#pls go read/watch Iruma is good
dragonofthestone · 1 year
[On a completely unrelated note thinking about horns has me once again thinking about Iruma-kun where there is a character who as a child some how managed to break off - his magic/mana is considered pretty weak so I doubt he used any of that to assist- one of his horns. On Purpose mind you. So either he's physically stronger then he looks or maybe as a kid, young demon horns are more brittle/easier to break because smaller
These are very much horn, horns. With a core/blood vessels, nerves ect.
They can clearly grow back if only a little- he does still have two horns one is just smaller then the other
Ami Kiriwo is uh.. special to say the least
(Even other demons find this kid unsettling) ]
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jtl-fics · 1 year
omg wow. the new chapter wow WOW. WHERE DO I START OMG. jsjdjdjsjs i absolutely want to reread this chapter again after this bc omg the BUILDUP WAS SO INCREDIBLE WOW SO MUCH HAPPENED THIS CHAPTER I HAVE NO WORDS SERIOISLY OMGGGGG
the talk with ichirou and our boy ff is so funny in sm ways holy shiet and i loVED that it was feom ichirous perspective like ff is one incredibly hot mess but only we (and ff and nicky and gs know that of course) but literally everyone else including head of the mafia (or yakuza?) think he is the most competent incredible and coolest person to ever exist like ajdjhdjsjjs
and omg neil <3 we love to see neil eating and being surrounded by the love and family he deserves <3 and im really loving aaron in this fic like ik he was an asshole in the books but u can also sorta understand it and i love how ur portraying him just like idk how to explain it but yas <3 i feel like hes always so overlooked and forgotten so im really glad that he has his moments here (esp love it when hes bickering w the other monsters so it feels so real i luv it)
grandma smith is a gem as always and i find her and kevins relationship so hilarious and cute
the mix of povs was so cool i loved it, the way it flowed & the suspense!!!! so good omg. esp when it finally jumped to ff at the end LMAO GETTING THE REAL INFO!!!!!!!! damn smithy did so well especially him thinking he was talking to the police!!!! like sm could have gone wrong & his thoughts at the end PLS SO FUNNY!! no smithy ur not racist <3 but omg pls hes so cute i love him so so much
i cant wait for the next chapter thank u so much for writing this ahsjdjsjja
Real tears at this comment! This was such a nice thing to wake up to!!!!!!
I keep thinking that when I get around to properly writing this in not draft form (looking at you earlier chapters) I'm going to write some scenes from other character's POV (Grandma's whole 48 hours with the monsters from her POV and FF's POV as he talks to the nice FBI agent Iruma Matsumoto). Writing from Neil's POV inbetween helped me a lot in keeping this chapter from being too heavy. (Also snuck in a bit of the Neil & FF friendship)
Ichirou's POV and like turning the shit that FF WOULD SAY into stuff that Ichirou could misinterpret took me sooo long it's why the chapter came out so much later than I wanted it to (that and I spent most of my weekend building that link tree for the AUs)
Lol I just said this in a conversation I was having on here but YOU READ THAT ONE POST ABOUT NEIL'S GLOW-UP FROM THE BEGINNING OF HIS FRESHMAN YEAR AND YOU NEVER RECOVER. He's still too skinny!
Aaron is one of my favorite characters who does not get used enough IMO. Like he's fucking funny! Yeah he's kind of an asshole Neil's freshman year but like he's a STUDENT ATHLETE in PRE-MED dealing with THE MAFIA. Also I really love writing the Monsters as just like...normal guys. Like it's not all overwrought conversations sometimes it's "No Kevin, putting vanilla protein powder in chicken stock is not 'Like Chicken and Waffles' it's a CRIME."
I do feel bad about how GS is just constantly like dogging him but in a voice that makes him preen but like to be fair.... vanilla protein powder into her sweet grandson's soup.
FF is always worried about the most important things when faced with a situation. Like 'At least it's a beautiful day I can cloud watch as Captain Neil and Andrew murder me.' , 'I hope there's a bathroom in this torture chamber' , 'Oh gross he didn't wash his hands before he left the bathroom to go murder Captain Neil', and 'Oh no I WAS racist and RUDE. Why the fuck didn't I ask for his name BEFORE I had that conversation. GS raised you better!'
