#yes i accidentally dressed her up like a pokemon trainer lets just not talk about it
ashestoshadows · 11 months
Trick or Treat!
Author notes: I know it's November. I've been trying my hardest to finish this and I just did. I suck at ending and starting stuff on time T-T
"Reynard, come on we need to leave now!" you yelled up the stairs to the trainer who could barely be seen peeking over the banister and down at you. "Vixen's nearly done, wait!" you sighed as you watched outside the nearby window seeing small children and Pokemon walking the street carrying baskets and eating sweets. "Rey and Y/N, Gale's here!" "Really?" her mother nodded as you ran for the front door with your Greedent who was dressed up as a small doctor waddling behind you.  There on the front porch was Gale, your Talonflame with a  few treats in his basket he was holding roughly in his beak. He was dressed up as a zombie "Okay, let's go" Rey was dressed up as a vampire which worked since she was pale as hell and her dark type was dressed up as a witch with a purple witches hat adorning her head.
You munched on the last of your cookie and you took off to the streets with Reynard and Vixen trailing behind and with Greedent also behind you. "Look! There's a bunch of small children" you mused reminiscing on better times when you were little. Reynard and Vixen walked past the small group of children and one grabbed the female's hand tugging her out of her own thoughts. "Excuse me, miss?" the small boy spoke up "Huh? What is it? Why are you grabbing my hand?" confusion was obvious all cross her face. "I need to find my mum. Have you seen her?" Rey shook her head as Vixen eyed the small child half curiously and half expecting this child to bring trouble. You patted the Illusion Fox on the head garnering Vixen to make a purr-like sound at your touch "Zorar!" Vixen shrilled as she hugged you forgetting about the small child who was still talking to Reynard.
"I'll… Be back in a few minutes" you nodded as best you could as you almost felt like you were in a rough choke-hold now. "Y-yep." you just feigned a fake smile until you watched Reynard and the small child leave your sight before dropping that obvious false smile and was just silently pleading to be let go now.
Many minutes, nearly half an hour had passed, and Reynard could be seen walking back over. A rather cheeky and smug grin on her face as she held her arms behind her back you cocked an eyebrow as you couldn't help but smile as well "What'd you do?" you barely muttered as you finally broke free from the unbearable but well and good intentioned hug from Vixen who whimpered but finally took the hint. "Sweets, I got some for getting Michel back home safely, and it looks me and Vixy are winning!" she exclaimed as Vixen began to smother her in hugs. And licks across the face accidentally licking off some of the makeup you had applied to her face.
"Shit.." you muttered as you pointed at your face where the makeup was smudging and Rey nodded "I know, I know. The makeup is very much gone now. I hope that tasted great Vixey" she was sarcastic about the last bit but the poor fox didn't seem to catch on before beginning to chase after Greedent who was now running as fast as his short and stubby legs could go on for. You walked over to the female who looked off-guard seeing you waltz up to her bucket of treats and sweets before you swiped a single Phantump-shaped wrapped sweet and ate it in front of her causing her mouth to open agape at the audacity.
 "Looks like I'll need to try and catch up more huh?" Rey simply nodded as she bolted off "You're damn on Y/N!" you both split up planning on meeting the same places before you broke off. "Come on Vixey, we're gonna win!" "Let's go Greedent, let's win the and get the most!" the two Pokemon nodded excitedly, especially Greedent who began to drool at the thought of literally sleeping on sweets
"Yes you can sleep on the sweets Greedent, you'll be the guard of the candies" your Greedent chirped and jumped with glee at hearing that. "But no you cannot eat them all" he then began pouting at hearing that "Greee…" he began to look sad before you dragged him with you to a house where a group of small children were nearby "Come on Greedent. Let's go get sweets and beat Rey and Vixen!" you both knocked on the front door with baited breath as most of the houses were either out of candy now or weren't giving out sweets.
"Trick or Treat!" you exclaimed as Greedent was in front of your feet adjusting his stethoscope before abruptly stopping and jumping up gleefully trying to win brownie points. "Well aren’t you both just cute? You're both in luck as I'm wanting to stop giving out sweets but I'll give you the remainder of the sweets I've got. Wait here." you looked down at your Pokemon who was doing a small clumsy dance as he was cheering excitedly.
