#yes i mean both Ambrosius' (movie and comic)
ilivelikeimtrying · 4 months
Ambrosius likes astronomy.
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donutdisturblivball · 11 months
after rewatching nimona four times since its release (because yes, this movie is just that good), i caught a few little details that just make the whole experience so much better. so, incoming SPOILER ALERT, don’t read this if you haven’t watched the movie yet. speaking of, why the fuck haven’t you?? go watch the movie (and read the comic while you’re at it, some sites offer it for free), then come back and enjoy.
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1. When the Squire gives Ballister his sword, he clearly realizes something’s wrong with it. He’s trained with it for so long that he knew that something was off just by holding it. This detail is something you wouldn’t pay much attention to when you first watch the film, but it’s there to make you realize something is a little off, especially when the Squire attempts to show him the video, but it also has plausible deniability so you could chalk it up to being something else (ie. the Squire wanting a picture with Ballister).
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2. This sneaky line from this sneaky bitch.
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3. Nimona tells us exactly how the movie ends. (Sorta. In a sense. The phoenix rises from the ashes and overthrows the government.)
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4. You can see Nimona sneaking into the jail where Ballister is being kept.
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5. Mini Ballister and Ambrosius! I think a few others have pointed this out before, but I only noticed it upon my second rewatch. (A little surprised younger Ambrosius didn’t have the Asian bob. That’s like a right of passage.)
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6. Nimona’s train backstory versus her flashback.
7. During Nimona’s nightmare on the couch, she turns into a wolf, and then a cat. In her flashback, as the villagers attack her, she turns into a cat and then a wolf. It could be because having her turn into anything else would be too big for the couch, but if this is intentional, then it means Nimona was having a nightmare of that day.
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8. This. Visually, the sparks are sorta similar, and in both instances, Ballister has lost something irreplaceable. I think this one might be a reach and may not be intentional, but my mind connected the two scenes and wouldn’t let go, so.
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Honorable mention: the gay and trans flags above Ballister and Nimona respectively in that one scene. iykyk. I didn’t add it because 1. I think many other people have brought it up and 2. the mobile app is limiting me to 10 images. Anyway, I love this movie and its comic SO much and I’m so glad that it made it to our screens from the box of scrapped movies that could have been great if people (namely, executives) gave them a chance. There is so much love, care, and passion put into this movie, and you can really sense that this was made for its audience and its author, for its story and not only for the money it could make. This movie is metal as fuck, so GO STREAM IT!!
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yrrtyrrtwhenihrrthrrt · 8 months
Goldenheart love languages HCs (spicy below the cut)
Movie! Ambrosius:
-Words of affirmation (he just wants Bal (and anyone he loves platonically/familially) to know exactly how important they are to him!!
-He never received much physical touch growing up in a stuffy family and his innate craving of it multiplied when he grew up. Alternatively he received LOTS of praise (as well as criticism) all the time for everything so communicating praise comes easily to him
Ballister (Boldheart):
-Gift giving/receiving
He grew up as an orphan in poverty, he never really got to receive nice things so when people go out of their way to give him something, even something small like a candy bar, and ESPECIALLY something thoughtful, it means the world to him. He tries to push that forward by making gifts for others. As for touch? It just makes him feel secure and cared for in a way he usually lacks
Comic! Ambrosius:
-P H Y S I C A L T O U C H x 1000 (significantly more severe than his movie version. Which is really fucking saying something)
-Quality time (he is generally a bit codependent and wants to be around Ballister and his platonic loved ones whenever possible)
This man is. The touchiest AND clingiest human alive. He never wants to not be touching Ballister. He never wants to not be AROUND Ballister. He was like this his entire life (since meeting him and yes, including the 15 year spat when he'd make up the stupidest fucking excuses to be around "foiling his plans"). Even when they were little and not romantically involved, he wanted to always be cuddling and playing together. After being apart for so long, he is functionally a barnacle. He learns to be comfortable on his own, but he still prefers Ballister's company because he makes him feel safe and loved
Ballister (Blackheart):
-Quality Time
-Acts of Service
He likes to take care of people he cares about and share his passions with them. He definitely values his alone time A LOT (unlike Ambrosius who is at best just comfortable with alone time and more often just tolerates it) but he really does hate being lonely and loves knowing there's someone waiting to spend time with him when he's ready. He also likes taking care of the people he loves and making sure their needs are met, such as when he fretted over taking care of Nimona when she was shot and, after the Comic's events, helping take care of Ambrosius when he was too injured to take care of himself.
Spicy below (elaborating on physical touch lol)
Ambrosius is Very Into body worship. He wants to make Ballister feel the absolute maximum amount of pleasure at all times. He wants his man absolutely shaking because he feels so good. The more he is touching Ballister, the better. Ballister is extremely bashful about this, but through the years he's learned to love it. It has the desired effect of making him feel very loved and pampered, plus it makes Ambrosius happy! Ballister also very much likes to be praised, it will get his motor running pretty instantly when done in even a slightly flirtatious tone of voice. Ambrosius takes full advantage of this, because it makes Ballister completely weak in the knees and allows Ambrosius to clearly communicate how much he means to him!
These mfs are kinky you cannot change my mind. They had a lot of trust issues and anger to work through and I think that would have helped them. Their BDSM activities satisfy all of their love languages, because obviously it involves touch and quality time, and Ambrosius literally "serves" Ballister by being submissive for him, and Ballister also takes care of him which feels like an act of service as well. They both enjoy when Ambrosius is pushed to the absolute limit of pleasure/pain that his body and mind can handle, and they both enjoy the cuddles and gentle affirmations and care that follow when Ambrosius is so overstimulated that he's shaking and sobbing.
