#yes all these artists have worked on fire emblem games and thank god they did
none of my friends will let me talk abt my favourite artists so im making this tumblr post so i can talk abt how cool these artists are before i explode
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i love hidari's art it manages to be colourful and soft at the same time. look at how he paints hair. beautiful. gorgeous. stunning. it's so flowy and pretty god i wish i could do that. the colours are warm EVEN with characters with colder colour schemes. its so beautiful i love it.
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i cant really think of one thing to comment on i adore the lineart and the amount of details. i LOVE the shading especially on his no more heroes art. id have added more nmh rather than just bad girl but like. uhhh. lets just say no more heroes is a game you shouldn't play in front of ur parents. there is a guy who shoots lasers out of his crotch and has machine gun nipples. im not joking. just know the soundtrack fucks and yusuke kozaki's art is really cool.
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ohhhh my god OHHHHH MY GOD HER ART. i fucking adore it. i love how chaotic and messy and bold and colourful and BEAUTIFUL it all is. her use of colour is STUNNING. i especially love how she draws eyes. i love her use of halftones it really makes things pop. her compositions are brilliant. i have never been so envious. i really wanna start using bolder colours in my own art and it is all thanks to her. her art is just so striking. i am insane over her art i want to eat it. god. GOD. god. tell me this isn't the coolest shit ever. u cant. youd be lying. god BLESS.
anyways thank u for coming to my ted talk i am so normal
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devil-kindred · 4 years
Get to Know Me - raisinghellinotherworlds
Saw @pd3 do this and though I’d give it a go!
1. Name : Siren (it’s a pseudonym!)
2. Nationality: American
3. Age: 27
4. Birthday: January 29th
5. Zodiac sign (or your primal zodiac sign): Aquarius
6. Gender: Female
7. Sexuality: Heterosexual
More below the cut
8. Your looks (add a picture or describe yourself)
For the record this is the only recent picture of myself I like and this is about as much of my face as you’ll ever see bc I know my angles.
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9. What do you/did you study?: I went to school for a Bachelors in Arts with and emphasis on Sciences but never finished it bc 1) college is expensive and 2) I don’t know what I want to do career-wise so there’s not a point in going back anymore.
10. What’s your current job like?/What job would you like to have?: I’m a service desk associate at a department store. Something where I could deal with less people bc boy does this job push my patience sometimes.
11. What is your birth order?: Firstborn/Oldest.
12. How many siblings do you have?: Technically four, but only two living.
13. Do you have good relations with your family?: My immediate family. My siblings are closer to each other (but they’re only two years apart) but we get along. I also have a good relationship with my parents though I’m not as close to my mom as I could be it’s hard to forget the not nice things your parent say to you as a kid.
14. How many friends do you have?: Lots though only a few I see/talk to on a regular basis.
15. Your relationship status: Single.
16. What do you look for in a SO?: Intelligent, kind, has a sense of humor.
17. Do you have a crush?: I guess.
18. When was your first kiss?: WHY *sighs* I was... 25.
19. Do you prefer serious and meaningful relationships or casual dating/one night stands?: I’ve... never been in an actual relationship? I’d like to say serious.
20. What are your deal breakers? Being rude, cheating, and treating me like a child/you know what’s best for me/someone in need of saving (new flash, i am not your princess peach/some damsel in distress. If you need to rescue someone I am not your girl).
21. How was your day?: It’s still early into the day and I go to work in about an hour and a half and I get to close so we’ll see!
22. Favourite food & drink: French Fries. Or anything with potatoes. I’m a fiend. And Dr. Pepper or Coffee.
23. What position do you sleep in?: On my side/stomach on the part of the bed that’s against the wall.
24. What was your last dream about?: It was... highly NSFT and no, I will not go into detail.
25. Your fears: I’m not a fan of spiders or bugs of any kind really, I hate clowns, and I don’t like thunderstorms. Or tornados.
26. Your dreams: Move, either out of state or out of the country.
27. Your goals: See above.
28. Any pets?: A bird, Momo.
29. What are your hobbies?: Writing, playing video games, and reading (fanfic or books)
30. Any cool places in your area?: I’m sure there are but I live in a town surrounded by corn and other farmland so... it’s anyone’s best guess.
31. What was your last awkward situation?: The other day when a customer stared at me for a solid three minutes when I explained that due to the pandemic we’re no longer offering one of our services in an effort to reduce contact.
32. What is your last regret?: That I didn’t realize the true nature of some people who I no longer speak to sooner.
33. Language/s you can speak: English, Spanish (I’m so rusty though), a little bit of French, and a teeny tiny bit of Japanese.
34. Do you believe in astrological stuff? (Zodiac, tarot, etc.): I believe in my many things so yes.
35. Have any quirks?: Uh... I mess with my hair when I’m nervous? & the more nervous I get my (already high) voice gets higher and will go up several octaves the more nervous I get?
36. Your pet peeves: People in my apartment building slamming the front door all the damn time.
37. Ideal vacation: Somewhere with nice scenery and where it’s calm.
38. Any scars?: Quite a few small ones on my head from a car accident when I was just a baby (I went through a window- got a few scrapes but other than that was unharmed) and one on my hand (it’s on both sides of my hand too) from when I was toddler and got bit by a dog.
39. What does your last text message say?: “I’ll let you know when I get some gameplay posted!” I have a sideblog for casual TS4 gameplay. Was telling a friend that I was going to post new stuff soon.
40. Last 5 things from your search history: No thanks! It’s all just checking if a word is really a word and spelling anyways.
41. What’s your [Device] background?: Lockscreen is a wallpaper from FFXV ft. The Chocobros; Hope Screen is Sam & Evie.
42. What do you daydream about?: Writing mostly.
43. Describe your dream home: Decent amount of space, a library room to hold all my books... good lighting, comfy.... preferably NOT in the middle of nowhere.
