#yes I know it’s from stvfoe
theimpishknight · 3 years
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//I saw this on something on tiktok and I could only think of Mumbo Jumbo and Goodtimeswithscar
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tom-star-co · 5 years
Spinel & Mina Loveberry
it’s so funny how similar Spinel and Mina Loveberry’s backstories are yet Daron Nefcy decided to have Mina stay the one-dimensional allegory for racism while Rebecca Sugar actually understood that Spinel lived through hell to become the villain that we saw in the movie and that Spinel needed help and Steven (the protagonist) was mature enough to realize that and wanted to help Spinel get over her trauma
meanwhile we have the nutcase that is Mina Loveberry who literally nobody acknowledges that she needs help until the very end of the series (except when its played off as a joke) and it’s literally fucking Moon of all people, Moon who literally used her just like Solaria had in order to get what she wanted, who wanted to help Mina (why gee, I wonder why... probably because she feels guilty about taking advantage of a Mewman experiment!)
because essentially... the fact that mina loveberry hates monsters wasn’t a core aspect of her beliefs from the start. its literally solaria’s legacy that’s instilled in her; and that’s because solaria was the only one who pretended to ever give a shit about her as far as we’ve seen in the series. EVEN THOUGH SOLARIA WAS USING HER AS A FUCKING SOLDIER AGAINST MONSTERS
and UGH. im still mad about this. the fact that so many people have come out and started demonizing Pink Diamond while sympathizing with Spinel has opened old cuts. Because these characters’ actions aren’t motivated by their beliefs (Spinel wanting to destroy Earth; Mina wanting to slay monsters); these characters’ actions are motivated by RELATABLE problems like losing a sense of purpose in life (Spinel not needed anymore to ‘entertain’ Pink Diamond; Mina not needed anymore as a soldier) or being the leftovers of a mess that someone else caused (again, PINK DIAMOND AND SOLARIA)
look at it like this: can you say, for certain, that spinel wanted to destroy the earth because she hated humans as a race? ....no. she did it out of bitterness and anger for pink diamond abandoning her. can you apply the same logic to mina loveberry? yes. you can. Daron, you messed up. or more like, you missed a big opportunity.
for a show about forgiveness, we gonna forgive solaria despite never having actually seen her change... at all. on the show. and she’s already dead. she died having a legacy of carving monsters. like this is so bullshit. she’s DEAD. it doesn t matter if she smiles at eclipsa’s monster baby, how can that make you forgive all the terrible shit she did against a race? AND SHE NEVER CHANGED WHILE SHE WAS ALIVE
mina loveberry, very alive character even after the magic was being taken away, the redemption arc is right there for the taking!!!!!!!!!!!!!! and lets not even delve into her mental illness because oh boy everyone treats it like a joke because i guess mental illness is a joke mmmmmmmmmm :) (and yes it is a mental illness. she obviously wasnt born crazy.)
so yeah. i guess ill end this off with a little tangent based off the newest Cartoon Network miniseries Infinity train (do not read the rest of this post if you haven’t seen infinity train): you know that part where tulip goes into amelia’s memories and sees everything and then comes out and basically yells “what the fuck why did you show me her memories! i dont want to see my enemy as a human! now i just... feel bad for her.”
Well, in the series it did serve a point. It contributed to the main message. Same as Spinel’s backstory... it served a point! What did Mina Loveberry’s backstory contribute to STVFOE’s message? nothing. literally only brought up more questions.
like why did every queen just leave mina the way she is. howw come no queen ever tried to reach out to her? were they just okay with her being a solarian experiment for eternity??? how is nobody concerned for this individual’s mental health???????????????? and how is this supposed to make me hate racism more??? how does this make her more racist even??????
thanks and goodbye. your mina apologist out. aka im sick and tired of seeing comments glorifying solaria for being the parent you should forgive and comments demonizing mina for being a psychopath monster killer who ‘deserved what she got’. 
