#yes i gave him a vest bc i just thought he would be the type to
saintluil · 7 months
mike !!
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lailaliquorice · 5 years
you were made to become a sanctuary
The second of seven anon requests, and this was actually sent in by two people! The prompt is “Is that blood?” “...No?” and anon #2 asked for aragon and boleyn, which was what I’d planned anyway so I was v happy!
honestly I love the aragon and boleyn mother/daughter duo so damn much. this has vulnerable aragon and boleyn angst so might just be one of my favourite oneshots yet. that’s all I have to say bc it’s nearly 10pm and I haven’t had dinner yet due to wanting to finish this first lol
tw for blood (obvs lol) and indirect mentions of needles
Despite the fact that Aragon had been a mother longer than anyone else had been, she wasn’t the chief ‘mum friend’ out of the group. That title belonged very firmly to Jane, who never failed to look after them all whenever they needed someone to mother them. From the usually sceptical Cleves who accepted the help while only pretending not to need it, to the very willing Kat who had been in obvious need of a maternal figure from the second she was reincarnated. And Jane was the perfect person to provide that for them all.
But that didn’t mean that Aragon wasn’t the motherly type. She had raised her daughter for fifteen years before her divorce so knew a thing or two about mothering teenagers, meaning that both Jane and Kat had come to her for advice that the two couldn’t take from each other. She knew how to read expressions like words and could always tell when someone was unwell or upset or just needed someone to check in with them. Perhaps she wasn’t as much of an outward mother hen as Jane was, but that didn’t mean she didn’t feel that sort of care towards her younger queens.
As a result, all her alarm bells were sent ringing at the sound of someone stumbling over the doorstep very late one night.
The sound of quiet cursing told her it was Anne, which made sense since she’d gone out after the show to meet with a historian and had told the others not to wait up for her. It was only by chance that Aragon was still awake herself – she’d lost track of time while reading – but she was immediately very glad that she had been as she hurried out of the kitchen towards the front door. Anne was holding onto the doorframe as she clumsily pulled her shoes off, and she would have almost fallen a second time if she hadn’t managed to catch herself on the chest of drawers.
“Are you drunk?” Aragon asked, watching her through concerned eyes.
Anne shook her head, seeming slightly off though Aragon could tell she was trying desperately to play it off. “No, ‘m fine. Just a bit tired,” she insisted, walking past Aragon into the kitchen.
But there was definitely something wrong, Aragon realised as she scrutinised her carefully. A slight limp in her walk, one arm held stiffly to her side, the dazed look in her eyes. She was about to follow Anne when out of the corner of her eye she noticed a dark smear on the doorframe she was sure hadn’t been there before. After casting a quick glance towards Anne to make sure she wasn’t looking she went over to take a closer look, and her stomach dropped when she realised what she’d originally thought was just dirt was actually crimson.
She didn’t say anything as she rushed back into the kitchen and grabbed Anne’s wrist without explanation. Sure enough, there were red stains on her fingertips which confirmed Aragon’s fears. “Is this blood?” she asked, eyeing her intently.
“…No?” Anne answered vaguely, not meeting Aragon’s gaze.
“Anne, please,” Aragon said, refusing to let go of her in case she tried to run off. “This is blood, isn’t it?”
There was a second where she thought Anne was going to deny it again, before her lower lip trembled and she gave a shallow nod. “Yeah,” she whispered, suddenly looking incredibly small.
Aragon’s expression softened at the pitiful sight of her, relaxing her grip on Anne’s wrist as she led her over to the table. “Sit down and let me see,” she ordered gently, waiting with arms outstretched in case Anne needed the support as she sat before pulling up her own chair.
Anne was quiet as she pulled off her jacket, and it was hard for Aragon not to recoil in horror as she saw the deep cuts in Anne’s shoulder from which dark blood flowed sluggishly over pale skin. The pained wince on her face was unmissable as she pulled up her skirt to reveal similar wounds on one knee which the material had stuck to. And when she looked at Aragon for the first time, she saw the shallow graze over one eyebrow which had been hidden by her hair until then.
“I was walking home from the pub where I met the historian and someone grabbed me,” she began without Aragon needing to prompt the story out of her. “I dunno what he wanted, me or my purse probably. Kicked him in the balls to make him let go, but when I tried to go he smashed a bottle and hit me over the shoulder with it, then pushed me over where all the glass was. I just got up and ran the rest of the way home.”
