random-brushstrokes · 4 months
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Oleksandr Murashko - Portrait of Yeleny Prahovoji (1905)
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ruivieira1950 · 12 days
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Oleksandr Murashko - Portrait of Yeleny Prahovoji (1905)
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of-sea-and-light · 4 months
He laughs, although it sounds more like a scoff.
I'm as real as my hatred for you.
He doesn't take a step forward, he knows it's pointless to waste his energy on this.
He still really wants to punch Daniel, though.
”…Oh. Our time’s about up.”
“Awwwww, maaaaan…I was having fun, too.”
“Au revoir.”
The dream begins to fade out.
“Wait, Yelenie, I never got to say-“
They wake up.
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x-nek0 · 4 years
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@ mightyerror
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lyer13xo-blog · 6 years
Lo escrito en tinta no se borra.
— Yelenis Ewald.
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whirlybirbs · 3 years
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HOBBYISTS & FINER THINGS.   ;   silco / reader
summary: perhaps all this trouble is worth it. or, you come into ownership of the lilac lounge and after a business inquiry, find you've earned silco's interest.
word count: 2.1k
pairing: silco / f!reader
a/n: a little something i've been stewing on. enjoy what will undoubtedly become a little series, knowing me. this pretty gif is by @aestheticsicrushon from this set here!
read me on ao3  |  next chapter >
You're beginning to think this whole thing was more trouble than it was worth. By 'thing', you quite candidly mean the fact The Lilac Lounge — one of three brothel's residing along the Lanes' main strip — was now under your ownership.
You'd be lying if you said it hadn't come as surprise.
(The sort of surprise that had riled half the Lanes the next morning — your screams of disbelief had ricocheted down the strip, the squawk sending whatever poor gutter rats and ravens fleeing from their morning meals. WHAT?!)
You and Yeleni — the previous owner — had never really seen eye-to-eye. She was a disgruntled, old courtesan who could rarely admit a single fault, and yet you stuck around. Be it loyalty or stubbornness, you're still not quite sure. You were one of her best girls; you've spent the better half of your life working in that plush, little brothel.
Those rooms have seen your maturity sharpen.
Whatever. Fuckin' Yeleni. She put your fuckin' name on the deed. Then, she up and croaked. Slipped away in her sleep. Not exactly the way you'd imagined her going, but it happened. You always thought there would be more screaming, more clawing — a last, desperate cling to life just like she clung to her vanishing creams smuggled from Topside.
There's a whole pile sitting on your desk back at The Lilac Lounge. You can't seem to get rid of them fast enough. You thought handing off a dead woman's half-used beauty regime would be easier. Turns out it's quite the contrary.
...Perhaps Silco...?
You silence the intrusive quip with a quick flash of your lashes.
You have to admit — you anticipated the man before you to be a bit more... garish. From the way Yeleni had spoken of him, it seemed as if he was a pain to look at. From her stories, every interaction between the two verged on violent. Though, you suppose that eighty-six-year-old whore rarely had any sort of functional relationship with any of her coworkers, patrons, or protection. It was charming... in a twisted way.
His back is to you now. He is in the corner, by the phonograph. There's a cart there with a myriad of pretty little bottles and pretty little spirits. The offer of tea comes as a surprise.
From your place between the two of his enforcers, you shift in your chair. Your cross your legs and rest your knotted hands on your stockinged knee when your coat has parted.
"Sherry," you speak slowly; the point in your words remains pleasant if not professional, "If you have it."
Across the room, Silco takes pause. His own drink is forgotten for a moment — and he's suddenly struck with the fact you are not Yeleni. You're... well, little old Yeleni would have already threatened to castrate him for suggesting he didn't have her tea ready on her arrival.
"Not a fan?"
She'd been a mythic woman. Quite small, but mighty. Respected.
Why she left The Lilac Lounge to you remains to be seen.
He moves, the lip of the crystal tinkering neatly against the glass. He turns back, both drinks in hand.
"No," you explain lightly, "I can never get past the sting of the water."
You get a good look at him then, backlit by the jade windows that suck in the dim light from the Lanes outside. Your chin is held high, posturing rigid as a board. Silco is a bit surprised to see you've kept your coat on. The high collar brushes your cheek.
He offers the sherry and your gloved fingers brush his.
He holds your gaze.
You're a pretty thing. Beautiful, even. Not in a delicate sense, but in a pointed sort of way. Sharp. Perhaps it's the wicked way your eyes narrow ever so slightly when they meet his.
Hm. No, not bad to look at. Not at all, you reason.
His eyes lift and with a wave of his hand, he gestures for his men to wait outside. You watch, sherry raised to your lips, and only sip once the door has clicked shut. When your head swivels back, he's still watching you.
Finally, he leans back and ventures around the center table to his rouge loveseat.
The spirit stings your throat. It's nice.
"You know," comes the slow drawl as he leans and gathers a cigar before dropping down to the sofa, "Your predecessor would have threatened me four times over at this point in our meeting..."
You snort into your drink. Quiet. Lady-like, still. Your voice echoes in the crystal as you hesitate a sip.
"Would you prefer I begin now or later?"
Silco almost laughs. Almost. The corner of his lips tug. You see a flash of intrigue narrow his good eye. The other, burning bright as embers, stares on.
"Hardly," he leans forward, elbows on his knees. Gracefully, he clips the cigar and procures a heavy, gilded lighter from the same box. He snaps it open with a satisfying tink before lighting the expensive piece of tobacco. It's a gesture. Reminding you where you are.
"Yeleni thought highly of you."
It's Silco's turn to snort. "Did she now?"
"No," you cut it down, resting your glass on your knee as you watch him extend back like a cat. He props his arm up and takes a long drag of the cigar; your smile is cunning, "But, she never thought highly of anyone but herself. So, perhaps let me rephrase: she respected you."
Silco lets that settle in the air between the two of you.
"And you?" he asks after a moment.
You swirl the glass. Your gloves are sheer. Dashed with glimmer little bits of woven metal. It flashes silver in the jade light of the office. When you lift your eyes, they inadvertently land on a painting over his shoulder. Your face snaps, a tension breaking, at the sight of—
"A Friedlingmer?"
Silco blinks.
His head turns, following your gaze.
The painting of the idyllic topside pasture has ensnared your attention long enough for Silco follows the trail of your figure. The glitter along your cheekbones catches the light as a stream of light filters in from the afternoon.
"It was a gift," he speaks into his whiskey, ignoring the stroke of admiration that blooms in the wake of your interest.
"It's beautiful," you speak slowly, eyes still trained on the intricate frame holding the painting, "And rare. He only completed eight paintings in his time spent Topside. You're the sole owner of one, it seems."
