#yes he threatened her with the belt in sword of destiny when they met but lmaooo he wouldn’t ever deliver on that threat
hanzajesthanza · 1 month
geralt & rest of the wolf witchers: so we put ciri on the comb and the windmill in the afternoon, and before that she runs the killer at dawn…
triss: hell… i’m going to call kaedwenian CPS on you. i’ve seen the girl, she has bruises all over—this is abuse!
lambert: hah! like hell, it is!
coën: hardly abuse, it’s quite average really.
eskel: we have tried to go easy on her…
vesemir: she’s doing a quarter of what i made you all do 🤨
geralt: triss, i’m trying to give ciri a normal childhood. these are things every child does
triss: …
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