#yes Michael had an emo phase at 11
snirtsnirkarts · 1 year
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Doodle of Them!!!
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helloaugustmoon · 4 months
overthinking this to an absurd degree for absolutely no logical reason but we’ll ignore that bc listen-
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thinking about how between age of like 11-16 I was infatuated w this emo band, had this whole emo phase right, and I was convinced if I ever met them I would just die bc whenever they released a new music video I cried and when I saw them live for the first time I spent the whole concert sobbing and hyperventilating BUT, last year I saw them for the second time and I actually met them as a then 21 year old woman and HEAR ME OUT !!!
I was always of the view that if I met that band - specifically the lead singer bc that was my betrothed lol - I would at the very least pass out, until I actually met them. and not even just met them- like yeah there was the meet and greet I was prepped for that (barely) but before the concert when we were waiting outside the lead singer just fuckin walked by all casual and I swear my life flashed before my eyes and anyway. the point I’m trying to make is I’ve grown up to the point where my “shock” is predominantly experienced internally, while externally I’m just…stunned. like my heart’s not beating my ears are ringing my entire body is trembling yes, but I can barely form a coherent thought, let alone make any actual noise. I barely said a word to the band when I met them, I was just like
all of this is to say, I’ve concluded as of today that if by some freak miracle I was able to meet Michael Jackson (who has been for my entire life and will continue to be the obsession that runs so deep he is part of my actual DNA), there is no denying if I saw him in concert I’d spend the duration of it crying and would be one of the hundreds of girls being carted off unconscious lol, but if I got to meet him?? I wouldn’t be capable of screaming. I’d just be standing there, vibrating. probably crying but not sobbing bc I’d be too in shock until afterwards like I’d be on the brink of crying but my eyes would just stay glassy if you get what I mean?? obviously once he’s out of sight there’d need to be a weather warning bc the heavens will be unleashed through me from every orifice but anyway I’m going to maladaptive daydream about this for the rest of the day thank you for coming to my TED talk <3
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koffeekittenwrties · 5 years
11, 14, + 19?💕💕
Thank you bby!! Please ask more if you wanna!
11. Who are your closest friends?
-Well I really consider you and @sinish-tem as close friends everyone else is to rude and someone I couldn’t tell everything too!
14. Did you ever go through an emo or scene phase?
-God yes I wore chokers, wore nothing but black, had the bangs etc! I kinda slip back into it every now and again -w-
19. Favorite fictional character?
-Ohhhh really hard for me to choose so here’s a couple!
-Billy Hargrove: Stranger Things
-Jasper Hale: Twilight
-Michael Myers: Halloween series
-Sam Winchester: Supernatural
Thank you asking!!
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agentscullder · 7 years
1. are you religious? No. Atheism till the end 
2. what animal do you think you’re most like? Carnotaur 
3. how do you take your coffee? In a mug
4. how old were you when you had your first kiss? 11 or 12 
5. museum date or aquarium date? Museum 
6. do you have any tattoos or piercings? do you want more? Need way more
7. favorite fruits? Don’t really have one
8. favorite vegetables? Idk lima beans 
9. i’ll only date you if _____. (fill in the blank) You’re not a douche
10. do you cry a lot? Yeah
11. who are your closest friends? Julia and Carlos
12. have you ever been a part of a protest or a march? In high school
13. do you play any video games? Yeah
14. did you ever have an emo or scene phase? Nope
15. what color is most of your wardrobe? Black
16. what do you like to do for fun? Depends on my mood
17. what is your biggest fear? It already happened 
18. name a subject you know a lot about. Science 
19. favorite fictional characters? Supergirl
20. do you read a lot? what are your favorite books? Yes. Michael Crichton, Stephen King, DC Comics 
21. how would you describe your style? I don’t know
22. did you have a favorite stuffed animal when you were little? do you still own it? I did. My mom has it at her house 
23. what’s something most people love that you hate? Sublime and Nirvana 
24. do you think you’re a good singer? I’m alright 
25. who do you live with? Sister 
26. favorite desserts? Pie
27. what is the best decision you’ve made in your life so far? To love
28. favorite makeup brands? 
29. favorite clothing stores/brands? Whatever I think looks cool
30. what was your first job? Subway
31. do you take a lot of naps? Not really
32. what is your favorite part about your body? Nothing
33. are you more dominant or more submissive? Bit of both
34. are you more outgoing or more shy? Bit of both
35. how tall are you? 5′11
36. what is your body type? Tubs
37. favorite flower? Sunflower
38. favorite planet? That’s kinda hard. Maybe Saturn 
39. what do you want to dress up as for halloween this year? Haven’t really thought of it. 