"...You're an academic, then?" Silco prods, "It's not often I have the pleasure of holding company who can speak on Friedlingmer's residencies."
Your laugh is melodic. Like a diamond. Pretty and rough and rare. "You flatter me, Silco."
His name is honey-sweet on your tongue. It rolls off easier than you mean for it. Silco's lip tugs again.
"It was merely an honest inquiry."
"No, no, I — I'm a hobbyist, if you will," you wave it off, your attention turned back to the man before you, "But, at the end of the day, we all chase the beauty of things we cannot have, don't we?"
Lights alive, you're something.
...He gets it now.
This is dangerous. This little feeling that's nibbling at his heartstrings. This is — fuck.
Silco clears his throat after a long moment.
Stick to business.
"Yeleni and I had an understanding," he speaks carefully as his cigar burns between his fore and middle finger. The smoke rises up, dancing in fine lines of smoke around his face, "I take it you were aware."
"I'm looking to extend the terms of the agreement."
Silco almost chokes.
He smothers his surprise, masking it as a clearing of his throat. He leans forward, a hand falling along a crossed knee. He's a lithe man — but long. Tall. Lean and sharp. Handsome, still. You can't help but feel a bit of a bitterness creep up. Yeleni should have warned you as much.
"Our agreement was extensive—"
"I want security present for twelve hours every other day," you say sharply, as the web of the conversation begins to unravel just as you'd hoped, "For an increase to ten percent of our earnings."
"I don't have the men for that."
"Lying is unbecoming."
Your gazes connect and it's white-hot. Like gasoline on open flame.
Silco almost snarls.
"Twenty percent."
"—As if I'd give you anything more than eleven."
He misses Yeleni.
But, it seems you're not finished — and for yet another time in the ten minutes, he realizes just why Yeleni left The Lilac Lounge to you.
"We're vulnerable. Shimmer puts us in a dangerous position. The work we do is sought after and demand hits a new peak with every month. Protecting us puts good faith in you. It's a mutually beneficial arrangement."
Silco exhales. Then, he takes a long drag of his cigar.
"Ten percent," he affirms after a stretch of contemplation. His yield is granted with a small tip of his head; his eyes are roaming your face, "And I'll give you ten hours, three men, everyday."
Your brow lifts ever-so-slightly.
"...That's kind of you, Silco."
"Consider it good faith," he remarks dryly before lowering his voice, "I... owe Yeleni as much. She... She was a good woman. And I'm sorry for your loss."
His lips quirk when you bark out a laugh. This one is less lady-like. Honest, maybe.
"As I said before," you harp, "Lying is unbecoming."
"Please," comes the rather comedic urge for a shred of composure, "She's dead—"
"Isn't that a blessing?"
Before Silco can split the air with his own dry laughter, you continue.
"We'll settle, then," you offer your hand across the gap, "Eleven percent for ten hours, three men, every day."
A hum of appreciation settles in Silco's chest. Your insistence on a fair settlement is... different from his day-to-day. Based on principle.
He sets his glass down, drops his cigar to the ashtray, and leans. He catches your hand in a warm shake. Firm. Sturdy. The foundation of a great partnership.
He ignores the burn that clings to his skin when you pull away.
"I appreciate your time, Silco."
The sherry is slipped back and finished in a swallow. His eyes follow the gesture.
"You're a busy man — I won't keep you," you explain as you gather yourself up and gently offer the empty crystal glass to him. The rim is stained with the painted color from your lips. Your perfume threatens to drown the office in a delicate femininity that's all but lost on the space. It stokes a frightening sense of longing in him.
He stands quickly and rounds the table.
"Regardless, I appreciate your time, madame," comes the courteous reply, holding more poise than the official title; and while not entirely unwelcome, the title of madam is still one that you're not used to. Madam of The Lilac Lounge. It has quite the ring to it. You're not too sure of the tune, though. Not yet.
Then, a slow reach for your hand. You allow him to take it.
He offers a chaste press of his lips to your knuckles. The sheer material there does little to save your skin from going alight at the heat. His eyes, all the while, bore into you.
Your expression flits into something akin to interest. It's fleeting. It's replaced with a slow kiss of your lashes to your cheek. You bow your head.
"Be well, Silco."
"Until next time, madame."
When — a handful of days later —a carefully wrapped parcel arrives in the arms of two of Silco's men, you find yourself smothering surprise. It's big, and as the two muscle it through the brothel at the earned attention of nearly the whole house of staff, you can't help but hiss and ha at the roughness with which they treat it.
There's a note attached, tucked into the pretty blue twine.
You pull back a torn corner, and then immediately slap it back.
Your head snaps to the doorway of your office, where a gaggle of your workers have gathered. They stare at you owlishly. Your eyes are a mile wide, you reason, because you're met with an excited chatter of gossip. They leer in, rushing forward in a sea of masked, painted-on lovers.
It's a Friedlingmer.
Perhaps this whole thing was all the trouble it was worth.
By 'thing', you quite candidly mean the fact you're now the owner of an original pasture piece by Friedlingmer and The Lilac Lounge.
And apparently the interest of Silco himself.