44. What’s your religion/Your thought about religion: I am not a fan. Particularly of Christianity but everyone has their own beliefs and in that regard, to each their own. Just don’t try to convert me bc the answer is f*ck no.
45. Your personality type: INFP.
46. The most dangerous thing you’ve done?: Climbed onto the roof of the shed when I was little because I got something stuck up there.
47. Are you happy with your current life?: For the most part!
48. Some things you’ve tried in your life: Gymnastics, Ballet, etc.
49. What does your wardrobe consist of?: Lots of t-shirts, jeans, shorts, flats, boots, etc.
50. Favourite colour to wear?: Black or Blue.
51. How would you describe your style?: Extremely casual.
52. Are you happy with your current looks?: Kinda? I really need to cut my hair because it’s gotten so long it’s annoying. But I can put up with it until it’s safe again bc pandemic. My hair is not that important I assure you.
53. If you could change/add something to your appearance - impossible or not - what would it be?: Oh God, could I be taller? Like at least 5’3”? Which is still teeny but better than my 4’9” ass.
Do you have any piercings or tattoos?: I have 3 piercings and three tattoos (two finished, one in progress)
55. Do you get complimented often?: Maybe? I’m oblivious to the point that you could have a flashing neon sign with the compliment written on it and it would probably still go over my head.
56. Favourite aesthetic?: Biker Chic!
57. A popular trend that you dislike: Neon.
58. Songs you’re currently obsessed with?: Blessed Be - Spiritbox.
59. Song you normally wouldn’t admit you like: If I like a song, I like it. But if I have to pick one, I know everyone hates Despacitio. I know, ok but I really like the original version bc I like the sound. Latin music always has a fun groove to it.
60. Favourite genre?: Rock & Metal.
61. Favourite artist/band/genre?: Type O Negative, Pallbearer, Ice Nine Kills. Give me all the goth rock/metal and just fun metal in general.
62. Hated popular songs/artists?: Oh boy... don’t hate me but I um... don’t care too much for T Swift? And I’m not a fan of country.
63. Put your music on shuffle and list first 5: Devil’s // Door - VCTMS, Karasu - The GazettE, Path - Apocalyptica, I Walk the Line - Halsey, Drumming Song - Florence + the Machine
64. Can you sing or play any instruments?: I can kinda play bass but I’m still learning so it’s just like... the very bare basics.
65. Do you like karaoke?: I’m very self-conscious so no.
66. Own any albums?: Yes, though majority are digital.
67. Do you listen to radio? What stations?: Yes. I have it on for background noise in my room in which case I don’t pay attention to it, but I have XM radio in my car where I listen to Octane/Liquid Metal/Turbo.
68. Favourite movie/series?: The Dark Knight trilogy or Hellraiser or Nightbreed.
69. Favourite genre of movies/books/etc: Horror, Sci-fi, and fantasy.
70. Your fictional crush/es: Too many. Look at my OCs and their SO’s and you’ll find a bunch of them.
71. Which fictional character is you?: My friends would say Mira Jane from Fairy Tail. My bestie says Mercedes from Fire Emblem Three Houses (minus the devout part bc... I do not have nice feelings re-religion. You do you though!).
72. Are you a shipper? List your otps, if so: Yes, and once again you’ll be reading for eternity. So I’ll sum it up as too many to list.
73. Favourite greek god?: Apollo.
74. A legend from where you live that you like: It’s said that before big disasters happen in the town I live in + the surrounding areas, that you’ll see a panther. Supposedly one has been seen before at least 4 different bad things that have happened over the years. I’m in the midwest though so take that as you will.
75. Do you like art?: I do but I don’t really have a favorite. ... I am kinda partial to Van Gogh though.
76. Can you share your other social media?: I have a Pinterest but since my other social media has my name (which I also share with an OC whoops. That’s what I get for being indecisive and going the first name the name generator gave me) I’d rather not. If you ask and we’re friends I’ll probably give it to you but...
77. Favourite youtubers?: I don’t really watch too many anymore but I’ve been watching a lot of jacksepticeye’s gameplay. Aside that I tend to just watch channels like PlayStation Access or Outsidexbox.
78. Favourite platform?: Instagram
79. How much time do you spend on the internet?: More than I should, I’m sure.
80. What video games have you played? Which one’s your favourite? Uh, if I had to list them all you’d literally be reading this for eternity. To sum it up, I mostly play RPGs/JRPGs, open-world, survival horror (my fave), and a few (emphasis on few) FPS. Favorites are (once again with a limit): Bioshock, Dragon Age, Mass Effect, Until Dawn, Silent Hill 2, and Fatal Frame.
81. Your favourite books (manga also counts): do you know how f*cking hard this question is as someone who’s a bookworm? Ok, ok um... Gotta have a limit or I’ll never shut up... um... Three favorites: The Night Circus by Erin Morgenstern, Horns by Joe Hill, and American Gods by Neil Gaiman.
82. Do you play board/card games?: On occasion! They’re best with bigger groups but alas, my apartment is rather small and I don’t have a lot of space for multiple people so I don’t play them often.
83. Have you ever been to a night marathon in cinema? No, but it sounds fun.
84. Favourite holiday: Halloween!
85. Are you into dramas?: As in, tv dramas? Kinda? I have a friend on lived in SK for a time and got into K-dramas so I watch them with her from time-to-time when she visits.
Would you use a Death Note if you had one?: No.
87. What changes would you make in the world, no matter how impossible, if you had the power to?: Oh boy... make everyone get along, ensure everyone could live their life to the best possible, etc.
88. Could you survive a zombie apocalypse?: Possibly.
89. If you had to be turned into a paranormal being, what would it be?: I’m going with mythical instead of strictly paranormal but... a vampire!
90. What would you want to happen to you after your death?: As in to my body? Cremate me. To my stuff, give my books to a good home and take care of my bird.
91. If you had to change your name, what would be your pick?: Most people call me by my middle name already since I got tired of people calling me the wrong name (& I like my middle name better) and insisting my first name was actually a nickname (it’s not, it’s the same as the musician I’m named after) so if I were to eventually be bothered enough, I’d have it legally changed to my middle name.
