love disorder, which basically exacerbates this type of stalking. old “presents as an overwhelming, obsessive desire to protect and possess another person.” less likely to be violent/pushy/angry than other types of stalkers, though they can certainly delve into those things. after all, there are obviously going to be darker/taboo aspects of this plot.
i want us to play with all the classic stalker moves/tropes — leaving mail and gifts, taking photos, peeping through windows, knowing where they live, knowing their phone number, breaking in… i do not want to portray any physical violence from the stalker towards the target, though manipulation isn’t off the table.
in this roleplay i’d like for the stalking to start out small/slow/subtle, and escalate over time. i will likely portray lovino as initially put off, but eventually giving in/playing along. like i said, we’re glorifying this awful trope so there will be some level of reciprocation at some point.
like this and i’ll send you a message asap!
2 notes · View notes
hello my dead dovies!
i am a 29-year-old woman (she/her/hers) looking for another 21+ roleplay partner who has discord. please respect that i would prefer not to write with a cisman. i’m a literate writer who loves to worldbuild and am capable or multi-paragrah replies; i’d like someone with a similar skill level/passion.
i would like to begin this post discussing my one ““limit””, because i feel it’s an odd one when concerning a dead dove role play. i enjoy writing about/around/referencing/implying intimate 18+ situations, but when it comes to writing the explicit act itself, it just doesn’t interest me. i believe there are flowery ways to write about the topic, without having to get into the knitty-gritty details. again, physical attraction/acts of intimacy will take place, and we can absolutely write about them, i just prefer we go the flowery route with anything explicit.
however, other 18+ topics (such as violence, gore, drug use, illness/sickness, crime, etc) are 100% things we can dig into, deep and dirty, knitty and gritty, all of it. <3
if you’ve continued reading passed this point, then let’s move forward.
i’m specifically looking for an m/m hetalia role play. the first character i play is southern italy, and while i can write against most any character, i’ll provide a few ideas… spain, prussia, france, portugal, netherlands, denmark, russia. open to 2ps as long as they aren’t overly edgy. i would also enjoy writing greece against turkey, but only turkey.
the plot/story idea i’m looking for is also somewhat specific.
i’m craving a stalk/victim roleplay. potentially (hopefully) with a decent age-gap, though with both characters still being 18+. idc we’re glorifying this horrible scenario because i love this trope. :)
this would be a humanverse au, or some variation of a modern omegaverse au, and whoever you choose to play would be an intimacy seeking stalker (and an alpha if applicable). tl;dr, an intimacy seeking stalker is typically someone who is (often, but not explicitly) lonely, and becomes romantically/intimately obsessed with/protective of their target, sometimes to the point of misinterpreting the actions or words of the victim as meant for them, or even perceiving an actual relationship between the two of them. we can also throw in a good ole dose of obsessive love disorder, which basically exacerbates this type of stalking. old “presents as an overwhelming, obsessive desire to protect and possess another person.” less likely to be violent/pushy/angry than other types of stalkers, though they can certainly delve into those things. after all, there are obviously going to be darker/taboo aspects of this plot.
i want us to play with all the classic stalker moves/tropes — leaving mail and gifts, taking photos, peeping through windows, knowing where they live, knowing their phone number, breaking in… i do not want to portray any physical violence from the stalker towards the target, though manipulation isn’t off the table.
in this roleplay i’d like for the stalking to start out small/slow/subtle, and escalate over time. i will likely portray lovino as initially put off, but eventually giving in/playing along. like i said, we’re glorifying this awful trope so there will be some level of reciprocation at some point.
like this and i’ll send you a message asap!
Like this post and the asker will reach out!
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thepringlesofblood · 3 years
murderbot uses it/its pronouns, and here’s why
im just sick of seeing people try to be all ‘but its up for interpretation’ ‘it’s ambiguous’ ‘we don’t know’ ‘who can never be sure’ and I saw one of those posts like ‘but an agender/gender-neutral protagonist means I can project whatever i want onto them’ and i have simply had it. essay under the cut. *spoilers* obviously for p much all the books, mostly network effect. there’s 1 quote from FT but it’s not plot-relevant
tl;dr mb refers to itself with it/its pronouns, on top of the quadrillion times it actively rejects human ideas of gender (which is an important theme in the series), on top of its Crew and ART using it/its, on top of Pin-Lee writing it detailed legal contracts using it/its pronouns, on top of that AMA where ART says it and mb use it/its, on top of the blurb on the inside cover of Artificial Condition using it/its.
disclaimer: i 100% get people who haven’t done a really close reading of the series using they/them for mb as a ‘i’m not sure what to do’ thing or a ‘given no direction i use they/them until a person expresses a preference’ thing. different people have different amounts of knowledge about pronoun usage and the queer community, and may not have a lot of experience with picking up on a character using nonbinary* pronouns in media. I understand where they’re coming from - most of what I’m talking about it is binarily gendering mb (e.g. he or she gross). although using they/them for murderbot is still misgendering, since mb does demonstrate preference for it/its as early as pg 40 of the first book (see below),  it’s still incorrect.
*nonbinary is meant in a very literal sense here, as in “not within the gender binary” i.e. not he/him or she/her. I’m using it as an adjective, not an identity. I’m sure not all it/its users identify as nonbinary, and I highly doubt mb identifies as nonbinary (too much of a human word).
while the series is in first person POV, mb sometimes refers to itself in third person and always uses it/its.
e.g. in Network Effect, when mb is captured by targets near the end and hung upside down and it has to detach its hand to free itself, it remarks, “If this went wrong I was going to feel really stupid. The Targets would finally show up and be all “What the hell was it trying to do to itself?”“ (page 4 of ch 18, my electronic copy doesn’t have individual page #)
update: @chimaerakitten​ reblogged this with a citation I can’t believe I didn’t include! page 40 of All Systems Red, murderbot drops the iconic line, “Yes, talk to Murderbot about its feelings. The idea was so painful I dropped to 97 percent efficiency.” so there’s not even a “well until network effect-” justification, it’s right there in the beginning baby!
murderbot 2.0 refers to both itself and 1.0 using it/its pronouns.