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donospl · 2 years
Yelena Eckemoff „I am a Stranger in This World”
Yelena Eckemoff „I am a Stranger in This World”
L&H Production, 2022 Na swojej najnowszej płycie pianistka i kompozytorka Yelena Eckemoff powraca do projektu inspirowanego biblijnymi Psalmami, ponownie zapraszając do studnia nagraniowego gwiazdorski skład muzyków związanych z tym przedsięwzięciem. Pierwsze wydawnictwo Yeleny Eckemoff związane z Psalmami, zatytułowane „Better Than Gold and Silver” ukazało się w roku 2018. Na dwupłytowy album…
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Czarna Wdowa – Black Widow 2020 Zalukaj CDA Onlinehttp://czarnawdowaonline.pl/czarna-wdowa-black-widow-2020-zalukaj-cda-online/ Sekretna przeszłość Natashy Romanoff jest kluczową częścią historii jej bohaterki w uniwersum filmowym Marvela, ale ostatni zwiastun Czarnej Wdowy obiecuje zbadać ją od momentu, gdy zostanie najlepszym szpiegiem na świecie. Nowy zwiastun koncentruje się na dwóch różnych częściach przeszłości Nataszy: czasie spędzonym w Czerwonym Pokoju i życiu z rodziną. Red Room, o którym fani krótko zauważyli w Avengers: Age of Ultron, to ściśle tajny radziecki program treningowy. Program prał mózg młodych dziewcząt, zamieniając je w śmiertelnych zabójców i szpiegów. Natasza dowiaduje się w nowym zwiastunie, że Taskmaster, główny czarny charakter Wdowy, jest odpowiedzialny za pranie mózgu nowej klasy żołnierzy. Od Natashy i jej rodziny, a konkretnie Yeleny (Florence Pugh), zależy, czy uda mu się go zabić na dobre. Zwiastun mocno opiera się na relacjach między Yeleną i Natashą, a fani Pugh będą zachwyceni, widząc, że jest równie urocza w tej roli, jak w poprzednich filmach, które nakręciła. Do Pugh i Johanssona dołączają David Harbor, który gra Aleksieja – Czerwonego Strażnika, swego rodzaju rosyjskiego kapitana Amerykę – i Rachel Weisz jako Melinę. W połowie przyczepy pojawia się kolejna znajoma twarz, którą znają długo miłośnicy MCU: Thaddeus Ross. Ross jest znany z dwóch rzeczy: kierowania polowaniem na Bruce’a Bannera w The Incredible Hulk i zatwierdzania porozumień Sokovia w Captain America: Civil War. To ostatnie jest najważniejsze w tym kontekście. Porozumienia Sokovia podzieliły Avengers, a Steve Rogers (Captain America), Bucky Barnes (Winter Soldier), Wanda Maximoff (Scarlet Witch), Sam Wilson (Falcon) i Scott Lang (Ant-Man) przeciwstawili się porozumieniom i Tony Stark (Iron Man), Peter Parker (Spider-Man), James Rhodes (War Machine) i Romanoff zatwierdzają ich. Plotki sugerują, że Black Widow odbędzie się w ciągu dwóch lat między Captain America: Civil War i Avengers: Infinity War, kiedy zespoły ponownie połączą się, aby spróbować pokonać Thanosa. Wielu Avengers wciąż ucieka – w tym Steve i Bucky, którym Romanoff pozwolił uciec po największej walce w wojnie secesyjnej. Ross mógłby polować na renegatów Avengers, stąd jego powód bycia w filmie, a nie mniej w Stanach Zjednoczonych. #CzarnaWdowa2020CDA #CzarnaWdowa2020Online #Film Nasze media:Strona: http://czarnawdowaonline.plFacebook: https://www.facebook.com/Czarna-wdowa-Black-Widow-2020-Online-Lektor-Polski-114143900323839YT: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCyvcu0TT1Z7yizoDdHFA70Q
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https://elcaso.elnacional.cat/es/sucesos/chica-muerta-discoteca-capitolio-cornella-kristen-yeleny-peralta-peluquera-barcelona_33767_102.html https://www.instagram.com/p/CCEQLwfKhqztzni7QeIUPB1cs_degrkR4TScig0/?igshid=1nnu8t5h2je4s
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cool-george-posts · 5 years
Гостевой дом "У Елены", Ялта
Бронировать https://stepdream.com/yalta/u-yeleny
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Гостевой дом "У Елены", Ялта
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Гостевой дом "У Елены", Ялта
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Гостевой дом "У Елены", Ялта
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Гостевой дом "У Елены", Ялта Read the full article
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meetsapphicteens · 7 years
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Hi I’m Yeleny (14) I’m from Miami fl Most people call me yeli or yeney I’m Pansexual, I’m a Smol bean. I’m really shy at first,but when you get to know me I’m weird and sarcastic. I love drawing, writing,and listening to music. I’m looking for friends or a friendship that can become more! You can text me at my kik :yeliy.wdymyg
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walterfrodriguez · 5 years
Here are South Florida’s juiciest lawsuits of 2019
These real estate power players are involved in 2019’s juiciest lawsuits (Credit: Getty Images)
The most salacious lawsuits of the past year involved accusations of bribing a juror, developer consultants scaring off foreign investors, a broker getting stiffed on a commission agreement worth at least $1.5 million, and a local bank executive aiding and abetting a hotel developer rip off investors, among other examples of alleged unethical business practices.
Here, The Real Deal breaks down the 10 juiciest lawsuits of 2019:
1. Miami developers Craig Robins and Ugo Colombo can’t seem to stop bludgeoning each other over a $22 million private jet they used to share. In late December 2018, Robins’ Dacra Development sued Colombo and his company CMC Group in Miami-Dade Circuit Court, alleging jury tampering and bribery in a 2014 trial centering on the plane. A jury had ruled in Colombo’s favor in that trial. Dacra alleged Colombo or CMC employees approached a juror who accepted an unspecified cash payment and the promise of a condo in a high-rise project he was building. In exchange, the juror allegedly had to guarantee a favorable verdict for Colombo and CRC.
Colombo’s lawyers called the lawsuit a “patently false claim, and in late November, Miami-Dade Circuit Court Judge Michael Hanzman tossed out Dacra’s suit.
In his order, the judge called the allegations of jury tampering and bribery “bereft of evidence” and “completely implausible.” Colombo countersued Dacra for defamation, claiming the jury tampering and bribery charges caused “serious damage to Colombo.” That lawsuit is pending.
2. Shariar Zamanian and Preeya Malik, founders of an investor recruitment company called Step America, allegedly made false claims that a 1,000-foot observation tower in downtown Miami was not going to get built, prompting 14 investors to bail on the $430 million project, according to a Miami-Dade civil lawsuit filed by the project’s fundraising company, Skyrise Miami Tower Investors LLC.
In 2014, Skyrise Miami retained Step America to recruit investors through the federal EB-5 Visa program that gives green cards to foreigners who create at least 10 domestic jobs and contribute at least $500,000 to $1 million in a U.S. business venture. Skyrise Miami, owned by developer Jeffrey Berkowitz, paid Zamanian and Malik $720,000 in fees for bringing in the 14 investors, who committed $7 million to the project, the suit claims. But in 2018, Step America’s owners “falsely advised investors” that the project was not proceeding, and that they would lose their investments and not get green cards, according to the suit.
Malik denied the allegations, claiming investors withdrew on their own after Skyrise Miami changed the terms of the investment agreements. She said Step America never “frightened off” or “misled” investors. She added Skyrise Miami owes Step America “a significant sum of money.”
3. Jay Parker, CEO of Douglas Elliman’s Florida brokerage, allegedly welched on an agreement that would have paid Fort Lauderdale broker Howard Elfman at least $1.5 million in commission fees, according to a Miami-Dade civil lawsuit. Elfman claimed he and Parker had numerous conversations about paying him an 8 percent commission rate for landing the exclusive sales contract for Riva, a 100-unit condo building at 1180 North Federal Highway in Fort Lauderdale.
The lawsuit states that based on the project’s sales prices, Elfman would have generated an estimated income of $1.5 million. Instead, Parker wanted him to sign an agreement that “was contrary” to the terms they discussed and would cap his fees at $500,000, according to the suit. A Douglas Elliman spokesperson said the company and Parker do not comment on litigation matters.
