#yes I have thought of just yeeting in an iruma character asa random npc for the funs
dragonofthestone · 9 months
[On a completely unrelated note thinking about horns has me once again thinking about Iruma-kun where there is a character who as a child some how managed to break off - his magic/mana is considered pretty weak so I doubt he used any of that to assist- one of his horns. On Purpose mind you. So either he's physically stronger then he looks or maybe as a kid, young demon horns are more brittle/easier to break because smaller
These are very much horn, horns. With a core/blood vessels, nerves ect.
They can clearly grow back if only a little- he does still have two horns one is just smaller then the other
Ami Kiriwo is uh.. special to say the least
(Even other demons find this kid unsettling) ]
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