#yes I am still pretending that ethan has the jeep okay ITS FINE LET ME LIVE
vintagedolan · 3 years
hiraeth part five - hoaloha
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“You seem miserable.”
“I am miserable.”
“Then just come home.”
“Kahua you know I can’t.”
He looked tanner over FaceTime. Or maybe she was just used to seeing more white people. She couldn’t really tell, but she caught herself staring at him as he rambled on, voice deep and strong.
She missed him. She missed home. It felt like her LA plan had turned into some sick joke, and she was patiently awaiting the cameras to appear and reveal it all.
At the top of her phone screen, a message appeared.
Tell me three things you like to do
Koa stared at her phone for a moment, chewing on her lip. It was the first non-work related text she’d gotten from him. Against her will, it raised her spirits a bit.
Because we don’t know anything about you :( 
If it wasn’t Ethan texting her, she wouldn’t have even responded. But she knew he was trying to make up for his brother’s shitty behavior, and in the day that she’d had to calm down and talk it out with Harlow, she’d realized she’d probably overreacted a bit more than she needed to. So, she answered as nicely as she could.
writing, surfing, existing, idk
“Bro, who are you texting?”
“No one.” It caught her off guard that she didn’t immediately tell him.
She must have smiled, because Kahua huffed. “Yeah, sure looks like no one.”
We’re picking you up in the morning at 7. Considering it team building
I’m from Hawaii dumbass of course I can surf
I don’t have a board though
Grayson has an extra
if you show up at 7 you better have coffee in that car
She sent her address, having to rack her brain to remember the area code.
“Hello? Earth to Koa?”
“Sorry, it was Ethan. He wants to go surfing tomorrow. ‘Team bonding’ he says.”
Kahua frowned. “Why do you need to bond to write a book?”
“He’s just trying to get me back on his good side,” Koa muttered, and she regretted her words when she saw him stiffen. He was protective of her - to a fault.
“And what the fuck did he do to get on your bad side?”
“Nothing! Ethan’s a good guy, he’s just trying to cover his brother’s ass.”
“Okay, the what the fuck did his brother do to get on your bad side?” 
The anger wasn’t lost on her. In her head she saw Grayson, his wide smile, the disappointment in his eyes when she’d stormed out.
“He didn’t really do anything. I overreacted.”
“No really, he was just trying to be nice, I took it the wrong way, but he got the message.”
“Did he hit on you?”
She froze. “Huh?”
“You heard me.” His voice was more aggressive than she was used to - it made her uneasy.
“Uh no, he didn’t. He offered me a car actually.”
“He what?!”
“To borrow! Just to borrow, while I’m here.” 
“Oh cause that makes it better,” he rolled his eyes. That unease came back into Koa’s stomach - she didn’t know this version of her best friend very well. It felt like a stranger on the screen. 
“Alright hoaloha, I gotta go to bed, it’s late here.”
His own attitude seemed to register, and he frowned for a moment before he sighed.
“Yeah, I get you. Goodnight Koa. Love you.”
“Love you too. Bye.”
She wished she could sleep, but her mind raced even with her eyes squeezed shut. She even tried to bargain with herself - surely if she just kept her eyes closed, she’d fall asleep.
But the clock read 2, then 3, then 4, and she wasn’t even sure if she actually fell asleep before it was time for her to get up and get ready to surf. 
She didn’t have the energy to put any effort into her outfit. It didn’t matter anyways... who was she trying to impress? She grabbed the first bathing suit her fingers touched and put it on, throwing her up in a bun and grabbing a towel, her wetsuit and a cup of coffee on the way out the door.
The twins were outside. She wouldn’t have known it was them if there weren’t 3 boards strapped to the top of the jeep. The windows were tinted enough that she didn’t know who was driving until she got in.
Grayson turned around from the passenger seat with a cup of coffee in his hands, face falling to a frown when he saw that she already had one. 
He’d brewed two pots, since the first one was too bitter on his taste test.
“You underestimate me,” she teased, reaching out and taking it from him. It was still warm.
“Double fisting the caffeine, I like it I like it,” Ethan grinned, pulling out of the spot and heading for the beach. 
“Hopefully the beach won’t be crowded so we don’t run into anyone on the swells,” Grayson mused just to fill the silence.
“If you’re good, you don’t hit people,” Koa said between sips, watching the palm trees fly by the window. The car was warm, cozy in a way as the sun began to rise over the ocean. It was no Hawaiian sunrise, but it would do for now.
He didn’t say much after that until they got to the beach. Ethan made small talk where he could, and Koa wasn’t unaware of Grayson’s eyes on her while she shimmied into her wetsuit.
“Need help zipping up?” He offered - his cheeks were bright red in an almost boyish way. 
She could reach the long string and do it herself, but she let him as a sign of good faith, grateful that he brushed her stray hairs away from the velcro so it didn’t get trapped and stuck. 
Koa returned the favor for him when he turned around. It took some tugging to get the neoprene to stretch over his wide back. She lingered for a moment as she took in his tattoo; three lions resting together, two young and one old, with the words above and below - others came before me, others to come. It made her pause for a moment, trying to understand. From what she knew of Grayson, it didn’t fit him, his personality, his arrogance.
But did she really know him at all?
“Is it stuck?” His voice pulled her out of her inner monologue, and it was her turn to blush.
“Yeah, sorry, hold on,” she lied, giving it an overdramatic tug and tapping his shoulder to let him know she was done before taking her board from Ethan and heading down the sand. The water was chilly, but she adjusted quickly, starting to paddle as soon as she could. The boys kept up with her well, which didn’t surprise her based on their biceps.