"Gree! Greeee!" he hastily swiped one of the sweets you held in your hand as the sweet woman shut the front door with her lights now switched off. "Oi! That was mine, give it back, come on Greedent" Greedent gave it back as he began waddling off. His stethoscope nearly falling off "Careful it's going to fall off" you re-adjusted his stethoscope as his ears began to droop as he looked at the small Litwick's nearby a bush somehow not burning the shrub in the process of being near it.
"Greedent?" you spoke up as he began running towards the small ghost-fire types who all had solemn looks plastered on their faces. "Wick" whispered one of the Litwick's as they gathered around the 2 ft squirrel smiling again as  he appeared to be talking to the small huddled group of Candle Pokemon.
On Reynard's end she was grinning ear to ear with her Zoroark trailing behind her with two baskets full of sweets. "Let's hope they got loads," "Arrk!" half an hour passed and you both met up at the waiting spot, a bench in a candle-lit park where people walked by with their Pokemon as well and small groups of Lampent's and Litwick's doing their business. "How much did you get?" you showed her the two baskets you were able to fill while also showed the two baskets they were able to fill. "Looks like it’s a tie then. How about we sleep over at your place, Y/N?" You nodded as you four took off.
More author's notes: I know, I know, I just really wanna expand beyond my character being just a character I play as on screen whenever i do a new adventure and i really hope people don't mind me consistently write about my OC and her Pokemon... :'D
Also, I really hope people like I chose a Greedent for their main Pokemon. As despite me having that one encounter with on I predominately think Greedent's adorable
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lilyveins · 4 years
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I like to call this: Bautista is oblivious and Jack is a useless dumbass
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jaybug-jabbers · 4 years
All-Glitch Pokemon Blue Run Pt10: Creating Hybrids
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To answer your first question, yes, the headaches are likely related to Superglitch, but you need not worry about them. It’s a side effect, but because you followed my steps closely, we’ve done our best to mitigate those effects. If you notice your name no longer shows up on your Glitchdex, er, don’t worry about it.
To answer your second question, you are almost ready to meet your new glitchmon. First, however, I suggest you pay a visit to the Daycare Center. A few of your party pokemon might be slightly mutated from the effects of Superglitch. Don’t worry, though-- the Daycare Center man is an old friend of mine and fellow glitchmon researcher. If you leave them in his care he can nurse them back to health, for a small fee. 
Finally, I strongly recommend healing at the Pokecenter before doing anything else. This step is very important if you want to save data on your Glitchdex. Ah, it’s a long explanation as to why that is, but trust me, it helps reboot the system so things function normally again. 
After all of that, you now will be ready to meet your new glitchmon friends! 
All right, I completed your directions and then Teleported back to Lavander Town. When I  withdrew the new glitchmon, though, I uhhhh . . . ran into a bit of a problem. I immediately lost the pokeball.
I searched in a panic for like ten minutes before finding it. I’m not sure how I was so careless. Then I let the glitchmon out of the ball.
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It . . . looks like it’s just a Charizard? I don’t get it. I mean, don’t get me wrong, Charizard is really cool, but I thought this was supposed to be a glitchmon. At any rate, I named it Charmed.
She seems awfully shy, actually. I turned around for just a second and looked back and she was just GONE. It took me several minutes to find her again. You’d think it would be pretty difficult to lose a giant fire-breathing dragon, but apparently I’m talented.
What you have in your possession is no ordinary Charizard. That is Charizard ‘M, or glitchmon FF. 
This species needs careful handling when in your party. It has a ‘cloaking’ ability somewhat similar to a Kecleon’s camouflage, although more extreme. Indeed, this cloak is so powerful it can hide even the Pokeball it resides in, as well as other pokemon in its immediate vicinity!
You’re also correct in noting it can be quite shy. It takes a long time to establish trust with this species, and they rarely trust the nurses at the Pokecenter. You may need to potion them by hand if they see any sort of battle. 
