#yes actually i’m hiding out on the roof of my office in my car idk anymore
honeyed-cherries · 2 years
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dunkin! dunkin! dunkin! dunkin! dunkin! dunkin! dunkin!
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dbh-is-a-crime · 4 years
All Dbh Chapters
@kaydel your reply to my ask has inspired me to give my thoughts on each of the chapters.
Chapter 1: The Hostage
Is honestly a good first chapter, the tension and stakes are high, it pulls you in. There's a reason people who played the demo were hyped for the game. And regardless of what I think of Cage's writing, it's not the first time he's done a solid intro to a game. (Swiftly followed by garbage but I digress..)
We learn something about deviancy and how it starts, we get a sequence of dialogue based gameplay to set up how important it is to the story, and we get a taste of Connor’s somewhat underdeveloped investigation gameplay. 
I will admit that there are several lines I kind of like in this scene (’You can’t kill me, I’m not alive’ I’d like this even better if Bryan didn’t love it so much) And most of the outcomes are very cool! 
Chapter 2: Opening
Is not a chapter, it's the opening credits. It's not really interesting, but it's not as bad as Heavy Rain's, only because it's about half as long. Kara was robbed.
Chapter 3: Shades of Color
What a title am I right! And no, it's not just because of the paints. This chapter, title aside, isn't bad! We don't learn anything about Markus but it sets the world up nicely. It's one of the cooler open areas. It shows off the graphics nicely. 
And all of that is promptly ruined by the overly heavy-handed scene with the protesters. With the follow up of the back of the bus! Also the preacher guy is weird what was the point of that.
Chapter 4: A New Home
Easily one of the most (if not The Most) boring chapters in the game. Mundane QTEs? We all looooooove those! At the end of the chapter you get some exposition to a very nice composition (this game really would be nothing without the music) and that part is actually ok. But the mundane housework gameplay doesn’t get a pass, even if it is to give context for what the life of an android is like. Would be 100% better if there was 40% less housework.
Chapter 5: The Painter
A solid chapter! Learning about Markus through his interactions with Carl? An actual good narrative device? Unbelievable. At surface level their relationship is sweet and Carl is so supportive of Markus growing beyond his programming. Though there is a darker undertone that mirrors the caged android birds. And that it’s all a gilded cage. And I like both of those interpretations, they’re interesting. 
The music mini game is interesting the first time you do it but after that I’m never picking it again, chess it is from now on.
Chapter 6: Partners
Connor’s return after 5 chapters. I think that might be the longest break between appearances for any of them. Anyway this chapter is mostly fine. It sets up Hank and Connor’s troubled partnership and shows us what most of Connor’s gameplay is going to be. (Detective work and trying to reason with Hank) It would be interesting if there was an option to let Ortiz’ android go, seeing as there if a version of the scene where you don’t find him. But I guess it’s too early for Connor to be disobeying.
Chapter 7: Stormy Night
Classic David Cage has women being abused by men! Unfortunately this is one of Kara’s best chapters. The tension from the very first moment if real, and as soon as Alice runs up stairs, you just know what’s going to happen. Without fail, every person I’ve ever watched, immediately tries to follow her. Honestly? Solid way to make me care about the kid. 
I know some folks have problems with showing child abuse on screen, but my opinion is that they kept the worst of it as implied, like in the failed ending of the chapter, you don’t see it actually happen. So I’m personally okay with it, but I can understand why some may disagree.
10/10 for the chase/escape scene. It’s stressful as hell but honestly the music just makes it...like idk the moment Kara deviates? I nearly, literally screamed the first time. The build up to it is so good, and you as the player are determined to protect Alice and will fight through the programming to do it.
Chapter 8: Broken
Gonna be honest, Markus’ deviating scene falls a little flatter for me. I’ve watched several people play for the first time and actively not want to break programming and retaliate. Which makes the fact that its a scripted event you can’t avoid frustrating to them. I guess we just haven’t seen any anger from him yet so it doesn’t feel like the reaction you expect? (I get that it’s supposed to be him finally cracking, the story just...doesn’t convey that very well.)
Also the fact that you get punished for staying silent with Carl dying is shitty.
Chapter 9: The Interrogation 
Talk about fucking tense! This scene is a real challenge, in either difficulty. Unless you don’t care about the android self-destructing? 
I don’t have much else to say, it’s not a bad scene but there’s not a lot of substance to it. The ‘the day will come when we will no longer be slaves’ line is...the start of the truly terrible writing choices in this game.
