#yes I’m making it for me ™ but it’s also an absolutely massive project like
badolmen · 1 year
If I made a video essay covering every episode arc and the overall storyline and themes of Darker than Black would that be too self indulgent?
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goron-king-darunia · 2 years
Annon-Guy: I had to use Submission to say and ask something important.
Apparently, I NEED a tumblr account to ask anonymously from now on and that's stupid!
I'm also not sure about a tumblr page, but are there benefits to having a Page. It would destroy my anonymous persona and I'm don't wish to run into problematic people despite having a YouTube and Fanfic.Net account
GKD here! That does seem weird. Maybe it’s to cut down on anonymous hate messages?
I enjoy having my blog and my page, personally. But I have been here for 10+ years. Honestly, I’ve never had trouble with people being mean to me or running into “problematic people.” Honestly, any time there’s a confrontation, I’m usually the one being the asshole/ unnecessarily aggressive.
Honestly, especially if you intend to lurk/not post original content often, Tumblr is pretty chill. For me at least. I got, like, exactly one piece of legitimate anon-hate thrown at me exactly one time. I’ve talked with people on Tumblr who have the exact opposite political opinions to me and not had explosive dragging drama fights about it.
Granted. Most of the stuff I do on Tumblr is gush about Legend of Zelda, DotNW, a few other fandoms, and then repost a bajillion memes. But I’m pretty openly political with what I reblog, and fairly opinionated. Though most of my opinions are about a game that most of the USA fandom HATED. So my bubble here is pretty niche. But, like. Most of the people in my immediate circle are excellent people and all the people in their circles have so far been delightful. I can honestly only think about exactly one time that someone random searched up a post of mine to get irrationally angry at. And yes I drafted several pages of clap back and then just... the fire of anger fizzled and I never posted it because their irrational hatred just wasn’t worth my time.
I can’t promise you a drama-free experience on here. But I’ve got this blog and a side blog where I mostly talk about my writing or my experiences with video games. And neither of my blogs are lightning rods for anyone’s ire. Hell, when I started this blog, my about section on my page was basically giving people ammo to harass me with. Unless your blog becomes massively popular, I think you’re going to be fine. And if assholes do come knocking for whatever reason? We have the handy little block feature.
That said, you don’t really have to provide any IRL info when you make a blog here. My real name isn’t associated with either of my accounts. You could theoretically just whip up an account with the handle “ThatOneAnnonDude” or something generic, set up your blog title to be “I’m just here to talk games and read memes, and I’m all out of memes.” and just... post absolutely nothing or absolutely anything. And I think you’d generally be okay. I dunno if I’m just lucky, but my experience with Drama™ on Tumblr has mostly been as a spectator. At arm’s length. More like looking over to the mountains on the horizon with binoculars and seeing some smoke rising and thinking to myself “Glad that’s not me, wow.” and continuing with my day.
Personally, I like being able to curate my blog. Gather up a bunch of things that I like and categorize them with tags so I have my own little scrapbook of goodies I can look at (I literally have a tag that’s just “#for the sad times” so if I feel sad I can just pull up that tag on my blog and find all sorts of cute puppy and kitten videos or recipes, or nature photos, or whatever I saw that made me smile once so that I can feel better again. It’s nice.) It’s nifty to be able to tag a bunch of things so that if I want art inspo or a nice reference photo or a knitting project I want to emulate, or whatever, I can just search it up on my own blog and find a bunch of stuff I liked before. It’s nice to be able to search through my Richter tag and see pictures of him that other people drew or re-read some of my own opinions (all the while nodding along like “Yas, I agree so much!” while fully knowing that’s my own damn post. XD) It’s fun to follow a bunch of cool people and get introduced to stuff through osmosis. (I have, like, one person I followed on here for their exquisite taste in ramen art and I am learning so much about the “The Last of Us” HBO show. I have another friend who I followed for DotNW stuff and it turns out they’re just mostly into birds, and it turns out I enjoy learning about birds.)
Honestly it does suck that Tumblr is removing a feature that makes it easier to communicate with me. But Tumblr has been an enjoyable experience to me. I’m just a young whippersnapper practicing for the granny years, sitting on my metaphorical porch with a glass of metaphorical wine, sipping and scrolling through memes, knitting a hat for one of my buds, deciding on a new recipe to make for dinner, listening to goth icons talk about Tumblr culture or a politics video or a Archie Sonic Comics deep dive, procrastinating on my novel. I’m just vibing. I’m having a good time. And occasionally new people with DotNW icons will start following me like I’m a mother duck and I’m like “yes, good, even if we ship different ships, you have impeccable tastes. Welcome to the DotNW table, here are 900 memes, the rare fanfic, and occasionally some opinions. Also here are a billion other memes about irrelevant things, enjoy your stay.”
I’m like an old man at the swap meet. I’m sitting here with a table full of bootleg Yugioh cards (memes), Random DVDs (gifsets of things I like), old classic literature (the really good memes that get passed around a lot) and Slim Jims (opinions, curated art, and idea prompts about specific characters and games.)
It’s fine if you’re shy or prefer not to have a Tumblr for any other reason and I understand if we might have to communicate only through submissions from now on. But honestly, Tumblr is a pretty chill place to be as long as you don’t go picking fights on purpose and block anyone that makes you even remotely unhappy. It takes a little getting used to, since Tumblr as a site has its own sort of culture. But hey! Tumblr also has resident meme historians.
If you want to give Tumblr a try, I think it’s worth a shot. My only gripe is that I get major FOMO, so I compulsively scroll Tumblr every day and then overwhelm myself by drafting an infinite number of posts that look neat but I want to read and tag properly before posting and WHOOPS now I have 300,000 drafts to comb through instead of just deleting them all because “what if there was something good in there that I’ll miss?”
But if you have even an ounce of self control and don’t have to compulsively read or reblog everything, then congrats! Tumblr’s probably worth a shot.
It’s also worth noting that I’m a massive mother hen, so I will keep you nice and cozy and tucked under my wing and if anyone gives you a bad time I will peck the shit out of them for you.
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