#yep literally every character can be written as a yandere
terrence-silver · 2 years
Honestly, every character in the Cobra Kai / TKK universe has the potential to be a Yandere, when you think about it.
Headcanon; everyone in The Valley is a Yandere.
― Robby would be the Yandere who I can imagine usurping (and collecting?) parental figures and mentors because he lacks one in a severely neglectful Johnny who already has a second family as is and an addicted, problematic Shannon who can barely take care of herself. His beloved doesn't even have to be that much older than him (in fact, they can be the same age), but if he gets the vibe or the distinct impression a person or a group of people that can pass for a family feel homely and welcoming enough to pad a gap he tremendously lacks, he will absolutely just puppy eye them and insert himself into their sphere. He will have a family and a surrogate community all of his own one way or another. Doesn't matter if he has to build one for himself from sticks and bricks.
― For Tory I see the overprotective, over-smothering sibling syndrome kicking in because she has a younger brother she is already territorial of and a sick mother she takes care of; her instinct is to look after people and she views her beloved which can be a platonic type of situation where she sees her person as perpetually vulnerable, constantly exposed to some sort of danger and has the need to stick up for them...even if there's technically no need. But, try dissuading Tory? Of course, she'll chastise and reprimand them as she does, saying how they're careless and weak, trying to conceal the intensity of her own feelings through callous behaviour, showing major Tsundere tendencies (I don't care about you! Where do you get that idea!?) but truth is, Tory does very much care and always has too.
― Much like Robby, Johnny would probably be a Yandere in search of a familial unit too; but, hey, an underrated topic seldom discussed is that Johnny would be subconsciously and pathologically looking for his mother without realizing he’s doing so, or someone who reminds him of her, again, can be in an entirely platonic fashion, but even when he’s middle aged, he is still looking for a mother as a concept. Not necessarily Laura herself, but the idea of The Mother, capital M. Every bit of detachment and emotional neglect Laura might’ve shown him as a child, he figures, can be cured by his own beloved, decades later. He’ll be a fixed man afterwards, he swears. All he needs is that love to put everything in perspective and if he has to act as juvenile, as immature and as deliberately clueless as possible to get it, he goddamn will.
― Sam has gotten everything she’s ever wanted in life and she sees nothing wrong with that and she doesn’t see why others do --- except, now she wants beloved. And she’ll have beloved. Why is that so bad? She will tactically and fairly vocally talk down on beloved’s friends, any relationships they might have (which they won’t have for long), their group --- you name it, all until beloved realizes that in the net of petty high-school drama, rumors, gossip and clashing that weaves around Miss Larusso and beloved, Sam is the best choice and that nobody compares. When push comes to shove, she introduces beloved to her parents and family, roping them in deeper and deeper until they can’t wiggle out. Her parents love beloved already. Too late now. They wouldn’t want disappoint Mr. and Mrs. Larusso by distancing themselves (not that they could ever since Daniel aided them with their tuition), now would they?
― Amanda and Daniel are the 'we know best' Yanderes, that somehow seamlessly adopt their beloved as a family friend who's life and circumstances they itch to fix even though their life and circumstances are perfectly, well, adequate? There’s nothing colossally wrong going on in their life, and for all intents and purposes, they can be fairly ordinary in that regard. But, they don't see it that way. It isn't preachiness and micromanagement, no, no. They've good intentions, is all. How can they be faulted for good intentions? From their point of view, there is always something to improve upon be it beloved's choices, opinions, worldviews, the way they dress, act, behave, eat, Amanda and Daniel, again, know best. Also, their friend deserves better. Why? Because that is their friend and they care --- never-mind that they singlehandedly usurped their whole life and the trajectory of where it is headed.
― Kreese will gaslight, chronically swerve his beloved’s perception of things and have them like a puppet on a string once their own sensations, worldviews, ethics and stances are so shaken by John’s long term psychological warfare over them, that they’ll effectively become completely and utterly reliant of him as the only valid and trustworthy source of anything, be it love, friendship, mentorship, a familial connection or a mixture of everything, John, for the lack of a better word, fucks with people’s brains severely, tackling every weakness, sore spot, sense of pride and insecurity and he’ll be relentless in achieving that onslaught of a goal with beloved because he cannot give up. He despises losing. He’s despised to lose ever since Vietnam. Winning beloved, though? That too is, most definitely, a sort of victory. A sort of victory John won’t fret securing for himself no matter how dirty he has to get his hands.
― Clearly, my one and only favourite Terry --- is the destructive Yandere. The Yandere that'll burn down your world so he can be the only thing left in it. He'll break his beloved so he could put them back together and adore them in all his devotion. Devour them. Spit them out. Lap them up. Subjugate them and force them to serve and have them thank him for it, all while playing the role of someone different outwardly; someone more mellow. He is intense, overwhelming, all-consuming and whether platonic, romantic, sexual, often times, these categories are dangerously close to blend into one because he neither has any distinction and when you scratch beneath the surface, his norms are very...not normal. No matter though, power, influence and money ensures beloved will never, ever get away from him. How could they, after all? Once he’s done with them, energy vampire that he is, they’ll be too drained, eclipsed and exhausted to even blink.
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