#bilbo baggins
lualuadraw · 3 days
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petite-madame · 2 days
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💗 What I'm working on 💗
I'm working on tons of different artworks at the same time. Here's what to expect next from "Petite-Madame's Fan Art Factory". They are all "work in progress", except for one.
NOT PICTURED HERE: a character who appears in Deadpool & Wolverine
An angsty Destiel fan art (that started as an EverStrange art, then an IronStrange one, don't ask 🙃)
A series devoted to the eating habits of Hobbits and more particularly Bilbo Baggins (Maybe 6-7 artworks, expect a lot of food)
A happy artwork of everybody's favorite Ineffable Husbands
A portrait of John Winchester (this one is done, so I guess I'll post it first)
A portrait of Mycroft, having some problems dealing with the recent political changes in his country
A study of Sherlock (this one will only be posted on Twitter, as it's just a sketch)
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gomzdrawfr · 2 days
Bagginshield vibe
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shurikthereject · 10 hours
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A small doodle of a smiling Thorin before bed, just for the soul.
I found my old ball point pen, nothing can stop me from drawing Thorin with extra braids. I wonder who braided those in...
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estethell · 3 days
Galadriel: Mithrandir, why the Halfling?
Gandalf: I don't know. I thought that having Bilbo Baggins in the company would lead Thorin not to do too many stupid things in order to conquer the hobbit.
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olddwarfyaoi · 3 days
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doodled the lads!! 🎀 idk what compelled me to do this but i think i can blame 365 by charli xcx
+ bonus:
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aliveandalsodead · 1 day
Whoever decided that Female Bilbo Baggins needed to be called "Bilba" should be hunted for sport
I don't regularly judge what other people write unless it's a literal crime and i don't think it's something you should have to stop(the genderbending) but when there are fics without tags to exclude them it sucks
I can't express how much disgust i feel at Bilbo being the only one genderbent in these, and how pathetic "she" is written, because there is no way anyone actually thinks Bilbo being a girl would take the bullshit right outa this hobbit
Why make a character a girl just to make them submissive and shy? I will shake you like maracas to loosen those braincells
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does anyone have any fairytale au bagginsheild fics that don't have gender changes?
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homosubtext · 22 hours
bilbo and his cringefail trophy husband thorin oakenshield
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dizzyorb · 1 day
I love bagginsheild because on one hand you have the one who LOOKS like they could kick your ass (Thorin) and the one who will actually kick you're ass (Bilbo)
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heart-select · 1 day
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The King, The Paramour
Mafia AU but the idea is people underestimate bilbo but it's the queen that moves most in a game of chess. Mildly inspired by "Marked Man" by TenTomatoes
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aliensurvivalist · 2 days
Okay but imagine one night Bilbo is sitting talking with Bofur on his night watch, curious about all the instruments Bofur plays, and Bilbo mentions that although he can’t play an instrument, he likes to write rhymes and he’s written a full nursery rhyme that he’s proud of but too shy to show off or publish.
Bilbo is hesitant about singing it for Bofur, but because of how comforting and friendly Bofur’s been on their journey so far compared to the others, he’s persuaded into singing it for him and it’s the Merry Old Inn rhyme, and Bofur is blown away and thinks it’s amazing. Bilbo’s ego is obviously a little inflated by this but he’s still too shy to sing it for the company when they’re awake like Bofur wants him to, so he gives Bofur permission to sing it for them in the morning.
When they set off again per Thorin’s instruction, Bilbo is anxiously waiting for the opinions of the group while Bofur introduces the rhyme to the company. As soon as he’s done singing, they all love it and Bilbo is so grateful for the justice Bofur’s performance served his song. Eventually it gets sung so much, the company all learns it themselves, so by the time they get to Rivendell they all know it off by heart when Bofur performs it at dinner, and although Bilbo is a little embarrassed at how rude of guests they’re being to the elves, he is so excited that they love it so much.
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abroamicus · 3 days
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ineffible-chaos · 1 day
anyone else suddenly get hit with a total wave of feelings thinking about bilbo and thorin?
all of their lost what-ifs, could have beens and maybes?
thinking about bilbo, planting those trees in the springtime just as Thorin told him but knowing his heart wasn’t into it as it was buried with his lost King hundreds of miles away in Erebor.
Thinking about how hard it might’ve been in the beginning for Bilbo to look at Frodo, who’s dark hair reminded him so, so much of Thorins.
idk, smth about lost soulmates makes me weep ☹️
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zugmode · 18 hours
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leavespics · 21 hours
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(for commission)
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