#yekaterina deryn artemi
umbralstars · 2 years
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Happy Birthday Dimitri!! He got a bunch of gifts from his family! A carved brooch from Emyr (top left), a new pelt hunted by his uncle Rufus (top right), Katya (bottom left) made him a new cloak and attached the pelt to it, and of course a new sword from Lambert. 
Emyr and Katya two of my Blaiddyd Bastards, aka Rufus kids and Dimitri’s cousins, and the version of Rufus depicted here is my pre-Hopes version of him
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umbralstars · 1 year
To War - Emyr & Katya explore dialog
Katya: A war? But why? Haven't we already lost so much? Why would anyone want to cause even more suffering?
Byleth: I wish I knew...
Katya: I worried about the company. I'm worried about everyone back home in Faerghus. I'm worried about Dimitri...a lot.
Katya: Emyr said we're going back home. I've wanted to, but will all of you be okay? Please. Don't die. I don't want to lose anyone else!
Emyr: So it's finally time.... Everyone in Faerghus has always been prepared for the day the Empire tries to sink their claws into us again.
Emyr: Everyone in the company is prepared to defend the monastery with you. I am as well, but this will be where we part ways.
Byleth: You're returning home?
Emyr: Precisely. Protecting Garreg Mach comes first, but I will be returning with my cousin to Fhridiad. He needs to speak with my father, and so do I.
Emyr: Even as a bastard, I was born a noble to Faerghus. I cannot stand idly by and allow my home and our freedom to be ripped out from under us! Especially not after how much Adrestia has already taken.
[Azure Moon specific]
Byleth: Do you believe Edelgard was involved then?
Emyr: Physically? I'm not sure.
Emyr: She's not much older than Dimitri. But you also wouldn't assume someone her age would have the logistical know how to raise an army and put a whole country under her thumb in a few weeks. Anyone who thinks she planned this in a singular year is a fool.
Emyr: Dimitri is the only one who was there who can still speak. So I cannot ignore the possibility no matter how improbable. I understand his desire for revenge. Very well.
Emyr: Regardless, Adrestian nobles were involved in it. Financially, aid wise, physically with troops? Doesn't matter which, the Tragedy happened for this. For her. If Faerghus were even half as stable as it was before the tragedy? I doubt she would get very far...even if I am aware there is more than one traitor who took Adrestia's succor.
Emyr: I just hope there are less snakes in our lion's den than I fear.
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umbralstars · 3 years
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Sketchy siblings
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umbralstars · 3 years
Mutiny in the Mist - Explore Jeralt's Mercenaries p.1
Emyr Artemi
Emyr: What utter senselessness... Another rebellion added to the pile, and now from Lonato of all people! What in the Goddess' name is the Regent doing?! He didn't used to-Oh, my apologies Leth, I didn't see you.
Byleth (A): 'He didn't used to?' (⏬)
Emyr: I- Don't worry yourself about it. We just need to put an end to this, quickly. Let's be careful out there.
Byleth (B): Worried about the Kingdom? (⏫)
Emyr: Of course I'm worried, Faerghus is my home. I just can't understand it is all.
Emyr: Grand Duke Rufus was once a capable ruler who would've never allowed something like this to happen. Yet how many rebellions has the Company been called in to help put down since the Tragedy?! The Kingdom stands at the precipice of ruin and-
Emyr: And the young Prince must take the throne soon lest things get worse... Lonato's army is rather strange as well. He was once a suppoter of Rufus' so why betray him now?
Emyr: Nothing feels right about this situation Leth. Please, be ready for anything.
Katya Artemi
Katya: Leth...I don't like this... What do you think will happen to everyone in the town? I want to think everything will be okay, but things like this always end in sadness...
Katya: Doing this before the Rite of Rebirth too, when families will be reuniting for the return of the Goddess to sky. How many families will now be missing someone this year?
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umbralstars · 3 years
Relationships 3. do they get attached easily?
Appearance 2. do they wish they could change a part of their appearance?
Does he get attached easily?
He does, but that does not mean he realizes how attached he gets or how quickly he gets attached. Emyr, despite all of the hiding of his identity, is actually a pretty genuine and emotional person. He just really wants people he can be honest and unguarded with, and who he can trust readily without fear of betrayal or expectations he can't meet. Probably wants that on an almost unconscious level and doesn't really realize he's opening his heart to people until it's blatantly obvious. He knows not to trust readily due to numerous life experiences, but damn if he doesn't get attached once he does give that trust to someone.
