#yes i do call them the mockingjay trio. they are so special to me
districtscare · 6 months
@mollywog @districtunrest i know you both wrote asks with an interest in seeing them so hi!!
they are oriented as district 12 specfic but here are just some general fun ones I've garnered (feel free to ask me for my other ones, but the only reason these are specfic are because i don't have a lot)
for one, i've very much been set on katniss being on the spectrum/autistic because i can see a lot of my experiences as a ND person reflected in her interactions and personality. truthfully, i don't know if she'd officially get a diagnosis until post-war or ever pursue one at all.
i definitely agree that her injuries and the aftermath of the firebombing within mockingjay causes her to cut her hair short due to it being choppy and layered post-bombing (with a lot of hesitancy & anger as her hair was an important thing for her (especially her braid,) and with the loss of it comes ties to a lot of memories. i also think it would affect her deeply as i do headcanon that the people of the seam have native heritage, and her long hair was a show of such.
katniss seems to me as if she'd be aromantic or aspec, with her sexuality not entirely figured out, but i also think that could change overtime. i've always both liked everlark & eversee (madge & katniss,) so i think she could be bi-questioning.
i believe she'd take up pottery post-war, finding an interest in sculpting things with her bare hands and being able to control customizations within the home. something gentle and therapeutic that doesn't have any bad attachments.
to reclaim parts of her identity, i think katniss would eventually come around to painting her nails and wearing dresses of her choosing, but nothing too outwardly feminine. i think she takes comfort over appearance when it comes to her wardrobe, and i think she would definitely be more of a trousers person than skirts.
honestly, i don't find myself having a lot of headcanons for peeta, but one that i do hold very dear to me is him being trans (specifically transmasculine.)
i think it's a thing that his family struggled to grapple with, especially with 2 sons already and the loss of a daughter they never had. his work in the bakery is amplified to meet that boyish physicality, but i also think that his features would hold some sort of androgyny already before his transition. post-games (the 74th,) i think he would've gotten top-surgery, with the possibility of a phalloplasty to follow. from that, i think he'd choose to keep the scars on either his arm or (good) leg.
i think he'd eventually get into more culinary dishes post-war, widening his cooking and also discovering a wider love for such things.
disclaimer: i have so many headcanons for him & cannot possibly fit them here. so here are the surface level ones!
first and foremost, i believe haymitch has quite long hair, his curls being his most striking feature as men within the seam often have pin-straight hair. i also think that it's one of his more attractive qualities, as i believe that he is able to take care of it a good deal.
i've always pictured him to have a bump in his nose, either because its naturally, or because he's broken it before. + i think he's got a natural clumsiness (one reason being because i headcanon him to be around 6'1-6'2 & doorframes are literally a common enemy but also because i just feel like it makes sense. super intelligent but will not see a crack in the pavement and will trip.) still shorter than chaff however, he's probably like 6'4 ..
sexuality wise, bisexual with no particular lean and no preference in partners. however, I've always stuck by him being celibate because i think it goes with his solitary attitude & that social wall he's built for himself but also for other reasons (such as the victor trafficking rink.) i usually pair him shipping-wise with hazelle or chaff (no death happened here guys .. like none)
post-war i believe he gets sober or at least heals his relationship with alcohol, and while the process is tedious, the payoff is a spot of health and stability. (because he does deserve it!) he's also got a fiesty ginger cat he found as a kitten called whiskey who is actively bent on scaring the geese and eating his food.
as a young boy (so around 14-16,) i've always felt that he'd take to woodwork and woodcarving (inherited from his father,) and would learn to make things such as bows, traps and knife handles. this enhances his hunting skills but also gives him an ability to create small wooden sculptures for his younger brother.
at the time of his games, full-body polishes weren't available & so he has all scars regarding his games, and also ones post and prior. he doesn't enjoy living with them, but they serve a reminder of who he is and each struggle he's faced. like badges of honor.
hi so as you can i see i am sooo normal about them.. my favs... let me know if you want more district oriented stuff!