I must give a word of caution, though; Charizard ‘M has also been known to accidentally induce mutations in pokemon nearby. Merely exposing pokemon to its presence is enough. Try to keep its pokeball a bit further away from the others, at the bottom slot in your party. You don’t want an accidental hybrid on your hands, after all.
-Professor Gingko
I kinda wish you’d said something about that a little bit sooner. I had stopped to capture a Paras I’d found . . . and when I went to deposit things in the PC, uh. It was kind of disturbing. The Paras and my HM slave Kadabra had melted together. I wasn’t sure what to do. I thought maybe if I’d evolved . . . it, then that would force them apart, so I tried a few Rare Candies.
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Didn’t really work, though? Now I just have a Parasect with all these strange moves. 
For goodness’ sake. Well, all you’ve done is ensured they remain fused together as a hybrid, now that it’s gone and evolved. You’ve lost your Kadabra HM slave for good, I’m afraid. It became the recipient for the hybridization process. You can still normalize what’s left of the Paras, however. If you return to the Daycare man and give him the Paras-- which should be currently hybridized with Charizard ‘M-- he should be able to get it back to normal. 
You’ll have to keep the Parasect as is, though.
-Professor Gingko
Honestly? I’m ok with that. My new Parasect is pretty neat, and now is an even better HM slave then I had before. This Charizard ‘M has some cool abilities. I wonder what other bug hybrids I could make?
For now though, I’m keeping her at the bottom of my party, away from the other pokeballs. I’m taking along Wobbles, Fractal, Dustdevil, Giago and the new Charizard ‘M, and leaving Azure and Dirge in the PC for the moment.
Oh, and I spent some time exploring Celadon City at last. It was nice to finally do that. There’s some casino there that all the locals are talking about, so I gave that a visit. The games are actually pretty lame, but I’ve never liked gambling. I came across something weird, though-- there’s a basement to the casino. I went down there and it looks like the casino is just a screen for some underground illegal pokemon trafficking by a shady group of thieves. That's pretty wild.
The badguys weren’t too happy to see me there, but fortunately I could defend myself just fine with my team. It helped that I’d recently taught Ice Beam to Dusty. I also came across the Double Edge TM in that basement, so I taught it to Fractal, who now hits like a freaking meteor. 
After a little more exploring, I came across the HM for Fly, but I learned I didn’t have the air clearance to actually use it for travel unless I’d earned Lt. Surge’s badge. For some odd reason? So . . . I had to backtrack all the way to Vermilion and defeat the guy. After that, I could teach Fly to my Missingno. and get around MUCH easier.
This let me fly back to Lavander Town. I made the trip because I’d picked up something interesting in Celadon-- a Silph Scope. I figured I should use it and take a tour of that creepy tower.
The trip taught me a lot about my team. The climb up the tower was a slow and difficult one. Starting off, I ran into Oak’s damned grandson again.
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His team wasn’t bad to face, although his starter had evolved to Wartortle by now. Still, I had picked up a TM from Lt. Surge, so Wobbles had Thunderbolt now. It was an easy kill. 
In general, Wobbles had no problem with any of Pokemon Tower. His Special is just sky-high. My other pokemon had to work a bit harder, though.
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Gia is a defensive sort of poke. She’s not huge on offense, especially Special offense. But all her physical attacks were Normal type moves, which are useless against the ghosts. She was stuck chipping away at ghosts with her Surf, while the ghosts para-fused her. Fortunately she at least has so much bulk she sometimes came out on top of those fights. Gia’s fight style is all about long-term survival.
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Meanwhile, Dusty struggled a fair bit because her stats are just not great in general. Despite that fact, she was scrappy and determined and could scrape by. Her speed also meant she could get in hits at vital times.
When paired together, Dusty and Gia could manage to take out the ghosts with teamwork. This was great, since Wobbles and my new Charizard ‘M had plenty of levels and didn’t need the XP at the time. My last pokemon on the team, Fractal, is the very definition of a glass cannon. Fractal could take pokemon out with his raw power, but only if he didn’t fall first. He was knocking himself out cold in a single hit if he got confused-- but he also sometimes knocked his foes out cold in a single hit. This is why I gave him Double Edge; his fighting style was hyper-offensive to an extreme.