A few tears had rolled down her cheek as she spoke and her breathing had quickened with panic, prompting Aragon to lean forwards and take her hands gently. “Breathe, Anne, you’re home and safe now,” she said, giving Anne a reassuring smile as Anne nodded and inhaled deeply through her nose. “There you go. Now hold tight for a moment while I fetch a few things.”
Anne nodded again, and Aragon squeezed her hands before getting up and heading for the medicine cabinet. She was always grateful in times like these that Jane liked to keep it so well stocked, since the first aid kit was practically overflowing with antiseptic wipes and plasters of all shapes and sizes. After a thought occurred to her she paused in her rummaging to flick the kettle on, and when she sat back down at the table she handed Anne a mug of hot chocolate before laying her medical supplies over the table.
“Drink that, it’ll help with the shock,” she said, giving Anne a knowing smile before she got to work.
A look of confusion crossed Anne’s face as she sniffed the contents of her mug, but it was followed by a tiny smile as she took a sip. “You think of everything,” she quipped in a fragile voice, and Aragon couldn’t help but give a short huff of laughter.
There was mostly silence between them as Aragon cleaned up the gashes on Anne’s knee and down her shin from where she’d landed on the pavement littered with glass shards. Aragon gave herself a moment of relief when she cleaned the grit away and found no glass lodged in any of the cuts, murmuring frequent apologies as Anne flinched away from the sting of the antiseptic. After securing a large square of gauze dressing, she got Anne to turn her chair slightly so she could work on her shoulder.
A thoughtful hum escaped her as she surveyed the circle of deep cuts, noting with growing concern how they were still bleeding profusely and staining her once-white vest top scarlet. “I think you might need to get stitches put in these,” she said quietly.
She felt Anne’s shoulders tense beneath her hands, before she relaxed with a sigh. “Ok,” she said with a nod, looking back at Aragon with a resigned smile. “Are we going now?”
“Yes,” Aragon nodded, getting to her feet first and offering her hands to help Anne stand.
Her support quickly turned out to be well needed when Anne stood up on her injured leg and immediately cursed loudly in agony. Aragon’s arms shot out to catch her as she stumbled over sideways, hopping on her other leg as she fought to regain her balance. “Swear it wasn’t hurting this much when I was running home,” she muttered, letting out a breathless and obviously pained laugh.
“That was probably the adrenaline,” Aragon pointed out, pulling Anne’s arm over her shoulders and putting the other hand on her waist to take as much of her weight as she could. “Come on, let’s get you into the car.”
“Hold up,” Anne said, leaning over to snag the keys off the hook before grabbing onto Aragon’s shoulders again and letting her help her out to the car.
After getting Anne into the passenger seat, an activity that made Aragon wish she had Anna’s strength to just lift her in, they were off to the hospital. Their time in the waiting room was spent with Aragon sat in one chair and Anne laid across about four with her head in Aragon’s lap, and Aragon didn’t even realise she’d started playing with Anne’s hair until Anne let out a happy hum as she relaxed under her touch. Aragon stilled for a second, suddenly afraid of something she couldn’t quite put her finger on, before Anne pouting up at her prompted her to continue.
A voice calling out “Miss Boleyn,” ended the moment between them, and Aragon just smiled down at Anne before helping her to her feet again.
They were taken into a treatment room where thankfully Aragon had an extra pair of hands to help Anne up onto the bed. The doctor quickly confirmed Aragon’s suspicion that stitches were required, and the question if Anne wanted pain relief as the stitches were put in was met with a “Yes” so quick that Aragon had to roll her eyes in both amusement and exasperation.
Anne was sat on the bed facing Aragon as the stitches were put in, holding the gas and air mouthpiece in one hand and clinging onto Aragon with the other. Her scared eyes scarcely left Aragon’s face as the doctor worked, with Aragon murmuring quiet encouragements every time she flinched a little during the procedure. Once everything was finished and the graze on her forehead had been looked at too, they were sent home with instructions on when to change the dressings and an appointment booked in a week’s time to get them removed.
“Catalina?” Anne whined as Aragon attempted with difficulty to get her out of the car once they were home; the painkillers had gone to her head and made her a little loopier than usual. “Catalinaaaaaaa?”
“What is it Anne?” Aragon asked as she finally managed to get Anne onto the driveway, shutting the car door before leading her into the house. The words alone might have come across as fed up, but there was a fond look in her eyes and note of amusement in her voice upon hearing her Spanish name as she helped Anne through the doorway.
Anne was quiet as she watched Aragon take her shoes off. Aragon was beginning to think she’d forgotten her question altogether when she spoke again, looking up at her through wide eyes. “Do you love me?”