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365days365movies · 4 years
March 1, 2021: The Hobbit (1977) (Part 1)
In a hole in the ground, there lived a Hobbit.
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When I was 9, my school let us read a very special book, originally meant for kids, but beloved by everyone. My folks and I went to Borders Books (FUCK ME, I miss Borders), and we got an illustrated copy of J.R.R. Tolkien’s The Hobbit. I can’t find that book, but if I ever find it again, Imma buy it IMMEDIATELY, I tell you what. And...oh shit, it’s on Amazon for $12? 
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Well. I just made that purchase, I guess. But yeah, I loved that book when I was a kid, and this was during the same year that Peter Jackson’s Lord of the Rings trilogy began, with Fellowship, of course. And I wouldn’t end up watching those until a few years later, but I loved those too when I saw them. And I’ve NEVER seen the abridged version, by the way, I’ve only ever seen the extended editions.
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Although, I can’t call myself a hardcore fan. I’ve never read the Silmarillion, for example. Although, weirdly, I wanted it as a kid at some point, so I was almost there. But no, I ended up getting into comic books hardcore instead, so I can’t tell you the history of Tom Bombadil, but I can tell you about at least one of the fuckin’ 87 tieles that the Legion of Super-Heroes has been involved in. I’m not gonna like it though.
...Yes, I will, who am I kidding, I love the Legion. Anyway, I’ve still always been a fan of the franchise, and I was extremely excited when Jackson announced that he’d be doing an adaptation of The Hobbit! Seriously, I WAS FUCKING PUMPED, you have no idea. I re-read the book, I was super-excited...and then Harry Potter changed EVERYTHING. Kind of.
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See, Harry Potter’s development as a two films made from one book seemed to kick off a trend. Breaking Dawn and Mockingjay are the two that immediately come to mind, as does this film. However, to be fair...that’s probably a coincidence. Yeah, this film was originally developed as two parts, WAY before Deathly Hallows got that treatment. And even then, Jackson and Del Toro had difficulty breaking it up into two parts, and three ended up being easier. Still...the change from two-to-three does feel a little connected to that trend.
Anyway, in celebration of that decision, I’m gonna break this review into three parts! Yes. Really. I want to see if it works. And so, let’s talk about the other most famous adaptation of this book by talking about its creators.
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Yup. Rankin-Bass did 2D-animated cartoons, too! And this was one of their most famous ones, dating back to 1977. But wait! There’s more! This was followed by Ralph Bakshi’s version of Lord of the Rings by a different studio. You know, this one?
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Yeah, that one. It was only based on the first two books, Fellowship and Towers. But it was technically unconnected to the Rankin-Bass version. Which is why it was REALLY weird when Rankin-Bass came out with an adaptation of the third book, Return of the King, right afterwards!
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BUT WAIT THERE’S MORE. Because both of Rankin-Bass’ specials were animated by a Japanese studio called Topcraft, who’d actually worked with Rankin-Bass for years. But then, they went bankrupt a few years later, and was bought by Isao Takahata, Toshio Suzuki, and...Hayao Miyazaki. And it was renamed as...
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So, this is a Hobbit adaptation produced by the Rudolph people and animated by the people who would eventually become Studio Ghibli. Well, uh...holy fucking shit. Let’s DO THIS BABY. SPOILERS AHEAD!!!
Recap (1/3)
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As we’re wont to do in this story, we head to Hobbiton in the Shire, where we meet Bilbo Baggins (Orson Bean). A simple Hobbit in a simple home, with a happy and simple life. But one day, he’s approached by Gandalf (John Huston), who seeks a burglar to help with the mission of a group of dwarves, led by Thorin Oakenshield (Hans Conried).
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We also immediately start off with two songs from the original book, and I have to say that I like them a but better in the Jackson movies, but they’re still well performed here. Anyway, after dinner, the true goal of their quest is given. Beneath Lonely Mountain, the ancestral home of the Dwarves, there was a kingdom ruled by the King Under the Mountain, Thorin’s grandfather.