He's protective of the people he cares for, and he care very deeply. He also feels betrayal very acutely and if you break his trust it's almost impossible to get it back without working for it.
(This one was honestly hard to answer cause I was going back and forth on whether he easily lets people in or not. Also I'm having a hard time putting is answer into words. I think it's dependent on whether you're talking about Academy or War phase Emyr, and that he lets people in even though he doesn't tell all except for a few about himself. Attachment for him is more showing genuine care and letting down of emotional walls. It's almost hard to put into words, but the main fact is he isn't standoffish even during the time he's not being really truthful and avoiding his past.)
Does she wish she could change a part of her appearance?
She does sometimes. Katya wishes that she looked more like her brother or father. She has Rufus' blond hair, but it's curlier like Darya's was. She also has her mother's brown eyes, and she really wishes sometimes that she had blue eyes like Emyr and Rufus. Because blue eyes, regardless of Crest, are so common among Blaiddyds she feels like she doesn't fit in without them.
A lot of that stems from completely baseless rumors people spread about Katya not really being Rufus' daughter and she just really wished she had a Crest or blue eyes in the hope people would stop saying things like that. She knows that rumors like that don't matter cause she's Emyr's sister and her parent's daughter no matter what, but that doesn't mean those rumors don't hurt.
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umbralstars · 3 years
Katya and Eymr for “What is their aesthetic?” And relationship 5 or 6
What is their aesthetic?
Emyr: I always associate things that have autumn/winter vibes. Whatever the fuck Narnia: The Lion, The Witch, and the Wardrobe has going on. Knightcore most definitely, and throw in a dash of both of the Academia aesthetics for good measure.
Katya: Disney princess. She works really well for the spring, but specifically the early spring as winter still lingers. War phase Katya adopts some of the knightcore aesthetic too.
Relationship 5 or 6?
Emyr: 'You will not know anything about me until like 50 years from now.' Even aside from the whole 'is literally hiding his identity for half of White Clouds' he's still selective with who he talks about his past with.
Katya: 'You will know everything about me in the next 3 minutes.' She has no problem telling people about herself. Katya feels like she doesn't really have anything to hide, and only keeps her and Emyr's identities a secret because she knows Emyr doesn't want to talk about it until the reveal. Has a very 'Yeah that did happen, but it's in the past and while that's important I want to be here in the present' mentality.
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umbralstars · 3 years
When they joined Jeralt's Company Katya made Emyr promise her that no matter what he wouldn't die out on a job. Emyr told her over and over that they had to leave because of what happened in Duscur, so she told him if that was the case he had to always come home and wouldn't die on her.
After Emyr chose to lead Itha against the Empire and Cornelia's Dukedom, Katya made him re-promise that he'd live through the war especially since he begged her to go with Arash to Deirdru (since being there would be moderately more safe and Katya's probably barely 14 when the war starts). Emyr always does his best to honor that promise and it does help keep him aware of his own injuries and limitations.
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umbralstars · 3 years
2. Tea, coffee, hot chocolate or other?
6. What kind of books comfort them? What books help them heal after a hard day?
43. What is the DND alignment?
for Emyr and / or Katya
Tea, coffee, hot chocolate, or other?
I'm actually gonna talk about his opinion on each if you don't mind.
Tea: Adores it. Tea is honestly his drink of choice as long as he has sugar or honey to get rid of the bitterness. He doesn't like it boiling hot but enjoys drinking it when the temperature is a steady warmth. His favorite tea blends are: Rose-Petal Blend, Chamomile, and Bergamot. Emyr has to settle for other teas on the road because all these blends are favored by nobility so can be a bit expensive.
Coffee: No. If there is one thing Rufus and him can agree on it's that coffee just does not taste good and they don't get the appeal. For him it's not even because it's bitter the taste of the coffee bean itself is just not great.
Hot chocolate: This is an interesting one because chocolate is extremely rare in Fódlan (pretty much only a thing for nobility), but Emyr has had and does like hot chocolate. Despite his distate for most bitter things he actually likes dark chocolate and finds sweeter chocolate a bit much, so dark hot chocolate was an occasional treat he had at home. He keeps quiet about the fact he likes it cause pretty much no one outside of the rich can get their hands on it, and he doesn't need another thing clocking him as a noble.
Other: Actually likes lemon water. Fraldarius Whiskey.
What kind of books comfort them?