2.0 is literally a copy of 1.0. it has no reason to misgender itself. there is no room for argument here.
e.g. in Network Effect it remarks “That’s one of the reasons Me 1.0 misses its armor.” (pg 5 of ch 16)
also, it works vice-versa, 1.0 uses it/its for 2.0
e.g. Network Effect “You and Amena were right. 2.0 was a person. It wasn’t like a baby, but it was a person.” (pg 9 of ch 20)
@worldsentwined made a lovely post a while back compiling all of the times mb actively rejects/comments on human gender and sex in relation to itself.
while obvs gender =/= pronouns, it’s important to acknowledge mb’s rejection of human gender, because in the series bot/construct gender is a separate thing - p much all bots use it/its that I noticed.
another thing I realized - obviously, mb not identifying with human gender includes non-binary human genders, of which there are plenty of examples in the series, many of which use they/them (Matteo, Turi, Mihail).
this isn’t to say that using they/them = having a gender, see above re: gender =/= pronouns, but it does help reinforce the point that using they/them for mb is still misgendering.
ART refers to mb with either just “SecUnit” or it/its pronouns.
ART can literally read minds, kind of. you really think they went through all of Artificial Condition and Network Effect together without it picking up on what pronouns mb uses?
e.g. Network Effect, it reassures Amena that mb is going to be just fine - “The damage to its organic tissue and support structure is easily repaired.” (pg 13 of ch 8)
also, you think ART would let any humans onboard it misgender mb? no fuckin way.
e.g. Network Effect
Amena talking to ART in private “- because it thought you were dead. It was so upset I thought-Oh, hey, you’re here” (pg 21 of ch 12)
when mb 1.0 finally gets back aboard ART and collapses on the deck - “Amena’s voice said “No, it doesn’t like to be touched!”“ (pg 1 of ch 20)
the PresAux gang use it/its
You could probably try to be like ‘well maybe the presaux gang is just using the secunit standard pronoun’ but consider: by exit strategy, mb has few to no reservations about correcting people, especially people it knows, when they’re wrong.
also Pin-Lee negotiated a contract for it hammering out every detail of interaction, including the “no hugging” clause - she would ABSOLUTELY include whatever pronoun use mb wanted.
e.g. Network Effect, ““No, it says it’s fine,” I heard her [Overse] relaying to the others on our comm. “Well, yes, it’s furious,””(pg 6 (of ch 1))
e.g. Fugitive Telemetry, ““It’s joking.” Ratthi managed to sound like he completely believed that. “That’s how it looks when it’s joking.”“ (pg 15 of ch 4)
Martha Wells did an instagram AMA as mb and ART and upon being asked what pronouns mb and ART use, ART responded w “it/its”
now obvs there’s a bajillion ways that you could tear this apart and argue death of the author, or that bc ART answered not mb it was different, but frankly my dear i don’t give a damn. it’s supporting evidence, not the lynchpin of the whole argument.
update: I finally got Artificial Condition in hardcover, and noticed the little summary blurb on the inside jacket flap thing makes liberal use of the it/its pronoun
“It has a dark past…a past that caused it to christen itself Murderbot. But it has only vague memories of the massacre that spawned that title, and it wants to know more.”
“Murderbot heads to the mining facility where it went rogue. What it discovers will forever change the way it thinks…”
in rogue protocol when mb pretends to be a human security consultant  the (fictional) off-base supervisor it makes up is called by she/her once or twice, but note that that’s when mb is pretending to be human, and not even that really since the offsite “security consultant Rin” is 100% fabricated. it/its is kind of the bot pronoun - mb uses it as a way to remind everyone that it’s not human and doesn’t want to be and that’s important and also another post in itself.
but basically: a main theme of the series is acceptance of bots and constructs and non-human entities as people worthy of respect, discrete from humans, and that mb doesn’t have to become human/make itself palatable for humans to be seen as a person, and the it/its pronoun use is an important part of that.
that’s all i got for now but when I get physical copies of the rest of the series its over baby, citations all day every day. I have electronic copies of NE and FT and ASR and physical AC and ES copies, the rest I got from the library to read and thus do not have atm. feel free to add citations in reblogs!
update: i saw a post that brought up an interesting and valid point I want to address (when I find it again I’ll link it) - as a they/them person who isn’t out everywhere, oftentimes I am misgendered and I don’t correct them because its easier - the OP mentioned experiencing the same phenomenon, and I can totally see how this applies to murderbot. If it was just everyone around it using it/its pronouns and it not objecting, that’d be a different story, and I would totally agree with the ambiguity. however, mb does use it/its for itself, and even though it’s not turning to the camera and saying ‘I use it/its’, that still expresses a preference which should be respected.
maybe mb will go by different pronouns in the future as it reckons with and thinks about its own personhood, but I kind of hope not. partly because there are people out there who do use it/its, and I can’t imagine the lack of representation they must face, but also because I think recognition of personhood outside of the human world is an important theme (allegorical to marginalized groups who want to be seen as people without conforming to every widely accepted societal ideal of personhood) (I may be projecting as an autistic person who wants acceptance).
this got too deep and too long. sorry, i just have a lot of feelings.
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kumoriyami-xiuzhen · 2 years
Hakuoki Character Drama CD Book Vol 1 - Okita
Alright! This is my first post of the month, so I’ll start by asking you to please support me if you can through my ko-fi, and paypal or patreon! Finally got my patreon back in order almost until the start of October though I now have a headache from translating so much lol! Sorry it took so long! Not sure what I’ll do for December yet as I’m considering translating just the 2020 CxM X-mas story and the only other Café Enchante content I have, and then subtitling the rest of the month... as I really would like to get a head-start on my 2023 queue (aka yuugiroku) and want time to get my video stuff out of the way. 
Also, I’m 100% certain that I’ll be shipping the Hakumyu Shinkai Saito-hen Blu-ray I’ve ordered this month since my proxy address has received the Morimyu CDs along with some other things that I was looking for, and I am getting super impatient... plus I helped my brother pre-order two FE3H figurines from Japan so anything else is going to be consolidated when shipping those.
Anyway. I ended up going with deciding to translate all of these Character Dramas... mainly because of Saito’s (obviously due to bias and bias>all :P), but most of them did make me smile while reading them... Slight angst warning for this one though cuz it’s souji hahaha. 
Hakuoki Character Drama CD Book Volume 1  Okita Souji-hen - Autumn Leaves Sentiments (not 100% bout the title name again)
Translation by KumoriYami
Act 1
Time: morning
Location: Bedroom
SE: the sound of sparrows
【The sunlight stung me when I opened my eyes. The rain/storm windows [literally rain window] opened as they swayed, and chilling feeling from the autumn wind coming in,  reminded me that summer had passed.】
Yukimura: Huh? Why is the window open...
【I looked over to Souji-san, who should have been sleeping beside me.】
Yukimura; Eh? Souji-san, where did you go?
【I used my hand to check where Souji-san had slept in bed, but I wasn't able to feel any heat [word I have is 'temperature'], so it seems like he hadn't just left. As I hurriedly got up, someone from behind suddenly stopped me. 】
Okita: Ah, you're already up. You could have slept a while longer.