Chapter 10: Fugitives
Not a bad scene. Getting to choose to steal a bunch of stuff is fun, and the fact that you can steal all this shit and then go and sleep in the car is pretty funny. I don’t like the house or Ralph, just because it’s another chance to put a female character at risk from a male character. 7/10 I’m never picking the house. (Also did you know you can fail to steal from that guy in the laundromat and he wakes up lmao)
Chapter 11: From The Dead
Ok this is going to be kind of a controversial opinion...but I’m tired of this scene. While it’s true that no scene in the game holds up on the 20th watch/play, this scene lost most of it’s shock value on the 3rd watch. Now that being said, the sound design in the scene is brilliant. And putting the audio processor back in does still give me chills, but the rest of the scene? I mean, I guess cannibalising other androids is a pretty powerful story action. But the fact that you can take all of the things you need from dead androids if you search hard enough kind of ruins that for me. 
Also idk why but everyone collectively thinks that Markus screams when he reaches the top of the slope and I have no idea why.
Chapter 12: Waiting For Hank
Boooooooring. Ok, getting beat up by Gavin after refusing to make him coffee is mildly interesting. But the fact that Hank just hates you in the scene is honestly quite tiring. Like, his opinion of Connor will inevitably go down at least once, you can’t avoid that. Also there’s nothing to explore in the office so...
Chapter 13: On The Run
Both versions of this scene are very tense. And not in...a super fun way. Like ok, Kara has that empowering woman moment where she cuts her hair, great, but the rest of the scene isn’t that good. (And the version with Ralph is downright disturbing.) 
Chapter 14: Jericho
Oh god let’s players cannot do this part. And the amount of time I’ve spent watching people run around clueless because they weren’t paying even the slightest attention or follow the obvious path, makes me hate this chapter. I also hate it because the gameplay isn’t very interesting. Markus’ precog is mildly interesting, but that’s really it. (The end of this chapter has some pretty stunning visuals tho)
Chapter 15: The Nest
Ok, the opening conversation with Hank is cute if Connor is trying to be nice. Though the actual chase is pretty tense. The music is on point as always, because the composers for this game were very overqualified for the job. Also the fact that you get punished for not saving Hank both amuses and vexes me. You don’t catch the guy because you were a shitty partner. But what was the point of taking the risk with Hank if there’s no reward? (Yes I know he still ends up in evidence lock up but that’s hardly reward enough for risking your partner’s life)
I mean okay the pigeons flying through the roof is pretty funny, but the investigation in the apartment isn’t all that interesting. Also I’ve just realised I haven’t mentioned the Zen Garden once but honestly most of the scenes there aren’t that interesting anyway.
Chapter 16: Time To Decide
Wow where do I start on how uninteresting this chapter is. You learn very little about Markus’ companions, you get to have a conversation with a magical minority, and you get a line about an android being dragged behind the back of a car. (After reading the wiki about James Byrd I feel genuinely sick and could not be more disgusted that this was used so clumsily in the game.)
Chapter 17: Zlatko
His name sounds like a brand. Also this is my least favourite Kara chapter. They go to his place for almost no reason (just so they can get caught) and we get a 20 minute scene of Zlatko being a cartoonish monster of a man. Also this has been pointed out and now I can’t stop thinking about it. Why is Kara scared of Luther when she sees him? Like...??? Anyway re-finding her memories is boring, finding Alice is also boring, and hiding from Zlatko is just stressful. Nothing interesting to the story happens here, except that Luther joins Kara and Alice.
Chapter 18: Russian Roulette 
Perhaps the shortest chapter in the game. It’s not like...super boring, but it’s not interesting either. Also don’t forget to notice the picture on the table or you’ll have no chance of getting the good ending later! Seriously, they should have made it a requirement for the scene to move on if it’s going to be that important.
Chapter 19: Spare Parts
The whole freerunning thing at the start is lame. And the fact that you have to grab the android and then release him to get the best outcome is confusing as hell. (I have seen many folks fuck this up.) The part where you sneak around in the guard house is actually kind of cool. Also North go down if you’re nice to people....I love this game.
Chapter 20: The Eden Club
Pity the lesbian sexworker androids!!! In all seriousness though this is a chapter I do not like. The endings are unfulfilling, the whole storyline is gross, poorly written and very Cage-esque. (Also why would you make the two android lovers the same model?! Just make one of them one of the other 8 female WR800 models you have!) I mean I guess I can say that the glowly design of the sexclub is nice or whatever.
