#yes i am aware he already wears trunks when he wrestles but um :)
cowboyshit · 7 months
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pleasecallmecaptain · 6 years
Through The Screen [3]
Pairing: NSA Agent!Bucky Barnes x Reader
Warnings: More nonsense, as usual
Word Count: 1.4K+
A/N: This is a non-chronological, crack fic NSA Agent AU series! (Announcement here in case you missed it.) Just a little disclaimer that I have no idea what being a NSA agent is like nor do I know how technology works; this is just a ridiculous fic idea we had. A masterlist will be up soon and unfortunately, there will be no tag list for this series. I hope you like this fic and please let me know what you think! :D
Don’t forget to follow @writingbarnes​ for other chapters in this series :D
• 1 • 2 •
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As you pulled your car up into the driveway and turned off the engine, you noticed an elderly man standing at your door, ringing the doorbell. Wearing a khaki uniform and a safari hat, he looked like...well, a zookeeper. But why would a zookeeper be looking for you?
The car beeped as your thumb pressed the lock button on your car keys and you took cautious steps toward your house.
“Hi, can I help you…?” You approached the man slowly, shifting the backpack strap on your shoulder.
The clipboard in his hands fell to his side as the five-foot-eleven man turned on his heel to face you with gentle eyes and a polite smile.
“Hi miss, are you Y/N?” He questioned.
“Yes, I am. And you are…?”
“I’m Stan Lee with the Save Our Elephants Foundation. On behalf of our organization, we would like to thank you from the bottom of our hearts for fostering an elephant!” His smile widened to show a set of pearly whites.
Your brows furrowed in confusion. You understood they were grateful, but was it necessary to come all the way to your house to thank you in person? An email or letter would have sufficed.
“Now if you could kindly sign this please while I go get your delivery.” David handed the clipboard and a ballpoint pen to you, then walked away.
Assuming the package was some sort of thank you gift from the foundation, you quickly scribbled your signature next to the big red X on the bottom left of the form and dated it. Suddenly, you heard heavy footsteps thudding towards you. You looked up towards the sound and your jaw dropped; your breath shortened and your heart rate sped up.
“WHAT THE FUCK IS THAT?” Your eyes have never been as wide as they were now and you were rendered speechless.
Stan’s gaze flickered from you to the package and back to you. “This is an elephant,” he stated slowly, his voice dripping with disbelief, as if he really believed you have never seen an elephant before.
“I know that’s an elephant, but what is it doing here?!”
Stan reached for the clipboard that was still in your hand, but he practically had to wrestle it from you due to your iron grip. He double checked the documents and asked to confirm, “Ma’am, you donated to foster an elephant with the Save Our Elephants Foundation, correct?”
All you could do was nod, your mouth too dry to respond and your focus entirely on the elephant at your doorstep.
“Well, here’s your foster elephant! Take good care of the little fella, he’s a bit of a troublemaker.”
With a wink, Stan handed you a manila envelope nad hopped back into his truck. He left without even looking back.
“C’mon, baby, come here.”
It took a bit of time to rearrange everything downstairs and you had to leave your new responsibility chilling out on the street, but there was now a cleared area and you tried to coax the nervous animal into your garage before one of your neighbors saw it and tattled to the landlord. Your soothing voice drew the elephant to you and it finally followed you into the garage with the help of some leash tugging.
With the garage door closed, you stared at the elephant and it blinked back at you.
A nervous breath escaped your lips and you cleared your throat. “Okay, well, um…”
Just then, your eyes flickered over to the manila envelope that was left on the top of a container used to hold fabric. You reached over to pick it up and slowly unraveled the string, pulling out a stapled packet of papers.
“So your name is Dumbo and you’re three years old.” You gave the small being a glance over, your eyes landing on his ears, and nodded in agreement at the suitable name. Dropping the papers to your side with a sigh, you muttered, “What the hell am I going to feed you?”
After flipping through the rest of the papers, you found a list of foods that you can feed Dumbo. With a little red wagon you found in the garage, you emptied your fridge of all foods that were safe for Dumbo and towed it back to the garage.
“Nat’s going to kill me.” You whined.
At the smell of food, Dumbo began shuffling around, causing the ground to rumble slightly.
“Okay, so I emptied out our two gallons of milk into a tub for you. There’s a watermelon, two bunches of bananas, five apples, and two heads of lettuce. Oh, I filled up this bin with water for you. It’s 32 gallons, so that should be good for a while, right?”
You spoke to Dumbo as if he understood, and for a second, it seemed like he did because you swore you saw a nod from him. You pushed everything in front of him and gave him a loving pat.
“Enjoy yourself! I’m gonna go inside and do some homework, but I’ll be back in an hour to check on you. Be good!”
Pleased with your work, you skipped back into the house and prayed everything will be okay.
“So...by the way, once again this is hypothetical, how much do you think someone will need to spend to raise an elephant?”
Your fingers tapped restlessly against your keyboard as you waited for Bucky’s response.
I don’t know, a lot? You’ve been asking question after question about raising elephants as if you’re actually going to raise one.
“Ha! As if I would be crazy enough to do that.”
You faked a nervous chuckle. Suddenly, a noise similar to a loud trumpet sounded and your head immediately snapped towards the door. A sharp ‘ping’ brought your attention back to the laptop screen and you read the message.
See, here’s the thing...you are crazy enough to do that.
That better not be an elephant I hear.
“Um…” That was all you had to say for yourself.
Are you keeping a fucking elephant in your house?!
Are you insane?!
Oh my god. You really are.
As Bucky spammed you with furious messages, you held up a finger to the screen and yelled, “I’ll be right back!”
Don’t you dare leave.
But you were already gone.
Twenty minutes later, you ran back into the room, your room flushed red and beads of sweat crowding your forehead.
“I can explain.”
I can’t wait to hear this.
You can sense the sarcasm dripping from that sentence, even if you can’t hear Bucky’s voice. You rolled your eyes and sassed him back before diving into the story of how you ended up with an elephant named Dumbo at your house.
What kind of foundation sends you the whole damn animal?
You shrugged. “So that’s the story. Do you want to meet him?”
Before he could respond, you unplugged your laptop and speed walked towards the garage. Dumbo trumpeted again when he saw you and you grabbed another apple from the fruit basket and held it out to him.
“Buck, this is Dumbo!”
The elephant’s curiosity took over and his trunk began sniffing the keyboard and the screen, but when nothing interested him, he returned to his apple.
First of all, he got the webcam dirty, so clean that when you get back to the room. I can’t see clearly.
Second of all, you have to send him back.  
“But he’s so cute.” You pouted, though you knew deep down that he was right.
An elephant that size needs around 150 pounds of food a day. To my knowledge, you can’t afford that, unless you have a secret trust fund I’m not aware of.
“150 POUNDS?” You gasped and turned to look at Dumbo who was guzzling down the water in the bin, which needed to be refilled soon.
You gave him another loving pat and Dumbo wrapped his trunk around your arm happily. Your heart melted and you whispered to Dumbo, “Maybe I can sell my car to buy food for you.”
Have you lost your mind?
You can practically see Bucky pulling at his hair on the other end. That is, if he had hair. You still have no idea who this Bucky is and what he looked like. He could be prematurely balding for all you know.
“I’m just kidding!”
You’re not funny.
“Let me just keep him for a few more days so I can bond with my son.”
“Okay, okay! Fine, I’ll call them now.”
Please let me know what you think!
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