【Hearing that familiar voice, I turned my head and saw Souji-san, who was apparently in a good mood.】
Yukimura: Souji-san! Where did you go in your night clothes [alt: pajamas, but given the time period 'night clothes' felt more appropriate...]?
Okita: I woke up too early. After seeing your cute sleeping face, I thought of this..... here, for you.
【As he spoke, Souji-san decorated my hair with something.】
Yukimura: ? What is this...?
Okita: They're Momiji leaves [the tl i use translates to "red autumnal leaves", but since "紅葉 " is in the JP title, I'll be using that term, “momiji”, which are Japanese maple trees.]. The last time I picked wild vegetables with you, I found a maple tree. Afterwards, I realized that it was almost time for the maple leaves to be in season. Actually I originally wanted to come home before you got up to scare you, but that unfortunately failed.
【Once he said that, Souji-san stuck out his tongue with a mischievous expression. Seeing that expression, I couldn't say that I felt uneasy because he had left me by myself...】
Yukimura: Really.... in that case, shouldn't you have left a note?
【Souji-san showed an apologetic expression to me, who was a little angry.】
Okita: Sorry, I was only thinking about making you happy when I went out. As an apology, after finishing breakfast, I'll bring you to see the maple tree.
【With that, Okita-san pressed his index finger over his mouth, as if he were he were keeping a secret.】
Yukimura: hehe, I understand. Then let's go after eating breakfast, and once I finish drying our wet clothes [I'm assuming this is supposed to be "laundry"].
Okita: Eh, if you want to dry the laundry, you can do it tomorrow. I want to show you right away. It really is very pretty. The tree is dyed in red and yellow, it really resembles a dessert/almost like a snack.
Yukimura: I'm looking forward to it, but I must hang my clothes well before going. More importantly, isn't it cold outside? You'll catch a cold when you go in your night clothes.
Okita: Ah, speaking of which, it did seem a bit cold. Because all I was thinking about was the momiji leaves, I didn't notice it that much. But you don't need to worry, I'm fine.
Yukimura: The next time you go out, you must remember to change your clothes.
Okita: Nn, I'll change my clothes then. I don't want to make you worry.... Haaah [this is a yawn. i don't know what's the best sfx text to use], maybe I got up too early this morning, Maybe I got up too early in the morning, I'm still sleepy.
Yukimura: Then go to sleep for a bit, alright? I'll go prepare breakfast, I'll wake you up once it's ready.
Okita: Nn, that so. But, it's fine to have breakfast a little later, come and sleep with me.
【With that, Souji-san pulled my hand and tried to pull me back under the covers.】
Yukimura: But, I'm already awake...
Okita; If you can't sleep, just stay with me until I fall asleep before leaving.
Yukimura: In that case, won't we be too late to see the momiji leaves?
Okita: Oh, how bothersome. Then I'd better get up and get changed.
Yukimura: Then I'll go change and go prepare breakfast.
Okita: Ah, wait.
【With that, Okita-san put his hand on my head.】
Okita: Good morning.
【He smiled at me.】
Act 2
Time: Noon
Location: Outside
SE: footsteps
Okita: Autumn is coming. You're right, wind is getting colder outside. Aah, I won't be able to take a nap in the sun soon.
【As Souji-san walked, he expressed his regret that summer was coming to an end.】
Yukimura: Ah, Souji-san truly loves taking naps on the grass.
Okita: Nn. It's fine now, but it's not doable in the winter. Although sleeping in a room isn't bad, it's more comfortable to sleep outside [when/where] the wind is blowing.
Yukimura: Speaking of which, while we were still in Kyoto, you would often take naps /
Okita: Indeed. At the time I often took naps on the roof to hide from the annoying HIjikata-san. Ahaha, I haven't fallen down even once.
Yukimura: Sleeping on the roof... Don't do that sort of danger thing in the future again.
Okita: I won't. Because I don't need to sneakily hide around like that anymore, and rather want you to take more care of me.
Yukimura: Really... Souji-san is always like this...
【As I spoke, I stared at Souji-san. There was something I always wanted to say to him... so I might as well take the opportunity...】
Okita: Since you're staring at me, is there something wrong?
Yukimura: Well, I find taking it's very comfortable to take a nap, but if you take too many naps, won't you be unable to sleep at night?
Okita: I'm glad that you're worrying about me, but I'll still be able to fall asleep. Because as long as you're lying down next to me, I can fall asleep immediately if I hold onto you. Don't you think so?
Yukimura: That's right.
Okita: As long as I'm holding you as you sleep/If I sleep with you in my arms, I will always fall asleep immediately. That way, even when it comes time for us to part, I feel that I'll always be with you... such a thing is obviously impossible.
【With that, Souji-san held my hand that he was tightly holding even tighter. His hand was gentle and soft, and I grasped his hand.】
Okita: I'm so happy that I'm able to walk with hand in hand with you like this, it's terrifying. We'll be there soon, so don't let go of my hand.
Yukimura: Yes!
-time lapse-
【After a while, we reached the momiji trees.】
Yukimura; Wow, how beautiful!
【The entire tree was adorned with red maple leaves, and looked truly unreal.】
Okita: Rights, it's really beautiful.
【Souji-san wasn't looking at the momiji leaves, but rather at me, and his expression seemed very satisfied. [reword later. the sentence structure is screwed up... but im lazy and have a tendency to follow what the tl does until i need to worry about subtitling]】
Okita: That's great. I just wanted to see you with that expression.
Yukimura: Thank you, Souji-san. You brought me to see such beautiful momiji.
【After expressing my thanks, Souji-san revealed a smile, and he finally looked towards the maple trees.】
Okita:....Ah, you may not remember, but this isn't the first time we've gone together to enjoy momiji. A long time ago... although I don't remember the exact time, but on the way back from a patrol, I brought you to mountains in Kyoto. At the time, while it was only the two of us, the feeling was completely different from now.
Yukimura;....I remember. It was quite windy that day, but the maple leaves were also very beautiful.
【Okita-san seemed to be startled by what I said. It seems that he didn't think I would have remembered. Then, Souji-san sat beneath a huge momiji tree and waved to me, so I sat down next to him. 】
Okita: I'm certain, that during that time, I started paying attention to you because you were the first person to listen to my jokes... No, it was just Kondou-san and you.
Okita: I didn't expect to recall that upon seeing these momiji, and how I would always say mean things to you. I hope you can forget that, at look at how I am now.