Faerghal folk stories. He's always loved them since he was a kid especially a small but pretty thick illustrated folk story collection his mother commissioned for him before he was born. He keeps it in his pack and doesn't like anyone messing with it. If he's had a hard day Emyr will curl up with that book and read those old stories he's read a million times over. Also likes the stories surrounding Loog and can recite scenes from a few of the books by heart.
DND Alignment?
Chaotic Good
Tea, coffee, hot chocolate, or other?
Tea: Enjoys it a lot and likes hers sweet like Emyr, but since she likes already sweet sweets the sugar she adds is a bit much for a lot of people. She actually loves trying to make her own tea flavors and has Emyr and a few of the other mercenaries as test subjects. Favorite blends: Sweet-Apple blend, Honeyed-Fruit Blend, and Bergamot.
Coffee: Enjoys it. Likes to sweeten her coffee with cream and sugar and enjoys spicing her coffee with cinnamon, nutmeg, lavender, and the like.
Hot chocolate: Hasn't had any in years but remembers drinking it as a beloved treat with Emyr especially around the holidays.
Other: A wide variety of fruit juices.
What kind of books comfort them?
She loves the tales of chivalry and folk stories from Faerghus just as much as Emyr does. However, (and don't tell her brother) she is a big fan of romance stories. Especially the sweeter romance variety with 'true love' and 'love at first site' tropes galore. They just comfort her in ways she can't really explain.
DND Alignment?
Neutral Good.
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umbralstars · 3 years
Emyr: I love most of my siblings, I really do. But my relationship with them is either "We ride together, we die together" or "No I have never seen this person in my life" and there's really no inbetween.
Mabyn: You really put us on a list like that?!
Emyr: You're solidly in the latter camp if you want to know.
Mabyn: I hate you so much.
Emyr: The feeling is mutual.
/During the war/
Arash: What do you mean the door is stuck? Just try jiggling the handle.
Imperial Solider: There is no handle in here!
Yuri, stowing the handle away in his bag: There's not?! Are you sure??
Imperial Solider: Alright, I've had enough of this! Tell us where the Grand Duke is and we'll imprison you all!
Katya: Don't you mean 'or'?
Imperial Solider: What?! Fine, fine! Tell us where the Grand Duke is OR we'll imprison you all!
Katya, looking at Arash and Yuri currently making the escape route: Well, which is it? That seems like a pretty crucial conjuction if you ask me!
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umbralstars · 3 years
Katya would totally beg Emyr to let them adopted one of the Blaiddyd Rex puppies she found at the monastery cause its cute but also reminds her of Rufus' hunting dogs. She misses those dogs a lot and Emyr probably does let her keep one cause it makes her happy but also he misses those dogs too
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umbralstars · 3 years
❤️ Name 3 Likes?
💔 Name 3 Dislikes?
🍞 Favorite Food?
for both ocs! :D
Q: Three likes?
Emyr: "Just off the top of my head?"
Katya: "Oh, oh! Em can I go first?"
Emyr: "Well...I guess you-"
Katya: "OK! I adore festivals and markets and just everywhere lively and full of people! Festivals especially are my favorite time of year because everyone comes together and it's just...nice to be around so many happy people."
Emyr, smiling: "Festivals are nice, aren't they? I just get tired being around so many people for so long, so I don't have my sister's infectious love of them."
Katya: "That's why Alban Yol's my favorite! Em likes it best because it's a close-nit holiday, and I like it when my big brother is enjoying something I like too. Hmmmm, as for two other things? I like sweets, especially if I get to bake them, and animals too. Gryphons have to be my favorite though! Your turn Em!"
Emyr: "I suppose I love nature most of all. All of Fódlan is beautiful I'll admit, but my heart does belong to the moors and forests of home. I would often take long rides as a boy just to get out of the house for awhile, and I always felt at peace out there...I do miss it."
Katya: "..."
Emyr, clears his throat: "I also enjoy old books and learning all I can about anything. All that captures my interest really. And one can never go wrong with a nice and durable weapon."
Katya: "Emyr also likes writing poetry! They're all so pretty-"
Emyr, blushing: "Y-Yes! I do enjoy that too, but it's really not of import!"
Q: Three dislikes?
Katya: "I don't like it when I'm not doing something. There's always work to be done in camp, but even when we're relaxing I have to be reading a book or something!"
Emyr: "Seconded. I rarely can ever enjoy doing absolutely nothing. Even if I appear to just be laying in the grass I'm mediating or praying or thinking about something."
Katya: "Ummm, I don't like how some people treat me like I'm a little kid. I might be a kid, but I'm a mercenary too and want to pull my weight!"