40. do you prefer to date people the same age as you, younger, or older? Same age or older. 
41. describe the person you’re in love with/have a crush on in great detail. Psshh.. she’s extremely kind, sarcastic, super sweet. She has a gorgeous smile and soft green eyes. She can be a smart ass, she’s really funny. She’s honest and really easy to talk to
42. who is your biggest inspiration? Vegeta 
43. do you have any kinks? I love being scratched and bit, does that count?
44. do you own any pets? Doggo and cat cat
45. which celebrity do people say you look the most like? Adam Richman 
46. do you like sports? Pro wrestling 
47. have you ever seen a broadway musical? No just plays 
48. what is your favorite kind of food? Italian 
49. would you rather be a fairy or a mermaid? Fairy
50. what is your instagram? @agent_scullder 
51. glossy lips or matte lips? whatever she wants man, that’s her call
52. do you like cherry, grape, blue raspberry, watermelon, or green apple jolly ranchers the best? Blue
53. what are your best personality traits? No idea
54. what is your ethnicity? Irish/Mexican
55. what different hair colors have you had? Pink, green, purple, black, blonde, red
56. favorite disney princess? Rapunzel
57. favorite album of 2017? Joanne by Lady Gaga
58. have you ever had braces? No
59. favorite holiday? Halloween 
60. post a selfie. Look at my avatar 
61. are you a good swimmer? Yeah
62. do you wear jewelry? Just a necklace that has a vile with my wife’s blood
63. can you play any instruments? Yes
64. do you have any siblings? Yes
65. are your grandparents still alive? how old are they? Just my Grammy on my moms side
66. who knows the most about you? No one anymore
67. are you a more quiet person or do you talk a lot? Depends 
68. what advice would you give to your 13 year old self? Appreciate her when she comes
69. how many pillows do you sleep on? 3
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survevs · 7 years
1. What did you want to be when you were a kid? i wanted to be everything actually hahaha but the ones that i remember the most were being a singer, an actress and a vet.
2. Which “Friends” character do you relate to the most? i guess i'm somewhere in between monica and phoebe...
3. Do you like your name? Why? yes. i like the meaning of it ('kind', 'gentle', 'caring'), and i think it's a name that isn't very common but can be easily pronounced by many languages. also, it's the diminutive of my mother's name.
4. Are you a messy or clean person? i'm actually a little bit of both. i can be really messy, but i'm always very clean.
5. How tall are you? 165cm.
6. How tall were you when you were ten? i honestly have no idea.
7. What is your guilty pleasure? kpop (even though i only know like 3 or 4 groups).
8. What are you saving money for right now? for a new phone, and for going to korea.
9. How many Pringles can you eat at once? i guess half a tube?
10. Tea or coffee? COFFEE!!!
11. Are you an extrovert or introvert? i like to get to know new people, but i also like to have my own space, you know?
12. What is your Halloween costume this year? we don't usually celebrate halloween in brazil.
13. Sweet or salty? it depends on my mood, but mostly sweet.
14. Favorite social media? tumblr and twitter.
15. Who is the last person you kissed? i'm not gonna mention his name.
16. What is your favorite breakfast? i'm not a huge fan of having breakfast.
17. When is your birthday? 17th of july.
18. When did you start your blog? i discovered tumblr in like 2011 i guess?? and i've had many different blogs since then.
19. What is your opinion on the Kardashians? i don't really care.
20. How would you describe your style? it can vary from street style to classy son of a bitch in two seconds. it's very simple though, i'm very discreet.
21. What color is your hair? brown.
22. What color socks are you wearing? not wearing socks at the moment.
23. What is your dream job? as long as it has something to do with music, i'll be fine.
24. Dogs or cats? i love both, but i think dogs.
25. What makes you weird? my sense of humor.
26. Celebrity crush? DEAN (korean artist) ~ i stg that man will be the death of me
27. Opinion on cigarettes? i personally don't like them, but i don't mind if other people do (though i always do try to advice my friends not to start smoking because it's not good for their health, but who am i to stop them?)
28. Do you want children/how many? yeah! 2 i think. 3 at most.
29. 3 favorite boy names? lucas, michael (or miguel) and daniel.