Yukimura: No, I won't forget that. Because that's an important memory from before I met Souji-san and when we lived here together.
Okita: That's really amazing, since you put it that way, it seems that it's become a very important memory.... Well, it's not that there are no memories that you want to forget. But the time we spent together with everyone is still firmly kept in my mind [reword later?].
【With that, Souji-san placed a hand over his chest, and I put my hand over his.】
Yukimura: Please don't forget any of your memories. Because we've been able to live together like this today, all of those memories have accumulated.
Okita:....Well, yeah. No that won't do, I always let you see how weak I am. In fact, I want you to depend on me a bit more.
Yukimura: I am always depending on Souji-san. I'm able to live peacefully in my hometown now because Souji-san is here.
Okita; I'm happy that you're able to say that.
【With that, Souji-san lifted his head and looked at the momiji.】
Okita: Let's go back after looking at these for a while. I really like looking at stuff together with you like this.
Yukimura: Nn, I like that too.
【Thus, the two of us snuggled up together and looked up at the momiji.】
Act 3:
Time: Evening
Location: Bedroom
【After making the bed, I used one of the momiji leaves I had picked as a bookmark. At that moment, Souji-san came in from behind. 】
SE: Footsteps
Okita; What are you doing?
Yukimura: I want to make something out of the momiji leaves we brought back today as a souvenir/memento...
【As I said this, I put the maple leaf into the book that was in my hands. As a result, in order to not interfere [tl is 'disturb' or 'bother'] Souji-san hugged me from behind...】
Okita: As a souvenir from today, is it. If only we could ? I wish we could commemorate more [things like this] for just the two of us in the future/["I wish we could create more memories for the two of us in the future".... i suppose would work?].
【As he spoke, Souji-san gazed sleepily at the book that the leaf had been put into it. Seeing him like this, I knew what he was thinking.】
Yukimura:  We'll be together in the future, won't we?
【To alleviate my uneasiness, I said something like that.】
Okita: Nn, we'll always be together.
【Souji-san only said one sentence, and smiled.】
Okita: Okay, let's go to sleep. [I/We. got no subject in this sentence..] walked a lot today, and seem to be quite tired.
Yukimura: Okay.
【With that, we laid down together. After putting out the light, I closed eyes, but drowsiness didn't come... just then, Souji-san suddenly spoke. 】
Okita: Hey, are you asleep?
【Hearing Souji-san's words, I opened my eyes.】
Yukimura: No
Okita; Before falling asleep, I want to ask you something. Getting up in the morning... going for a walk together after eating breakfast, eating together, and then falling asleep like this...
What do you think of such an ordinary day?
【In the face of Souj-san's slightly impatient question, I thought of my response for a moment. 】
Yukimura: I think it's just because it's so normal, that's why its a very important day. I'm very happy to be able to live peacefully with Souji-san like this.
Okita: hehe, it's great that you can say that. But I think differently.
【With that, Souji-san patted my head.】
Okita:  Being able to spend my days peacefully with my lover/spouse, is already extraordinary for me. Every day when I wake up, you're right beside me, eating the meals you've cooked together, walking with you while holding your hand, and sleeping with you... For me, everything is already a miracle.
I want to spend every day with you together like this.
【Perhaps seeing the unease in my heart, Souji-san deliberately spoke in a gentle words to reassure me. 】
Yukimura: I love you, Souji-san.
Okita: Nn, I love you too
【After that, he gently kissed my forehead. Listening to Souji-san's words, my mind was at ease, and I finally closed my eyes. I could vaguely hear Souji-san's voice.... 】
Okita: Good night, see you tomorrow.
【I fell fast asleep】
Starring: Okita Souji.... Morikubo Showtaro  
Like the Hijika one I translated for last week, I put in the -san suffix everywhere I though it would likely go. This is also going to be the last time I mention this... cuz I’m lazy.
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swiftgronmasterpost · 4 years
The Swiftgron Timeline Remastered
Hey Guys!  It’s Cam from @whatiwillsay
It’s high time the Swiftgron Masterpost was updated with more content and a cross reference of the Achele timeline and other newly learned information.
Now if you’re just looking to prove that Swiftgron is real to your friends click here for a more succinct summation of proof.  But if you want to read the sad, beautiful, tragic (no that’s not a Swiftgron song) story of Swiftgron, to go through the ups and downs, from the Hunger Games to SNL this is the place for you!
I was inspired to do this partially by this conversation.  TL;DR is there was some lively discourse in the fandom about who the breakup songs on Red are about.  
Personally, it doesn’t make sense to me for them to be about Dianna when the falling in love songs are obviously about her (mentions of green eyes, her name in the 22 liner notes, ect.)  For one quick example: the songs The Last Time and Come Back...Be Here were written and recorded right around the same time.
I’m sorry but I just cannot fathom those two songs being about the same person.  One is about the softest start to a relationship you’ve ever imagined - pining away and missing someone you barely know but are already infatuated with and the other is a gut wrenching heartbreak song about someone you’ve been on and off with for a long time.
Furthermore the Swiftgron masterpost and timeline was laid out by either Kaylors or general Gaylors, but no one who seems to have an in depth knowledge of Achele or even of Taylor’s relationships before Dianna, other than Emily which by all accounts ended in 2008.  
So I wanted to fill in all the blanks left open on the original Swiftgron masterpost to see if it’s possible that it missed anything.
Plenty of this data will still come from the original Swiftgron masterpost and shoutout to them for building such an amazing document!  It’s a great primer but it does gloss over a lot of events such as the Glee tour in the summer of 2011, the circumstances around all the early Swiftgron meetings, and the obvious Achele interactions through early winter 2012, and of course it’s missing all the weird late stage Swiftgron social media shenanigans.
I wanted to make this masterpost to be able to stand alone so I ripped some gif sets and other info (mostly on Achele) that I didn’t personally build because I don’t ever want anyone running into dead links.  If you see an edit or content you made that I haven’t credited please let me know and I will credit you or remove it if you really want me to.
The other reason I made this was I wanted to have one succinct and chronological place to store every single Swiftgron photo, video, or media of any other type.  If it’s Swiftgron related I will find it and add it here.  If I missed something you can let me know by reaching out to me on my usual blog @swiftgron-get-married. 
For those of you that are new to Gaylor here’s a few notes:
1.  If Taylor seems fruity to you it’s cause she does to everyone else.  Welcome.
2.  Swiftgron is the pairing of Taylor Swift and Dianna Agron.
3.  Achele is the pairing of Dianna Agron and Lea Michele.  It happened before Swiftgron (I think summer 2009 - Early 2012).  Achele was real 100%.  Go to Achele References on Tumblr for more info but just know I have reason to believe Achele actually dated beyond public information.  Take that with a grain of salt of course and look at the evidence for yourself.