Through reading the lyrics of the song “Far over the Misty Mountains,” Thorin tells the tale of the takeover of the Dwarves’ great golden hoard by the dragon Smaug. Bilbo is tasked to help the Dwarves steal back the treasure stolen from them. And, while he’s extremely reluctant to be a part of all this, Gandalf basically forces him to, the pushy bastard. And Bilbo’s Greatest Adventure now lies ahead!
Speaking of, here’s the song “The Greatest Adventure”, sung by Glenn Yarborough, who is the living personification of vibrato. Fuckin’ seriously, this guy’s voice is ridiculous, but I love it so much. As the night passes underneath Glenn Yarborough’s hypnotically shaky voice, and uncertain, Bilbo stares out at the moon. Once it’s over, we’re on our way to the Misty Mountains.
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Bilbo’s having a tough time with the long journey and rough weather, and it doesn’t get much better when they encounter a trio of trolls. They send out Bilbo to try and steal some mutton from them, but he’s IMMEDIATELY a failure, and also manages to tell the trolls that the dwarves are present. Nice one, Bilbo. The trolls catch all of the dwarves, although Bilbo manages to escape. 
The trolls argue about how to cook the dwarves, but before they get to do anything, Gandalf shows up and summons the dawn, turning the trolls into stone and saving the dwarves. While they’re initially quite frustrated by Bilbo’s failure, he makes it up by discovering a horde of goods and weapons stolen by the trolls. This is also where Bilbo gets his classic weapon, Sting.
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Gandalf, cheeky bastard that he is, suddenly reveals a map that he’s kept secret from Thorin, its rightful owner. Bilbo, a classic cartomaniac, is able to interpret the map. But there are also runes that they can’t quite read. And so, Gandalf brings them to his friend, Elrond (), who’s wearing a sick-ass glittery tiara that’s hovering off his head. How come Hugo Weaving didn’t have that?
Anyway, Elrond identifies the swords that Thorin and Gandalf grabbed as Orcrist, the Goblin-Cleaver and Glamdring, the Foe-Hammer, because FUCK YEAH, BABY, those are some fuckin’ NAMES! WHOOOOOO!
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Anyway, he also points them in the direction of the mountain, and shows them hidden features to the map. They head through the mountains after this, and rest in a cave. Unfortunately, this cave is on Goblin territory, and the group (sans Gandalf, who’s disappeared to make out with Cate Blanchett or whatever) is quickly ambushed by a group of now-horned Goblins, who chant their song as they go “Down, Down, to Goblin-Town”. Which is a song that I love, unironically. It compels me to sing along.
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The Goblins nearly kill them when they discover Orcrist in Thorin’s possession, but they’re saved by the sudden appearance of Gandalf with the glowing sword Glamdring. He kills the Great Goblin, and the group run out with the Goblins in hot pursuit. Well, except for Bilbo.
Yeah, Bilbo falls into a cavern below the mountain, and the dwarves think him gone for good. However, he’s miraculously safe on the ground, having landed in an underground aquifer, in which lives THE GREATEST CHARACTER IN THE MIDDLE-EARTH FRANCHISE FUCKIN’ AT ME I DARE YOU
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And just so we’re clear, I’m not talking about the film version only, I’m talking about Gollum/Smeagol in general. Granted, I don’t want a film starring him or anything (coughCruellacoughcoughMaleficentcoughcoughClaricecoughcough), but I love this dissociative little dude so much. He’s one of my favorite fantasy characters in general, and is also maybe the best example of a sympathetic villain, in film at least.
OK, to be fair, I love Andy Serkis’ version of the character a LOT, like a LOT a lot, and it’s a great version of the character. OK, so what do I think of this version? He’s...interesting, actually. If I’m honest, I kinda like him. This is similar to how I always pictured Gollum when I was a kid.
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I mean, listen to this description from the book, yeah?
Deep down here by the dark water lived old Gollum, a small slimy creature. I don't know where he came from, nor who or what he was. He was Gollum - as dark as darkness, except for two big round pale eyes in his thin face...He was looking out of his pale lamp-like eyes for blind fish, which he grabbed with his long fingers as quick as thinking.