30. 3 favorite girl names? maya, nina, kayla.
31. Favorite plant? i love daisies.
32. Favorite form of art? music.
33. What is your shoe size? small lol (35 in brazilian sizes)
34. Money or brains? BRAINS
35. What color looks best on you? black i guess
36. What is a weird phase you went through when you were younger? emo lol
37. Favorite brand of shampoo+conditioner? i don't know really
38. Favorite pizza toppings? CHOCOLATE
39. Opinions on veganism? i really admire vegans, because i don't think i'd be able to live like they do, even though it's for a great cause.
40. Favorite book of all time? i've been really enjoying 'norwegian wood' by haruki murakami.
41. Favorite actor? marlon brando (he completely changed the acting pattern, and he made it a lot more realistic and a lot less theatrical ~ that's just the opinion of someone who knows nothing about acting theory of techniques, so don't judge me) and i also really love gene kelly (he was just such a wonderful person in all senses, and i love him very much).
42. Favorite actress? i LOVE jennifer lawrence and lily collins aswell.
43. Favorite dessert? anything that has chocolate in it.
44. Favorite food? lasagna.
45. Last text you sent? a heart emoji.
46. Last person you called? my cousin.
47. What is your favorite place to shop? this brazilian clothing store called renner.
48. Favorite model? i don't really know many models...
49. What language do you want to learn? korean. i'm currently working on it haha i also want to learn french, italian, chinese and japanese, but korean is my priority at the moment.
50. What are your favorite make up brands? vult (brazilian brand) and mac.
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pastelbatfandoms · 7 years
Your Autobiography.
Little kiddies. (Grades 1-5) What color hair did you have? Very dark brown, almost black. <<
Did you wear glasses or have contacts? Yes,I was supposed to wear Glasses since I was a baby but of course you can’t keep them on a baby!
Did you have braces? Nope
Did you go to pre-school or go straight to kindergarten? I went to pre-school for like two days before kindergarten. lol
Out of grades 1-5, which one was the best for you? 3rd or 4th I had lots of Friends and was pretty popular without being snobby. 
Did you have a lot of friends, or just a couple? until 5th yeah when I switched schools. 
What were your favorite shows? Sailor Moon,any Disney Movies,Rugrats,Aaah Real Monsters,Secret World of Alex Mack,Mr Rogers,Lambchop,Eureka’s Castle,Street Sharks,Biker Mice from Mars,X-Men,Spiderman,Batman,Full House,Golden Girls (I was all over the place with shows lol)
What were your favorite movies? The Wizard of Oz,Beauty and The Beast,Pocahontas,Shirley Temple.
Did you read Goosebumps? Yes,but I abonded them once I found Fear Street!
What was your favorite thing to do on weekends? Watch cartoons,Read,Play with My Dolls and MLP,have friends over,Dance,play video games.
Pre-Teens. (Grades 6-9) What color hair did you have? Dark brown, still
What color hair did you want? I found Wrestling when I was 12 so I wanted Black hair with Green Streaks because they were DX Colors lol at one point I wanted Teal hair like Sailor Neptune. 
Was your Middle School a seperate school from Junior High? No, they were considered the same thing where I went. But I went to two Middle Schools and two Elementary schools and one of them went 4th-6th. 
Did you have a lot of boyfriends/girlfriends? I had one “boyfriend” in 7th grade.
Did you still watch Disney movies? Duhh. I STILL watch Disney movies and I’m 30. They were mainly one’s from The Disney Channel.
What kind of music did you listen to? A mix of everything. I always liked Pop,but I also listened to alot of Korn in 6th grade,as well as Hip Hop and R&B.
What were some of your interests? Still Reading and Dancing but also Drawing Anime and writing Fan Fiction,hanging out with My Nieces and acting out things on TV with them. 
What was your favorite animal? Dolphin
What was your favorite color? Teal and Purple
Did you draw? I started drawing then.
What was your favorite subject? English
Did you have any piercings? I got my ears pierced at 14
Did you wear make-up to school? Just lipgloss and maybe some light eyeshadow
What kinds of clothes did you wear? Anything lol Nerdy,Shirts with Characters on them,Tomboy Clothes,Wrestling shirts,Leather Jackets with fur cuffs,Pleather Pants,Shiny Jackets,Bell bottoms,I was a big Flower Child when I was 11 or 12 also. 