The separation came when the first swell came in. Koa surveyed it, eyes poignant to what was coming. When she recognized the way the water moved, she immediately turned and began to paddle. Three strokes and she should snag it. 
Sure enough, the timing landed just right and she pushed up onto her board the way Amosa had taught her when she was three; press, tuck and push. The wave caught her in its grasp and pushed her forward, exhilaration pumping through every vein. 
And on top of that board, headed towards the shore, she felt at home. 
And in her ears, she heard Grayson. 
Or Ethan. She wasn’t sure, but one or both of them were yelling behind her, cheering her on as she continued across the swell, steady and triumphant.
Grayson couldn’t look away. It sounded dumb, even in his head, but she looked majestic. He couldn’t think of another word for her as she floated across, as stable as if she was walking down the sidewalk. It made him gasp when she bailed to the side and tucked under the wave, but even that was graceful.
It took her a minute to get back to them, but the boys were still cheering. Ethan didn’t hesitate to pull her towards him, giving her a hug with wide eyes. 
“You gotta teach us how to do that bro.”
“It’s all in the timing,” she explained, and then she was talking. Technique, and strategy and watching for the right ones, how to bail - everything she knew. 
Grayson couldn’t get enough of hearing her talk, more animated than he’d ever heard her as she straddled her board and bobbed up and down in the waves. 
“Help me catch one,” Ethan begged. She obliged him, watching closely as the next set rolled in. 
“When I say it, no fucking around or you’ll miss it,” she reminded him. She saw one coming in quickly, gauged it in the same moment and began her instructions.
“Okay, go, go go go, now, up now!” 
To his own amazement, Ethan caught it at the perfect time, feet getting underneath him more solidly than they ever had. He didn’t last as long as he hoped - it was no longboard, but still, he managed to ride it for a good 10 seconds before he bailed to the side. Grayson jeered at him with a smile, watching him bob back up and struggle to get back on his board to paddle out. He thought he could hear people cheering from the shore, and he hoped for a moment they hadn’t been recognized.
“My turn,” Grayson grinned, the butterflies in his stomach a product of Koa’s proximity or the waves, he couldn’t tell.
But when he turned, she was swimming away from him as fast as she could, desperate to get away from him it seemed.
The hurt came first, and then it was immediately replaced by panic. He put the pieces together quickly. 
A woman yelling from the sand, running towards the water. Koa, barreling as fast as her arms could take her in the same direction. 
And a small dot of pink, barely visible above the waves.
“That’s a kid, fuck, thats a KID!” 
He swam as fast as he could, Ethan blindly following. But they were no match for Koa’s many years in the waves. She swam as fast as her board would take her, only slowing enough to ensure she didn’t hit the little girl. She was gasping, her blonde hair down over her forehead.
As gently as she could without wasting any time, Koa grabbed her and hauled her up onto the board, breathing for the first time when she realized the girl was okay. 
“Hi sweetheart, are you okay? Are you hurt? What’s your name?” Koa brushed her hair back just as Grayson got there on his own board, panting.
“I’m Alice. I want my mommy,” she cried, shivering as she laid on the board.
“It’s okay baby, my name is Koa. I’m gonna help you get back to mommy, okay?”
But when Koa began to move, Alice cried louder, scrambling towards her and almost tipping the board.
“No, no the waves are too big! They’re gonna get us!” she whimpered, looking towards the shore. All of them could tell she was terrified, and Koa put on her most convincing smile.
“I know it! They’re pretty big, but guess what?” 
“Your mommy sent me to help because I have a special board, and it never tips over, no matter what. So we’ll be extra safe. And these guys are gonna follow us and make sure no waves get us, okay? We’ll be back to mommy so fast.”
She couldn’t have been more than 6 or 7, and Koa was glad. Children still trusted people. And Alice trusted her, her small hands grabbing onto the board as Koa began to kick them in with the boys following behind.
Ethan watched it happen, like the petals of a rose opening up for the first time in spring. 
Grayson was melting. All it took was seeing her once in that light and he knew the reason why he’d sat outside of Monty’s, why he was willing to let her borrow the car, why it bothered him so much that she wanted nothing to do with him. 
He watched her scoop Alice up and carry her to her mother, watched her accept the hug the little girl gave her in gratitude, and he knew that there was something about the stupid book deal, and Ethan being stubborn and her coming all the way from Hawaii that was meant to happen. 
There was no going back from it.
It was done.
When Koa turned to look at him, she couldn’t read the emotion in his eyes. So she just looked; held his gaze and quirked her head a bit when it didn’t falter. 
“You just saved that kid’s life,” he said. “You’re incredible.” 
“Eh, it’s no big deal, had to scoop up some cousins back home at least once a week.” She blew it off, but she blushed anyways.
“Says the hero. C’mon, I think that’s enough ocean for the day, let’s go get breakfast or something,” Ethan jumped in.
“You just don’t wanna let Grayson catch a wave,” Koa teased, nudging his shoulder. He bumped her back and Grayson watched with a smile as they all headed back up towards the car - he couldn’t care less about the waves he was leaving behind. 
They got cleaned up and out of their wetsuits, and the best feeling came when Ethan tossed Grayson his keys and climbed into the back of the jeep over the frame, a silent push for Grayson to keep his momentum as Koa climbed into the passenger seat. 
“Alright hero, what’s for breakfast?” He turned to her with a grin.
“Hmmm... bagels.” 
“Bagels it is.” 
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