Emyr: "I guess you're still upset that Jeralt, Mhara, and I won't let you fight?"
Katya: "Hnng! I don't even have to fight! I can apprentice with Hildie and be a healer! And you can teach me magic! We're Faerghal Emyr, kids younger than me are squires already!"
Emyr, sighs: "Alright, I'll consider it."
Katya: "Yes! Oh I also don't really like sour food all that much. Em eats lemons like oranges and it's really weird."
Emyr, smirking: "So you and others have told me many a time."
Emyr: "As for me I loath gossip. Nothing is more cruel than backbiting about someone's private life just to get your cheap kicks. Especially when one does so to harm others with no regard for how hard it is to reign back in those lies.
Emyr: "Oh, and coffee. Bitter foods in general, but coffee is truly the drink that confounds me as to why people like it. Doesn't matter how much milk or sugarcane one puts in it the flavor is awful and-"
Katya, giggling: "Em you sound like Papa. Remember when he got so mad at Uncle and Mr. Rodrigue when they switched his tea with coffee at breakfast?"
Emyr: "Remember when you and Arash did that to me?"
Katya: "Yeah :D"
Emyr: /just sighs/
Q: Favorite food?
Katya: "Sweet buns!"
Emyr: "Beast meat teppanyaki or onion gratin soup. I really don't think could choose between either."
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umbralstars · 3 years
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https://picrew.me/image_maker/197122 (credit for the profile)
Gender: Female
Race: Human
Ethnicity: Faerghal and Srenghalreg
Age: 38, died in 1167
Birthday: 20th day of the Garland Moon 1129
Height: 5'4
Fyodor Artemi (Younger brother)
Rufus Cassius Blaiddyd (Lover)
Emyr Artemi Blaiddyd
Yekaterina Deryn Blaiddyd
Residence: Samara (formally); Castell Itha
Title: Countess of Samara
Faction: Holy Kingdom of Faerghus
Basic Backstory
Eldest daughter to the Count of Samara with a younger brother who is 4 years her junior
Samara is a small, but powerful, trading County (city-state) which sits on the river throat between all the major trading routes of the Nothern Faerghus
Other lords around Samara are always trying to fold the stupidly rich city into their own borders
Darya's mother was originally from Sreng while her father was the step-son and chosen heir to the last Count
Darya was given one of the highest quality educations available in Faerghus between the County library, the Fhirdiad School of Magic, the Officers Academy, and studying in Embarr for a time
She's intelligent, very well read, and an avid writer/artist. The ultimate conversationalist
Her brother is named heir to Samara in 1147 after he reaches an age where death in childhood finally goes way down
Darya feels cheated out of her birthright due to her putting in the work while Fyodor continued to be utterly unconcerned with ruling effectively
Their father favored Imperial mindsets towards primogenuture (as well as being partially raised in the Empire so has their cultural views towards women) and thus wouldn't budge
Her mother even tries to convince their father to switch favor to her instead, but to no avail
She goes to the Officers Academy when she's 15 years old in 1147
She first meets Rufus as they're in the same class and form a friendship while at the school and maintained occasional contact in the years afterward
When she was 22, Fyodor had her temporarily banished because he feared she would be a threat to his power
This only fueled her hatred of him as she had to take up residence in Fraldarius with a friend of hers
Darya continues with her studies in the intervening years while secretly holding aspirations for the County seat
She begins her programs for attentively listening to the people through reading their letters and finding ways to solve complaints. It's a small thing but it's what she could do to address their concerns with power in the hands of her brother
Returns to Samara at 26 at Fyodor's request so she can help him solve numerous problems due to his neglect of Samara
Headways new waste management and food programs for the citizenry, makes a suggestion for a Council of the Guilds to be created to aid them in ruling, but Fyodor rejects the idea outright
Meets Rufus at the age of 29 (Wyvern Moon IY 1158) during his diplomatic trip to Samara. She held far more interest in Rufus now due to the political machinations she's seen for the past 12 years
Darya came to him late in the night and invited him for drinks in the private lounge, he was not prepared for her wit and political aspirations
Darya and Rufus craft a plot to kill Fyodor and place her as Coutess and vassalize Samara to Itha
They developed an actual friendship in the intervening months of planning and just casual conversations. Rufus made it a point to travel to Samara rather regularly just to see Darya in person
Fyodor even had the idea to try and set up a marriage between Darya and Rufus just to get her out of Samara
Their actual relationship begins during the Guardian Moon of 1158 and Darya is pregnant with Emyr by early Lone Moon IY 1158