What did you do on the weekends? Hang out at friend’s houses,hang out with family,spend time in My Room,Sing,Dance,Go on The Computer and print Anime Pictures out,read FanFiction. 
Smells Like… Teeeenagerrrrs. (Grades 10-12) Did you like your high school? not really,I left aka Moved in the middle of Sophomore year and didn’t feel like going to another School so I never finished. 
Was it as bad as they were on TV? Nooo, not that bad. They’re were just too many Preps lol
What color hair did you have? Freshmen year was 9th grade for us, and I had dyed my hair for the first time like Ginger Spice lol,I dyed it Auburn or Red alot,Purple once.when I was 18 I dyed it Black. 
Did you have any piercings? Just earrings.
…How about tattoos? Nope.
What age did you learn to drive? N/A
When did you get your license? ...
What was your first car? ....
What was your style? It varied. Preppy, To Hippie, to Goth,To whatever I found in My Closet to put on like a Fur Jacket over Jeans and a Peasant Top lol
Did you have a lot of friends or just a few? I had a pretty decently sized group of friends.
What did you do on weekends? Same things I did before lol I also recorded everything on TV, except I had one Best Friend that came over all the time,we’d have Sleep overs and I had a Camcorder so her and I would hold fake interviews lol I went to The Mall every now and then or The Lake. Daydreamed about Michael Jackson like Hardcore all the time!  I was also Pagan or Wiccan when I was 15 so I’d pour over Books and try and do Spells,I only hung out with My Group of Friends after School. 
Did you have a lot of boyfriends/girlfriends or did you have one or two? I had My First Boyfriend as a Freshman then I had 4 more after that and two girlfriends. 
What were some of your favorite bands? Boy Bands lol also TATU and AFI,Hair Metal Bands like Poison and Cinderella. Singers I liked besides Britney and Christina,Was MM,Prince and of course Michael Jackson. At 17 I got back into Hip Hop and at 18-19 I found Black,Goth Metal and Industrial music.
What college were you considering? PLU in Spanaway Wa. but that was before HS.
Did you get along with teachers, etc? For the most part. There were a few difficult ones.
Young Adults. (College years) What did you look like? I’m assuming this is 20+ I was still Skinny but I actually had a Butt and Boobs now lol I had Fuchsia streaks in My hair and later I cut it and dyed it a Cherry Black. 
When did you first move out of your parents’ house? When I was 24 and met My now Husband XD
What college did you end up going to? None
What kind of music did you like? EVERYTHING. I even had a Country phase,which wasn’t that surprising since I had grew up with it. I found Emo and Screamo music in my early Twenties and loved FOB,later on I fell in love with Lady Gaga and Kesha. 
Did you like college?
How long were you there? (2 years, 4 years, mooore)
Careers. (Any time of your life) What was your first job? My first job ever was at BK for a week when I was 18. 
Did you like it? Nope.
Are you still there? Nooo.
What do you do now? Stay at Home Mom
Do you like it? of Course!
What do you want to do? This^ But Wrestling and Voice Acting still appeal to me. 
Odds and ends. Were you a loud baby or a quiet one? Quiet. 
Did you collect anything growing up? Not like I do now. I had a Book Collection and LOADS of CD’s,In my early 20′s is when I started Collecting Anime Figures.
Do you still have anything from it? I have alot of My old Books (BSC,SVH ect) still and I still have My Case with all My old CD’s in it. 
What was your first IM screen name? lol idr My old Vampire Freaks name though was Vampress_of_Death
When did you first hear about Myspace? When I was 18
Did you have a VF? (VampireFreaks.) yep
Do you party a lot? Rarely.
Did you? I did 16 until 19. 
When did you get your first tattoo? Don’t have one.
Have you ever dyed your hair? No duh
Did you study any languages (other than the one you were raised to speak)? Just Spanish.
Are you still into the things you were into when you were 12? Most yeah
How about 15? A Bit
Do you listen to the same bands you did growing up? Every now and then when I’m feeling Nostalgic.
Were your parents cool parents or were they strict? Well My Mom was a bit more Strict then My Dad (as in she didn’t let me watch Horror Movies until I was 12 and Grounded me from reading SVH until I was old enough to understand it lol) But I was still closer to her then My Dad so I’d say she was The “Cool” one 
Have you ever been in a car accident? Yes. Nothing major though.
What was your favorite food as a kid? Chicken anything
What is it now? Taco’s or Cheeseburgers with Egg.
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