4. Miami Beach hotel and restaurant developers Jared Galbut and Keith Menin allegedly mismanaged a pair of South Beach eateries they own with former nightclub impresario Louis Puig, per a suit filed in Miami-Dade Circuit Court. Puig, who owns a minority stake in Bodega Taqueria y Tequila at 1220 16th Street in Miami Beach and Ricky’s pizzeria next door, claims Galbut and Menin, the majority owners, co-mingled staff and resources without his consent, refused to show him the accounting books and profit distributions and sent employees to work at other Miami Beach restaurants the duo operate.
Ronald Lowy, an attorney for Galbut and Menin, said Puig filed a complaint full of incorrect and inaccurate representations in an attempt to apply pressure to his clients into buying out their minority partner.
5. PNC Bank and Boynton Beach branch Vice President Ruben Ramirez aided and abetted fraud at the unfinished Palm House Hotel, which recently sold for $39.6 million in a bankruptcy auction, according to a Palm Beach civil lawsuit. The plaintiffs, 44 investors from China, Iran and Turkey, accused Ramirez of placing the money in a business checking account made to appear as an escrow account where investment funds were deposited. This allowed Palm House Hotel’s developer Robert Matthews and a business partner to take money out when they pleased for personal expenditures such as a 151-foot yacht and luxury homes, the investors allege.
The lawsuit was subsequently consolidated with a Miami federal complaint the same investors filed against Matthews, companies tied to the Palm House project and 14 individuals. A trial has been set for October 2021.
6. Sotherly Hotels accused Daniel Rutois, association president of the Hyde Resort & Residences in Hollywood, of “commercial speech to defame and set forth falsehoods” about its management of the luxury property, as well as its executives and employees, according to a Miami federal lawsuit. Rutois and his company, KGA Management Group, also allegedly broke association rules by running an unauthorized rental program.
The association’s attorney called the complaint meritless and a retaliatory move because Rutois successfully campaigned to have Sotherly removed as the hotel manager. In addition, the association sued Sotherly in Broward County Circuit Court, alleging the company and its affiliates engaged in a “pattern and practice of improperly utilizing [The Hyde association’s] funds to cover the overhead and expenses of unrelated hotel operations.” Rutois also denied the allegations against him.
7. A Palm Beach County civil lawsuit filed in March alleges golf legend Jack Nicklaus banished Gary Sellers from Nicklaus’ The Bear’s Club in Jupiter for critiquing the six-time Masters champ’s management. Sellers, a former president of the private club’s homeowner association, accused Nicklaus of using association fees as “a personal piggy bank” to maintain the golf club. Sellers alleged the contents of his two club lockers were dumped onto his front lawn after he was kicked out, according to the suit.
8. Swire, the developer of Brickell City Centre, sued former accounting manager Yelenis Jimenez for allegedly stealing company trade secrets by sending “confidential and proprietary information” to her personal email account during a three-year period beginning in 2016. Swire fired Jimenez and sought a court order to have her personal computer seized for a forensic audit. In a statement, Swire said Jimenez refused numerous attempts to “retrieve stolen company property.”
Email exchanges between Jimenez and Swire’s attorney, attached to the lawsuit, show the ex-employee vehemently denied the accusations. She claimed Swire made false claims against her after reporting a high-ranking executive of harassing women in his office.
9. In a Miami-Dade civil lawsuit, Carlos Pedotti alleges the developers of Residences by Armani/Casa are responsible for injuries he sustained when construction materials from the project crashed through his roof, striking him while he was in bed. The Sunny Isles Beach homeowner sued the development entity RDR Seashore LLC, a partnership between The Related Group, Dezer Development and Rockpoint Group, that recently completed the 56-story luxury tower.
Pedotti suffered “severe bodily injury, resulting in pain and suffering, disability, disfigurement, mental anguish, loss of capacity for the enjoyment of life,” the lawsuit alleges. Pedotti is seeking damages for his hospitalization, medical and nursing care and treatment and lost income.
10. Peggie McNatt, an Alabama real estate investor who owns land underneath a car dealership in Fort Lauderdale, accused Holman Automotive of building a new automobile facility on her property without her consent.
In her Broward County civil lawsuit, McNatt alleged Holman executives went behind her back to obtain approvals from Fort Lauderdale and Broward County permitting agencies to tear down a previous dealership and replace it with a new 29,657-square-foot showroom, plus a two-level parking garage and service department. John Shiekman, a lawyer for Holman Automotive, which is headquartered in Maple Shade, New Jersey, declined comment.
The post Here are South Florida’s juiciest lawsuits of 2019 appeared first on The Real Deal Miami.
from The Real Deal Miami & Miami Florida Real Estate & Housing News | & Curbed Miami - All https://therealdeal.com/miami/2019/12/30/here-are-south-floridas-juiciest-lawsuits-of-2019/ via IFTTT
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alfredrserrano · 5 years
Here are South Florida’s juiciest lawsuits of 2019
These real estate power players are involved in 2019’s juiciest lawsuits (Credit: Getty Images)
The most salacious lawsuits of the past year involved accusations of bribing a juror, developer consultants scaring off foreign investors, a broker getting stiffed on a commission agreement worth at least $1.5 million, and a local bank executive aiding and abetting a hotel developer rip off investors, among other examples of alleged unethical business practices.
Here, The Real Deal breaks down the 10 juiciest lawsuits of 2019:
1. Miami developers Craig Robins and Ugo Colombo can’t seem to stop bludgeoning each other over a $22 million private jet they used to share. In late December 2018, Robins’ Dacra Development sued Colombo and his company CMC Group in Miami-Dade Circuit Court, alleging jury tampering and bribery in a 2014 trial centering on the plane. A jury had ruled in Colombo’s favor in that trial. Dacra alleged Colombo or CMC employees approached a juror who accepted an unspecified cash payment and the promise of a condo in a high-rise project he was building. In exchange, the juror allegedly had to guarantee a favorable verdict for Colombo and CRC.
Colombo’s lawyers called the lawsuit a “patently false claim, and in late November, Miami-Dade Circuit Court Judge Michael Hanzman tossed out Dacra’s suit.
In his order, the judge called the allegations of jury tampering and bribery “bereft of evidence” and “completely implausible.” Colombo countersued Dacra for defamation, claiming the jury tampering and bribery charges caused “serious damage to Colombo.” That lawsuit is pending.
2. Shariar Zamanian and Preeya Malik, founders of an investor recruitment company called Step America, allegedly made false claims that a 1,000-foot observation tower in downtown Miami was not going to get built, prompting 14 investors to bail on the $430 million project, according to a Miami-Dade civil lawsuit filed by the project’s fundraising company, Skyrise Miami Tower Investors LLC.