I dunno, that does sound more like this version of Gollum to me, just saying. Anyway, while Gollum is off fishing in the water, Bilbo gets up on the shore, where he finds a little golden ring Not important, just a ring, definitely means nothing at all, NOTHING AT ALL, NOTHING TO SEE HERE.
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The hungry Gollum (Brother Theodore) happens upon Bilbo, precious, wonders if Bilbo would taste good, and is basically about to kill him for his sweet hobbit meat, before Bilbo takes out Sting. Now afraid, Gollum offers a game of riddles. The two make a deal: if Bilbo wins at a game of riddles, Gollum will show him the  way out. But if Gollum wins, precious will eat him raaaaaaaw and wrrrrrrrrrriggling!
The riddles commence, in a super-fuckin’-classic moment, and also ends with maybe the most bullshit moment in all of fantasy lore. After clever riddles with answers involving eggs, wind, and time, Bilbo’s last riddle is “What’s in my pocket?” The fuck, Bilbo, that’s absolute BULLSHIT!
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Not that it matters. Bilbo wins, but Gollum goes to find his ring to show it to Bilbo before he takes him away. Thing is, though, that’s what was in Bilbo’s pocket, which Gollum quickly figures out, my precious. He’s about to kill Bilbo to get back his birthday present, precious, but Bilbo discovers the secret trick of the ring: it turns the wearer invisible, AND THAT WILL NEVER BE A BAD THING EVER.
Gollum thinks that Bilbo’s escaped and runs after him toward the exit. This, of course, leads Bilbo towards the exit inadvertently, and he follows Gollum, then jumps over him to get back. To which Gollum screams the following:
Thief! Thief! Baggins! We hates it! Hates it! Forever!
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I hear you, buddy. I hear you. Well, once Bilbo escapes, he reconvenes with the rest, and shares his adventure in the cave, but leaves out the ring. And Gandalf seems to know, based on his dialogue. And I checked, and he figured it out in the book and Jackson movie, too. And I gotta say...WHAT THE FUCK GANDALF
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I mean...DUDE. CHECK UP on that shit. Do you wizard job, man! If you’d been like, “Dude...you didn’t find a magic ring that turns you invisible, ight, because we’re FUCKED if you did”, NONE OF THE LORD OF THE RINGS WOULD’VE HAPPENED, AND BOROMIR WOULD STILL BE ALIVE
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Everybody talks about the fuckin’ eagles, but WHY DO I NEVER HEAR ANYONE MENTION THIS SHIT? Gandalf the Grey: Middle-Earth’s most irresponsible asshole, I swear...
This seems like a good place to pause, actually. See you in the next part!
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linferry-archive · 7 years
tagged by: @agentgalpal well that’s gonna be fun~
rules: once you have been tagged, you’re supposed to write 92 truths about yourself. at the end, choose 25 people to tag!
LAST… [1] drink: red tea with cherry~ [2] phone call: my dad [3] text message: my mom [4] song you listened to: Immortals by Fall Out Boy [5] time you cried: a week ago when I heard about my closest teacher’s death HAVE YOU EVER… [6] dated someone twice: no [7] been cheated on: no [8] kissed someone and regretted it: no [9] lost someone special: yes [10] been depressed: yes [11] gotten drunk and thrown up: yes LIST 3 FAVORITE COLORS: (only three???? ;p;) [12] sky blue [13] bright yellow [14] mint green IN THE LAST YEAR, HAVE YOU… [15] made new friends: yep~ [16] fallen out of love: nope~ [17] laughed until you cried: yes! [18] found out someone was talking about you: yes [19] met someone who changed you: in a way~ [20] found out who your true friends are: not really, I know them already~ [21] kissed someone on your facebook list: no GENERAL… [22] how many of your facebook friends do you know in real life: Met all of them personally, but I keep in touch with waaay less than a half. [23] do you have any pets: a dog and a kitty cat~ [24] do you want to change your name: nope [25] what did you do for your last birthday: I had a sleepover with friends just before the birth day, later I was reading and drawing a bit, had a family dinner... I don’t really remember the details, but it was a nice day~ [27] what were you doing at midnight