92. Who would you switch your life with for a week?: I don’t know to be honest. I’m fairly happy with my life so I think I’d just not switch.
93. Pick an emoji to be your tattoo: 🌊
94. Write 3 things about yourself - only one of them must be true: I took karate classes for several years, I’ve never dyed my hair, I’ve had two jobs thus far.
95. Cold or hot?: Cold I guess? If we’re talking in reference to seasons give me cool (aka Fall).
96. Be a hero or be a villain?: Hero because being a villain would mean I’d have to be mean to people and I can’t even pick the mean options in video games without feeling guilty so...
97. Sing everything you want to say or rhyme?: um... no? I’m not quite certain what this means but I’m going to go with no?
98. Shapeshifting or controlling time?: Shapeshifting!
99. Be immortal or be immune to everything aside from natural death?: Immortal.
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mamabearcat · 5 years
What on Earthland did I just read?...
Soooo, I wrote this Nalu oneshot in response to this tumblr post. It was only gonna be a short drabble, but it got away on me. *shrugs* what else is new... tagging @shibukii and @fairywithajetblackheart because I said I’d deliver - sorry it took a little longer than expected. Rated T for kisses and Natsu’s language.
Lucy clapped excitedly as Max set up the new communications lacrima on her desk. “Max, you’re an angel. Thank you so much for helping me set this up. Warren is a genius.”
 Max smiled, blushing a little at Lucy’s compliment. “Yeah. Who would’ve thought him patenting that miniature communications lacrima could go so far huh? Ever since he sold his idea of a DeskComm, he’s been rolling in jewels. As if his head wasn’t big enough already”, Max joked.
 Lucy grinned. “Ah well, he’s the one that developed it, so it’s only fair. This is going to make contacting my editor in Crocus so much easier! I can’t believe that I can send her my manuscripts instantly without having to courier them to her.”
 Max nodded. “Yeah. People are sharing lots of information with each other that way. It’s going to make a huge difference to the way people interact with each other. Not only that, now it’s been combined with a typing interface, you can chat to lots of others at the same time. It’s become really popular, even with non-magic users. I set up an in-lacrima Fairytail guild, so we can keep in contact with everyone while they’re out on jobs. I also set up a space where Fairytail fans can chat to us and each other. You should check it out Lucy. I’m sure a lot of the fans would be very excited to talk to you!”
 “Really?” Lucy cringed a little. “I dunno Max. Since Team Natsu did that photoshoot for Sorcerer’s Weekly last month, some fans out on the street have been a little weird. Every time they see Natsu and I together, they’re whispering and nudging each other… it’s kinda creepy, to be honest.”
 Max shrugged. “I wouldn’t worry about it too much. If you’re concerned, you can give it a try without interacting with anyone outside the guild. Just see what they’re saying, and what information they’re sharing. There are a lot of artists and writers on there – you never know Lucy, you might really enjoy it.”
 Lucy’s eyes widened. “Other writers? Oh, I’d love the chance to chat to other writers! It can be so isolating sometimes, being stuck at a desk all the time without anyone to share ideas with. Can you show me how to get to it Max?”
 Max chuckled. “Sure thing Lucy.” He typed into the lettered keypad sitting on her desk, and the glass sphere cradled in its brass holder glowed. Small jewel coloured lights spun within the circle, and Lucy recognised the Fairytail emblem as one of them. “You just need to touch the Fairytail emblem within the glass – here, you do it, because it will recognise traces of your magic aura and let you in. That’s it.”
 The screen changed to show a picture of Lucy; the one on file at Fairytail as her ‘official’ picture for potential clients. Lots of other pictures were all in a line down one edge – some she recognised as fellow guild members, but others where unfamiliar. There was an image of the outside of the guild hall, and an image of the inside. Max pointed them out to her. “Here you go. Only guild members can access this area inside the guild, and you can chat to them if they’re there at the same time as you, or you can leave them messages. Non-members can access the outside of the guild – there’s a shop where they can buy Fairytail merchandise and a place where they can talk to each other.”
 Lucy clapped her hands. “Wow, Max, this is amazing. So you said that I can go on there without interacting with anyone, right? Won’t they know that I’m there if they see my picture?”
 “Ah.” Max pointed at her picture. “Just tap on it Lucy.” Lucy’s picture changed to a big smile. “That shows that you’re in the room and you want to talk. Tap it again.” Lucy’s picture changed so her eyes were closed - she looked as if she were asleep. “That shows that you’re out of the room. But I’ve set it up so that you can still see what people are talking about. If you want to join in the conversation, just tap it again.” Lucy gave him a big hug.
 “Thank you so much for coming over and helping me with this Max. You do so much for the guild behind the scenes – I hope you realise how much we all appreciate you!” Max returned the hug briefly then stepped away, rubbing the back of his neck a little self-consciously, but smiling widely.
 “Thanks Lucy. I’m gonna head over to Fairy Hills now. Erza has given me special permission to visit so I can set up deskcomm lacrimas over there for a few girls, but if I miss the timeslot she suggested, there’ll be hell to pay.” They both shivered a little, imagining Erza’s wrath.
 Lucy tapped her lips in thought. “Oh, I know”, she grinned. “Stop in at the guild on your way there and get a slice of Mira’s strawberry cheesecake for Erza. That should put her in a good mood.”
 Max chuckled. “Good idea. Well, it was nice seeing you Lucy!” He waved and stepped out of the apartment, closing the door behind him, and Lucy sat down excitedly at her desk. What should she do first? She tapped on her image so it ‘woke up’ and clicked on the in-guild icon. She was momentarily taken aback at the long string of insults in the chat space, but then rolled her eyes when she realised it was Natsu and Gray talking. She stretched her fingers and got to work.
 Lucy H: Can’t you idiots keep the insults to yourselves for a change? And, Hi!
