#yes i am slacking at work watching spider-man movies i hate jobs and love this scrawny little freak
vamprisms · 1 year
something about spider-man scratches my brain just right
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x-oc-blog-x · 5 years
Inside Avas’ OCs
I got a questionnaire from mibba.com for my OCs
Oliver Asman
1. What is your full birth name? Oliver Lee Asman
2. Any nicknames? Oli
3. When were you born/how old are you? June 5. I’m 19
4. If immortal or slow-ageing, what is your apparent age? I’m human soo.
5. Where were you born?
The United States
6. Who were your parents? Cassie and Daniel Asman
7. Do you have any siblings? Yeah. He is 5. His name is Joel.
8. Where do you live now? At jacks house in the US
9. Who do you live with? Jackson Canmore and his mom.
10. Are you right or left-handed?
11. What words/phrases do you regularly use? I definitely say sorry a lot.
12. Name some habits or strange quirks you have? I chew on hoodie strings. And my shirt sometimes. I know it’s gross
13. Height: 5’ 7”
14. Weight: 147 pounds
15. Skin Tone: I’m tan
16. Body Shape: normal? I don’t know.
17. Hair: blonde quiff
18. Eyes: blue
19. Face Shape:what does this even mean?
20. Everyday Dress Style:I like to wear black jeans and a t shirt
21. Formal Dress Style:slacks and dress shirt.
22. Any Jewelry? A few bracelets just to fidget with really.
23. Any Scars? Just a few. Ive got some on my thigh. I don’t want to talk about it.
24. Tattoos? No.
Growing Up
25. How would you describe your childhood in general? It was okay. It could have been better. I was kicked out though. There was that.
26. What is your earliest memory?
My mom and dad arguing over money. He hit her.
27. How much schooling have you had? I graduated
28. Did you enjoy school?
Yeah. I got to spend time with friends. And jack
29. Where did you learn most of your skills/abilities?
30. Any role models while growing up? Not really until middle school. I really liked the flash. Jack made me watch it.
31. What did you want to be when you grew up?
I actually wanted to be a dinosaur. Then I wanted to be a teacher
32. What was your favourite thing to do? Play with dinosaur toys with jack. And when I grew up a bit I liked to write.
33. Were you popular?
34. Who were your friends?
Jack, Misha, Collin, Rex, Alex, Loni
35. When and who was your first kiss?
My first kiss was a girl named Maddie in 6th grade
Past Influences
36. What do you consider the most important event of your life so far? Moving in with jack when I got kicked out. That really influenced our friendship and helped us get together. And that was life changing.
37. Who has had the most influence on you? Jack.
38. What do you consider is your greatest achievement? Healing from being kicked out and not trying to reach out to my toxic family.
39. What is your greatest regret? Missing so many opportunities because of insecurity.
40. What is the most evil thing you have ever done? I have no idea. I try not to do bad things.
41. Do you have a criminal record of any kind? No
42. When was the time you were the most frightened? When I was kicked out. I was so scared. My dad had me by the hair and was dragging and throwing me.
43. The most embarrassing moment of your life so far? I accidentally submitted one of my writings for an assignment instead of the actual assignment. My teacher was really confused.
44. If you could change one thing from your past, what would it be and why? As much as I loved living with Jack and his mom, I wish I wouldn’t have come out to them. Maybe they would still talk to me.
45. What is your best memory? My first kiss. Jack and I were in the park. And without me even telling him I liked him, we both just kinda kissed.
46. What is your worst memory? Other than being kicked out, Being beat up in the bookstore. I didn’t do anything to them, but because I was holding hands with jack, they put put me in the hospital.
Beliefs and Opinions
47. Are you more optimistic or pessimistic? I try to be an optimist.
48. What is your greatest fear?
Being alone
49. What are your religious views?
I believe in the Christian god. But I never go to church or anything.
50. Political views?
Not conservative.
51. Views on Sex?
Sex is a cool thing. Everyone is different with it, but it’s nice. I like it. I want to go more into detail but I really shouldn’t.
52. In your own opinion, what is the most evil thing someone could do?
Kick out their child for being lgbt+
53. Do you believe in Soul Mates/True love? I do.
54. What do you base success on?
Personal Achievements. I’m successful for finding a healthy relationship and getting out of a toxic situation. Other people are successful for getting past their bad pasts.
55. How honest are you about your thoughts and feelings with yourself?
I try to push my feelings away. I don’t like negative emotions.
56. How honest are you about your thoughts and feelings with others?
I usually tell jack how I feel if I’m depressed because he likes to help.
