#yeonah maetem (ic)
kenztrolls · 2 years
well shit, rules Δre rules i suppose, guess yΔ got me. sorry if this is Δ bit of Δ disΔppointing reveΔl...
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" h@}h! knew i+! "
No she didn't.
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" hey don'+ c@}ll me ou+. "
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kenztrolls · 2 years
well you know what they say about good things and small packages and all that
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" ... "
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" if $he'$ ""good"" i mu$t be the actual fuckin empre$$!! hehe "
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" gog d@}mni+ S+@}Y OU+ OF +HIS MORSHI+. "
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kenztrolls · 2 years
"Ye0na)--(. I t)--(0ught I'd leave t)--(is )--(ere f0r y0u. W)--(0 said )--(eiresses can't be friends?" - Narcis The other Heiress leaves some sort of fancy looking piece of jewelry for the other Heiress, all wrapped up in some semi see-through Fuchsia colored fabric.
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" @}h! oh BI+CH +his is GORGEOUS~ @} gif+ i'll +re@}sure forever de@}r~ "
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" @}lso, fyi for +hose who +hink we c@}n'+ be friends; i don'+ +hink +hey re@}lize who ex@}c+ly +hey're messing wi+h~~ "
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kenztrolls · 2 years
I've been asking my friends which one of your characters is the hottest and Yeonah won with 3 votes, Endahl with 2 votes and Uraeus falls 3rd with 1 vote
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" no duh. comp@}red +o me everyone else looks like @} st@}ck of h@}y wi+h eyes~ "
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" ...? WHY ME? "
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" I Ssuppose everyone has their tastes. Third place isn't bad. "
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kenztrolls · 2 years
so is that heads i reveal then? maybe gonna have to leave the actual flip to you since its a bit tough to not seem like im cheating given the nature of this communication
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" @}lrigh+ fine. i'll do @}ll the work- "
The heiress flips a coin-
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" @}h! well, jus+ c@}ll me l@}dy luck i suppose~ time to show yourself~ "
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kenztrolls · 2 years
mildly worried that one day I will accidentally send an ask off anon and the ruse will be rumbled
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" y'know, my cre@}+or h{@s spoken @}bou+ me being @} "prince of void", @} des+royer of no+hingness, +he obsfuc@}+ion of knowledge... "
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" m@}ybe i c@}n force you +o show us +h@}+ pre++y f{@ce of yours~ @}huhuhu~ "
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kenztrolls · 2 years
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" woonder if this anoon is gooing aboout asking us this as soome kinda warning. it'd be pretty messed up if soomething DID happen. "
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" iku your weirdo hivema+e is h@}ving prophe+ic visions @}gain. "
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" jusT Tune him ouT. easier ThaT way. "
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" if anyone TOUCHE$ my $HIT i will $tar$ BLA$TIN!!! BLA$TIN I TELL$ YA!!! "
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kenztrolls · 2 years
well i'll be d∆mned, if it isn't everyone's f∆vourite influencer. it's truly ∆n honour to find myself in your presence, miss.
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" d@}mn skippy. now, if you don'+ mind me @}sking; who +he hell @}re you? "
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kenztrolls · 2 years
🚩& ☡ for Yeonah?
🚩- Does your troll pick on lowbloods?
☡- Is your troll ok or accepting of mutants?
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" now now i pick on everyone equ@}lly. +hough i+'s +rue +h@}+ i+'s much e@}sier +o pick on +hose who are lowes+ on +he pecking order. funny enough +hey're +he ones mos+ likely +o @}c+ up so like... i+'s no+ like i do i+ unprovoked~ "
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" @}s for mu+an+s, well, you +ell me. @}m i, empress @}pp@}r@}n+, @}ccep+ing of +hose who +hrea+en +he s+@}+us quo? MY s+@}+us quo?? "
" ... "
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" @}huhuhu! n@}h, i don'+ give @} shi+. on my @}l+erni@} you don'+ ge+ culled for being @}n @}berr@}n+. @}s i s@}id; i pick on everyone equ@}lly~ "
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kenztrolls · 2 years
🐇 and 🎭- Yeonah
🐇- do they have a good relationship with their lusus?
🎭- Name a time when your troll was over dramatic
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" oh my lusus @}nd i ge+ on like @} hive on fire! mom's my bigges+ f@}n, figur@}+ively @}nd li+er@}lly! she's @} bi+ of @} dr@}m@} queen +hough, jus+ like yours +ruly~ "
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" @}s for being overdr@}m@}+ic... +here w@}s one +ime @} bigsho+ viole+ grub+uber c@}me for me for @}bsolu+ely no re@}son. so i +old my mom. she @}+e +hem @}nd +heir lusus. like a +rue f@}n! "
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kenztrolls · 2 years
thank you for answering that, myf riend will be very interested by the responce
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" gl@}d +o be of service~ jus+ +ell your friend +o no+ ge+ +heir hopes up. "
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kenztrolls · 2 years
💙 for Yeonah? (asking for a friend)
💙- Do they have a flush crush?
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" ye@}h, sure, for @} friend. go+ y@} pal. "
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" @}l+hough +o +tell y@} +he +ru+h; n@}h. i @}in'+ go+ @} flush crush. mos+ people w@}nn@} pi+ch crush on me +hough. sickos. "
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kenztrolls · 2 years
hello! i hope you are having a lovely day!
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" ??? "
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" well- uh- duh. i'm @}lw@}ys h@}ving @} good d@}y. +h@}nks +hough greyf@}ce~ "
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kenztrolls · 2 years
🧿- Yeonah
🧿- Do you believe in horrorterrors? Or do you believe they're just scary stories?
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" ... "
" ye@}h righ+, like someone like me would ever believe in such shi+. "
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kenztrolls · 2 years
hows about we like... flip a coin or something maybe? would be an easy way to decide
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" le@}ving i+ +o luck? who @}re you, dork-wez? "
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" fine. i c@}ll he@}ds~ "
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kenztrolls · 2 years
i kinda really wanna reveal myself but also if i do then the game is over
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" @}dmi++edly +his h@}s been fun~ i'm jus+ @} curious girl is @}ll~ "
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