4.  At some points in this document I reference a forum called The L Chat - that place is a wasteland of biphobia, transphobia, and other gross things but they did closely track Swiftgron and Achele.  I don’t recommend going there as it can be very triggering to some.  I have gone and pulled out relevant data so you don’t have to go there.
5.  There is a notion in the Gaylor fandom that Dianna was toxic, a serial cheater, and I’ve even heard the word “abusive” thrown around due to the fact that the breakup songs on Red do seem to be about a toxic relationship - Taylor has said as much.  
Given what I’ve heard about DIanna from people who have actually had contact with her - this would be incredibly out of character.  She does have the reputation of being a bit of a player but is literally famous for how kind, giving, compassionate, and amiable she is to fans, coworkers, and friends alike.
I believe that this document proves that due to events on the timeline that although Swiftgron definitely had their ups and downs (Babe definitely suggests at least one instance of a lack of faithfulness, and I’ve clocked at least two obvious breakups before Taylor commits to Karlie and the Swiftgron romance is over for good) however the idea that it was a completely toxic mess is just not supported by actual public data, gathered evidence, and Taylor’s own music and words.
With that enjoy!  The pandemic has done some weird things to people hasn’t it?  This what I did instead of going outdoors.  (I streamed Folklore six billion times while building this, honestly it was a blast!)
Click here to keep reading!
If you want to skip all the preamble of Achele and Tayliz click here to jump into the Swiftgron Spring!
Table of Contents
Early Stages - Ships Passing in the Night
The 2011 Vanity Fair Oscar Party
Spring 2011 - The Achele of it All
The 2011 Met Gala Klossgron Extravaganza
Glee Live Tour Part 1 - Achele is ON
Glee Live Tour Part 2 - Rivergron in Paris
Glee Live Tour Part 3 - Seriously what the fuck was Shirtgate
Glee Tour Part 4 - Dianna’s Gay Panic Shirtgate Essay
Let’s Check In With Taylor - Speak Now Tour and Tayliz
Fairfax Flee Market - Finally Some Swiftgron!
Fall 2011 - Red and Achele winds down
Winter 2012 - Achele sunset / Swiftgron dawn
The Swiftgron Spring - Everything Changes
Shirley MacLaine’s Birthday
Dianna’s 26th Birthday
The Swiftgron Summer Part 1 - Dominick’s and The Glaad Awards
The Swiftgron Summer Part 2 - Hyiannis Port and The First Breakup
Fall 2012 - They Reuinte in Paris and Haylor Rises
Winter 2013 - The Beginning of the End
Spring 2013 - Fall 2013 - The End?
Winter 2014 - Taylor is Clean but then Swiftgron never goes out of Style
Late Stage Part 1 Spring 2014 - Winter 2018
Late Stage Part 2 Spring 2018 (Babe!) - Fall 2019 (SNL!)
Late Stage Part 3 Folklore Shenanigans 
Late Stage Part 4 Evermore!
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littlespoonevan · 3 years
hi! i'm ofc hoping for buddie, but like you said i'm also not convinced that it's actually in the works right now. but since you have a similar opinion, do you think that (if buddie isn't actually happening) buck will stay with taylor, break up with her and be with lucy like i think the show runners want us to believe, or he will break up with taylor and be single?
hey anon! i'm 100% of the opinion buck and taylor are going to break up and he'll be single. like what they did with eddieana, i think buck and taylor's breakup is going to be more significant to his development than the actual relationship itself was.
mostly because i feel like buck needs to choose to end it for himself. he has to acknowledge that someone can love you or simply Not Leave but that doesn't always mean it's enough. also. i'm genuinely just obsessed with the theory that buck is taylor's abby because gOD that has so much fucking potential to play out in such an interesting way and really adds a level of complexity to buck's relationship with love and what he believes it to be.
obviously, we don't know lucy yet beyond a two second clip but i don't believe at all she and buck are going to get together - certainly not this season. i really do feel like buck's next love interest will be his last and whoever it is (and you know i want it to be eddie) they need to put in the groundwork. there needs to be a foundation there first and he needs to be ready. they've been building towards his Great Love literally since s1 so just throwing him together with lucy straight after he breaks up with taylor makes no sense in comparison with the care and attention to detail they've put into the rest of buck's storyline imo.
even if his next love interest is eddie i feel like it would take until at least the end of 6a for us to get there and they have literal years of development and are already a family in basically every sense of the word. so yeah, him and lucy getting together in the next 8 eps seems extremely unlikely to me.
i imagine she'll be a kind of narrative foil for buck and remind him of buck 1.0, the firefighter (in the same way s2 taylor reminded him of buck 1.0, the lover). which, if they plan to bring up the will again at some point this season offers so much potential for buck and his relationship to danger and his own self-worth
tl;dr i think buck will be single by 5x18 ✨
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gallifreyan-heart · 3 years
The Husbands of River Song
Okay, this is gonna be a long one, kids. I know it’s the unpopular opinion, but I have issues with River - that’s a post for another day though. 😅
So, now that I’ve finally recovered from Face the Raven - Hell Bent (I mean, recovered as I’m likely ever gonna be), I decided to finally watch this and boy do I have thoughts. I even made gifs. lol. 
TL;DR - basically, the whole “in love with River” thing is more kindness than anything and even with the block, he still remembers Clara. 
To start though - really, this whole neuro-block thing makes no f***ing sense at all. Like, he doesn’t wonder why there’s graffiti all over the box with the girl from the diner on it?! He sees a message on the chalkboard, but doesn’t react or think ‘hey, that’s weird, someone’s been in here’? So he can remember some of what they did, but not her? 🤦‍♀️ Convoluted much? Ugh. Anyway...
1) The TARDIS was trying to ‘cheer him up’ from a melancholy he couldn’t have understood, right? Obviously it also knew Clara and everything between them, having been there for most of it. The TARDIS’ memories weren’t erased, so that’s a real sad start right off the top. Geez.
2) River - the supposed genius, ‘great love’ of the Doctor, his ‘wife’ of all people, couldn’t figure out it was him? Really? Or as he said, “Seriously?” Even after he flat out said it like 5 times?!  Look, Clara MF Oswald would have figured out it was him, I guarantee. Just sayin.
3)  DOCTOR: “Stop holding my hand, people don't do that to me.” Ok, ouch,  right in the “things he’s forgotten” feels, I see how this is gonna go. 