In 2014, Skyrise Miami retained Step America to recruit investors through the federal EB-5 Visa program that gives green cards to foreigners who create at least 10 domestic jobs and contribute at least $500,000 to $1 million in a U.S. business venture. Skyrise Miami, owned by developer Jeffrey Berkowitz, paid Zamanian and Malik $720,000 in fees for bringing in the 14 investors, who committed $7 million to the project, the suit claims. But in 2018, Step America’s owners “falsely advised investors” that the project was not proceeding, and that they would lose their investments and not get green cards, according to the suit.
Malik denied the allegations, claiming investors withdrew on their own after Skyrise Miami changed the terms of the investment agreements. She said Step America never “frightened off” or “misled” investors. She added Skyrise Miami owes Step America “a significant sum of money.”
3. Jay Parker, CEO of Douglas Elliman’s Florida brokerage, allegedly welched on an agreement that would have paid Fort Lauderdale broker Howard Elfman at least $1.5 million in commission fees, according to a Miami-Dade civil lawsuit. Elfman claimed he and Parker had numerous conversations about paying him an 8 percent commission rate for landing the exclusive sales contract for Riva, a 100-unit condo building at 1180 North Federal Highway in Fort Lauderdale.
The lawsuit states that based on the project’s sales prices, Elfman would have generated an estimated income of $1.5 million. Instead, Parker wanted him to sign an agreement that “was contrary” to the terms they discussed and would cap his fees at $500,000, according to the suit. A Douglas Elliman spokesperson said the company and Parker do not comment on litigation matters.
4. Miami Beach hotel and restaurant developers Jared Galbut and Keith Menin allegedly mismanaged a pair of South Beach eateries they own with former nightclub impresario Louis Puig, per a suit filed in Miami-Dade Circuit Court. Puig, who owns a minority stake in Bodega Taqueria y Tequila at 1220 16th Street in Miami Beach and Ricky’s pizzeria next door, claims Galbut and Menin, the majority owners, co-mingled staff and resources without his consent, refused to show him the accounting books and profit distributions and sent employees to work at other Miami Beach restaurants the duo operate.
Ronald Lowy, an attorney for Galbut and Menin, said Puig filed a complaint full of incorrect and inaccurate representations in an attempt to apply pressure to his clients into buying out their minority partner.
5. PNC Bank and Boynton Beach branch Vice President Ruben Ramirez aided and abetted fraud at the unfinished Palm House Hotel, which recently sold for $39.6 million in a bankruptcy auction, according to a Palm Beach civil lawsuit. The plaintiffs, 44 investors from China, Iran and Turkey, accused Ramirez of placing the money in a business checking account made to appear as an escrow account where investment funds were deposited. This allowed Palm House Hotel’s developer Robert Matthews and a business partner to take money out when they pleased for personal expenditures such as a 151-foot yacht and luxury homes, the investors allege.
The lawsuit was subsequently consolidated with a Miami federal complaint the same investors filed against Matthews, companies tied to the Palm House project and 14 individuals. A trial has been set for October 2021.
6. Sotherly Hotels accused Daniel Rutois, association president of the Hyde Resort & Residences in Hollywood, of “commercial speech to defame and set forth falsehoods” about its management of the luxury property, as well as its executives and employees, according to a Miami federal lawsuit. Rutois and his company, KGA Management Group, also allegedly broke association rules by running an unauthorized rental program.
The association’s attorney called the complaint meritless and a retaliatory move because Rutois successfully campaigned to have Sotherly removed as the hotel manager. In addition, the association sued Sotherly in Broward County Circuit Court, alleging the company and its affiliates engaged in a “pattern and practice of improperly utilizing [The Hyde association’s] funds to cover the overhead and expenses of unrelated hotel operations.” Rutois also denied the allegations against him.
7. A Palm Beach County civil lawsuit filed in March alleges golf legend Jack Nicklaus banished Gary Sellers from Nicklaus’ The Bear’s Club in Jupiter for critiquing the six-time Masters champ’s management. Sellers, a former president of the private club’s homeowner association, accused Nicklaus of using association fees as “a personal piggy bank” to maintain the golf club. Sellers alleged the contents of his two club lockers were dumped onto his front lawn after he was kicked out, according to the suit.
8. Swire, the developer of Brickell City Centre, sued former accounting manager Yelenis Jimenez for allegedly stealing company trade secrets by sending “confidential and proprietary information” to her personal email account during a three-year period beginning in 2016. Swire fired Jimenez and sought a court order to have her personal computer seized for a forensic audit. In a statement, Swire said Jimenez refused numerous attempts to “retrieve stolen company property.”
Email exchanges between Jimenez and Swire’s attorney, attached to the lawsuit, show the ex-employee vehemently denied the accusations. She claimed Swire made false claims against her after reporting a high-ranking executive of harassing women in his office.
9. In a Miami-Dade civil lawsuit, Carlos Pedotti alleges the developers of Residences by Armani/Casa are responsible for injuries he sustained when construction materials from the project crashed through his roof, striking him while he was in bed. The Sunny Isles Beach homeowner sued the development entity RDR Seashore LLC, a partnership between The Related Group, Dezer Development and Rockpoint Group, that recently completed the 56-story luxury tower.
Pedotti suffered “severe bodily injury, resulting in pain and suffering, disability, disfigurement, mental anguish, loss of capacity for the enjoyment of life,” the lawsuit alleges. Pedotti is seeking damages for his hospitalization, medical and nursing care and treatment and lost income.
10. Peggie McNatt, an Alabama real estate investor who owns land underneath a car dealership in Fort Lauderdale, accused Holman Automotive of building a new automobile facility on her property without her consent.
In her Broward County civil lawsuit, McNatt alleged Holman executives went behind her back to obtain approvals from Fort Lauderdale and Broward County permitting agencies to tear down a previous dealership and replace it with a new 29,657-square-foot showroom, plus a two-level parking garage and service department. John Shiekman, a lawyer for Holman Automotive, which is headquartered in Maple Shade, New Jersey, declined comment.
The post Here are South Florida’s juiciest lawsuits of 2019 appeared first on The Real Deal Miami.
from The Real Deal Miami https://therealdeal.com/miami/2019/12/30/here-are-south-floridas-juiciest-lawsuits-of-2019/ via IFTTT
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whirlybirbs · 3 years
“what endearments am i allowed?” for silco???
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 chp.3  |  HOBBYISTS & FINER THINGS ; silco / reader
summary: you catch him on a bad night at the last drop. a lilac drink is had, plans are made.
word count: 2.7k
pairing: silco / f!reader
a/n: ah yes. more pining and another gif by @aestheticsicrushonfrom this set here! this fic is now up on ao3, as well. to the few of you who saw this chapter drop there first... no you didn’t shh
< previous chapter  |  read me on ao3  
The Last Drop is busy.