The question made Aragon pause for a split second, the same misgivings she’d had in the hospital waiting room flooding back, before she saw the hope in Anne’s face and relaxed. From how they’d started out after their reincarnation, their relationship had grown and changed until Aragon was finding herself thinking of her like she had once thought of her Mary without even realising it. Sometimes that realisation scared her; it wasn’t only the guilt at essentially replacing her daughter, but the fear that something would take Anne away from her in the same way she’d once lost Mary. But, if her second chance was going to be worth anything, she was determined to leave those ghosts firmly in her past.
“I do,” Aragon finally answered just as Anne’s eyes dropped, and she felt her misgivings melt away at the sight of Anne’s grin. “Like you’re my own daughter. And I’m sorry I don’t show it more often.”
Aragon didn’t know how Anne managed it without tripping over her own feet in her inebriated state, but barely a second passed before she had Anne’s arms around her neck in a tight hug. “Thanks mum,” she whispered in Aragon’s ear.
Tears pooled in Aragon’s eyes upon hearing the word she hadn’t heard in nearly five hundred years. Anne’s sudden sway pulled her from her shock and she wrapped her arms around the younger girl’s back, too touched to feel any shame as Anne watched her shed a happy tear.
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kaoticspoonie · 6 years
So yesterdays SD adventures
- I almost hit someone. You know when a kid goes to put their hand on a hot stove or when a guy goes to grab you and you just smack their hand real quick? Yea someone sneak pet Kaos yesterday and my whole arm noticebly jerked bc I almost hit her without thinking. I wished I had made a fuss. We were in line and there were four kids behind me so my focus was split. I've gotten really good at either petting their arms or witty comments when ppl pet him, my fav so far is - "those are nice shoes, it's a shame they are gonna be covered in blood since you think your right to pet him is more important then his job"
- Had multiple ppl in one store ask where I got Kaos's vest.
The first was a middle aged white man.. he said "where'd you get that vest? I wanna take my dog with me everywhere" in that tone that middle aged white ppl use when they make racist jokes and want you to nod along with them. I replied "He earned it after 4 years of training".
The next was an older white woman and I was cautious bc of the other experience but we were in line so we talked a little and it turned out she has a dog who keeps chewing thru leashes on walks so she was thinking a harness that clipped on the back would keep the dog from reaching the leash as easily. I directed her to some better harnesses and lupine leashes.
- had a gentleman come up to us outside of a store where I was waiting for my sister and getting away from the crowds. He got in Kaos's face and said "I know I can't say hi to comfort dogs but he is cute" and I replied "well he is a cardiac alert dog" Wish I had managed to defend psychiatric SDs in there but just didn't have the energy.
On the good side -
Had a nice conversation with an older man and woman in wheelchairs. The man loved Kaos but never tried to get in his face or talk to him. We talked about what Kaos does and how I trained him. He said if I ever didn't want Kaos he would take him (jokingly). Said he could ride in his lap everywhere and his wife was like ??? He is giant, so the man said he would just strap him to his chest and he could ride everywhere and I was like he would actually love that? Then I told them about how Kaos got obsessed with wheelchairs during training bc I trained him with high value treats to heel next to them so everytime he saw one he would heel next to it and look at me expecting treats. They thought it was the funniest story ever.
Talked to a woman who approached me after another store while my sister was going to load the car and I was waiting by the next store. She works in the store we had just come out of but didn't want to distract me while we were shopping, seemed to understand how frustrating it is. I wonder if she saw the woman pet Kaos behind my back. I let her say hi, after I sat down and explained to her that Kaos wouldn't say hi if I was standing up. I talked about how I think one of the things ppl don't understand is it's not always about the dog getting distracted as much as overwhelmed with smells and such (for dogs that rely on scent for alerts).
- talked to a sales person in Target, she was organizing the clothes I was looking at and I was holding up shirts so my sister could say yes or no to me getting them. The lady was being nice and handing me or pointing out shirts. We got to talking about dogs (obviously) and her brother has schnauzers, and her co-worker who was working the same aisle has a king shepherd so we showed off pictures of Mischief and one of them actually teared up.
- had a woman talk to me about how well behaved Kaos was and that they had a service dog that would come into where she worked that wasn't this well behaved and I managed to defend this handler I had never met before, so that was really cool. Talked about how if the dog wasn't being disruptive or agressive it was up to the handler, and that Kaos seemed really well behaved bc he was chill but Mischief sometimes doesn't bc she is always ready to go and about how she is actually a better candidate for SD work. Also talked about how sometimes things that look like misbehaving are the dog working - gave the examples of Kaos momentum pulling and Mischief jumping for alerts. Idk if I changed her mind about how inappropriate the backhanded compliment was but I don't like those types of compliments - the 'you aren't like other girls' types.