Natsu D: What? Who’s that? Oh, it’s you Luce. Hi yourself weirdo.
Lucy H: Natsu, that nickname was getting old years ago. Can’t you think of something more original?
Gray F: Yeah, dumbass. Can’t you think of something… oh wait, no you can’t because you’re a dumbass. Hi Lucy! This is pretty cool huh?
Lucy H: Yes, it is Gray. Don’t you think you’re wasting it though, just using it to type insults at each other?
Gray F: No.
Natsu D: Nup. I just see ice prick’s face and it’s automatic.
Gray F: You shut up, fire eating trash can!
Natsu D: Ice sparkling snow princess!
Gray F: Slow combustion ass wipe!
Natsu D: Pretty boy ice-for-brains!
Lucy H: Ugh. I’m not staying for this. I hear it enough in person. See you later at the guild!
 Lucy left a welcome message for Levy, Erza, and Juvia, then looked at the other icon, where the non-guild members chatted. Maybe she could just take a little peek? Just to see what they were talking about? Biting her lip, she tapped her image again so it changed to ‘sleeping’ and clicked on the exterior guild image.
 An avalanche of words crossed her screen. It was a bit disconcerting – so many people were chatting at once. Words whirled across the screen in a tangle, but gradually she realised that there were different threads of conversation. She started unravelling the different chats with interest. One group was talking about who would win in battles between the male mages of Fairytail. Another was talking about when the Grand Magic Games were going to be held that year, and who Makarov might choose to go. And yet another was talking about the recent magazine article with Team Natsu.
 Rose P: I loved that outfit that Erza was wearing. You hardly ever get to see her in something so pretty. That dress was so cute, and the sunhat just made it, ya know?
Claire D: I know! And they actually got some photos of Gray Fullbuster wearing clothes *giggles* I mean, but seriously, that man is a dish. I don’t know how the women at the guild work with him without melting into a puddle.
Alice O: I agree! Although, I prefer Natsu. That grin of his, with the fangs! Ugh. And even though he’s not as tall as Gray, he’s so muscular. Oh. My. Gods. I mean, that photo with him and Lucy, where he’s holding her in his arms? So. Hot. And the way he was looking at her, as if he could eat her up? And the way she was looking up at him and smiling at him? Adorable. Nalu forever.
Rose P: Oh, I loved that picture! That was my *favourite*. It inspired me to write another Nalu fanfic. You wanna read it?
Claire D: YES!! Gimme gimme!
Alice O: Rose!!!! You. Are. The. Best. Really, what would we do without you feeding our Nalu addiction?
Rose P: Jeez, settle down you two! Okay, here’s the link.
 Lucy pulled back from the deskcomm, wide-eyed and blushing. What on Earthland did she just read!? Nalu? She could only assume it was a combination of both her and Natsu’s name. And exactly what picture where they talking about?
 She moved over to her coffee table to pick up the latest edition of Sorcerer’s Weekly, flicking through the pages quickly to get to the article. Jason had called in a favour – the team he was going to do an article on had pulled out, due to an urgent mission, and he needed another team to spotlight. Team Natsu had agreed, as long as they got a free meal out of it. So they had met at a local restaurant near the canal for lunch, and as Jason requested, had dressed up for the occasion, the boys in dark pants with buttoned shirts and rolled up sleeves, and the girls in summer dresses. 
Erza had gone all out, wearing a yellow patterned sundress with a large hat. Wendy had looked particularly cute in a little baby pink dress with a lace collar, and Charle had a matching outfit with a perky pink bow on her tail. Happy was wearing a green vest, and Lucy had worn a strapless sky-blue dress with lace edging.
 The interview had been fairly painless, all the usual questions about teamwork, and how they managed to get along so well, and their favourite foods and so on. The photographer had snapped photos while they were talking and eating lunch, and then they’d walked down to the park to take a few more shots as the sun set. Lucy had been walking along the top of the wall on the edge of the canal, as she usually did, when her heel caught on a cracked stone. She had slipped, and Natsu had caught her. That must be the photograph the girls chatting had been talking about.
 She examined the photo carefully, trying to see it with an outsider’s eye. It certainly looked romantic. The sun was setting behind them, the water in the canal was sparkling, and Natsu had his arms around her as if he were carrying a princess. He was looking at her intensely, the way he often did when he came to her rescue. But that was just… Natsu. And yes, she was smiling at him, with her arm resting on his shoulder, but that was just because he’d stopped her from falling on her arse and embarrassing herself. There wasn’t anything romantic about it. It was just how they were. They were close friends. Best friends. As close as any friends could be. He was always there for her. Always. Just like she would always be there for him.
 She smiled at the photo, stroking the image of Natsu’s face with her forefinger, feeling that warmth that she always did when she thought of him. Her life had changed for the better in so many ways since that day she had met him in Hargeon years ago. They had gone through so much together. Some of it dark and dangerous. But the bond they shared after coming though it was stronger than any relationship she’d ever known. She put the magazine down and walked back over to her desk, sitting to look at the screen again.
 Claire D: OMG!!! Rose, I’m dying. I think I’m actually gonna die. That was so freakin’ good! So hot! Man, I think my deskcomm is gonna burst into flames any second.
Alice O: ^^^^ I second that. You really know how to deliver the goods. Rose, your fanfics are so amazing! You really should write professionally, you know that?
Rose P: You guys!! I’m blushing, seriously. I’d love to write professionally, but… I don’t know. And Lucy’s my idol – the way she’s combined working as a mage with a writing career too? It’s just… how can one person be so talented!!! And she’s so pretty too. If she ever read any of my stuff I know I’d just die. I just love her and Natsu so much – I just want them to be happy.
 Lucy’s cheeks felt like they were on fire, and she patted them with her cooler hands, trying to calm down the burn. This was too much. She felt equal parts embarrassed and proud, and her stomach was doing flips. Should she read what this girl had written? Her heart beat faster as she moved her finger over to tap on the link, hovering above it. She screwed up her eyes and her courage, and tapped.