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After touring to the top of the tower, we took care of the local rowdy ghosts and some trainers rambling about something called ‘Team Rocket.’ I dunno, but the way they were dressed looked awfully similar to the creeps at the casino. Maybe they’re the same crew. I wasn’t paying much attention, to be honest. 
There was an old man up in the tower who talked to me after my battles, though, and invited me back to his house. Normally I’d nope the heck out of that sort of situation, but he seemed harmless enough. . . and he gave me a flute as a gift. He tells me it can wake up any sleeping pokemon. I have the perfect pokemon in mind to test it on.
Glitchdex #: FF/255
Family: Charizard Hybrid
Type(s): Fire/Flying
Species Keyword: CLOAK
This shy POKEMON is so good at disguise it can even fool highly trained POKECENTER nurses. It only trusts its trainer to heal and care for it. 
End Notes
Glitches used/mentioned in this post:
* Making Superglitch useful
* Creating pokemon hybrids
* Charizard ‘M
* This Charizard ‘M was created by placing a normal Charizard named ‘Charmed’ in my sixth party slot and then using the controlled superglitch corruption mentioned in my last blog post. The Charizard ‘M that appeared in my seventh expanded party slot then inherented the ‘Charmed’ nickname once I deposited the first pokemon in my party into the PC.
Click for the next part of the series! 
This is a repost on a new blog. The original post was on Nov 30, 2019.
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storylocke · 5 years
The Light - Ch 3
[As the group enters the quiet little place of Iki Town, Virginia can't help beaming at how quaint it is. People hanging out on their front porch, children running by with small Pokemon close at their heels, and even with the signs of activity, it was fairly quiet. There sure were a lot of people out for how late it appeared to be… Or maybe they had all just left the show?]
[Catches her gaze as her eyes sweep by in trying to follow the happy children with the dog. Smiles a bit to himself.] Y'know, that little Rockruff I have at my place used to be wild. It always makes me smile when I see her roughhousing with my little girl.
[She could see why. It looked like fun~!] Iki Town seems to host quite a nightlife- Oh, but you said something about day and night not working properly?
You should really see this place during the day~! Not that there's much to see here in town, but it's more lively than it is now. The main factors you'll need to know is the Kahuna's house and the town square.
[It really was a square from what Virginia could tell. A large platform stood in the middle of the clearing with stairs on each side and a huge ring painted in the middle of it.]
Hmm… Anabel should have been here though. Why don't we use this as the new meeting spot and split up to ask around?
Sounds like a plan. [Notices Virginia already wandering off like a girl on a mission.] And don't leave town without us!
[Turns back] Can do! [Watches as the professor leaves for the more crowded part of town downhill that they'd passed through before. There weren't many houses on this level, but she still wanted to take it all in. This far uphill, she could see her house looking so small all the way near the shore. There were large Pokemon moving nearby, maybe even just on the other side of the Kahuna's house as she watched the treetops shake in the night air. Looks down at the Fennekin still nestled in her arms.] Isn't this all exciting?!
[Probably but right now it looks like all he wants to do is doze off in the warmth.] It's a great piece of antiquity. The style of houses, and the torches, I bet this place hasn't changed for a hundred years. [Looks up at her] You think they have a shop here?
Hmmm… the professor didn't mention one. [Glances back uphill the towards the path leading to the woods. As she peered into the tunnel of trees though, there appeared to be some stairs. Maybe there was more to the place than in sight] Come on! Lets see what we can see from the top! [Sets him down and starts to jog towards the hole in the trees leading out of town]
[Amused] Well that didn't take long. [Turns to Kukui] Weren't you going to stay with her in case there was trouble?
[Just staring at the empty pathway she already disappeared down.] …. [Shakes head] I told ya I had a feeling where Anabel went. Even if I went, I'm pretty sure there's gonna be a lesson learned the hard way. So what did Quips tell you guys when you called him anyway?