It is a Saturday night; you knew that when you agreed to this meeting with the other Madams, you were agreeing to more of a show of power than anything. You were important now, more important than before, and that meant rubbing elbows with Zaun's elite to keep the peace.
It meant... god, what had Sevika called it?
That's right.
The pack that moves with you is made up of sex workers who have climbed the ladder, who have clawed their way to the top. They're experienced leaders in this vein of undercity's business.
Though you've lived this sort of life long enough, you still have trouble settling on the fact you're one of them now. After all, you were eighteen when you'd first met Babette — now, a decade and some odd years later, she was still a fixture along the mantle of role models you kept near and dear.
You stick to the back of the group with the yordle in question.
On approach, the long line to get into The Last Drop is scoffed at.
One of the older women, a matriarch among the out-workers, only gives the bouncers a look that grants the gaggle entry. Her hair is piled higher than her drawn-on brows. She is crested in a coat with deep, purple feathers, and slipped into a pink dress that begs to cling to her youth. Her name is Sygyn.
You quite like her.
The doors open, and a sudden wash of nervousness swallows you whole.
It's hot and humid inside. The bass is the sort that rattles your ribs, the sort that you feel deep in your heart. Immediately, the saccharine sweet smell of shimmer begs to cling to your skin. The lights are dim, catalyzed by the flash and bow of strobes, and the pulse of the bar's sound system. All in all, a sea of bodies clutters the bottom floor — limbs tangled with limbs, and heavy-poured drinks on tongue and cheek.
You catch eyes following you all — and for the first time since Yeleni left you The Lilac Lounge, you let yourself bask in the intoxicating buzz of pride.
You hold your chin a little higher when a bouncer offers to take your coat with a love-sick look.
Now, bare shoulders and back are bore for all to see. This dress — be it old and well-loved — is long, almost kissing the ground as you follow the experience gaggle of Madams towards the staircase winding up the mezzanine. The high collar allows for a facade of modesty. The truth is that the silken material, stamped with intricate patterning mimicking some of Piltover's most popular textile artists' work, clings to your figure in a way that makes you feel as though you have earned your place amongst Zaun's elite.
(It had taken a bit of goading to get you into it, honestly.
...It's just been a bit.)
You can hardly think; the bass and the lights are making your head swim. As you follow the eccentric collection of undercity leaders through the bar's dance floor, roll your shoulders back and remember to tighten up your posture. You're important. Powerful.
He hadn't been expecting to see you tonight.
No, no. Tonight was... Tonight was full of mishaps. Full of correctional action. Full of shimmer shipments gone missing and three pieces of gutter trash responsible. He’d forgone his tie an hour ago, left it with his composure in his office before going with Sevika and a handful of others to the docks to handle this messy business.
Heads held under until truths spilled out. Punches thrown and horrific threats echoing across the still, midnight harbor.
His knuckles are split on each hand.
He’s tired.
In all fairness, it wasn't as if you hadn't been on his mind — to that point, there's one of those lovely, expensive cigars you'd gifted him tucked behind his ear.
He's been considering another ride down to The Lilac Lounge; but, to heed Sevika's warnings, he knew people were growing curious.
The streets talk.
You need only listen.
The yearning that he's been mindfully smothering worsens when, with what was originally an authoritatively irritated sweep of the main floor, his heavy-lidded eyes land directly on you. A pale, sea green eye grows wide in a sudden flash of surprise.
It's gone in a flash.
The feeling remains.
It's as if he's been socked in the chest. Silco, from his spot on the balcony's railing, manages to level his breath. He rolls his jaw. Instinctively, his fingers tighten around the crystal of his whiskey tumbler as he tosses another swig back. His exhaustion ebbs, then. He pushes a bruised hand through his disheveled hair and leans forward on the railing. A long streak of grey hangs in his face.
Something, at that moment, tells you to look up.
As you lift your eyes to the upper mezzanine, you blink heavy lashes in the swing of a purple-hued light. You take another step, face cast up into the light, and suddenly you see him.
That same wave of nervousness is back.
It crawls up your spine. Nearly roots you in your spot then and there.
Your gazes connect. It’s only for a second, but you swear the whole of the universe slows down just long enough for you to get a good look at him.
Sharp in every manner of the word.
People swim around you both blissfully ignorant of the shared hitch of breaths between two souls. All while The Last Drop spin feverishly on a head, tipping into the hedonistic beginnings of a long night. In the lights, in the haze of shimmer-shined kisses.
You hold his gaze long enough to know he’s seen you, and then the room kicks back into it’s full-tilt swing.
Every step up the catwalk has your heart catching.
You’re rather ceremoniously herded to a table on the upper mezzanine that sits neatly in a deep-red booth. You hold the hem of your dress in your hand, stepping up and settling in nicely beside Babette. The leather is cold against your lower back. Drinks are brought round nearly immediately, and you note the usual of Yeleni is slid your way by the waiter.
Lilac martini.
“To our newest addition.”
The tinkering of glasses rises above the smiles and laughter of the gaggle of Madams — you offer up your best smile at Sygyn’s call to honor. The weight of the sleek glass has you taking pause. Your fingers, donned with sheer black gloves that crawl up your arms and settle well past your elbows, grip the glass tightly. In a way, Yeleni’s legacy sits in your hands. In the form of some stupidly ironic cocktail.
You pluck the garnish out and drop it behind your ear with a deep inhale.
Then, you revive the smile on your face and take a delicate sip as the Madams descend into their conversation.
All the while, you’re painfully aware Silco is lingering somewhere just beyond your shoulder — or maybe he’s gone, slipped away to tend to business far more important than your appearance at his establishment. The girlish part of you wants to look back, to cast long lashes over your shoulder and seek him out amongst the crowd. You want to find him staring still, maybe posed back against the railing. You want to see longing. Yearning. Desperate reciprocation of the youthful tug he has on your heartstrings.
You know better.
People will talk.
They always do, though — and maybe this sort of entanglement doesn’t need to be as precarious as Babette had threatened. Maybe it won’t be a bad business venture; at the very least, perhaps it would be nice break from...
All of this. Madams and courtesans and brothels and dinner and board and paperwork and paystubs and —
God, this drink is atrocious.
Of course, Yeleni would have loved it... Typical. Eugh.
Of course.
..Of course.
A pang of sadness rushes through you — as rare as they are. You exhale quietly and cast another look at the drink.
Fine. Fine, fine. Another sip.
“Ah! If it isn’t the man himself!”
You almost choke on your sentimentally indignant commitment to honoring Yeleni when Sygyn lifts her hands and calls out to someone over your shoulder.
You don’t have to look to know it’s Silco.