 Okay. She sighed in relief as she read. This wasn’t so bad. Her and Natsu were walking along, chatting. That was okay. Now they were holding hands. That was still okay, they did that all the time. Well, usually it was because he was dragging her someplace, but still within the realms of what she was comfortable with. Now he was… oh, um. A little cheek stroking was fine, she guessed. And… kissing!? Not just a little peck either. Hot kissing. Full on tongue kissing, and his hands were… eep!
 Lucy shut her eyes tight, squirming a little on the seat as she fought to control her needy reaction to the sexy words on the screen. This was… if she were honest with herself, in her daydreams her and Natsu had kissed more than once. More than kissed actually. But those were just daydreams. Because, lets face it, Natsu was oblivious. He loved her, yes, but he wasn’t in love with her. And she loved him, and the small part of her heart that wanted to take things further in a romantic way, she’d carefully well and truly smothered. It was only when she was alone, in certain private moments, that she let her imagination take full flight and picture how they might be together.
 Taking a deep breath, Lucy opened one eye and squinted at the screen as if it were a dangerous object that might explode at any moment. It looked like she was half-way through the document. And even though the subject matter was making her heart beat a million miles a minute and making her feel more than a little hot under the collar, it was actually well written. If it were about somebody else, anybody else, she’d be raving about it too! It wouldn’t be fair to not read the rest, would it? She opened her other eye and began reading again, leaning forward to give it her full attention, her heart beating faster.
 “Watcha doin’ Luce?”
 Lucy shrieked and leaned over the desk, trying her best to cover the glowing words on the lacrima orb. She turned around slowly, leaning backwards with her hands gripping the desk edge, her face a violent shade of pink. Almost as pink as her partner’s hair, the partner standing right there in front of her. Obviously she’d been so engrossed in her reading she hadn’t heard him come in the window. 
 “Oh, um, ha ha, hi Natsu” she stammered, blocking his view with her body as he tried to peer over her shoulder. “Um, weren’t you busy chatting with Gray?”
 “Nah, that got old quickly. Typing out insults is much harder than actually sayin’ ‘em. I’ll just save ‘em up for next time I see him at the guild.” Natsu took in her flustered appearance and her efforts to hide the screen from him. “Soooo, what’s on the screen that’s so exciting you’ve got to hide it from me Luuu-seeeeee?” He grinned at her, as she spread her arms out and attempted to block his view even further. “Are you writin’ somethin’ that’s pervy? Wait ‘til I tell Happy.”
 “Noooo! I didn’t write it! I mean, I’m reading it. I mean, I wasn’t sure what it would be about but someone wrote a story about us and then I was interested but I don’t think it would be anything you’d be interested in so I’ll just…”
 “Someone wrote a story about us! Cool, I wanna see.” Natsu picked Lucy up as she tried to cover the screen and put her behind him, and then grabbed her hands as she jumped up and down behind him, trying to cover his eyes. He sat down at Lucy’s desk and dragged her hands downwards so her arms hung over his shoulders, both wrists secured by his larger hand against his chest. He used the other to tap the screen.  “Quit it Luce! Lemme just scroll to the top here. Well, this is borin’ so far. There’s no fights or anythin’… oh.” Lucy blushed even brighter as they reached the kissing scene, waiting for Natsu to stop reading in disgust. But he kept reading.
 Both their eyes widened as the scene on the page continued. Lucy could feel Natsu’s heart hammering against her hand, and he gulped as his eyes scanned the page, where on screen Natsu and Lucy got up close and personal wearing a lot less clothing than they had at the beginning of the story. Lucy’s own heart was thumping so loudly she was sure that Natsu could hear it, she was almost sure she could hear it. She squirmed against Natsu’s back, trying to get her hands free, but his grip on her wrists was firm. They both kept reading until the scene reached it’s logical conclusion. Safe to say that on screen Natsu and Lucy were feeling a lot happier and more satisfied than real life Natsu and Lucy were currently.
 Natsu gulped again, shifting a little uncomfortably on Lucy’s chair. “Well, that was… you said you didn’t write this?”
 Lucy shook her head and buried her face into Natsu’s shoulder. “No, it was written by a fan.”
 “So people outside the guild see us that way too? Huh, figures.”
 Lucy raised her head. “What do you mean?”
 Natsu turned his face to look at her. They were so close their noses were almost touching. “Luce, there’s been a betting pool on how long it would take for us to get together since about three weeks after you joined the guild.”
 “Whaaaaat!” screeched Lucy. Natsu screwed up his eyes tightly and grunted.
 “Fucking hell Luce, go scream into my other ear as well, then I’ll be totally deaf!”
 “Sorry, sorry!” Lucy whispered. “But there’s a betting pool on us?”
 “Sure is. Cana runs it. She has heaps of betting pools going. How do you think she affords all the booze she drinks?”
 Lucy blinked. “That explains a lot, actually”, she said slowly. She looked at Natsu’s still pink cheeks, then looked downward, examining her carpeted floor with interest. “Um, Natsu? Have you ever…” she chewed her bottom lip. “Never mind.”
 “Have I ever thought about you and me… together?” replied Natsu, his voice husky. “Sure I have. I’d have to be made of ice not to have thought of you that way. You’re pretty easy on the eye Luce.” He grinned at her, his cheeks flushing darker again. “Sooo, have you…”
 “Yes. Quite a lot actually.” Lucy bit her lip nervously again as their eyes widened. They stared at each other and looked away quickly. Natsu’s thumb drew slow circles on Lucy’s wrist.
 “Say Luce”. He swallowed nervously, then continued. “If you’ve thought about it, and I’ve thought about it, how come we never…”
 Lucy glared at him. “How was I supposed to know Natsu? You’ve never done anything to make me think that you had that kind of interest in me.”
