#yes he like lämp a lot
attaladydraws · 2 years
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Lito, a light cleric, moth and dad friend of the Hollow Knight Homebrew campaign a few of my buds and me are in. the little guy is based on a burnet moth
he really isn't as intimidating as he looks trust me
masked version below the cut
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tplambies · 1 year
og honey i'm home lore/honey i'm home song lore from ghost
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these two images read:
tw: the stuff that's in the video + suicide and unreality
so you got your local lad, norman minecraft,
no but anyways first i'll give a rundown of the story then go back and clarify some symbolism
this guy's father believes that the world is an awful place to be, and that ascending to the afterlife is basically the equivalent of waking up from a nightmare (ironically, dad was the nightmare of this family). under this logic, he "mercy"-kills his wife. owwie:(! growing up with this mindset, norman questions whether things are even real at all. like, maybe this world's some elaborate setup and in order to wake up you need to pass away. he gets into substance abuse to deal at first, but eventually decides it's time to "grow up" and pull the plug. after all, everything would be alright it he could escape to the supposed real world. that's when god and charon show up:
god confirms norman's suspicions, but clarifies that there's so much more to the situation than meets the eye. he advises norman to stay by his side though so he can show him the truth. charon offers norman an easy way out - just kissing him will poison him. because the father was essentially the heart of this reality god "eats" father as both a notion of ending the simulation and of taking his place, becoming norman's new caretaker. norman leaves everything behind, wanting to forget all about it
upon waking up, it's learned that in the real world norman had been used for public live dissections in front of large audiences of angels
as for symbolization:
father's a praying mantis due to a) "praying" mantis hahaha funny and b) a reference to how the girls will sometimes kill and eat their mates. i know that doesn't 100% line up correctly, but it's just a small reference i wanted to make
the moth is basically norman - "a tied up moth seemed to know a different way" is kinda like norman theorizing to himself that dying really might be the only way out. the moth also foreshadows what happens to norman, since the moth's stuck in a spiderweb and it's a personified spider who kills him in the end. then the moth reappears chained to god's hand, which at first is meant to seem like a sign of trust, like "yea dude ur in good hands!" but it's kinda obvious later on that it's really symbolizing being trapped by this guy. i specifically used a moth since they can symbolize blind faith, since they like, u kno, they see a light and go Oohh Lämp and fuckign die. the species of moth used (small emperor moth) was just an aesthetic choice cus oh those are just-some pretty boys!!!!
this more so has to do with out-of-song info. but charon's name came from the greek god who transports souls to the underworld. which is exactly what purpose he serves in this story
the three voices are specifically talking about norman, charon and god - the only real people who appear in this simulation ("[they] come all alone" is saying they're the only people who exited the simulation after its destruction). i will confess gramophones nave no significance, just needed something that rhymed and fit the flow of the melody
"vivisection" has two definitions - first one used in the song is that it can mean a harsh analysis, so "a vivisection of me yielded the start of a mystery" is kinda saying that he's self-analyzed a lot of things about himself and his life only for it to get more and more confusing/bewildering. the second and more popularly-used definition is that of a live dissection, used specifically with the connotation that this practice is unethical - in the last chorus, it's used literally. in Ye Olden Days, criminals were often punished via public dissections being done on their corpses and proper christian burials were refused as a disrespect the individual. this also paired alongside the belief that if a body isn't given a proper burial it inhibits the spirit of the deceased from moving on. so i wanted to sorta link those two concents to show that god was, on top of publicly humiliating the poor guy, further exerting his control over norman by refusing to let him pass away peacefully (probably as punishment for thinking he could take control back over his life)
calling the figure "god" is actually a symbolization in and of itself (same goes for the religious themes that follow) so don't worry the song isn't criticizing/against religion :) i grew up with religious parents, so i defaulted to using themes i'm most familiar with - i do wanna clarity i think that whether religion hurts or helps is entirely up to the individual. how it's taught to them and/or how they personally interpret it. so if it does good for you, great! if not, i totally understand! this song isn't a commentary on that topic though so yeyeyeye
the religious themes in the song are more so playing on the idea that, it someone sets up a simulation and essentially creates everyone thing within it, what makes them any different from a god? the bible verse used was also actually a happy accident - the song turned out to be 3 minutes 33 seconds long, and i was like "oh lol just for funsies i wonder what bible verse that is and funny enough it.... kinda fit the theme a little too well
the angels at the end are kinda like npcs, but as a group are just....... there, watching. there's a whole bunch of em and they're all watching
the title and use of the phrase "honey i'm home" is saying that norman's come home, basically. he's spent so long theorizing about and anticipating the day he'd get out of a fake world, idolizing this real world and a god he knew nothing about, only his new home isn't much prettier than the one he grew up in.
