weasterned · 7 years
1. my baby, kind, friendly, cute, humorist 2. nope ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ 3. my baby ujujujuju, happy new year . mommy loves you ! (2)
Hi yuju, We haven’t got any chances to have a proper conversation since I joined the agency few days ago though I saw you quiet often in my timeline. Hope we’re gonna have the chance soon, I am anticipating to have a time to talk with you.
1. Sangpah, Garbage, Trashie. 2. I hate you so much because you are the one who ruins my classy image hadeh. what would I say? bosen liat u malang melintang di tl ca. lets comeback to our muse, Yuna-ya. I miss perang meme with you-- aside of them, you're one of my close friend here. you listen to my story and gave me tons of support. I love you, Yuna. Mwah. 3. Frinz, mau pesen makam dimana 2018?
1) cheerful, hyper, funny, super kind, a happy virus indeed 2) no need to? 3) yujuuuu! i miss you to see you on timeline, where have you been? :( i hope you're doing well~ i've so much fun to talk with you let's talkeu talkeu again with me and i hope 2018 will be much much better year for you!✨
1. warm, kind, cutie, humble, talkative 2. I really want to get closer to you : ( 3. Hello, unnie! Please dont forget me and lets talk more often. Enjoy your christmas and happy new year!
1. Sadly we doesnt have a lot of chit chat but I know you are cute and friendly girl. 2. Yuju-ya, we need more talk or chit chat or anything. Actually I want to get closer to you but sometimes afraid to make a first move, I'll catch you up later. 3. Christmas and New Year is coming soon, means new start, new life, and new spirit. Be happy and I hope we can get long closer okaaaay!
1. kind, cheerful, always on MIA 2. we haven’t talk much, but i hope you’ll always be happy no matter what and be a better person. 3. . i just wanna say, thank you for staying in WST. i’m happy that i have such a kind and caring members here. it might be pretty hard when you feel left out in agency, but i didn’t feel like this here. thank you ♡
Our vocal princess —! She is a cheerful , kind , and funny person. I love to see her tweets on my timeline . . . she is a sweet girl for me :   p 
#1 - Funny - Cute - Savage - Kind - Friendly #2 It has been a long time since I saw Yuju eonni ㅜㅜ💔 Let's talk more #3 Hello Yuju eonni. I actually don't know what to write about you >_< I'm so shy....especially we actually don't really talk that much. You seems fun to talk to and cute. I'm sorry if I sometimes still awkward talk to you and so on. I hope we can talk more comfartably and get closer even more than now~!💖 Yay! Anyway, I hope next year will be better than this year⚘
1. Cute, funny, pretty, humble and good 2. Nah i dont know what to write 3. Hello yuddu! Lets make this letter simple but good.. I hope 2017 treats you good and 2018 treats you even better. Happy new year!
1. Good, nice, fun, kind, sweet, friendly 2. I think you potray yuju very well, keep update about gfriend hehe 3. Hello yuju, if im not mistaken we've ever talked before and you look like a really fun girl. Lets talk more in the future
Cute, friendly, kind, I cant say she's calm but what...
hyper crazy noisy receh friendly
1. Kind, warmhearted, tooo funny with her memes ;         ; and caring with her surroundings ! 2. Uh, I hope you will online more often yeogiseo— ㅠ     ㅅ      ㅠ 3. Hewwo Jjyu unnyie ! Since 2018 is nearly neaar, I hope you will always be fulfilled with haffiness, find your new hobbies, experiences new things and smiiile more ! People loves you, remember that. ♡
1. hyperactive! sometimes crazy sometimes noisy :p.  very kind and friendly! 2. Kamu kapan hari deactive ya akunnya? kok aku  search ga bisa... :(. hmmm I think she dont need  improve anything. just be yourself dear! and of course  if you want to be better, do it!! dont listen others  because you're the only one who know about yourself  :) 3. nothing much.. be good roleplayer of yuju ! stay  healthy and don't overthinking bcs it can kills you  #kidding hahaha. good luck dear!
Dear you, it's okay not to be okay, it's okay if you're breaking apart but don't forget to heal your ownself and pick those broken pieces, re-arrange everything and close that goddamn last chapter already and start a new one, you need to start a new fresh, be your own happyself and love yourself for more. Sincerely, Yourself
HAHAHA one of the weirdo in weast but she is always so funny and kind to me and the others. i noticed that she didn't reply to my replies sometimes so i hope she could fix that? you are a good friend afterall
1. LOUD, CUTE, FRIENDLY, CHATTERBOX, LOVELY. 2. I LOVE YOU SO MUCH YOU DONT NEED TO IMPROVE ANYTHING BUT PLEASE BE HAPPY. 3. I really am hoping you will have a great 2018, may the force be with you. Have a veryvery happy days in 2018, i love you.
1. Baik bgt anjay. 2. Lovely 3. Lovable 4. Very very very very very cute 5. Very approachable Jjyu my tofu. Hello there. It’s nice to fill your form hahaha. I think one thing you need to improve on is to be more happy because I think you’re already a really good person. Yuju-ya, let’s be happy for a long time. I’m so glad I have you as a friend, I really am. Please always be happy. 2018 is coming really soon so please let it be a good year for you okay? Remember that I’m here to talk if you need me, whether it’s about important things or unimportant ones.
1. sweet, weiiiiiiiiiiiiiird, fun, unreplaceable, responsive, luv. 2. for me, bubu is the one of kind. idk since when we became this perfuectly match *kiww. the one who can be my ayan partner even some people misunderstands our relationship as girls love OMG I'M DIZZY ENOUGH. well, it's more than girls love because we've declarating our self as soulmate already. thank you for approach me right after anyway, I really love  to talk ngalor ngidul with her. you are good enough, let's make weast fam happy because of our existence.   3. hi, bubu one of weast sister. I wish you an unlimited happiness, you'll passed rude or even rough things this year. congratulation for your relationship with your boyfriend, I'm happy for you two. I wish many good things happen right after. fighting! loves.
1. Fun, soft, kind, pretty, joyful 2. I don't know tbh.. 3. My baby, I wuf you. Please always be happy. Whatever happen, remember there's a good day after a bad day
1. Very funny, very kind, very loud, lovely, cute? 2. Please do what you have done because you're doing great already! 3. Hello yerim! I hope you will always have the wonderful and blessful days ahead! 2018 is coming very soon, please stay happy and healthy! And please spend the end of 2017 happily and joyfully with the one you love! Good luck!
1. I LOVE YOUR ICONS AND HEADER. AH, SO MATCH. Done? Done. 2. KATY KIM. KEEP UP THE GOOD WORK. YOU PORTRAY HER WELL. 3. Yes, we should talk mooooreeeeeeee in the future. I really need to keep in touch with member-deul. Smh.
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