57. Do you have any biases or prejudices?
58. Is there anything you would absolutely refuse to do under any circumstances?
I’m sure there is. But I don’t know what they would be
59. Why would you refuse?
60. Who or what, if anything, would you die for?
I’d die for jack and his family. I’d die for my friends. Id die for the kids like me who don’t have anyone to go to because they were abandoned for who they are.
61. What do you feel the most passionate about?
62. What one act are you most proud of?
Healing from bad things.
63. What one act are you most ashamed of?
Coming out to my parents.
64. Are you a leader or follower?
65. In general, how do you treat people you don’t know well? I try to be nice to everyone.
66. How do you treat people you do know?
With respect.
67. Who do you respect the most and why?
Jack. He is a nice human who has been through bad days. And he is still the best and nicest person I know.
68. Who are your friends?
Misha, collin, Jack, Loni, Alex, and Rex.
69. Who is your best friend?
70. Ever been in love?
71. Who do you consider family?
Jack, Misha, Collin, Ms. Canmore
72. How close are you to your family?
I don’t talk to them. At all.
73. Who do you turn to in desperate times and why?
Jack. He has always been there for me.
74. Who do you trust to protect you and why? No one should have to protect me. But in the times that I needed it, Jack. Sorry if I keep saying his name for everything. He is everything to me.
75. Who do you despise the most and why?
My dad. He took me by my hair and threw me from our house because of my sexuality.
76. Do you tend to argue or avoid conflict? Avoid. My anxiety doesn’t like to fight.
77. Do you care what others think of you?
Sex and Intimacy
78. Do you consider yourself straight, gay, bi, trans or something else?
79. Do you have a significant other?
80. Describe them: kind, smart, sweet, supportive, loving, and everything someone could want.
81. What is the perfect romantic date?
Going to the park and having lunch.
82. Best sexual partner?
Jack is the best. But he is the only person I’ve had sex with.
83. Worst sexual partner?
No one. Jack is the only person I’ve had sex with.
84. Worst thing you’ve done to someone you love?
I don’t know.
Likes and Dislikes
85. What is/are your favourite hobbies/pastimes?
I like to watch tv. And write.
86. What is your most prized possession?
The bracelet jack gave me.
87. Favourite colour?
88. Favourite food?
89. Favourite movie? Spider-Man: far from home
90. Favourite TV show?
91. What, if anything, do you like to read?
I like poems. Rupi Karar especially
92. What style of music do you like?
I like all music. Except country.
93. What is your idea of good entertainment? Books, tv, plays, etc.
94. Do you smoke?
No. It’s gross
95. Drink?
I don’t unless someone offers at like a party or something.
96. Drugs?
97. Typical Friday night?
Cuddles with jack.
98. What would be the perfect gift for you?
99. Rain or Sun and why? Rain. I like to feel the rain.
100. Day or Night and why?
Day. I like the sunrises and the sense of everyone having something to do in the light.
101. What makes you laugh?
Puns. Jokes.
102. What shocks/offends you?
Anti-lgbt people. People who deny human rights to others.
103. How do you deal with stress? I usually break down and cry.
104. Are you spontaneous, or do you feel you always need a plan?
I prefer plans to ease my anxiety.
105. Any pet peeves?
106. Do you have a job or are you studying? I stay at home. I don’t do much. I sometime write for commission money.
107. If so, what is it/what course?
108. Do you like it?
109. If studying/not working, where does your money come from? It doesn’t really.
110. What is your boss/teacher(s)/agent/publisher ect like? I am my boss that’s pretty cool.
111. What are your co-workers/other students like? Nope.
112. Do you get along with them? Nope.
113. What is something you had to learn that you hated?
114. Do you tend to save or spend your money?
115. Describe the routine of a normal day for you:
Wake up. Cuddle. Sometimes work. Eat. Cuddle. Blah blah.
116. What is your greatest strength?
Being able to pick myself up when I’m down
117. Greatest weakness?
Being so emotional
118. If you could change one thing about yourself what would it be?
I would want to look better. I think I could improve my face.
119. Introvert or Extrovert?
120. Organised or messy?
121. Three things you’re good at:
Writing, overthinking, and being a friend.
122. Three things you’re bad at:
Rationalizing, talking to strangers, and being alone
123. Do you like yourself?
124. What is your life goal?
To be fully happy with who I am.
125. Where do you see yourself in five years?
Hopefully I’m married to jack. Maybe having a baby.
126. If you could choose, how would you want to die? With jack by my side. I don’t want to be alone.
127. Three things you would do with 24 hours left to live? Talk to my family and explain to them some things, tell Joel how important he is to the world, and to have some alone time with jack.
128. What is one thing you’d like to be remembered for after your death? Being a good person
129. Three words to describe your personality?
Awkward, caring, and nice.
130. Three words others use to describe your personality?
Awkward, horny, and fun😂
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