so yea like i guess tl;dr honey i'm home is about a local lad who is led to believe he's being saved by god, only to realize it's just some fuck with a control complex running a simulation
ooh edgy
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nanonaturalist · 6 years
So a ladybug rested on my working uniform all day while i was wearing it... could this mean good luck? if so is it normal for ladybugs to rest on certain clothing materials or do they just rest and then take off? i appreciate your buggos
Hello! You sent me another ask I have horribly neglected (sorrrryyyyy) so I’ll answer some of those questions too.
Ladybugs and luck go together a lot. When I was a kid, we also heard it was lucky if a ladybug landed on you, and you were luckier the more spots it had. Turns out, there are lots of different species of lady beetles (they are beetles!) and some have specific numbers of spots, some have no spots, some are super tiny and aren’t red, some have different numbers of spots depending on the individual, it really depends. If it’s lucky to you, then it’s lucky! Depending on the weather, they might rest on you to warm up. If you’ve seen any of those photos of hundreds of lady beetles crammed together in nooks and crannies, they are trying to hibernate until the weather warms up enough for their food to be more plentiful.
Also is there a way to attract moths without using lämps? Also also also what should i need to raise moth larvae? Your posts are inspiring, and thanks for helping me with the crab spooder id. Like keep it up
YES! Moths are also attracted to smells! Some people will put out an old banana, or they will "sugar bait” the side of a tree by painting it with a mixture of slightly fermented, sweet, sugary stuff. Here’s some more info on that [link]!
Raising moth larvae: What you need really depends on which kinds of moths, what they eat, and how they pupate. The most important consideration is you need to make sure you know what they eat, and you can get enough of it to last them until they pupate. Also, you want to make sure that you can keep them in their habitat without them escaping, and that they can safely pupate inside that habitat. I have had some tragedies on both of those accounts (so many escaped caterpillars, so many poor babies who couldn’t pupate because I didn’t know what they needed). Starting slow helps! I wouldn’t have had those tragedies if I wasn’t trying to do so much at once! Also, sometimes you will find caterpillars who are done eating and are ready to pupate, so it can be hard to tell when your caterpillar isn’t eating because he doesn’t like your food or he isn’t eating because he wants to pupate but he needs to dig a hole!Thank you for your messages and encouragement! Life is stressful sometimes, at least there’s always spiders somewhere. :D
January 14, 2019
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precuredaily · 6 years
Precure Day 080
Episode: Futari wa Precure Max Heart 30 - “Go for it Lulun! The Power of Light that Weaves the Future!!” Date watched: 13 October 2018 Original air date: 18 September 2005 Screenshots: https://imgur.com/a/D9WMw2i
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What is it with episode 30 corresponding to a new fairy who provides a powerup? Oh right it’s the third quarter Big Toy that headlines the last wave of merchandise. In this case I think Lulun herself is the toy being promoted, not the Heartiel Brooch, but they both count.
The premise of the episode is that Hikari and Lulun make a promise to always protect each other, and the next day the three girls and four fairies go to the amusement park. Hikari gets floored by the roller coaster, and then Nagisa and Honoka reminisce about how it all began at this park, and how they came here again when Porun wasn’t feeling so hot. Lulun is inspired by this conversation but of course Circulas comes to ruin the fun. He grabs Lulun and for once Hikari is the first to spring to action and transform, both her and Porun feeling particularly defensive of her new partner. He maintains the upper hand in their battle, even burying the trio under rubble, but Luminous’s devotion awakens a new power within both of them. Lulun’s chest gem begins to glow again, forcing Circulas to release her out of pain, and she bestows Shiny Luminous with a new tool: the Heartiel Brooch.