Rufus almost proposes after she becomes pregnant, but Darya (and Rufus for that matter) genuinely has no wish to get married despite how much she does love him
That and any official recognition of their relationship should be after they go through with the assassination
Feels marriage will just ruin their relationship and wants to commit to him without that straining expectation
Fyodor learns of the plot and has a chat with Rufus to try and intimidate him out of going through with it. Rufus decides that he needs to act to protect himself, his lover, and his child
In 1158 LM, Fyodor is killed by Rufus during a hunting trip and Darya is made Countess of Samara
1159 EM, Darya moves to Castell Itha permanently live with Rufus and raise their son together
Darya and Rufus continue to work together improving Itha and Samara in tandem
Darya begins the tradition of receiving and responding to letters personally all across the Grand Dutchy, so that she and Rufus are aware of and can quickly solve problems
They create the first Council together modeled after the Alliance and the long defunct Senate of Adrestia
She helps to patron the arts of Itha & Samara and aids in developing the new magic techniques to making growing crops extremely easy even in the north
Aids Rufus in father consolidation through diplomacy and conspiracy
1167 Darya's health begins to fail as she continues through her second pregnancy
Rufus tried everything under the sun to heal her but to no avail
Much speculation surrounds her sudden bout of illness, but it's never discovered if foul play was involved
Darya passes away not long after giving birth to Katya
Despite her public face as Countess of Samara, Darya is known for almost having an air of mystery around her. She's rarely seen without a smile, and is more light-hearted than her position as a Countess would suggest. She believes that the beliefs others, or society at large, can hold is often overly restricting and thus it is often difficult to sway them. Though she is known for tying to do exactly that. Darya is known for being a fluid, witty, and engaging conversationalist. She has an enigmatic air around her and while her friends grow used to it those who she is only acquainted find it alluring or terrifying; although, she'll admit to fostering this intentionally as she enjoys watching people squirm.
As a Coutess, Darya is infallibly polite to whoever she interacts with. But when speaking to close friends, while she maintains her affable demeanor, she shows a blunter and more cynical side to her, and can even come across as a bit selfish. She's known not ro mince words and will tell the truth to those she deems needs to hear it, whatever it may be.
Darya is voracious when it comes to learning all she can about different subjects as she finds that no knowledge is pointless. She also cares much for her people and takes her duties as a leader in Faerghus to be the most important one she has. As Countess, she's not afraid to break tradition and try new avenues of governance should she believe it overall beneficial to the health of her people and state. She is also not above espionage or conspiracy to meet these same ends. Darya is a lover of extravagance and feels the one of the duties of a lord is to share that extravagance with her people. The festivals in Samara as well as her balls both open and closed to the public are renowned in Faerghus.
Other Notes
She has religious beliefs that are a syncretism of the religious of Faerghus and Sreng and she was the one to pass on some ideas to Emyr while she was still alive
She actively tried to make friends with Rufus' other partners whenever she met them and she was successful a few times
Darya was close friends with Fiachra, but notably never got along with Lady Cecillia
Has a love of sewing, painting, and music
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umbralstars · 3 years
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(Picrew because the drawing machine broke :'). Really cute Picrew though here's the link: https://picrew.me/image_maker/614903)
Name: Yekaterina (Katya) Deryn Blaiddyd
Gender: Female
Orientation: Bisexual
Race: Human
Ethnicity: Faerghal
Age: 13 (Pre-TS); 18 (Post-TS)
Birthday: 12 of the Wyvern Moon 1167
Height: 4'11
- Rufus Cassius Blaiddyd
- Darya Artemi (deceased)
- Emyr Artemi Blaiddyd
- Dimitri Alexandre Blaiddyd
- Others not listed
Starting Class: Commoner
Residence: Castell Itha (Formerly); Traveler
Faction: Jeralt's Mercenaries; Holy Kingdom of Faerghus
Basic Backstory
The daughter of Grand Duke Rufus Cassius Blaiddyd and Duchess Court Darya Artemi.
Katya was born during a particularly turbulent time in the court of Itha. With the death of the Duchess Consort a few of the more enterprising and ambitious courtesans strove to elevate her half-siblings to the role of hier or remove the competition entirely. Katya was mostly spared from the political machinations by being so young at the time, but her earliest memories are of this dark period. Despite the circumstances, Katya's early life was not completely mired in darkness and she sought to bring happiness to her life and lives of her family.