4) Here, however, I think he absolutely was still having bits of memories about Clara (even if he didn’t realize it/couldn’t see her?). The first one that struck me was in the restaurant. I whipped up this GIF - just look at his face here:
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He is so uneasy. You can see he’s thinking it’s familiar somehow, but he can’t place it, so it’s upsetting him. Even River asks why he’s frowning. He blames it on concern for the deadlock seal, but I don’t think so... ’cause, well, hello:
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5) “I don't like lying down people.” It struck me as such an odd comment. This one may be a stretch, but all I could think was...
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6) I’m big into body language cues, especially with people who can’t seem to use their words to say how they feel *cough* 12 *cough*. When Flemming is asking River about the Doctor, he’s watching her. BUT when he says “ You're the woman he loves” - he immediately glares at him & looks away, swallowing hard. 
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Aversion of the eyes relates to uncomfortable feelings & embarrassment. The hard swallow indicates high stress & embarrassment as well. If the statement were true, there would be no reason for him to feel ashamed. He feels bad. 🤷‍♀️
7) Speaking of body language... her reaction when she finally realizes it’s him:
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Looks *super* thrilled, doesn’t she? WTF. To add insult to injury, the first thing she says is that he needs to dye his hair. Are they serious with this? I realize it was supposed to be funny, but I didn’t think it was, she looked 100% dismayed.
8) River asks how he managed to get a new face and he simply replies “ A thing happened.” So...does he not remember what or how? That the only reason he is even still alive is because of a ‘thing’ that is 5″2′, with big brown eyes who loved him so much, that she literally begged the Time Lords to save him? 😒
9) As the towers play music, River notices him looking very sad and even asks if he’s crying. People assume it’s because he knows it’s their last night, BUT I disagree and posit that it was making him think of Clara for several reasons: 
Of course he averts the question, but moments later he says... EVERY CHRISTMAS IS LAST CHRISTMAS! Literally. Quoting. Her. 
River says she expects him to save her somehow and he flat out tells her I will torture myself for 4.5 billion years and burn this whole fucking universe to the ground to try and save you no. Adding, rather bitterly, that he can’t always save the day and there's no such thing as happy ever after. Hmmm...
The Doctor, about the towers, “when you least expect it, but always when you need it the most  (ahem) -pause for him to get INCREDIBLY choked up- there is a song.”  Literally the last thing Clara would ever say to him:
           You said memories become stories when we forget them. Maybe some of them become songs.
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10)  RIVER: You can't expect a monolith to love you back.
       DOCTOR: No, you can't.
       I mean... that seemed pretty clear to me, especially with her reaction.
11) Supposedly a night on Darillium is 24 years, but does that necessarily equate to earth years? This was about the most out of character thing. I’m sorry, but when have you EVER known the Doctor to be able to stand being in one place for a long time (not including 3 because he was exiled without a working TARDIS, so that was unwillingly). Not to mention leaving Earth unprotected for a quarter century??? 
12) Having the hotel built, making her a sonic and staying with her are all touted as grand gestures that validate his love for her. I've never gotten that vibe with them though. Whenever I see the Doctor interact with River - I feel like it’s watching that one friend that falls all over themselves about a guy who’s really not interested. But he’s nice about it, not wanting to hurt her feelings - because he can see how much she idolizes him and he *does* care for her in his own way. But is River Song his ‘true love’? Absolutely not. Sorry. 
13) No Kiss?! You finally have an “age appropriate” (insert eyeroll) woman, they’re in this big romantic setting, on supposedly their last night, on Christmas and nothing? I feel like that kinda speaks volumes on its own.
As an aside, I’d also like to point out in 7x13 when River begged him not to go into his own timestream. He had no idea if he’d make it out alive, which if he didn’t, would have ended their story. Instead, he sweetly kissed her goodbye and yeeted himself right in there with no hesitation - all to save Clara. 
Oh, did I mention the 4.5 BILLION YEARS OF TORTURE? Ok, just checking. 
Airing only a couple weeks after “Hell Bent” felt like kind of a slap in the face in a way, if that makes sense? Just seemed to me more like fanservice for the Yowzah crowd & Moffat wanting to wrap up her storyline before leaving the show. 
This is all just my opinions, and how I see it. It’s okay if we disagree.  ✌💙 
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spicypeak · 3 years
Heyo sorry for lack of updates I’ve been taking a biiit of a break
I’ve been slowly (emphasis on slowly) going through all the new info from the album and have compiled a bit of a list of info on the MC as well as bits that came with the new drama tracks
My copy of the artbook isn’t here yet so if there’s any new info from that I will update this
I’ll put it under cut since I feel like it’s potential spoilers?
I feel like I have to state from all the new info I cannot say whether or not MC is the girl in the headband. We have to remember that the EROSION boys don’t seem to remember the two other kids from the forest, so if this is her, they do not know/realize it.
So! First things first, the first(?) instance MC appears is during the drama parts they played as intermission during UNDERDOGS! If you have not heard it, it is included as a bonus in the Band Ecstasy version of the album, but I have also done a rough outline of what happened in it in my event report here!
The drama tracks go one by one through each of the boys starting with Toxin, as he was the one who found her a brought her backstage, then goes in the usual order of Yoru>Neight>Byakuya>Creha. (Not important but Yoru is just not censored in any of these new tracks it was really shocking)
Toxin, Neight, and Byakuya are all like we need to bring her to father; while Yoru is against it and Creha’s indifferent. Also they’re all like we aren’t vampires but I think we were already supposed to assume they were a different demon race anyways, but it’s nice to have a confirmation.
What we learn from these tracks is that she isn’t a BLOODS, her friend wanted to go to the live and she tagged along, (ah, youth, as Neight put it). It’s also painfully obvious she has no idea what’s going on- Yoru can tell she doesn’t and is sympathetic but thinks it’s better she doesn’t know. Neight believes she’s lying. Creha can also tell she doesn’t know but thinks it would be a pain to explain things to her.
I think I should say that Toxin, Neight, and Byakuya just start drinking her blood without asking or anything. Yoru and Creha on the other hand she offers them her blood.
Also interesting to note Byakuya and Creha both ask her if she’s a vampire, to which she denies and says she’s just a normal high school girl.
When it gets to Creha’s track he lets her go in the end- he actually let her go quite early into the track, but she only stayed and offered her blood because he was struggling to get over the urge to drink blood.
Anyways moving onto to the tokuten tracks from Stellaworth and Animate These show the following? day at school.