Chapter 21: Pirate’s Cove
Ok this is a personal one but I don’t like this chapter. Something about the family dynamic between the three falls flat for me and so the whole scene being about them makes it...ehh. Also Kara under threat again! Woohoo! The scene on the carousel is kind of cute and the scene composition is nice, but the fact that all the Jerrys are standing around watching is a little weird. Also bait us with rA9 crap why don’t you! we’ll just never learn anything about this i guess
Chapter 22: The Bridge
I like this chapter to be honest. I know Pirate’s Cove is meant to be relaxed but I find this chapter more relaxing. Even if it ends with a gun to Connor’s head. I mean it’s not that hard to not get shot really. And seeing Hank start to care and question their mission is interesting. I don’t know, I guess I just like the visuals of the snow and the bridge. (Anyone notices that it goes from raining to snowing like three days later, wtf)
Chapter 23: The Stratford Tower
Now this one is complicated. Because I like the breaking in and getting up to the broadcast department part, I even like the pre-speech tension. Markus carrying the weight of history and knowing his words will shape what people across the world think of androids. 
The music as he gets ready to start the speech is....just so good. But then he starts talking and.....mmmmm press x for civil right yes please! Press square to end slavery? Absolutely! God...the writing in this scene is Bad. Which is a shame! Because it squanders the carefully crafted tension built up until this point. I like the energy going into this scene, the idea that they’re about to take a stand, make history. But it is unfortunately ruined for the sake of a poorly executed racism allegory.
Chapter 24: Public Enemy
Ok, going to investigate the crime scene of what you just did as Markus is pretty good. Its not an original idea, that was the opening sequence for Indigo Prophecy, but it still works I’m not going to lie. Also the cop from the Hostage showing up to thank you if you saved him is cute. The fact that Hank is starting to question Connor and look for signs of deviancy in him is also nice! Also I hate it but going after Simon gives you a more cohesive storyline if you’re going for a deviant Connor route. (Can I get an F for Simon? He can die so many different ways)
Chapter 25: Midnight Train
Can’t believe that the chapter about the underground railroad is literally called Midnight Train. Yeah the dialogue in this? Shocking, terrible, absolutely unforgivable. Rose I am so sorry this happened to you. Also a cop arrives to....put Kara in peril at the hands of a male character again! Can’t go a chapter without that!
Chapter 26: Capitol Park
Hmmmmmmmmm. ‘We have a dream’? ‘I can’t breathe, but I’m still alive’? Hi, yes, hello? David Cage is doing it again, yeah he’s co-opting black history for his story about androids, somebody needs to stop him. Why did no one stop him.  
Ok, most of this chapter other than that is ok. It’s not particularly good, but it’s ok. (wiLL yOu bE gOoD oR eViL?!?!1)
Chapter 27: Meet Kamski
Ok this man is so creepy and emotionally manipulative and as a narrative tool I’ve actually come to love it. Like the tone of this chapter is such a breath of fresh air. Maybe it’s just the fact that they added a new character after such a long time and that he knows more than he ever lets on. rA9 baited again...
Also this is Connor’s turning point in a way. You can still choose to change your path later on, but this is the real moment of truth where a character pushes him to reveal where he’s at. (Also the fucking MUSIC)
Chapter 28: Freedom March
Oh no. I’m so sorry Markus you deserve better. I hate this chapter if you can’t tell. The combo of the black history slogans and the jesus music is too much for me. Also the good ending is locked behind Simon being alive/Spare Parts success route??? Also F for that random android who’s name is John that we hear about twice.
Chapter 29: Last Chance, Connor
I usually keep a low profile with Gavin so I miss out on the beatdown unfortunately. But having the option is hilarious. If you don’t sacrifice at the march, Simon is alive, interrogation bad end, Rupert and the Tracis escape....can you even find Jericho?
Just a thought, anyway this is short but tense chapter. Don’t hate it.
Chapter 30: Crossroads
Kara’s part of this is dumb as hell. The Alice twist literally destroys the storyline but anyway...
Markus has very little to do until the end. His version is ok, but Jesse’s line delivery leaves something to be desired. (You’re one of us....)
Connor’s is easily the most interesting of the three concurrent stories at this point. Going in to capture Markus/North, chasing them through the hold if ur a machine..very good. 