 Natsu grumped back at her. “Yeah, well, I wasn’t the one dating half the population of Magnolia Lucy.”
 Lucy’s eyebrows rose so high up on her forehead they nearly disappeared into her hairline. “What!” she screeched. “I’ll have you know, since I joined Fairytail I’ve gone on… five dates. FIVE! In how many years? And that’s only because my partner had the romance of a… of a… a rock has more romance in it than you Natsu Dragneel!”
 Natsu’s hand tightened around Lucy’s wrists and he scowled. “Is that right? So, seein’ I’m so fuckin’ hopeless in the romance department, if I asked you out on a date now, you wouldn’t go?”
 “YES I DO!”
 Natsu let go of Lucy’s hands and swung his arm around Lucy’s waist, pulling her onto his lap, as his other hand cupped her chin, guiding her face towards his. Their lips met, pressing hard against each other, Natsu’s heated tongue slipping into her slightly opened mouth, twisting against hers, making her moan. Her hands twined around his neck, her fingers tugging his pink locks desperately. At first the kiss was ferocious, as years of pent up yearning was released; a battle of lips and tongues fuelled by mutual desire. Lucy’s fingers thrust through Natsu’s hair as she made small needy whimpers, and Natsu’s fingers clutched her hip so tightly she was sure there would be bruises later, but she didn’t care. He pushed her down tightly into his lap, the hard evidence giving her ample notice of exactly how much he was enjoying their kiss. This was finally happening. All those daydreams she had thought would never come true. All that time spent pushing down her feelings. All those lonely nights when she had sobbed into her pillow when he had left her behind for a year, not knowing where he was, or even if he were still alive. Those days were over. If he thought she would ever let him leave without her now…
 Their foreheads rested against each other as they paused to take a breath, both gasping for air. Natsu chuckled, cupping her face with both hands, rubbing her nose affectionately against his. “Lucy”, he rumbled, “I’ve wanted to do that for so long. You have no idea how long I’ve wanted you.”
 Lucy smiled back, her eyes full of stars. “Well, maybe you should have, then we would have been doing it much sooner.”
 Natsu leaned back, quirking an eyebrow at her. “Oh really, Miss ‘get outta my bed, don’t look I’m changing Natsu you pervert’… That was kinda discouraging Luce.”
 Lucy pouted, then grinned back. “Well, a girl’s gotta keep up appearances, you know. I don’t let just anyone see me in my underwear.”
 Natsu leaned closer, his hot breath ghosting over her neck, making Lucy shiver. “What would you say if I said I’d like to see that now Lucy?” he said softly, his voice deepening, thumbs stroking her cheeks as he bounced her a little on his lap with the strength of his thighs.
 Lucy wrapped her arms around his neck again, raining soft kisses over his face. “I’d say… kiss… try your luck... kiss... Natsu… kiss… you never know… kiss… what a new day might bring…”
 “Oh really?” Natsu drawled, his chest rumbling with a growling purr.
 “Yes, oh really…” Lucy grinned, then shrieked as Natsu lifted her up over his shoulder, balancing her with one hand. He flipped up her skirt and slapped then squeezed one underwear clad bottom cheek as he marched towards her bedroom. “I’d say I’m feelin’ lucky today Lucky Lucy Heartfilia. Whaddya say?”
 “Natsu you pervert!” she squealed as she dangled over his shoulder, giggling madly. She pinched him hard on his behind as they went through the door. He kicked it closed with a chuckle, shutting out the world.
 Rose sighed as she walked in the door to her parents’ home. She kicked off her boots and hung up her jacket on the hook in the hallway. The other baker’s assistant had called in sick today, staying home to nurse a bad cold, and it had been hard managing the workload alone. Even though she quite liked her job, it wasn’t what she wanted to do forever. She wandered into her bedroom to put away her bag, and was surprised to see a large box sitting on her bed. “Ma, what’s this?” she hollered.
 Her mother came down the hallway, drying her hands on a teatowel. “Oh Rosie, you’re home. That box came for you today. Were you expecting anything?” Rose shook her head, and sat down eagerly on her bed, wanting to see what was inside. She tore open the packaging and gasped. The entire box was full of Fairytail merchandise, banners, posters, plushies of Team Natsu, and some postcards. “Oh my goodness! Who would have sent this to me!”
 Her mother looked just as surprised as she did. “It was delivered by a courier – I had to sign for it, but I didn’t notice who sent it. Is there a letter or anything with it?”
 Rose, sorted through the merchandise, pausing to hug each plushie with delight, then noticed the postcard with a photo of Natsu on it had some writing on it. Eagerly she swept it up, doing her best to decipher the messy scrawl above his signature.
‘Yo, Rose – you’re doin’ great work, keep it up!’
She looked at it, overjoyed to have something handwritten and signed from Natsu, but puzzled by its meaning. She turned over the other postcards, and her heart nearly stopped when she saw the flowing cursive on the back of the photo of Lucy Heartfilia.
‘Dear Rose – I just wanted to let you know your writing shows real talent. In fact the story I read was very inspirational! Don’t ever give up. Keep writing every day; the sky’s the limit! With much love, Lucy xx.’
There was a cute heart drawn underneath the writing, enclosing the letters ‘NaLu’.
 Rose shrieked and clutched the postcard to her chest, burying her face into her pillow as her laughing mother looked on, used to her daughter’s over the top personality. “Oh. My. Gods. Mama, call the hospital. I’m gonna diiiiiieeeee!”
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xenobladechronicles · 6 years
Animaz/ement, My Weekend and Overall Thoughts.
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under the cut bc god knows how long. i’m gonna go into details about my whole ass weekend. 
Thursday Precon:
This was pretty simple, I got there at around 8:30 to get my tickets with my friend, I wore my blake belladonna cosplay because i wanted to make sure that i could wear everything comfortably. overall the night was fun, a few people took pictures of and with me--that was nice! But that was pretty much all that Thursday had to bring me. 