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seddm · 7 years
In stvfoe they travel trough dimensions with the scissors. But, in MathMagic we saw that there are alternative realities from every person. In other shows as "P&F trough the 2nd dimension" we saw that the actual other dimension was just an alternative reality of them universe, so u think this works different in svtfoe? Cause i think the "dimensions" may refer to a different location in the same universe, cause that would explain the similarities between Mewni and the Earth, what do you think? :3
Daron gave an “official” explanation during a panel, a confused and weird sounding one - she did admit that at the end of the day it’s a cartoon and plot > coherence of pseudoscience, but yes, you’re essentially correct: all the dimensions the characters travel through are in the same Universe, just... well, in different dimensions, normally not accessible. The timelines shown by Omnitraxius in Mathmagic are whole other Universes, and I guess it’s normally impossible to travel to them. This doesn’t explain why the scissors allow to choose where you want to go, since you should just be able to move from point A in the X dimension to the equivalent point A in the Y dimension (and said point might be in the middle of space), but... it’s a cartoon, and it’s literal magic.
Q- In the episode Mathmagic it was revealed that there is this multiverse. We saw multiple realities of Mewni, the Earth. So I was kind of confused, does it mean that Mewni and Earth exist in like one universe. For example, you can build a, I don’t know, a spaceship or something to travel from Earth to Mewni?A- Well, I was like- I always liked the idea of other dimensions, I always thought that was cool. So I guess everything is in the same space. That’s why they use scissors and they kind of cut into different realities, so they can kinda go through, but they are all on the same planet, I guess. I know sometimes it feels like it’s other planets- I don’t know. It’s supposed to be- it’s all like a dimension, that you can kinda travel through with the scissors. I think it- it’s fantasy. It’s always like- I think we are always like trying to make it logical, but I also think that at a certain point if you overthink it nothing probably actually makes sense. I like the idea of different dimensions, that’s cool. So they are all in the same space, and uh- they are connected, you know?
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rakhall · 7 years
I got tagged, and I’ll do this kind of post for first and last time...
Tagged by @cid331 AND @heavybond56 and by a lot of anon mails, but those don’t count, please stop.
RULES : answer the questions and tag 20 amazing followers you’d like to get to know better!
NAME: Yeah... You probably couldn’t pronounce it correctly and I don’t want you to cause permanent damage in your tongue.
NICKNAMES: Call me whatever you want, until it’s not rude or disrespectful.
ZODIAC SIGN: Which zodiac are you talking about? The Chinese Zodiac, oooor...
HEIGHT :   6ft 2.409449i.... What? What did you expect from me? A round number?
ORIENTATION: Heterosexual
ETHNICITY: Ethnicity matters less and less in the 21st century because tradition and culture are constantly and drastically changing and transforming, in smaller countries as well as among ethnic minorities in every country they live in. And I’m not only talking about cultural assimilation but also about the fact that more and more places in Europe and Asia start to adopt American habits and cultural elements. This process is due to the consumer society and multiculturalism, but the internet is playing a big role in it too. Just to mention an example: In some Middle European countries, people celebrated the so-called “All Souls' Day”/”All Saints’day”/”Day of The Dead” -sorry, I couldn’t find a proper translation- but nowadays, even in these countries Halloween costumes and Halloween pumpkins became m ore and more common, in stores. I’m not saying it’s a bad thing, neither that it’s something good. But one thing is for sure, in the future as well as in the present, the only barriers of complete cultural amalgamation will be religion, language, and nationalism. So after this, let me ask you the question. What matters more the ethnicity you are born into, or the ethnicity you feel comfortable with?
FAVORITE FRUIT: Depends on... If I want to eat it, then pear, If I want to write a fanfiction, then lemon...
FAVORITE SEASON: Winter. I can’t take the sunlight. It doesn’t matter if there’s 313.15K (yes, I used kelvin because I’m an a**hole so your brain gets a little extra exercise while you google the celsius-kelvin calculator,) until I can stay any place where I can avoid sunlight.