And....going deviant. Okay yes that still gets me, I did actually shout YES!! out loud the first time I witnessed it. The music’s slow build in the scene, and most of the dialogue (if you choose carefully) swells to this point and...and..it happens!! 
Like idk I’ve only been slowly building up to this for 9 hours, sue me.
Chapter 31: Night Of The Soul
I like this chapter! Or Markus’ version anyway. Connor’s...well the Hank version is just sad. The Jericho version is fine.
But Markus? Visiting Carl’s grave or the man himself is such an emotional moment for the character. And the single humanising moment he’s had in several chapters. The conversation is so weighted with his doubts and fears and Jesse Williams gives a beautiful performance! (Also as I’ve said, the alarm system saying ‘welcome home markus’ kills me on impact)
Chapter 32: Battle For Detroit
Is a good chapter. What, did you expect me to say it isn’t? Cause it is. Or some versions of it are.
The tension in all three characters stories, regardless of which version, is perfectly hit at this point.
Kara’s....ah fuck idk I mean the border version is ok? The others....kind of suck? The guy letting them through with high public opinion and Markus doing a peaceful demonstration is kind of cute and sort of makes sense in a way.
Markus’ versions (both in which he is alive) are pretty cool. The revolution is hard, and I do like that it ends with him saying that they haven’t won, they’ve only started a war. The demonstration is kind of dumb, and I actually prefer them getting shot and then the news anchors suggesting that maybe androids are people in their own right that humans refused to acknowledge. (Feels more real, ya know?) Also black folk song!! Why??
Gonna be real, most of Connor’s versions of this scene are pretty good. Cyberlife tower is tense as hell but he’s a fucking badass. Machine Connor on the roof gives us the best line in the game. ‘What’s up lieutenant, ran out of whiskey so you came here looking for trouble?’  
So that’s some of my thoughts on each of the chapters of dbh, I could go into more depth but my eyes hurt and I’ll probably hit post limit soon.
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lucy-sky · 5 years
Can you do Justin Hammer with #79 and #87? I'm in a depressing mood right now for certain reasons. For #79, Can you do an alternative universe where he wears an Iron Man like suit? 😙 If not, that's fine. For #87, you can make him an eater 😄
Surprise! I bet nobody expected me to write Hammer first :DDD But the thing is, after Endgame and the flashbacks I feel a bit nostalgic, so… Here ya go. I chose prompt 79.“You’re safe now. I’ve got you.” Hope it’s okay.
New York, 2012, Loki opened the portal and the Chitauri are attacking the city. You are trapped in the office building and the end seems inevitable, but…
1294 words; no warnings. It’s an AU where Hammer is not in jail for some reason (because I can lol). Gif by me; I tried my best to hide his clothes… for the suite please use your imagination:)
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When one ofyour colleagues jokingly told you that if you keep working in your headphones,you will once miss the end of the world, you could never think how right heactually was.
On that dayyou were sitting in the office, emerged into working process completely.Sometimes people told you you’re a workaholic and need to have rest more often…You didn’t care. You knew if you didn’t work that hard you would never get thisprestigious and well-paid job. Your boss hired only the best. Plus you were reallyinterested in what you were doing. Yes, you were one of those happy people whoreally like their job. One of the reasons why you managed to succeed in whatyou were doing was that you always took your work seriously. You hated to bedistracted. So your big headphones were always with you. For some reason musicalways helped you concentrate, no matter what it was: classic, jazz, opera orhard rock.
Yourealized something was happening when you felt your chair and desk slightlyshaking. As you turned your head to the window, your eyes widened because thefirst thing you saw was the building on the opposite side of the road simplycollapsing. Then you saw them. Youcouldn’t really tell what were those monsters that climbed on walls, smashedthe cars, destroyed all around… Panic stricken, you rushed to the door, but itwas blocked with something. Without really thinking what you were doing you ranto the balcony door, flung it open and stepped outside.
There was acomplete madness. Surreal. You could see the buildings breaking down, carssignaling like crazy, people screaming… You could also hear the gunfire, butcould it really help? And what were you gonna do? You’re on the 15th floor!
The wholebuilding shuddered and you gripped onto the balcony railings as if it couldhelp. You turned around and saw a big crack on the floor - the balcony wasabout to fall down. You could hold on to the railings as much as you wanted,but it would never save your life. If this goddamn balcony would fall, you weregoing to fall as well. One more tremor, like an earthquake shock and thebalcony dipped to the side. You’ve never felt so terrified, you couldn’t evenscream. Just squeezed your eyes shut waiting for the inevitable.
