#yes I realize im posting this three hours before we all morph into ofmd blogs
doonarose · 8 months
Good Omens Fic: Oscualtions (noun, plural): A contact between curves or surfaces, at which point they have a common tangent; The act of kissing.
Summary: A series of kisses between Aziraphale and Crowley, beginning with their second and ending after they’ve both well and truly lost count.
Aziraphale/Crowley, 68K words, later stories rated E for smut.
The First One That’s Right: Aziraphale thinks they should try the whole kissing thing again.
The Second One That’s Quite Rubbish: Aziraphale asks Crowley for a kiss; it does not go well.
Awning Realization: A kiss during a sudden downpour under an awning.
Entr’acte: The first kiss that neither of them thinks about.
Tilt: Crowley kisses Aziraphale in the bookshop window with an audience.
Anchorage: Aziraphale convinces Crowley to kiss him the way he wants to kiss him; Crowley gets a lot more than he’d bargained for (it’s not what you think).
Esurient Designs: Aziraphale takes Crowley to a long seductive lunch and neither one of them really gets what they want.
Pulled: Crowley kisses Aziraphale; They both get entirely more than they bargained for (it’s exactly what you think).
Many thanks to everyone who has read, commented, left kudos, etc. This has been a wild two months and I am so thrilled to see it entirely done and I definitely haven’t plotted out the next time they go to lunch, or when Aziraphale wakes him up, nope not at all.
Special thanks to anything_thats_rock_and_roll for their beta-ing and hand-holding throughout most of this series. I bet when they left a lovely little comment on one of the early instalments, they weren’t expecting me to drag them in and make them edit tens of thousands of words!  
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