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avilexce · 3 years
drv3 girls cuddling hcs!!
honestly i wrote this bc i’m in love with all of them..
i didn’t write kirumi because i’m not very good at writing for her!!
kaede akamatsu
kaede would LOVE cuddling!!
especially after she had been playing the piano and practicing and she was tired, she would love to go and just cuddle with you
she’s the big spoon most of the time, but if you want to be the big spoon or if she had a bad day she’s happy with being the little spoon
she usually would talk to you, or hum softly if your tired
she probably scratches your head while you two cuddle
she would definitely play classical music while you two fell asleep..
kaede would be able to keep her composure and not get flustered! well, she’s flustered the first time!
overall kaede would give the best cuddles
miu iruma
i think miu would love cuddling!
she would probably make a few suggestive jokes here and there, but that’s it
she says she’s the big spoon, but she’s the little spoon. 100%
unless you want to be the little spoon for the day! then she’s the big spoon, but after a bit she’ll miss being the little spoon
she will rant about how annoying kokichi is while you two cuddle
she’s done with his shit
she doesn’t even care if you’re on your phone she just wants to cuddle with you
literally in love with her.. anyways
this girl would get so flustered it’s not even funny. she just gets flustered from wholesomeness !
miu loves cuddling with you, please cuddle with her more
maki harukawa
maki wouldn’t love the idea of cuddling at first, but she warms up to it after a while
she’s the big spoon. she’s always the big spoon
she loves you so much that whenever you want to cuddle when you two are in private, she’ll cuddle with you
she pats your head a lot
you two usually listen to music while you cuddle!
speaking of music, maki would have a great music taste...
she would get pretty flustered, just bc she isn’t very used to affection!
overall, maki isn’t a huge fan of cuddling, but if it’s with you she’ll always be ready to cuddle
himiko yumeno
i personally think himiko would love cuddling!
she would be the little spoon, and she would feel super happy whenever you two cuddle!
she would definitely love cuddling after a long day at school
and kokichi annoying her.. she’s definitely done with him
if you’re cuddling late at night and you just talk to her in a soft voice she’ll fall asleep super quick
she loves it when you guys watch movies or if you read to her while cuddling
she just loves listening to your voice tbh
she would probably get flustered, especially the first time
tsumugi shirogane
i love tsumugi sm.. anyways
this girl LOVES cuddling with you
you wanna cuddle at like 3 in the morning? she’s fine with it!
literally she loves you so much it’s not even funny
she will 100% watch any anime show you want while you cuddle
ugh i’m such a simp for her
mm she’s usually the big spoon? she probably is used to staying up late, so she likes being the big spoon incase you fall asleep
that doesn’t mean she doesn’t like being the little spoon tho! she just prefers to be the big spoon :)
okay but she would go on rants to you about her favorite characters and she wouldn’t even mind if you fell asleep, she just wants to talk about them with you!
if you don’t fall asleep and listen to what she says though she will fall even more in love with you
okay i don’t think she would get super flustered, but she would definitely be a bit flustered the first few times
okay i think i should stop here...
tenko chabashira
tenko would love cuddles!!
she would be so happy that you were with her, she loves you so much
she usually yells a lot, but when you two are cuddling she doesn’t yell and take in a very soft voice
if someone walked in on you two cuddling she wouldn’t care too much... unless it’s a a male. she will literally yell at them until they run away. she covers your ears when that happens tho
she definitely loves when you two talk to eachother, she loves talking with you
she’s the big spoon, and she says that she’s protecting you from the degenerate males
she’d get flustered, mainly because of how much she loves you
SHE RANTS TO YOU AND AT THE END SHE SAYS “how am i so lucky to have you as my s/o”
please tell her you love her and that you care for her </3
angie yonaga
no bc angie would give the best cuddles hello?
she would love to be the little or big spoon, she doesn’t mind!! if you want to be the big spoon, she’s fine with being the little spoon! it’s the same thing if you want to be the small spoon
“what were you doing earlier?” “drawing you, love!”
she would remind you how much she loves you
if she’s the big spoon and it’s night she’ll hum you to sleep
she loves holding your hand while you two cuddle
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Mod Application - Hello!