You lean forward, drink held out, and snatch a napkin to smother your gasp into. The neon green napkin is brandished with the bar’s name — now, it’s smeared with a dash of your dark lip stain. Beside you, Babette serves you an incredulous look.
This little meeting of the Madams came about every few months.
He knew the importance of saying hello at the very least.
Even when Sevika had rolled her eyes at his disembarkment from her side. She knew why he was really venturing over to the dangerous gaggle. You couldn’t pay her to wander over. No, no. Those Madams will pick your bones if you aren’t careful. Powerful people. Enchanting people.
And yet, you. Silco likes you.
Silco likes you enough to bear the burden of small talk.
“I apologize for interrupting,” comes a low rasp that’s punctuated with politeness, “I was told that the most beautiful souls in Zaun had made their way to my establishment. I simply had to see for myself.”
Sly bastard.
The charming jest earns him a round of coy laughter from the gaggle at the table. Some of it is polite, some of it is enamored. Either way, Silco is younger than most of the Madams at the table — to them, he’s a boyish flirt. A man in a position of power, still, but... Now, at this moment, he’s playful. Good-natured.
You turn slowly, turning your cheek over your shoulder.
Immediately, his eyes meet yours.
Framed by painted eyes and long lashes, he swears the look is enough to undo him then and there.
His attention is rooted on you.
Babette shoves her nose in her drink at the dawning realization that — lights alive. This is worse than she thought. She’s never seen Silco like this. Not in all the years she’s known him. Before and after Vander.
“I trust Yeleni’s order was to your liking, Madame?”
His tone is chaste. His hands are behind his back. The pet name riles a few lingering glances to your rigid posture.
You try not to stare at his usual lack of polish. Tonight, Silco seems almost bare without his tie and vest. Only his overcoat and usual burgundy dress shirt remain. His slacks lack their usual starched seam. There’s mud on his boots. Boots. Not the delicately gilded wing-tipped shoes he’s usually worn.
No, it seems you’ve caught him off-guard.
His throat bobs as you drag your eyes back up to his face.
You lean your elbows on the table, bracing the drink in both hands.
“It’s no sherry,” you say slowly, lifting a brow, “But Yeleni and I differ on many things. That’s the beauty in it. Differences shared.”
There’s an appreciative hum across the table.
You hold his gaze.
There’s a shift there, something like genuine longing. Tired, exhausted, burnt-out longing — and it only lasts half a second before it’s gone. The pinch in his brow smooths out, and his posture settles.
Suddenly, Silco is clearing his throat. The request is low.
“May I steal a moment of your time?”
He offers you a hand.
Your heart catches — and when you seek permission you’re waved on by a handful of Madams who meet Silco’s request with a chaperone-like assessment. Babette narrows her eyes, and you offer her an apologetic look as you gather your drink and your dress.
You take Silco’s hand.
You stand, level the iridescent lavender martini, and find a hand falling flat to the bare small of your back.
The Kingpin of Zaun leans, gesturing for you to lead the way.
It’s an excuse to touch you.
Your skin is as soft as he’d imagined.
You welcome it, turning to catch his eyes. Your faces are close, then, and you can smell the cigar tucked neatly into the lapel of his overcoat. It’s then that you see his momentary hesitation at the closeness. Once more, another hitched breath is shared between two souls while the whole of the bar swims on.
“After you.”
You move towards the bar.
When you settle at the end, he finds a spot beside you.
His bruised knuckles rap on the white-illuminated, sleek counter. It makes his face look sharper. The bartender procures a whiskey in a flash; it’s slid his way with ease.
You narrow in on the purple and yellow that paints his skin every shade of bruised.
Silco notices.
He lifts a brow coolly as he sips his whiskey. "What?"
You speak as you lift your own drink.
“I caught you on a bad night.”
Less a question, more a statement. Silco rolls his jaw once more and sets the glass down gently. He shifts in his boots and moves to brace one elbow on the bar counter.
“It was simply business.”
You hum.
Then, Silco watches you peel off one glove. Without a word, you lean around him to snatch a napkin and unceremoniously reach into his whiskey. You steal the two cubes, bundle them in the little neon favor, and gesture for him to pass his hands over. The Kingpin watches the way you drop a finger easily into your mouth, lapping at the access whiskey that dares to run down your wrist.
His lips are parted.
He huffs.
He files the visage before him away.
His gaze falls when he finally offers up his bad hand. The same leaned on the counter. Two of the knuckles are swollen. Silco grits his jaw when you tenderly place the ice atop them.
“I didn’t steal you away so you could lick my wounds—”
There’s a flash of mischief at his words. Silco immediately regrets his word choice.
You’re smirking. “Careful.”
He scoffs in response.
“Why did you, then?” you ask, lifting the ice. You frown and pass a thumb over the small split in the skin there. Silco winces minutely, “Steal me away, I mean. To save me from the wolves?”
“To tell you that you look beautiful.”
You almost choke.
Immediately, your eyes flash to him. The compliment settles nicely along your cheeks. You shift in your seat and try to quell the startled kick of your heart. You cross your legs and ignore the way your dress splits and settles nicely along the curve of your outer thigh. Silco doesn’t ignore it. In fact, he’s sure the sight will be burned into his memory for as long as he lives.
“Careful,” you say again, shifting your eyes to the faces of the Madams who are watching keenly. You do not lift your face. Instead, you focus on your posture.
“Every soul in here is thinking it,” comes the slow reply of the man before you, “You’re breathtaking.”
You busy your bashfulness with his other hand. A gentle pat of the napkin steals his attention.
“You’re being generous with your endearments tonight,” you mumble.
“Is that a problem?”
“...I’m not sure,” you say, syllables slow and punctuated, “Is it?”
Ah. The back and forth. The uncertainty. The weight.
Silco tilts his head. He watches you. He speaks, finally, after a long trace of your features with his good eye. The expression there is brimming with affection, you find, when you look up. You lashes flicker.
“What endearments would you allow me, then?” he asks honestly.
You swallow.
You sit up and roll your neck. Your earrings glimmer in the light, dangling by your throat. Silco watches the movement reverently.
It’s whispered with velvet-laden confidence. In truth, you aren’t completely sure where it came from. Perhaps it’s the prospect of him touching you again.
Silco swallows tightly.
He shifts, boots drawing him closer.
A hand settles once more along your back; his time, his knuckles run the length of your spine in an endearing motion. It doesn’t burn. No, it stokes a different sort of flame in the pit of your stomach.
“Perhaps, dinner?” he asks quietly, “And we can discuss... endearments?”
You can hardly breathe.
Painted lips part. You nod. Silco hangs onto the sight.
Then, as he has many times before, he pulls away.
“Friday evening,” you say suddenly as he gathers up his whiskey and downs the rest, “I’m free.”
Silco stills. And then he smirks.