last night: reading biology and chatting with a friend [28] name something you cannot wait for: premiere of Kingdom Hearts 3....... maybe one day... one day... I CAN HOPE OKAY [29] when was the last time you saw your mother: I’m looking at her right now XD [30] what is one thing you wish you could change your self: I wish I could control better my mood swings. It’s such a pain. [31] what are you listening to right now: yelling Katniss in the background (my family watches The Mockingjay) [32] have you ever talked to a person named tom: yes XD [33] something that is getting on your nerves: ignorance and when people don’t want to hear an opinion opposite to their own, because only theirs is “the right one”. [34] most visited website: Tumblr/YT [35] junior school / elementary: I was this dumb “how about I do anyway~” kid XD Lots of fun, playing superheroes and such [36] senior school / high school: crazy time, I met many awesome people, but it was also a very hard time at one point. [37] university / college: MUAHAHAHAHA. It is fun. Not really. Let me sleep. [38] hair color: brown [39] long or short hair: slightly beyond my shoulders, I let them grow~ [40] do you have a crush on someone: not really no [41] what do you like about yourself: My optimism. The fact that recently I’m making my own decisions I’m proud of. It feels great. [42] piercings: only ears - the basic pair [43] blood type: 0 Rh+ [44] nicknames: few call me Puppy sometimes, but nothing else~ [45] relationship status: single [46] zodiac sign: Sagittarius [47] pronouns: she/her [48] fav tv show: Hannibal [49] tattoos: currently none, but just you wait, I have plans~ [50] right- or left-handed: right FIRST… [51] surgery: never happened~ [52] piercing: I was 11, I really wanted to wear earrings. I got my first ear pierced and it made me so upset it took about 15 minutes to get me back on the chair to pierce the second one XD [53] best friend: when I was 6 I was put in a church’s junior choir and there I met my first two best friends. We were the best trio ever and our families knew each other well so we got to spend some vacations together. Now we’re not that close, but we keep in touch and share a lot of great memories~ [54] sport: swimming. I loved that, but till this day I can’t open my eyes under water... [55] vacation: camping~! It’s a family tradition and we go to this specific campsite every July~ [56] pair of trainers: I don’t remember... Probably those I had when I joined basketball team, but no idea how they looked. I guess they were blue. RIGHT NOW… [57] eating: nothing [58] drinking: red tea with cherry~ [59] i’m about to take: a piece of cheesecake.......? Driver license course.....? [60] listening to: still Katniss talking in the background, good job, rebel girl, whatever you’re doing~ [61] waiting for: nothing much, I’m content [62] want: get some good sleep soon [63] get married: that would be nice~ [64] career: Endless posibilities, even I don’t know. WHICH IS BETTER… [65] hugs or kisses: hugs [66] lips or eyes: eyes [67] shorter or taller: taller [68] older or younger: there’s something great about both of these [69] romantic or spontaneous: spontaneous [70] nice arms or nice stomach: aaaarms definitely [71] sensitive or loud: sensitive, I’m playing the loud part [72] hook-up or relationship: relationship all the way~ [73] troublemaker or hesitant: hesitant is good HAVE YOU EVER… [74] kissed a stranger? no [75] drank hard liquor? yep [76] lost glasses/contact lenses?: I don’t wear any~ [77] turned someone down? yes [78] sex on first date? no [79] broken someone’s heart? I don’t think so [80] had your own heart broken? not really no [81] been arrested? no [82] cried when someone died? yes [83] fallen for a friend: weeeeeeeeeeeell yeah DO YOU BELIEVE IN… [84] yourself? yes (currently at least) [85] miracles? yes [86] love at first sight? no [87] santa claus?: I’ll be on the naughty list if I say I don’t .3. [88] kiss on the first date? yes [89] angels? yes OTHER… [90] current best friend’s name: like one? I have a few of them, they all matter a world to me. [91] eye color: blue [92] favorite movie: I love Crimson Peak and Big Hero 6 and LOTR trilogy and are you still going to make me choose? tagging: I don’t have anyone else to tag. Really ._______.
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