Mod Iruma~
Discord: kii-baby Skype: bandanimeaddict17 Main Blog: @dangan-noya
NDRV3 Boys and S/0 w/ Children
Shuuichi Saihara
So you have a lot of neighbors with kids
Busy neighbors
So you find yourself almost every week with at least a kid in your living room
Not that Saihara knew
So imagine his surprise when he heard a toddler’s cry whilst you were talking to him on the phone
Okay can you come over, I need a hand with Mrs. Green’s kid, he’s a troublemaker and I don’t wanna burn his lunch
He accepts
Shows up to your apartment
And immediately sees how stressed you are
Decides to try to help you
Emphasis on try
Although the food is not burnt, it’s not that good
After several attempts to save the dish and failing, you opt to just go buy something and kindly ask him to stay with the child
Oh no
The kid sits on the couch staring at him and Saihara wishes he had his hat on to cover his eyes
After more seconds of eye contact, the kid finally opens his mouth and says, “S/O says you’re a detective.”
Yes, he is
Eyes now wide with wonder, questions start flying
You come home to Saihara explaining a murder case in the most PG way possible
You giggle and slip into the kitchen, leaving him at it
You were on a walk through the park, hand-in-hand
When suddenly, a small girl walked up to the both of you
You smiled down at the girl kindly but her eyes were too focused to the side of you
Kii-bo looked at the girl, and also offered a smile
This time however
“Robots can’t smile!”
And from such a small human too
That’s what your boyfriend had thought, until the girl smiled widely.
“I like you better than the robots in the movies. Wanna play with me?”
You were slightly concerned so you glanced at Kii-bo and
He was actually glowing
Like, blue
But the smile he had on
He quickly agreed and was dragged away by the girl
You still were worried but you were smiling and laughing in seconds at the sight of your boyfriend playing, not only with the little girl, but also with a group of kids who spotted him.
In a matter of minutes he was showing off his features and talking excitedly about his life as the Ultimate Robot
You almost left him there all day
When you said it was probably time to go, 8 pouty faces met you
One of them being Kii-bo
Robots can pout?
He finally said goodbye and promised to come back again to play
and you would play with them too, because that pouty face happened to show up again
Ryoma Hoshi
You honestly didn’t know how this happened
One minute you decide to go into a store while your boyfriend stood outside to wait
The next, he was in the kid’s area at the mall
It took you a bit to find him, but when you did, you couldn’t help but snort
And laugh
And cackle
Okay you almost cried from laughter at his face
Finally you ceased and walked over, but you were stopped by a guard
:”Excuse me, are coming to pick up your child?”
Oh, this is good
You tell the guard that you are just keeping an eye out on your little man boy
Hoshi was not happy
He was dragged around the whole area by the hyperactive kids
Save him
You don’t
Until half an hour later
He comes back with his beanie backwards, coat disheveled and a blush to his entire face
But the smile on his face when all the kids all aww’d and said bye to him was undeniable
Gonta Gokuhara
You were at an insect exhibit surprised? Yeah me neither
When suddenly
He heard it
The cloud cries of a child
He quickly looked around and spotted a child all by herself with huge tears falling down her chubby cheeks
He took a minute to look around for possible parents but when he did not see them, he approached her
You tried to tell him later that usually, that did not look good to the public eye
“But she was so sad. Gonta wanted to help her. That is what a gentleman would do!”
Kneeling down, he asked if everything was alright
She was scared shitless for a few seconds
So were you when you first saw the guy
·After a lot of reassuring, the girl finally noticed that he was not dangerous
He asked her what was wrong
She had lost her parents
Oh no!
And she was scared of the gross bugs all around her
Oh no
“They are not gross!”
Okay, so he’s taking this calmly
“Let Gonta show you!”
The two of you then spent the next hour rushing around and showing the girl the good side of bugs
Well Gonta was
Until the girl seemed less and less scared and was actually laughing
So much so she didn’t even notice her parents calling for her
Her parents almost screamed when they saw your boyfriend with the little girl on his shoulders
You explained that he was no harm
Not really convinced, they took the girl away
Not without a hug from Gonta!