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As Circulas tries to land his final blow, Luminous generates a barrier of light that blows him halfway across the park. In the Dark Mansion, Hikaru looks up from his play, clearly feeling her power. Back at the park, Black and White seize the opportunity to summon the power of hope and equip their Rainbow Braces and give Circulas the fight of his life. Yes, for the first time since episode 23, they actually use their powerup to fight and not just to enhance their finisher, and it’s WORTH IT. They do force him away with Max Spark of course, and in the mansion, Hikaru stares out his window into the sky, somehow moved by Hikari’s power.
I give this show crap when it deserves it, but times like this, even when there are bad parts of the episode, like the art being off-model, there are other parts that more than make up for it. It’s a lot like the episode it calls back to, FW32, and if you reread that review you’ll see a lot of similarities to this one. Except that there’s no fire-breathing dinosaur to fight, so points off for that. Also yes, I have previously knocked on Max Heart for blatantly reusing plots from the first series but.... well, this is a New Power episode and those are a staple of merchandise-driven superhero shows. Can’t really fault them for invoking a genre trope. On top of that, I really like how they approach it. They’ve clearly established Lulun’s relationship with Porun, created an attachment with Hikari, and demonstrated how these two in particular want to help and defend her and vice-versa. This episode reinforces the team’s bond with her and then pushes the limits of that bond. Even if Lulun is scared of Circulas destroying her, she believes in the Luminous that believes in her, and that faith lights the way to victory. We see Hikari fight more vigorously than she ever has in this series, because now she has someone to protect and a promise to uphold. She actually tries to hit Circulas a few times during this battle, although she doesn’t actually land any hits, but that’s a visible demonstration of how serious she is.
The fight with Circulas is excellent, if a bit odd. He fights with only his cape for the first half of the battle, and while it’s effective, it is strange to see him swat away Luminous with his cape and have her react like he punched her in the gut. He buries all three girls under heavy debris and they have trouble escaping. Hikari’s struggle in particular is tangible. She is trapped under three concrete pillars while the elder duo are stuck under a giant bowl. They have the bigger burden but she struggles more, which may be representative of how she’s separate from them and usually relies on their help because she’s physically weaker. After she’s unlocked the Heartiel Brooch and blown Circulas away, the tables turn on the fight as Black and White lay into him. He tries wind attacks, energy attacks, and physical attacks but they go toe to toe with him every step of the way. The dynamic animation of the battle is impressive, and there’s a small sense of G-rated dread from the way the animators distort him as he grows angrier and more desperate.
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u mad bro?
I want to take this chance to discuss something I’ve alluded to but I don’t think I’ve really comprehensively stated in regards to off-model animation, why sometimes I criticize it and other times I compliment it. When it’s just a lack of detail or an odd-looking face for no reason (except budget probably), that’s sloppy and shows poor quality control. However, if someone’s movements, proportions, and features are exaggerated consistently to aid the feeling of a scene (as above), that’s good, that’s properly utilizing the versatility of animation as a medium. In this episode, both are present, and I don’t think it’s hypocritical of me to criticize this:
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But praise this:
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So now you know.
Hikaru doesn’t do much in this episode but I do like the brief, wordless indication that he is drawn to Hikari’s power. like moth to lämp
I wanted to talk about the music but.... I can’t really think of anything to say. It’s nice? It fits well? I don’t think there were any new tunes.
One last thing I want to call out before I go is the roller coaster they ride on. I’m a big thrill seeker and I gotta say, first of all this coaster looks like it has a really steep first drop and a fun overall layout. Second of all I have to point out that the lift hill has no lift. There’s not a chain, a screw, a cable, it’s not a launch coaster, there’s nothing to actually propel the coaster up the first hill. Someone at Toei animation needs to see this video.
Pink Precure Catchphrase Count: 0 Arienai
Next time, a return!
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