Here we learn that MC is a second year at Houshin Gakuen and is in the class next door to Toxin and Creha’s (so I think it’s safe to say this isn’t Yui)
She goes on a walk with Toxin, they get lost. Toxin’s hand fetish appears and she freaks out. Neight asks her to help with student council things because there’s no way he’s asking his brothers. She has lunch with Yoru- Yoru freaks out over the lack of nutrition in her lunch and gives her some of his Byakuya has detention because he doesn’t do his work and she helps him out Creha runs into her in the hallway literally, and she guides him around because he keeps bumping into Everything
more personal thoughts below, feel free to read them or not
She is definitely wary of Toxin and Neight and I do not blame her sitting through their tracks was  painful
Yoru is the most sympathetic and nicest to her, I would like this to be endgame but I also have a bias towards ahem tsundere yankees, me with my face in my hands the entire time like how is he this cute
Byakuya is worrisome as expected but still cute, but I’m painfully biased- but he for sure had lines where I was like,   BOY YOU GOOD? The せんせ this makes sense(haha) now thank god I don’t have to sit here like  why tho. I haven’t  100% decided if I want to tl it as doc or dowcto but anyways he kind of sees her as a doctor because her blood is like a medicine makes his headaches go away (which we learn here he just has constantly)
Creha’s pretty indifferent overall, but that’s to be expected, it’s cute though
I’m very curious on how this with progress, especially with conflicting motivations Toxin and Neight are 100% like we’re bringing her to Germany Byakuya’s only doing it because he’s obviously terrified of Carnelian Creha wants nothing to do with this- he also wants to stay in Japan because games Yoru in particular I’m curious about because he seems like the only one that would willingly go against Carnelian 
CW: Abuse ment  I’ve kind of had like a feeling that Carnelian might have abused Byakuya just based on his reactions when he’s brought up, but there is one line in particular here that’s kind of cemented that for me, when Byakuya talks about having to bring her to Carnelian he freaks out a bit about how he absolutely can’t go against Carnelian’s words and also says something along the lines of “I don’t want to hurt anymore” I don’t think it would be a stretch to think that all five of them were abused in some way, but I feel like Byakuya and Creha in particular are the most  reactive? when he’s brought up, Byakuya’s anxiety/fear and Creha’s avoidance
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twink-frank · 3 years
hi i’ve noticed the pencey prep gay conversation going on over on @awsugar and i have spent lots of time dissecting pencey prep lyrics and subjecting nathan @faggot-frank to my deranged ramblings so Here is my pencey prep super ultra mega gay lyrical analysis masterpost. it’s very long so its all under the cut but i will include a TL;DR for those who dont wanna read paragraphs of my deranged ramblings: Pencey prep uses lots of themes of: heartbreak, forbidden love, keeping love a secret, and toxic relationships. which none of that is gay on its own but combined with them almost never using gender indicators in their songs and the “nail in the coffin song” of 8th grade it ends up being a very Fruity Album.
I will be going through heart break in stereo in order and pointing out which lyrics and elements of certain songs jump out to me as Super Mega Gay and then summarizing my conclusions at the end <3
1 ) PS Don't Write
PS don't write is about leaving a toxic relationship, it has notes of moving on and leaving someone behind. "packed up all my shit / stole back all my tapes / left your spare key under the mat / this is not a joke / you'd better learn to take a hint / 'cause i'm not coming back / maybe you'll understand / when you're waking up alone / in a cold and empty bed." it has no gender indicators or pronouns which is the case in a lot of pencey prep songs, and something i'll bring up quite a bit. it also has general "coming of age" themes, something common in lots of pencey prep songs. which Yeah apply to straight people to but read in this context combined with future evidence can be pretty Fuckin Gay. "somewhere along the line / i found a hidden strength / i didn't know i had / standing on my own / cutting all the strings / that you used to control / surprise surprise / i am long gone / if you thought you could hold me down / by holding me up / you were wrong / you don't call the shots anymore." not to say only gay people can find inner strength and the room to love themselves but combined with other context it is a really poignant message about accepting yourself for who you are.
2) Yesterday
Yesterday is very repetitive and has a lot less to analyze, but the constant themes of wanting to "run away" strike me as very Fruity. once again, not saying gay people are the only people who can want to run away or escape from something But Combined With Other Context. and once again a song with no gender indicators, doesnt specify who the speaker is running away with or what they are running away from. just that they want to Leave. "i wanna run with you / i don't care what we do / gotta get out of this place / because it feels like yesterday." also saying "it feels like yesterday" could mean that the town feels backwards or old timey in its beliefs, implying homophobia. how the speaker wants to run away from an old fashioned town.
3) Don Quixote
i'm going to bring up the cultural significance of this title and literary reference first. Don Quixote is a classical novel by Cervantes which is about a crazy dude who thinks he's a knight, and goes on weird adventures with his best friend. It's typically used as a symbol of following your dreams and breaking free from what people expect of you. In the context of the song its used as a symbol of following your dreams with Someone. once again this someone is given no gender indicators. "you say it's not worth it / been burned too many times / if your spine's receding / you can borrow some of mine / don't go and quit right now / cause i'd follow you through hell." "you say so many things / and not a word of it was true / if you're still in that state of mind / i'd still vacation inside of you / cause i think you're worth every minute / and every dime that i spend / i'd spend all my time fighting dragons / just to keep you alive and talking." it's about wanting to spend time with someone, wanting to be with them no matter what. and its also about how this person feels unreachable, like being with them would be a fairytail but the speaker Still Reaches for it. "your imaginations running wild / round your deceptive heart / this is my crusade / and you're the unreachable star / but i'm reaching." talking about this person being unreachable and unattainble. which isnt gay By Itself  but again combined with the other context. FRUIT BEHAVIOR.
4) 10 Rings
another breakup song once again with no gender indicators, are you guys sensing a theme here? anyways this song is about someone cutting you off and then coming back suddenly wanting to talk again after breaking your heart. it has a sense of forbidden love, like this person Told the speaker they cant be together for Whatever Reason ;] and is now trying to come back and repair their mistake when the speaker is already hurt and reeling. "learn to live with decisions you make / i learned things from the break i can't forget / catch you doing drive-bys at 1 AM / it must kill you to know we can't be friends." "end of the summer you cut me off / i cut you out all the pictures i have." which this Isnt Gay By Itself. but bringing that phrase back with other context this is such a uniquely gay experience. being in love with someone and they cut you off Because theyre weirded out by that and then they try to come back, convince you it meant nothing.