I wore blake again this day, and from the start i got quite a few pictures taken of me ( i think i might also be in a video? i’m not 100% sure but if i am that’s super cool!! ) thank god for guidebook because i had my whole ass weekend planned out. the first thing on my personal agenda was mario kart with e jason liebrecht, which was hilarious. ( spoilers, he’s not the best at mario kart but he was having a lot of fun and that’s all that matters ). i was one of the first people to play the game and i got a fist bump from him which was uber cool. 
after the panel, i scoped out the artist alley for a m!robin / grima print to get signed for the bf, it took a lot of looking but i found one that was perfect to get signed by david vincent. i got her autograph myself last year when he came, so i didn’t need one for myself this year. vincent was over an hour late to the signing, but i was dedicated to get this autograph--so i waited it out. i heard he was late because he was working out? idk lol. but i got the autograph! nice. 
moving on, it was time to scope out the dealers room before i went to a q&a for david vincent. my first look around i didn’t see much that caught my eye but i did find an azura keychain from fire emblem, and i did a mimikyu lottery and got a cute little plate! the q&a was really fun, not much to really note from this. it was just a really enjoyable experience. well, i did find out that he (just as most all blaz/blue voice artists) is hoping for the english dub of bb/cf especially with cross tag getting a dub. 
i went back to the dealers room after and found a saber nero figure, and of course i bought that because she’s my favorite saber. and i bought some 2b and 9s keychains! i’m giving the 9s to my boyfriend so we match. after this i met up with my friend in the game room and we were there for a bit, my feet felt like they were on fire by this point so i headed home after this. ‘
The day i was most excited for. I was dressed up as zero two from darling in the franxx this day! a few people took pictures of me and got a lot of comments about zero two being waifu for laifu, which is True. the first panel i went to was a panel for tomohiko ito panel, where he talked about the new s/ao movie. i found out some things about it i never knew and it made me want to watch the movie again. along with some neat trivia. after the panel he had an autograph session, and i thankfully was able to get his autograph. he drew a little kirito and asuna with his signature it was very cute. 
After this, i looked around the dealers room for a bit only to find nothing--and then i went to wait in line for the liebrecht and elizabeth maxwell autograph session. this was hell cause i waited over two hours but it was honestly well worth it. liebrecht even remembered me from mario kart yesterday even though i was in a different cosplay! it made me really happy. due to all the waiting the signing was moved into the dealers room, so i decided to take another look around and was able to find a yuna figure from ordinal scale. she was the only one i saw and i jumped at the sight. 
Then came the david vincent voice acting tryouts panel. this was a lot of fun! i wasn’t able to participate, but learning voice about voice acting and voice overs made me want to try to do it myself. i’m gonna try to make my own demo reel and look into things for the future. There’s not much to really say about this panel though! 
After that, was probably one of my favorite panels. a cards against humanity panel with a large set of voice actors. the entire panel was hilarious! probably the funniest thing i’ve ever been to. and! it was my first 18+ panel! when the panel ended i was able to get a pciture with liebrecht and it was great. my bud wanted to stay for the jojo panel so i went to another ( hilarious ) 18+ panel with derek stephen price, i can’t really go into the details about the panel but man, was it funny. 
and that wraps it up for saturday. 
the last day of con, i was futaba from per/sona 5. there wasn’t many things i really wanted to do this day. i got the autograph of Shinichirō Watanabe and that was a pretty big highlight. i looked around the dealers room and artist alley again but nothing really jumped at me. but i did go to another panel! this was a q&a centered around voice acting that david vincent had. it was pretty insightful and really only made me wanna try voice acting even more. ( yes i’m aware it’s hard, but if you don’t try you won’t go anywhere yaknow? )
and that was pretty much all that really happened that day? it was still fun, but pretty lax compared to the previous two days. 
Overall I really enjoyed the convention, this is probably my second favorite time being at animaz/ement. nothing can really top the 2016 con though, simply because i was able to meet some of my best friends irl for the first time. But this year was a whole lot of fun, and i really look forward to next year. 
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kiora006 · 7 years
TAG 85 Thinggy... or something I dunno...
Tagged by @estrelarabyss
Rules: Answer these 85 statements about yourself, then tag 20 people
•Drink - Caprisun Fruit Punch
•Phone Call – My cutest little cousin you’ll ever see
•Text message - My Creator [Mother]
•Song You Listened To – BAKUROCK
•Time You Cried – The other day thinking how beautiful Sonya from Fire Emblem is. [Jk I never cry [[ Jk I can’t remember, probably when talking about being useful]]]
•Dated Someone Twice? – Well I’m sure I’ve marked more than 2 days on my calendar. Different months. When I get called to work. [Calendar jk]
•Kissed Someone and Regretted It – It was slobbery but honestly, she kissed from the heart, she’s like that, always happy and makes her clumsy. She’s the cutest. [Dog accidentally licked my face]
•Been Cheated On – That one time... when my “partner”... was using 3DS cheats on Monster Hunter and never told me and I was FOOLISHLY DEFENDIG THEM. DESPICABLE. PLAY A GAME WITH HONOR DAMMIT, EVEN IF YOU SUCK. Suck at it with STYLE. God I hate Monster Hunter.
•Lost Someone Special - Yes... thank you for everything... Kaori Miyazono.
•Been Depressed – Absolutely.
•Gotten Drunk and Thrown Up - Hmm... maybe if I drink enough Caprisun. For that second one, Put me on a tournament or something involving what I’m passionate about, and you’ll find me kneeling over the toilet at 5AM easily.
•Made New Friends – ... IM TRYING OK.
•Fallen Out of Love - Adios Erza Scarlet.
•Laughed Until you Cried – Until it hurts on the pit of my stomach because I never cry [jk]
•Found Out Someone Was Talking About You – Apparently I have and they seem to be pleasant for someone bitter and lonely as I. Go figure.
•Met Someone Who Changed You – I’ll never forget that doctor that actually took my depression as a medical problem and talked to me about it.