“Then Friday it is.”
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donospl · 5 years
Yelena Eckemoff “Nocturnal Animals”
Yelena Eckemoff “Nocturnal Animals”
L&H Production, 2020
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Albumy osnute inspiracją wokół konkretnego tematu, są jednym ze znaków rozpoznawczych pianistki Yeleny Eckemoff. Pisaliśmy o jej duetowym albumie z Manu Katche wydanym w ubiegłym roku [http://bit.ly/2MXnEwe]. Początek roku 2020  przyniósł album nagrany tym razem w kwartecie.
Patrząc na współpracowników Yeleny Eckemoff z kolejnych płyt, stworzyć można imponujący poczet …
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latikobe · 6 years
Masturbadores en Santiago de Cuba: de los cines a los espacios públicos
SANTIAGO DE CUBA, Cuba.- Xiomara Acosta lleva años como acomodadora en el céntrico Cine Cuba de la calle Enramadas en Santiago de Cuba. Aunque ya estos espacios no se llenan de público como antaño, dice que sigue siendo el lugar predilecto para parejas de paso, o algunas personas de la tercera edad que prefieren dormitar o masturbarse en los horarios de tandas cinematográficas.
“Algunas parejas vienen a conversar en los horarios de películas, pero la mayor cantidad de personas que entran, son hombres viejos que nunca están acompañados de mujeres, que se masturban tanto con los besos de las pocas parejas que se encuentran en la sala, o con cualquier escena erótica de la película que se exhiba”, acotó la acomodadora.
Cuenta que siempre le ha sido difícil lidiar con estas aberradas escenas “incomodas”, como ella misma menciona, cuando comenzó a trabajar hace más de 13 años. “Apenas inician las películas nosotras salimos de la sala y nos sentamos en el lobby del cine hasta que termine la proyección, porque tratamos de alejarnos de los masturbadores”, selló Acosta.
Sin embargo, otra trabajadora, que prefirió el anonimato, alegó que ya los cines han dejado de ser los espacios preferidos de los masturbadores. “Ahora han tomado ruinas, parques y áreas desoladas para sus cochinadas, ya no tienen escrúpulos y sacan su cosa en cualquier lugar”, expresó la señora algo apenada.
Hace unos meses se viralizó un video en las redes sociales donde un señor se masturbaba en el parque público de Ferreiro, Santiago de Cuba. El parque es uno de los espacios preferidos por estas personas en la ciudad, pues se encuentra cerca de una zona wifi, paradas de ómnibus de varias rutas y el Pre-Universitario Cuqui Bosh.
Yelenis Fonseca, estudiante universitaria de Economía, contó a CubaNet que la Universidad de Oriente es otro de los espacios frecuentados por estas personas. “La universidad, por encontrarse a las afueras de la ciudad, es uno de los lugares donde los pajuzos  ̶ como comúnmente se les conoce en Cuba ̶  acosan a las muchachas, tanto en los carros como en las guaguas que van con destino al Distrito, incluso se meten en los montes que rodean a la escuela”.
“Da pena ver a estos hombres, muchas veces jóvenes, que caminan masturbándose detrás de uno por varios metros, yo lo que hago es apretar el paso cada vez que pasa esto, porque si me pongo a gritar o tirarle piedras, ellos continúan detrás de mí, sin importarle”, criticó la estudiante.
Por su parte, una trabajadora del Parque-Museo Abel Santamaría, en pleno centro de la ciudad, cuenta que donde trabaja es uno de los lugares que más frecuentan los “pajizos”, como también se les conoce a los masturbadores en la provincia oriental.
“Ellos se sientan en el parque y comienzan a masturbarse a costa de cualquier mujer que pase, o cerca de las parejas que siempre se sientan a besuquearse, aunque muchas veces solo lo hacen sin que las mujeres se den cuenta, pero los que trabajamos aquí sí conocemos las costumbres de esos que más frecuentan el área”, comentó.
Mas adelante criticó las pocas acciones que ha realizado la Policía Nacional Revolucionaria (PNR) entorno a esta problemática, “ellos nunca vienen cuando los llamamos por ese problema, son tan morosos que las pocas veces que han venido, a tanta insistencia nuestra, los masturbadores terminan yéndose por otra parte y nunca los agarran”.
Al respecto, un Jefe de Sector de la PNR, que prefirió el anonimato, comentó que en realidad son bajas las cifras de personas arrestadas en la ciudad por masturbarse en lugares públicos, “en ocasiones hemos cogido a personas in fraganti y los hemos multado por ello, pero otras veces cuando llegamos al área de donde nos llaman reportando un caso así ya estos hombres se han ido del lugar”.
Claudia Hurtado es una joven profesora del Pre-Universitario Cuqui Bosh que contó a CubaNet que uno de los lugares donde más se concentraban estos acosadores era en la antigua Formadora de Maestros Frank País, en el reparto Versalles.
“Se paraban por la cerca que colindaba a los dormitorios de las muchachas y comenzaban a masturbarse, aunque debo decir que algunas los provocaban desnudándose, pero otras cerrábamos las ventanas para no ver estas puercadas, porque si les comenzabas a tirar piedras eso era morboso para ellos y continuaban ahí”.
Pedro, como decidió ser llamado este joven, es uno de los masturbadores que frecuenta algunas de las áreas santiagueras. Dice que inició en su casa, pues le pedía a su esposa que se desvistiera en el cuarto mientras él lograba excitarse mirándola por una rendija de la puerta. Sin embargo, desde hace unos años frecuenta espacios ruinosos y parques lejos de su casa, pero cuenta que “aún siento un poco de temor si alguien conocido me descubre”.
“No se si es enfermizo o no, pero te puedo asegurar que así logro mayor excitación. Con mi mujer lo sigo haciendo, pero ella no sabe a lo que me dedico en la calle, por eso siempre escojo lugares destruidos o montecitos por donde pasan mujeres.” El joven asegura que muchos de los que como él se dedica a esto son hombres con esposas e hijos.
Son bastantes los lugares públicos en Santiago de Cuba que se han reportado como sitios proclives a masturbadores, pero pocas son las acciones por parte de la PNR en este sentido. Y aunque muchas mujeres han denunciado ser acosadas en ómnibus y camionetas, otras han vivido la amarga experiencia de tener una sombra que las persigue, en calles y lugares de poco tránsito peatonal a cualquier hora del día.
“Lo que más anhelo es que exista una ley que sancione duro a estos depravados sexuales, pero, mientras existan bajas cuotas en las multas, estos descarados  ̶ muchos de ellos padres, esposos e hijos ̶  seguirán acosando a las mujeres en todos los espacios”, lamentó la profesora Hurtado.
Masturbadores en Santiago de Cuba: de los cines a los espacios públicos
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