#yes Reggie gave Willie the middle name Throckmorton
innytoes · 10 months
I don't know if you still accept prompts but: willex + conman falling in love for real AU?
When Alex made it back to the van, his backpack full of the contents of Covington's safe (bonds, diamonds, some gaudy watches, incriminating paperwork, and something Alex was pretty damn sure was a vial of arsenic), he urged Bobby to drive.
Bobby did without comment, but Alex wasn't as lucky with his other two partners in crime.
"Um, what the fuck," Luke said.
"Oh my god it's so nice to finally meet you!" Reggie beamed.
"Hi," Jay said, a little overwhelmed. He was clutching his skateboard to his chest like it was a security blanket. It was the only thing he'd brought with him.
"I can explain," Alex said, trying to ward off Luke's glares.
Except, could he really? His job had been to infiltrate Covington's operation, and to slowly snoop around without being noticed. It wasn't too hard, Covington didn't have time for the lowly accountants who did the legal side of his business. Or, well, semi-legal. Alex was pretty sure at least half the deals that guy struck bent some kind of rule.
Not that he understood most of what was happening on his screen. Reggie seemed to enjoy himself, though, taking over his computer from the van and doing all the actual work while Alex snooped around and ingratiated himself with the right people. He seemed to have done well for himself, given that after only six months Aaron Miller had earned himself a performance bonus.
It was a shame he'd never be able to cash that paycheck.
He hadn't meant to fall in love with the very pretty intern that also seemed to never be at his desk. The one who actually vouched for him to the security staff when he was on a floor he shouldn't have been on. Sure, Jay had thought he snuck up there to steal some of the fancy lunch the C-suite had catered, but still. They swiped a bunch of fancy salmon and sandwiches and pastries and went up to the roof - another place they were not supposed to be - and talked.
And talked. And talked. And flirted. And talked. Over the months Alex had been with the company, he learned that Jay wasn't just an intern, he was Covington's... well, ward, for lack of better term. Not quite a son. Not quite a servant. But definitely under his control in the worst way, being groomed to take over the company, or at least act as a figurehead while Caleb really ran things from the shadows.
"This is Jay, he's the love of my life," he finally said, and Reggie squee'd happily. Luke just stared at him. "He helped me crack Covington's safe. And he's coming with us."
"That's all well and good," Bobby said. "But we don't have a fake passport for your new beau, or an exit plan for five people."
"Actually, we do have that first one," Reggie said, not looking guilty at all. Of course the hacker had been listening in to Alex' earbud all day while working. "You look like a Willie to me," he told Jay, handing over an excellent forgery.
"I like it," Jay, or now Willie said, looking at the passport. Alex didn't fail to notice that Willie had the same fake last name as the one that was in Alex' go-bag. "And speaking of ways to get out of the country, um, I stole the keys to Caleb's yacht?"
"The yacht has a tracker in it," Luke said, shaking his head.
"Yeah, his regular one does," Willie agreed. "But not his super secret evil villain yacht that he uses to do illegal stuff in international waters."
Even Luke looked impressed at that one.
"I knew rich people did weird stuff like that," Reggie muttered to himself as Bobby made a U-turn to head to the marina instead.
"Well," Luke said thoughtfully. "Welcome aboard, Willie. Or whatever you want to be called from now on, we'll get Flynn to make you a new one the next time we're in London."
His boyfriend smiled. "I think I'll stick with Willie."
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