- Had a kid say 'dogs aren't allowed in stores!' and the adult said 'well some dogs who have jobs are' and the kid asked if Kaos worked at Target (cute!) And the mom explained that the dog works for me to keep me safe, and the kid asked why he was so big and she explained that he probably helped me get up when I fall or helped me walk around so he needed to be big and strong. I'm really sad I didn't manage to say thank you or good job or something!
So eventful day and we only went to four stores (and Starbucks) and were out for three hours - and a half if you count the Starbucks drive thru.
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freigaeist · 8 years
also a random question but - favourite ship, if you have one?
VMON ; the fashionistas, the earth signs, the teacher and his student, the refreshingly buzz of wild thoughts swirling through the organized mind whAT IS NOT TO LOVE ABOUT VMON!!! i can’t even say what is the most adorable abt those two but i think i’m drawn to how surprisingly similar they are but also how utterly different? whilst they’re both care-taker namjoon is the mental support, he’s incredibly good with words and verbal reassurance whereas taehyung can make anybody feel at ease with just a smile or a hand on the shoulder. whilst the older is gifted with just the right words in any situation the younger has that feeling to him that puts others at ease immediately; like a puppy you pet and feel better though it’s a small creature that needs you to take care of them and guide them you feel oddly accepted, protected, loved and taken care of by a huge grin, lots of spit and scratch marks on your hands and the feeling of their fur underneath your trembling fingers and that is taehyung. namjoon on the other hand is the words of an elder, a friend, a mother that do more than every physical support could do for you at that very moment. namjoon is the voice reading you a bedtime story that lulls you to sleep from very far away while taehyung is the bass soothingly vibrating beneath your head whilst being pressed close to his warm body. i imagine namjoons fingers are always kinda cold and at their best luke warm or hot and sweaty and taehyung seem to be always very warm and dry. namjoon get headaches from worrying too much and nibbling on his inner cheek in thoughts, taehyung has already moved from the foggy slumber of the past, got rid of the muddy finger prints on his white vest and is with one foot already in the newly fallen snow of the future, in his chest already bubbling excitement and aticipitation. vmon are the lecturing but kind words of an older person guiding and the younger reaching out and holding them in their steady embrace for a while knowing that even the wisest and oldest need nothing but a hug and a thankful smile from time to time.
so vmon is like the Ship of the Month but c’mon we all know bea HAS to have sidehoes (Me, A triple-biased Ship Wreck, ) so i’ll go in detail abt the others too fuck it why not:
JinMin ; ah yes sag+libra, they’re the kinds of sweets that look innocent and taste sweet and nice on first bite before some nasty kind of lemon STINGS into your tongue and you reconsider ever eating candy again bc how dare the sugar&sweets industry foaling you like this??? jinmin is this; effing libra park jimin being the cutest but also the most cunning out there, he KNOWS how to act and how to behave to have people liking him - but that doesn’t work when the person he’s trying to lull in acts like an actual 5y/o that just. isn’t having it. nopedy nop nope. this bangtan bomb is still everything to me bc i think their individual relationship comes out wonderfully as well as this vlive - truth be told both are reasons why my life improved 10% overall am not kidding. seokjin is the bigger brother chim never had and jimin the younger jin never had i think their sense of humour is rly similar (name one time when jimin pressured himself NOT to laugh at jins antics!), they’re the Gossip Girls out of these bunch of boyscouts and i love them for that! whenever one of them is whispering into the others ear it looks extra shady if you ask me &I LOVE IT! jimin sometimes looks so extra Done with Jin and he just continues going on his nerves like it’s a water slide &I LVOE IT! i also love how seokjin is older but let’s jimin (and everybody else) just have their ways from time to time, he isn’t too serious when he doesn’t needs to be and i think that puts the others at ease. they’re also Team Touchy though i’d say jimin is more of the physical support than jin bc jimin isn’t one to be all sappy with words but rather shows his concern and that he senses someone’s upset with simple, reassuring gestrues. he doesn’t play around like jin does when he’s bored or is all clingy and is glued to people like taehyung but he got his ways in immediately being close and having a hand on ones shoulder when they’re worried and i actually think jin learned a bit from chim when it comes to this? i mean yes he’s The (so claimed) Mom but he isn’t overly touchy but with the youngsters he is and i find that rly cute! they’re on one wave and the wave’s wild and high enough to happily sail on it :’^) i also read this lovely yet absolute heart-breaking (in the possibly best way) masterpiece and fell in love instantely