Which she accepted gladly
What a day
Rantarou Amami
He was invited to your family home as they wanted to meet him
He showed and noticed two huge pairs of eyes staring at him from behind a wall
You explained they were your two little brothers and he nodded
It wasn’t until half way through the stay did the kids approach him
“H-hey…if you hurt S/O..:
“We’ll h-hurt you…”
The two were trembling
You were about to scold them when suddenly Amami laughed softly
He then wrapped his arm around your waist and turned to them
“I’m super lucky that your sis decided to go out with me. I wouldn’t even think of it.” He shot them a smile.
After a bit of an awkward silence, your brothers threw themselves at your boyfriend
You just sat there in shock
“We like him!”
Well okay..
Rantarou was more than happy tho
So you didn’t really mind
After some movies and food, you decided things were okay enough to leave them alone
So you went to the bathroom
And when you came back, you found the three of them asleep on the couch
You sighed but a smile made its way to your lips
You quickly grabbed some blankets and wrapped them around them and yourself
Spending time like this with your bros and bf was definitely worth it
The back and neck pain however, said otherwise
Kaito Momota
You turned around to see your boyfriend rushing over with your cousin in toe
You were at a family dinner when Kaito and your little cousin had disappeared
No worries, they’ll come back
Not like this tho please
Your cousin quickly went into a huge speech about stars, and aliens, and space, and planets and-
You looked at Kaito
What did you do
Although your cousin’s rambling of space kept going for almost your whole visit
The proud look on your boyfriend’s face kept you from being annoyed
It was like a dad looking at his son
S/O noooo
While the laughter of the two reached your ears, all you could think about was Kaito being a father
How cute it would
Brain pls
Momota later asked you why you were so red
You ignored him
Red? I’m not red. What??
But the image of a little astronaut running around your apartment didn’t leave your mind
Not that you minded
Korekiyo Shinguuji
He felt eyes staring at him
Small and curious eyes
Looking up from his book, he noticed a small blonde haired girl staring at him
He tilted his head to the side confused
And so did she
They continued till she almost fell off her chair
Shinguuji then watched as she burst into a fit of giggles
After a few moments, the girl looked at him once more
“I like you!”
He felt his eyes widen slightly
He didn’t really know how to respond as the girl walked over and sat beside him
You wondered what kind of parents this girl had to let her approach a stranger
After she made herself comfortable, she quickly said,
“What’cha reading?”
Now, Shinguuji quickly placed his hand over the title of the book
She didn’t need to know about ways to bring back the dead
Sighing, he placed the book down on the table and began telling her of a child-friendly folklore story.
He wanted to distract her from the shiny gold book
Luckily, he succeeded and began to get pestered by “More!”
And he continued
Until the parents and yourself appeared
Once her parents dragged her away, she exclaimed,
“Bye-bye mystery man!”
Ok that’s cute
You looked at him with a raised eyebrow
But he just shook his head
“Children’s curiosity can be so beautifully dangerous.”
You agreed
Kokichi Ouma
He decided he wanted to go into a store to buy some Grape Panta ‘cause he was thirsty
You were about to comment on his addiction but he was gone
Walking inside, you make your way to the soda aisle
Just to find him looking annoyed at a kid smaller than him
You look over the situation and find the issue immediately
There’s only one bottle of Grape Panta left
And both of them want it
“I got here first!”
“That’s cute, too bad.”
You were trying not to laugh
But when it got past 5 minutes, you were now concerned
They were not going to move, huh?
Stubborn af
Ouma took a look at you before sighing and dropping the bottle
“Alright, alright, take it!”
He grumbled and walked away.
“Thank you, sir!”
You followed after him and chuckled at his pouty face
We can get some later, Ouma-kun
“But I wanted some now!”
Sighing, you were about to drag him away when the same kid from earlier walked over to you two.
“What? Gonna rub your victory in my face?”
The kid shook his head before giving him a wide grin
And handing him a bottle of Panta
“They were gonna re-stock them but we were in the way”
Taking the bottle, he ruffled the kid’s hair
“Thank you, kiddo! Hey, you’ve got guts to compete with me!”
The kid smiled widely before rushing off, waving goodbye to the both of you
Ouma-kun, you’re so childish
And there we go!
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