Suddenlysomething grabbed you and pulled you up in the air. Something definitely nothuman, you could feel the cold metal. Your first intention was to break away.What if it was one of those monsters? You screamed at flinched in metal roboticarms.
- Calmdown. I’ve got you. You’re safe now, - you heard.
You blinkedstupidly at your sudden savior.
- Wh… What…
- Don’tworry, I’m a friend.
You noddedslowly, only now realizing you were flying quite fast above all the chaos onthe streets. Someone who looked like a giant robot held you tightly. After afew minutes he landed on the roof of a high-rise apartment building quite farfrom the city center. The whole madness hasn’t reached this place yet.Carefully, he let you stand on your feet and you just stared at him inconfusion.
- Well,that suit seems to work quite well… - The stranger told, apparently to himself.- Just a couple of issues to fix, and…
- Who… Whoare you? - You finally managed to ask. - Are you… Are you Iron Man?
- Iron Man?- The man in metal suit laughed. - No, I’m afraid Mr. Stark is a bit too busy tosave ladies… Even as cute and smart as you are.
Wait, didhe just flirt with you?
- So… Willyou tell me your name or something?.. – You shrugged.
- Can youkeep secrets? - He asked after a pause.
- Um… well,yes, I think I can, - you replied, frowning.
At that,robotic head opened up, revealing the face of the suit’s owner.
You didn’tknow it was possible that your eyes widened even more.
- …Boss???
- Hello,y/n, - Justin Hammer smirked, looking down at you. - That’s a lovely day, isn’tit? How do you like my new tech?
- Wow… -You struggled to find the right words. - Mr. Hammer, that’s… That looks great! Ireally didn’t know you’ve been working on something like that…
- Nobodyknew until now. Except myself, of course, - he chuckled. - And please, don’tcall me Mr. Hammer. I think we’re now close enough for you to call me Justin…
- But… Whyare you even talking to me right now? Why don’t you go there and help with allthis mess? I mean… Have you seen that? The entire world seems like fallingapart!..
- Oh, don’tworry, darling. I’m pretty sure Tony and his friends will save it for us… I’lljust let him shine a bit before my time will come… It’s only fair, right?
- Umm… Notto offend you, but it’s not really your style to hide your achievements fromTony Stark…
- You knowme better than I expected, - Hammer let out a small laugh. - To tell you thetruth, I’m dying to show Stark the results of my work… And see his face… Butunfortunately I cannot make a decent presentation right now. Basically, mysuit doesn’t work entirely as I’d like it to. As you can see, all is good interms of flying, but the weapons… the weapons are currently in progress. Infact, it’s the first time I’m using this suit in action.
- I see…Then, why did you save me? It was a risk since you didn’t do that before…
- Well, Ihad to try… I really didn’t want to lose one of my best engineers… Plus Iplanned to invite you to dinner someday so that would be a shame… - he gave youa charming smile.
You feltyour cheeks blushing at this. You didn’t really want to admit it, but youalways found your boss pretty attractive…
- Mr. Ha…Justin. Do you really think it’s appropriate to flirt with me at the moment? -You asked, smirking back at him.
- Yeah, whynot? But in case if you’re not into having a date, we could just talk about thebusiness. I know you’re a very talented and hardworking engineer… Also you seemloyal… I figured you could help me with it, - he pointed at the metal suit hewas wearing. - What would you say?..
You staredat him for a couple of seconds. Your brain just couldn’t cope with the fact allthis was happening to you. Justin Hammer was looking at you, smiling, windplaying with his always perfect hair… You suddenly realized you’ve never seenhim without glasses before. It made his look softer, almost tender… Behind thespecs you’ve never noticed the beauty of his emerald green eyes.
- Y/n?
- Yes. Iwould say yes… To both, - you added, a bit more boldly than you expected. - To the business and to the date. Yes.
Justin’ssmirk turned into a wide grin.
- Guess Iwasn’t wrong about you, y/n. Looking forward to our work together.
- Me too.
You stoodthere for a while looking at each other, then turned your gaze to the citycenter. You could hear the sounds of explosions even from here. There were alsosomething strange in the sky above…
- So… -Hammer broke the silence. - Tell me now, is there any safe place I could bringyou until The Avengers clean the mess?..
I hope it was okay! Idk if I’m writing Hammer well, but I really saw him in my head while writing it :)
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