[While the two had stopped at the edge of town, Virginia and Fennekin made their way up the winding path of stairs. Maybe she was wrong… maybe there was no more to the town this way. But surely it was safe to explore as clean and clear as the path was through the small canyon. And who knows! Maybe the missing girl had gone to see the view from the top as well. She could at least go until the edge of wherever, for surely there had to be a point where the road more clearly entered the wilderness.]
So what would a little fox like you do with an antique anyway? It's not like you can store them in your Poke Ball. … Can you?
[Soft little laugh] Nah, they're too expensive anyway, so I just like looking. I've always been fascinated with learning about the ancient world, but I'm not too keen on the more modern stuff like you seem to be. That's how I learned my super awesome Light of Ruin technique I learned back in Kalos! Only… I don't know if I'm doing it right since sometimes I accidentally knock myself out…. [Looks up at his trainer and tilts his head slightly in curiosity. She's staring at something just ahead of them, but from their angle, it's actually above them.] Verge…?
[Stops in her tracks and slowly points at the top of the stairs. Softly] Light… [Looks down at him and it's obvious he sees it too as his little nose starts trying to sniff out what it can be] I'm sorry, but why don't we pick up our talk later? [She goes to recall him and moves the ball to her bag for now before turning to see if the light remained.]
[Virginia kept going, mesmerized by the gentleness the light. As she carefully crept up on it, she sees it's not so much of a direct light but a figure all in white and bathed in moonlight. A girl practically glowing before disappearing from sight through the small archway of trees. Virginia moved faster to catch up.
As she arrived at the top, the Mahalo Trail opened to a wider area, and the soft hush of the river from before grew to a roar about a mile out of sight. But that didn't matter to Virginia right now! She seems to have arrived just in time as the girl is suddenly staggering, struggling against having her bag pull her towards the cliff! The duffle bag abruptly pops open though, and a colorful blob of a creature bursts out; leaving the girl falling backwards and onto the ground from the sudden release. The little puffball starts to fly toward the bridge before its' handler can catch it.]
Oof! [her wide brimmed hat tumbled off, but she's in much too big a hurry to worry about that as her ward is quickly floating away] Nebby! Wait!
[That thing was a Cosmog, no doubt about that between the stories she'd heard and the old pictures she'd seen. Grainy as they always were, seeing the shifting ball of stardust, for herself, she could see why. With the warning from the professor, and now this girl with her long blonde hair and white dress seeming reminiscent of him and his lab coat, it didn't hurt to take a guess.] Are you Miss Lillie?
[Brushes herself off as she gets to her feet] Huh? Yes, my name is Lillie. Anabel Lillie, that is. I work as the professor's assistant and… [Tense as she is, biting her lip, the girl turns around seems completely taken aback by this stranger. Her eyes lock with Virginia and the sensation of being caught has her shaking.] Ah… Ah… I'm working on an experiment right now! [Some experiment. She glumly glances back at the bridge in distress.] Just so you know, this will be my first time trying this out. I... I'm glad you came. I needed a test subject. Can you please help me? I need to reach Nebby!
[Honestly was too drawn in by the girl's beauty and hearts filling her vision as the Voices rise louder than before with talk of love and ringing bells. She's not even paying attention to anything the girl just said. Dreamily] I do~
[As the two are having this moment, out of nowhere a small flock of Spearow descended upon the Cosmog! The little puffball froze in the middle of the bridge, curled up and frightened as the birds circle above it and take turns pecking at it. The girls look back at the poor creature, somewhat mortified.]
[Distressed noises] Fwoom!
[Sorry, wait what? The Voices change to a cry of alarm. Save Nebby!] I mean, I will! Just, ah… hang on! [She awkwardly circles around Anabel to scoot passed, rather clumsily with her footing as she's almost tripping over herself on the bridge. This thing was a mess… With no idea what she's doing, all Virginia can think to do is throw herself over the defenseless Pokemon and tries in vain to thwart the birds back with her hand.] Shoo! Back you pests! Uh...wha-?
[As the Spearow keep screaming in some infernal tongue, a light starts building underneath her. Little streaks start seeping out of the little cloud, like starlight, when suddenly she feels the raw energy burst into her chest! Everything stung, the world now reeling, and she could feel herself falling into nothingness as the flash had blinded her for the moment. All she could think to do was cling to the colorful Cosmog still nestled against her chest when a horrendous screech could be heard from above!