•Found Out Who Your Friends Are - Haha usually it feels like only 1 remained, the others are FOR MY FB COLLECTION MUAHAHAHA- [Jk, I casually chat with a few... maybe 2.]
•Kissed Someone on Your Facebook Friends List - My Creator [mother] demands a kiss before bedtime. She so fluffy.
•How Many of Your Facebook Friends do You Know IRL – I try to at least meet them before accepting them. Only a few selected and choosen ones have the privilege of viewing my quality shared memes, and my work.
•Do You Have Any Pets - Musashi. My cutest pure mutt breed doggo ❤️
•Do You Want to Change Your Name - Both my creators bestowed this name upon me, so I shall carry it until the end... even if it’s too long for a signature and somehow I get it wrong...????? [I do like to simplify it with a pen name when it comes to my work though. Don’t want people finding out what I do].
•What Did You do For Your Last Birthday – Survive post hurricane apocalypse the right way... DRAWING.
•What Time Did You Wake up Today – 8AM
•What Were You Doing at Midnightlast Night – Um excuse me? Who are YOU to ask how I spend my nights- watching Overwatch content.
•What is Something You Can’t Wait For - For Hayashibara Megumi to give me a call so we can do a duet and eat food afterwards. [Jk I can’t wait for the Lion King remake to PLEASE DO JUSTICE on the hyenas or at least good representation]
•What Are You Listening to Right Now – Monochrome Rainbow by Tommy Heavenly with Untold Stories of the ER on the background.
•Have You Ever Talked to a Person Named Tom – Probably but tell me about Carlos or Luis and I can make an endless list.
•Something Thats Getting On Your Nerves – MONSTER BLOODY HUNTER AND THE HAPPINESS OF MY SO CALLED “PARTNER” [Jk don’t get this the wrong way, but they certainly are a bit of an annoyance to me]
•Most Visited Website - The cursed Trinity of FB, Tumblr and Twitter.
•Hair Colour – VERY dark Brown.
•Long or Short Hair – I wanna cut it... less hair the better.
•Do you Have a Crush on Someone – [Why is Kashima so cute...?]
•What Do You Like About Yourself – Not easily impressed. I use it to try and get people to do even better.
This is a personal one but, If I get jealous with an artist, I doesn’t fule envy, instead I use it to try to better my work. A one sided rivalry.
Oh I’m also gifted in the art of ruining romantic moods so hit me up for a wedding y’all.
•Want Any Piercings? – And be a nuisance to the airport security? Don’t think so.
•Blood Type – In a letter between A to Z
•Nicknames – Depends... I go by two names with fam and when I’m outside. I can pass by with two identities MUAHAHAHAH
•Relationship Status - This question is so stale at this point.
•Zodiac - I’ll humor you this once, Scorpio.
•Pronouns - I genuinely don’t care. Call me a dude helicopter bro if ya want.
•Fave TV Shows – The Amazing World of Gumball, Pokemon, and a few others.
•Tattoos – Nah, kinda overrated a bit. I do admire the creativity in designs though.
•Ever Had Surgery - Hasn’t been required at least.
•Piercings – Regular. Earrings. Nothing more kiddos.
•Sport – I love em but unfortunately I’m not meant for physical activity.
•Drinking – That fruit punch caprisun and bottle of water I had were fantastic. 10/10 would drink again.
•Waiting For – This questionnaire to be finally over. Oh and maybe my will to draw to come back, that’d be great.
•Want - Sleep.
•Get Married – That’s for me alone to know.
•Career – An unfortunate artistic soul with a side of part time test center administrator.
•Hugs or Kisses - Neither. They’re both hard to draw.
•Lips or Eyes - Eyes. They can be fun to draw.
•Shorter or Taller - In between. Drawing proportions can be troublesome.
•Older or Younger - Around young adults. It’s the most common thing to draw.
•Nice Arms or Stomach - Is this the part I admit I admire the human body in general? It’s a very interesting art study subject.
•Hookup or Relationship - This isn’t even in my vocabulary.
•Troublemaker or Hesitant - A troublemaker that’s miss understood... it’d make for writing and interesting character. *nods *nods
•Kissed a Stranger - Who in blazes is this questionare taking me for.
•Drank Hard Liquor - I think ya ran out of questions at this point.
•Lost Glasses - They are my life. I must NOT
•Turned Someone Down - Yes. I couldn’t accept that sandwich with tomatoes. I’m sorry for failing you cheff.
•Sex on First Date - I can’t express how much no is on this single question.
•Broken Someones Heart - That’s what they get for falling for someone who didn’t want anything more than friendship.
•Had Your Heart Broken - I expected so much from Princess Mononoke. Such a shame.
•Been Arrested - I got sent to my room a few times. That counts right?
•Cried When Someone Died - I never cry [.......*sobs for Kaori]
•Fallen for a Friend - Well I one time... tripped on a friend’s leg. That sure hurt as hell.
•Yourself – They all keep telling me to do so. So I’m gonna keep making sarcastic and fake ego jokes until I sart believing it.
•Miracles - Whoah this got very personal all of a sudden
•Love at First Sight – I remember it... when I layed my eyes on her... I knew... she was the one... I WILL NEVER FORSAKE WHEN I SAW LUCINA FOR THE FIRST TIME IN THAT SSB4 TRAILER
•Santa Claus - I never believed in him.
•Kiss on a First Date - Ya first gotta find a date. Once ya got one, establish dominance. You have your space, I have mine. Don’t you dare come near me.
•Angels - Sure.
•Best Friend’s Name - CLASIFIED
•Eye Colour – Brown
•Fave Movie - Lion King.
•Fave Actor – I dunno, Chris Pratt? Oh! And Amy Poehler, she’s pretty rad.
I was half asleep finishing up answering these so I dunno what I typed on half of these so excuse me.
I tag @jessicarocket @velvetviolence @sonansu @azumarocket
And whatever orher individual... I’m tired.
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