FAVOR BOOK: Too many to choose from, so I’ll just go with the one that made the biggest impact on me: “The Tragedy of Man” Synopsis: The main characters are Adam, Eve and Lucifer. As God creates the universe, Lucifer decries it as futile, stating that man will soon aspire to be god and demanding his own right of the world, because God was forced to create with him, "the ancient spirit of denial". God casts him out of Heaven, but grants his wish: the two cursed trees in Eden, the Tree of Knowledge and the Tree of Immortality. Playing on Eve's vanity and Adam's pride, Lucifer tempts both into sin. After the Fall and expulsion from Eden, Adam is still too proud to admit that he acted wrongly. Instead, he recounts his dreams of human progress and achievement; he feels that now, unencumbered by God's rules, he is ready to pursue his own glory. Lucifer puts Adam to sleep, and the two begin to travel through history. There is a link you can read it online legally for free if you are interested.
FAVORITE FLOWER: I don’t like flowers, but I do happen to know, that in the language of flowers walnut blossom means stupidity, and nettle means in rough translation “Get the heck away from me you freak me out!!!”
FAVORITE SCENT: If I write something edgy and dark-overlord-like as “the smell of death, and rotting flesh” no one’s gonna take me serious ever again and everyone unfollows me, BUT if I will say “the smell of fried chicken legs” I’ll be called swallow, and 90% of the vegans are gonna attack me for it. 
FAVORITE ANIMAL: Axolotl. When that lil’ dingaling -sorry but I already swore too much in this post so I won’t do it again, unless it’s a quotation- somehow is washed ashore, instead of drowning it simply goes with an “All right f*ck you from now on, I’m gonna breathe air! Mother nature is my b*tch, b*tch!”
FAVORITE FICTIONAL CHARACTER: Actually I have a lot, so I can’t simply go with one, sorry.
DREAM TRIP: Any place that’s far away from Goldshire Inn.
BLOG CREATED:  I don’t understand... So I’ll just divide this question into two parts: 1) “What kind of blog did you create” To answer this question: It is a fan-drawing blog (I used this word combination instead of “fan art” because I don’t consider my drawings as “art”. 2) “What’s the purpose of the blog/why was it created” Originally it was created so I could share the jokes I made up in my comics with more people, not just with the ones on Deviantart. Later on, the purpose changed when I got into STVFOE, and it became my main drawing site, (while Deviantart became secondary,) where I shared my exaggerated parody comics or my “what-if” ideas about the show. Right now my goal is to turn this blog into a fammiliar place where my followers like to be, and also turn it into a friendly community.
NUMBER OF FOLLOWERS: To avoid hate, I’ll skip this question.
WHAT DO I POST: My drawings, and thoughts... I don’t really reblog, because it would make harder to navigate for those who aren’t tumblr users, just bystanders who found my blog.
DO I GET ASKS ON A REGULAR BASIS: Yes I do, and sorry for not answering all of them, I read them all guys, but I don’t want to spoil, the future comics, neither confuse the readers. If I can answer privately, it makes my job easier though. I only have the “anonymous” option, because this way everyone can write to me not just tumblr users...
AESTHETIC: Noun: a set of principles underlying and guiding the work of a particular artist or artistic movement. alternative meaning: a set of principles concerned with the nature and appreciation of beauty, especially in art. Adjective: concerned with beauty or the appreciation of beauty.
FAVORITE BAND: Don’t have favorites, I listen to what I like, it doesn’t matter which band plays it. If the whole band has only one single track I like, then I listen to that one, and nothing else from them.
FICTIONAL CHARACTER I’D DATE: again, depends on, what my goal is. If I want everyone to hate me then I’d choose a typical “Everyone’sWaifu” like Heka-the-best-girl-poo, if I would want to spend a good time with someone I would have common topic with, then someone smart and kind enough not to turn all of our conversations into something swallow, or to give smart, but mean/offensively sarcastic answers. The problem is, most of these characters have already someone.
(if they don’t, they are underage, lol)
HOGWARTS HOUSE: Why always Harry Potter? I mean I don’t have anything against it, but why is the extra question always Harry Potter? Why never “Horde or Alliance” or “Favorite Digimon” or  “Demon or Angel” or anything...
I don’t tag 20 people because I don’t make difference between my followers... consider yourselves all tagged. Or none of you, whichever you want.
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