A soft boom of thunder and all the Spearow cries suddenly ceased. The roar of the river was deafeningly close, but before she could even scream, something caught her. She opened her eyes to see a strange metallic face focused away from her as they flew back up the cliff face with such speed she was getting dizzy. The strange creature set her down on the ground, and stared at the three rather judgmentally. Virginia remained curled up where she'd been dropped and took a moment to get her bearings as she wasn't quite sure she was seeing things right yet. She couldn't even find the nerve to speak yet but gazed on the new mechanical creature in wonder.]
[Gives a soft bow to the creature apologetically.] I'm sorry, officer. [The creature gives a fierce roar as lightning crackles over its' body. The being seems to settle a moment, speaking to her in subtle clicks and strange movements as soft whirring gears are heard deep within.] … Yes... [pleasantly surprised] Of course!… [a little less sure] Ah… It is fine… [bows again, but in a deeper, almost servant-like way this time] No p-problem at all. I'll be sure to tell everyone so we may begin as soon as possible.
[With another loud roar, the yellow coated creature flies off with a flash as suddenly as it appeared. The night is still once more…]
[Heaves a sigh of relief] …. [Hurries over to the puffball and their rescuer and offers the stranger a hand up.] Are you okay?! I never expected anything like that to happen! Can you say anything? Does it hurt?
[Excited as it floats to her] Momma! We spun around ten times and almost ended up like a Pyukumuku being chucked back into the sea!
Hmmph! No thanks to you. You should at least apologize!
[It would, but it's already been distracted by something and wandering off.]
[Deeep sigh.] It really is sorry. I mean, we both are, but- [Takes Virginia's hand in both of hers, pulling her to her feet.] It's such an impulsive Pokemon. I really have no idea why it even wanted to come here tonight. Don't worry, though, Tapu Mageko won't hold any of this against you.
That was a Tapu!? [Everything happened so quickly, she was still unsure what just happened. Finally brushes herself off and looks back at the bridge in ruins. Did that really just happen? Now that she's had some time to sit and get her thoughts straight, she starts putting the pieces together.] Soooo… you somehow understood all that? What did it say?
Hmmmm…. I'm still learning how to talk to it, but you coming here tonight was no coincidence. It seemed to be expecting you.
Well…. yes? I figured you would expect me since your father and I have been talking for months now-
What?! Was that today?! [Hand to her cheek as she could just slap herself] Then you must be Verge!
[Brightens up] That would be me~!
I'm sorry, I completely forgot we were supposed to meet you today. If you've already met with him, then I'm running extremely late! We better get back to town or my father is going to kill me. Come on, Nebby!
[Brings over the item it went to investigate and gives a squeak to draw Anabel's attention to it.] I used a crystal like that when I was a young Trainer, but don't need it now. You use it and build a new age. I'll stay and take care of the old age.
Oh you! You're not staying out here. [takes it up and looks it over. Huh… A Sparkling Stone.] I already have one of these… [holds it out to Virginia.] I think this was left for you.
[Takes it, curious, and shifts it around slightly so she can see how brightly it shines even in the moonlight.] What is it?
Normally, it's given out to those who are to be the next Kahuna. I'm already in-training, but I think with some polish we can see what it really is since I've heard on more rare occasions it can be given as a sign from the Tapu that you have a great purpose ahead of you. Or maybe Tapu Megeko wants to impart some of its' power to help somehow in this crisis too. We should show this to Kahuna Hau and see if he knows the meaning of it for sure.
… [Knows it sounds dumb but just has to ask] The Kahuna's a Popplio?
Ah… no. It's a bit complicated. [The pair give one last glance around the clearing before starting down the steps to the Mahalo Trail.] I don't think Nebby would have attacked like that if I could have used the Araquanid I trained so well but…
No vacancies~!
There, too, was plenty of room! A ball hardly takes any space at all! [Into the bag! Watch it wriggle.] I hadn't realized I had left home so defenseless until it was too late. [Gives another little bow] Thank you again for joining us, Verge.
