#yellow keckleon
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Ay guuuuurl.   All reference images for Adrian, of course.  Totally professional.  Totally.
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Another day, another veritable minefield of hazards and craziness survived.  Team Wayfinder managed to navigate their way through a bunch of trigger-happy Abras and one crazy Grumpig, but Malva Town proper is still far off on the horizon.  What are Grumpig’s motives, and what in the world is happening in Malva Town to cut off all of Casia’s supply routes so effectively?  With any luck, the team’s continued journeying will bring them a few steps closer to some answers...
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Picking up right where we left off last time!  Goodbyes are said before Team Wayfinder is rushed and ushered off into the great unknown, towards Malva Town.  What will we find along the way?   Some more Keckleon and Abras, from the looks of it.   ..Why do the Abras have guns?   WHY DO THE ABRAS HAVE GUNS?!
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We finally, finally make our way back to Lilac Town and Casia, meet some old friends, restock on some supplies, and see some new faces.  And did we mention the heart-shaped satanic cookies?  Only the best kind of food for our insane reunions and plots!   What does everyone have in store, I wonder...?
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