She grew very close to her older brother Emyr and a few of her half siblings as well as the other noble kids and castle staff. She could never grow exceptionally close with her father and holds tightly to the pleasant memories of Itha she does have. Katya was very aware of the tension that existed between Rufus and Emyr, and did, for a time, believe it was somehow her fault. She had an interest in the various flying creatures of Fódlan, especially the native Itha Gryphon and swore she would one day learn to fly on them again like the knights in Faerghus' stories. Katya has a great love of Faerghus' stories of chivalry.
When she was around 6, she followed Emyr out into the town and was kidnapped by a group of thugs wishing to extort her older brother for gold. Emyr ended up rescuing her in the end and event served to bring the siblings closer together. Emyr taught her magic in order to defend herself if she ever wished to sneak out of the castle again.
Katya was 8 when the Tragedy of Duscur happened. She didn't understand the true extent of what had occurred at first. Why her father had to move to Fhirdiad, where her uncle went, or why her cousin was suddenly so distant. When her brother came to Fhirdiad from the Officers Academy, Katya didn't understand Emyr's pleas to leave Faerghus but willingly left with him anyways that night. She still wears the same blue cape Emyr brought with him from the Officers Academy.
After the siblings were folded into Jeralt's mercenary company, Katya took to the constant traveling and fighting as best she could. At first, like with Byleth, she wasn't allowed to fight and was taught skills and cared for jointly by her brother and the other willing mercenaries. She helped out in other ways like cooking, mending clothes, and learning healing magic/potion brewing from other proficient members in the company. She does miss her family in Faerghus dearly but considers the Mercenaries just as important to her.
Curious - Katya is always willing and ready to learn new things. She's imaginative and open minded with a fascination for pretty much anything. She is extremely intelligent and a borderline genius for her age.
Perceptive - To Katya nothing or no one is unimportant. She pays attention to pretty much everything around her and can pick up even the slightest changes in body language or emotions in a person. She hates being presumptive and always airs on the side of being wrong, and will apologize if he is, but always wants to take account for other people's feelings and needs.
Enthusiastic - Katya's energy and optimism seems nearly boundless. She's warmhearted with an extremely friendly disposition. She loves talking to anyone and loves hearing different ideas and perspectives than her own.
Festive - She always tries to find joy in the present moment. Katya knows that joy can often be fleeting and genuinely wants to bring as much joy into the lives of those around her as possible.
Overly Optimistic - Katya is always trying to keep and peace and uplift others. She has a rosy outlook on life and often makes well-intentioned if naive choices. She genuinely believes that often it is worth the risk to trust people and give them the benefit of doubt, even if someone has not necessarily earned it.  However, she has a hard time accepting hard truths and will stubbornly cling to her faith in others.
Restless - Believes she has to always needs to be doing something. Katya will get restless and stressed if she isn't working on some kind of project or overarching goal. She does like to relax but relaxation had to be in a way productive.
Hides her feelings - Katya is much more willing to hide her own sadness or frustration if it means she can help someone else with theirs. She keeps a cheerful disposition nearly all the times and only breaks down when things become too much for her. Once she does break, it takes a very long time for her to calm back down again.
Loyal and Dedicated - Katya will do anything and everything for her family and friends. She's extremely loyal to those who she cares about, and actually won't hesitate to use trickery or other dubious methods to help someone.
Likes: Sweets, her family, making friends, animals, helping others, lively places, painting
Dislikes: Lies, Emyr's overprotectiveness, Indolence, People who will hurt those she cares about
Other Notes
Katya is a light prankster and loves to jokingly poke at people, most often her brother.
She loves the woodcarvings Emyr makes her and her brother's poems.
Katya does sorely miss home and doesn't understand why Emyr's so hellbent on keeping their identity a secret at Garreg Mach.
She goes by Katya Artemi while they are traveling with the Mercenaries and does prefer "Katya" over her full name.
She is very religious and often prays to the Goddess for protection.
She doesn't mind fighting as long as it's to defend others and herself. Her brother and the other merchs are teaching her how to handle weapons, and she really enjoys her lessons because she gets to spend time with her brother.
She does really love her father and half-siblings and wishes she got to know them better.
She goes with Arash to Derdriu after the Blaiddyds are scattered on AM, SS, and VW while her brother fights with the resistance in nothern Faerghus.
She eventually makes it back to the other Mercenaries and helps out during the war.
She will not join during Crimson Flower but will survive the war unlike her brother and likely leave Fódlan all together for safety.
After Azure Moon she likely returns to Itha to help her brother manage the Grand Duchy.
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