[Waves it off] If it makes you feel any better, I'm not sure I was thinking either. I had a Pokemon too, it's just, I only really became a Trainer today, so I suppose it completely slipped my mind I could fight back instead of throwing myself into the frey like that. Today has really been… exciting.
Believe me, "exciting" stuff will likely become an everyday occurrence around here. [shifts a bit nervously as she readjusts her bag and begins down the next flight of stairs.] See, we Kahuna are chosen by Pokemon, but a Champion is chosen by people.
[Slight blush as she starts laughing. That's nice to say but...] Champion? Me?
[Soft laugh] Maybe not yet. But this isn't like the League Champion you're thinking of, this is more in the traditional sense. A Champion is someone who is chosen to represent a group and fight on their behalf. Usually you want to pick the bravest or the strongest since obviously if there's to be a fight, you want to increase your chances of winning. But our battle ground here is… different. You may not be literally chosen by the people of Alola, but with time… I'm sure we will all look to you to save us. [Ahem] I'm still not sure what Tapu Koko sees in me yet, but, despite the rough introduction, it really does approve of you. It brings me joy to think a new age will be coming to Alola~!
[That sounds like a lot of pressure. Save them from What exactly? Ahem] What kind of new age? Nebby mentioned something about guarding the old one, right?
Hmmmm… I'm not quite sure, actually. Though I do know Tapu Mageko said I'll be leaving the island soon.
[Stops short with a subtle whine getting stifled in her throat. Great, now she really got the girl's attention. Coughs] Sorry, it's just… I was really looking forward to getting to hang out with you more and now…
[warm hum as she stares ahead a moment to think on it] I feel we have a real connection going after meeting you. [Smiles at her] But I'm certain Tapu Mageko said you're to come with me! You certainly proved your courage back there, and perhaps that's why our Guardian wants you to go and protect me during my trials as the next Kahuna. [Not so eager] And with Nebby, I'm sure I'll need all the help I can get…
Can't you just leave Nebby home with your dad? Hau said he wouldn't mind helping to protect the little guy.
No… as I said, around here we are often at the whims of Pokemon. Nebby chose me for a reason, but I think it's only now I'm starting to understand why… [deep breath] One part I'm not so sure of was Tapu Mageko said something about Nebby being a key to the light. ...I think… Which, as I'm sure you noticed, Nebby has a very powerful light it can emit when in distress. I've only ever seen it once before tonight, but I'm wondering if that light may somehow help us to combat the Shadows.
Shadows…? [It was a common enough word, but somehow between Anabel's tone and her own mind flashing back to a dread from so many years ago, she has to ask.] Like a Shadow Pokemon?
Oh! [Tenses up as she suddenly wonders if she's said too much.] H-have you seen one before? I haven't yet, but the way it's been spreading in the other islands, I don't know what to think. But… [Her voice hitches as she tries to shake off the growing fear] But we don't know yet if that's what Tapu Mageko meant.
But the trials will mean you have to go to the other islands at some point, right? [Even if they aren't sure yet that she was right about them traveling together. Fidgets a bit as she debates on how stupid, how awkward, how terrible an idea this is that's brewing up inside her but after walking down the next flight in awkward silence, she just has to do it.] Can I ask you something crazy? [The girl looks at her a bit worried but also curious. Takes her by the hand] Will you marry me?
Maybe it's the near-death experience back there talking, or the fact you sound like you might not survive out there, but I don't want to lose you. It would just be between us. [She's surprised to see Anabel is hesitating but doesn't seem opposed to the idea.] Just think of it, a secret engagement until this is all over. Something to look forward to. You feel it too, don't you?
[blushing deeply] I do, but… [starts grinning as she feels her heart gushing] But sure! Why not?
A/N: Love knows no reason~ love knows no rhyme~ Love can blossom any old time~
I've tried working things around a few times now, and just have to admit I don't know how to write a love-at-first-sight. It's odd because since it was such a brief quip that caused the marriage lore to pop up, I really had hoped to do this scene right since it became a major piece to the Run... But I feel like it came off rushed and awkward. Oh well, I tried. XD
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