others i’m all HEART EYES for
Sope ; who isn’t in love with yoonseok. honestly. the pisces boy and his water bearer. when yoongi’s the deep dark water growing heavy and deadly hoseok is lightning buzzing through the halfway frozen surface, cracking ice and bringing light into the darkness which the water reflects in every direction to light it up. when hobi is all twitching nerves and fluid anxiety (and he’s all nerves to me; even when he’s talking in a quiet/low voice to calm ppl he’s talking incredibly FAST and his voice literally dances up&down he is just. A BUNDLE OF NERVES HE’S SUCH AN AQUARIAN) yoongi is reassuring deepness and calm and when yoongi’s depressed and without any motivation and everything and everyone is choking him to death and he feels like drowing hoseok is his light, oxygen and soul food. they’ve that super healthy relationship where they magically balance their downsides out smh?? that’s how i see them. they’re offering what the other is lacking and by that make a very strong unit. plus yoongi is really straight-forward and honest but he’s not one who’s all lovey dovey and shows how much he cares too obvious BUT WITH HOB HE IS EXACTLY THAT!!! i just rly love them but then again, who doesn’t?
Taejin ; Team Agegap - mhh both have a similar but different feeling to me but it’s all pure. they let jin be the child and are sUPER ANNOYED BY HIM sometimes when he wants to play around and they don’t want to! Seokjin is absolutely in love with taehyung (but then again who isn’t) and they can gET INCREDIBLY TOUCHY (possesive bf Tae at it everywhere, their mama stage??) with each another! plus the one and only thing i ever wrote is taejin lol for jinkook, i love that seokjin has that ability to lower himself. he’s the oldest and jeongguk the youngest yet i think they’re very close in the sense that jin is lowering himself and jeongguk likes to play the know-it-better& mess with his oldest hyung at times so they’re almost equal (plus team muscle pigs yay). these three are a bunch of pre-schoolers i wouldn’t want to take care of (am kidding pls pls let me play around with them!)
Double Wings ; Smol & Tol - namjin were the first that got me into reading bts fanfics (our sometimes tired, sometimes overly enthusiastic but 90% of the time emBARRASSING parents who gave the word Awkward its meaning (not bc they’re awkward with each other hell they’ve one of the best relationships you can have with someone who you’re not similar to in lots of ways), are absolutely, undeniably in el oh ve eh with each other), namjoon as the motivated, strict person that want and wants and wants and seokjin the actual fire sign telling the earth sign to CHILL for a second or two.. they just get me lots. minjoon is just. pure love. one of the least physical members and one of the touchiest, the smallest bundle that has his shell perfectly under control and the tallest that has everything but control over his long, slender limbs, don’t they make a nice meet&greet of opposites i love it!
and last but not least: Taeguk ! my sweet summer children, the youngest and most playful, partners in crime! they have your chest aching and heart longing for a soulmate you don’t know yet but want to have by your side already, they’re a refreshing summer breeze when you’re out in the midst of an autumn storm and they just give me that supper fuzzy, warm and very soft feeling inside where i either want to put them to bed and read them a bed time story of be out with them in the middle of a hot summer night, ripping out trees and yelling until it echoes to the moon and back. taehyung is warmth and steadiness when jeongguk is anxious and unsure, he’s an older brother that doesn’t mind playing the younger for a while and jeongguk is obviously the touchiest with taehyung (no surprise as taehyung IS the touchiest himself lol). i think the most fics i read (it’s not many but if i start one that i love i will read 20k in one go) is taeguk just bc it’s rly popular (which is understandable if you ask me?) and many talented ppl fell in love with them! 
shoutout to 2seok & jikook for being underrated in their brother-like, more quiet charms and sugamon for putting up with one another for such a long time so they practically grew on one another, sugakookie where an Intro Big shows an Intro Smol that it’ll be okay being like this in an extroverted idol world AND vmin & namseok for being the typical same age liners where one of the “twins” constantely states “i’m like 2minutes older rESPECT ME YOU LITTLE SHIT!”
bangtan is one family and i love all their friendships/dynamics but those are my faves :’^) in the end nobody stans bts as much as taehyung bts anyways, right? THANK YOU FOR LETTING ME WASTE MY TIME I LOVED THIS
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