5) The Secret Goldfish
my FAVORITE pencey song. this one has a lot. it's another breakup song about heartbreak and loss and im not even gonna dwell on the no gender indicators because yall see the theme now. it has themes of heartbreak and losing someone who is very close to you and having to let go of them and having to accept that this person cant be yours and you cant be with them. "land of the lost / i found myself in nothing / this time, promises broken find me / clutching to you for something / something that you're not / believing in what you say / it makes me lie awake at night / the truth, the truth is not what scares me / it's why you have to lie / all the time." here we see these themes of having to let someone go because they just Aren't The Same as you. "clutching to you for something / something that you're not." maybe like chasing after a straight boy and getting rejected? also the repetition of "heartbreak is forever" when you're young and gay losing that first person you felt some kind of love and attraction to can feel like the end of the world and can be a huge deal because of the lack of representation and guidance young gays get. and the themes of nothing lasting forever, the fact that gay people never get promised eternal love the same way straight people do.
6) 8th Grade
this song is the nail in penceys fucking coffin honestly. the rest of these songs have a lot of plausible deniability, just vague enough to maybe Not Be Gay. but framed in the context of 8th grade they all start to get a lil fruity. Im just gonna go through lyric by lyric for this one. "caught staring again / like a deer in the headlights / when you can't move fast enough / i take a hit for the team / pretty girl is blushing / i can't tell if she's disgusted / laughter starts to swell / someone gets the joke." this kid was staring at some cute boy ass and got caught and everyone is laughing at him for being gay. the "pretty girl" here is what most people think he's staring at but with the rest of the song it's obvious she's not the one he's looking at. "bells ring, i make my escape / helps a little, but doesn't save / beat downs a common thing / with us every day / maybe im just strange / cause i dont change schools / so maybe i like the abuse / or maybe i just like you." literally This is the nail in penceys fucking coffin. "maybe i like the abuse or maybe i just like you." this kid purposefully takes beatings from his bully who is Obviously male if you take into context the next verse. because he Likes Him. "maybe im just strange / cause i dont change schools" literally willingly taking beatings from his bully bc he has a crush. "another confrontation / you've got something to prove / your girl can't tell how tough you are / when you beat me up in the boys room." this just confirms that the subject of the song is a boy, and a tough macho boy with something to prove. maybe also hiding his own internalized homophobia through bullying? "well i made a big mistake / but i can't help who i like / this may not cost my life / but i am branded forever lame." LITERALLY ITS RIGHT IN YOUR FACE. "can't help who i like" "branded forever lame" do i even need to fucking explain this oh my god. he got outed as gay, he Can't Help Who He Likes and is now branded forever as "the gay kid." the rest of the song is general "im gonna get back at my bully" stuff but literally THIS. THIS is the song that brands all penceys other very vague songs as 100% verified super mega ultra gay.
7) 19
this song has a lot less, and is more about internal struggle than anything. but it is the only song with a "she" pronoun in it. but there is one thing i wanna mention. "I scream out loud / but no one hears a sound / i take my life with lack of sleep / i believe the things i feel / the things i see are fooling only me." this song is about not believing what the world shows you, believing what you think is true in your heart and what You feel. not what anyone else tells you. which is a gay experience. believing in yourself and your heart and your feelings, believing theyre right and theyre true and valid. Also this song has a significance in coming right after 8th grade on the album, going from being 13 to 19, from being unsure in your feelings and angry about the people who dont like you to lost and hopeless but somewhat grounded in yourself.
8) Trying To Escape The Inevitable
this song is about an abusive and toxic relationship, knowing you Need to escape it but being so infatuated with the person you literally cant. “i have this reoccurring dream / you make it hard for me to breathe / i gave you everything i could / i gave up everything i owned / and when you smile it’s not for me / you offer little sympathy / your grasp so far exceeds your reach / i wake up, this is not a dream.” “i have this reoccuring dream / where you admit that you’re not happy / i know that you will never leave / you’re here just to torment me.” which like again this isnt an exclusively gay experience but it is very interesting when framed that way. in that gay people are way more likely to throw themselves into abusive and toxic relationships because they dont feel like they can get anybody else. the repetition of “i know i should run” makes it seem like the speaker Knows he should get out but he just Cant because what if he never finds love again? and the little reprise in the middle “i have a new dream / and everything is perfect / the sky is pink, yellow, green, blue, and orange / and all the past has been forgotten / and we fell in love / and we fell in love / and we fell in love / and i fell into your trap.” implying that even if he escapes, even in his dreams he still falls for this person because he feels like he cant have anything else.
9) Lloyd Dobbler
another love song about wanting to have someone but not being able to because of Unspecified Forbidden Reasons. “why are you so far away / even when you’re standing next to me? / your eyes give you away / telling secrets your mouht don’t feel like talking.” falling in love with someone, maybe sensing that they like you too. that they Are Like You and that they have a Secret they dont want to vocalize. do i even need to explain it at this point? and in the chorus “That I’ll be your lloyd dobbler / with a boom box out in the street / and i’ll be there if you need someone / even if he isn’t me.” saying you’ll be there for someone even if that person isn’t you, also the use of Pronouns which is big for pencey prep. which yes the use of “even if he isnt me” could imply a straight girl ooorrr....Fruit Behavior. also this line “There’s a norman rockewll painting / of two kids sitting on a bench / it reminds me of all the stupid things / i’d like for us to share, but i dont care.” normal rockwell is a painter that paints traditionally “american” scenes. like the american ideal, that maybe he wants with this person. but he knows he cant have, but its stupid and domestic and he wants it but he Cant Have It because of FRUIT BEHAVIOR.
10) Florida Plates
another of my favorite pencey songs, and this one brings back those tragic “love but we cant have it” themes, except with a more somber tone. instead of being angry or resentful or spiteful in the face of adversity. its an Acceptance, of what they had and how good it was and how it just Cant Last. “kiss a mouth to open eyes / stall one last moment before goodbye / drive in different cars in different directions / never write all the letters full of good words, better intentions / it’s for the best although we don’t know it / paper words will cheapen the moments we shared / it’s better if i say nothing at all.” it’s about knowing you have to leave someone, even if having them in the moment is great they Can’t Stay and you can’t even talk or write about the moments you had. which do i even need to explain it at this point? forbidden love, not being able to have each other, not even being able to Talk about it. its a secret, and painful one but its beautiful while you have it. Conclusion alright!!! thank you so so much if you read all the way through that i Know it was long i Know it was a lot of repetition but i wanted to make my point. pencey prep has very big gay themes in their music. with forbidden love, letting go, heartbreak, keeping secrets, toxic realtionships. which none of it is gay on its own but in the context of: almost none of the songs having clear gender indicators and always speaking really vaguely about the subject and Eight Grade the “nail in the coffin song” you can see my point thank you and goodnight.
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