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stormflower8 · 7 months
read the comic for the first time
so, bear in mind that I read the comic AFTER I watched the movie. so, yes, I am biased. very much so. sorry LMAO
that being said, here are my thoughts!
I feel like I could TELL it was written originally on tumblr. the plot just felt like it wasn't planned at all, and like the story was built on vibes alone
it kinda felt almost- rushed? like, it very very much FELT like a webcomic, and though it wasn't that bad a feeling, it was strange for a hard copy
that being said, I think I ruined it for myself a little cause I read it all way too fast. sneaking chapters in the middle of precalc may not have been my best decision. characters:
ballister definitely was more Villainous
he demonstrated a more malicious intelligence which was cool!
meanwhile in the movie he's so all over the place and just a dumb gay man which is equally a vibe imo
still cared a lot about ambrosius
this is also true vice versa
it's like that scene in the movie were ambrosius is like "I'll hunt down ballister" but he did that to protect him, while in the novel ballister is all "if anyone will kill ambrosius, it'll be me" but he also did that to protect him
ambrosius was so dumb I wanted to punch him /pos
"let's fight because that is my job!" sir get your silly ass hair out of here
I'm kidding I am not going to diss The Hair
kinda living for the more complex and messy goldenheart. love the soft vibes of the movie though. both are good alternatives.
nimona was standard grade nimona. no surprises. different genre of trauma, but still our nimona
in terms of character design, movie has gotta win for me.
this being said, I am south asian and VERY partial towards ballister's design
and east asian ambrosius is absolutely amazing
but The Hair. ambrosius's hair was awesome in the book. I wouldn't say the movie "nerfed" it or "ruined" it, I just think it's different and ties into his backstory better
and realistically, a knight wouldn't have very long hair and if they did, they'd have to tie it back
I'm biased for asians what can I say plot:
what do you MEAN ballister technically killed nimona??? what the HELL???
really liked the ending though
I feel like ambrosius didn't redeem himself as well as he should've considering his blEW UP BALLISTER'S ARM
I actually assumed that goldenheart would be pre-established in the novel like it was in the movie and was shocked when it turned out to just be implied overall? I liked the movie better! but I'm also biased as hell and I saw the movie first and I sped through the novel, and I already had most of it spoiled for me LMAO that being said, the novel was AWESOME and I actually loaned it from a friend and I'm considering buying a copy for myself! great book, would absolutely recommend to everyone -Storm
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floxu · 7 months
Hey. Ninona <3
YES. MY BLORBO. My JOY I get happy to see everytime I see my shark any time anywhere. Nimona has a traumatic backstory I just hope that Ballister and Ambrosius are able to be the ones to help Nimona recover just a little bit. A safe space is all Nimona needs. In the comic we don't know what happens after Nimona leaves of course, so we are only up to our imaginations to figure it out. I personally believe Nimona went and found someone or somewhere that lets Nimola be... Nimona!
When it comes to just the movie and comic, it will forever be my favourite two media, and ND stevenson has my entire thanks as well as the creator begind the movie Nimona ofc. They did wonderful work on the movie. I just ADORE the animation and expressions and the entire world they set with the movie, and the way they make everyone come to life, literally I think most of the background characters also pop to life and have their own lives with the way they are shown. The grandma we see? Even she got her own tiny part in the movie I feel makes her a bit important too. The children at the start? Yeah. Every side character that we only see for a couple minutes, I love them.
The writing of both media are just incredibly inspiring and I could honestly forever talk about my love for the movie and how it makes me so unbelievably happy. Nimona just breaks and heals my heart each time.
Also did you know I love Nimona???
@teacup-captor (you know what that means)
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kadebronson · 6 years
kadebronson’s LGBT book list
hey guys! so i get a decent amount of questions about if the books i talk about have any representation in them (specifically i get trc a lot which for good reasons) and i know i ship boy do i ship but i do try and read as many books as i can with actual representation so i’m gonna comply a list (a working list for now) with some good books
those bolded are faves
a flash of hex by jes battis - this is part of a series and i never got around to reading the rest because i picked it up at a used book store it features gay, bi, and trans characters it was a seriously fun sci-fi book
the amazing adventures of kavalier and clay by michael chabon - listen this book is already a classic and for good reason it’s simply amazing and has everything you could hope for two jewish cousins hopping on the comic book bandwagon one obsessed with magic and trying to be a magician and one who falls in love with a solider it’s gonna make you cry but it’s so good
the family fang by kevin wilson - imagine a wes anderson movie as a book this is basically it annie’s story of coming to terms with her sexuality is heart warming
honor among punks by guy davis and gary reed - PLEASE READ THIS this is one of my fave books of all time it’s a graphic novel set in london in the 80′s if the industrial revolution never happened jack the ripper is running rampant and a bisexual female sherlock holmes (i’m sorry sharon holmes) is on the case! also did i mention she’s a punk? with a badass mohawk? also features a trans woman character but i don’t wanna spoil that part
the parasol protectorate and it’s varying spinoffs by gail carriger - if you follow me, you know how obsessed i am with this series it is my entire life and i absolutely adore everything about it the first book in the main series, soulless, starts off a bit slow but after that it’s totally worth it it’s a steampunk sci-fi/fantasy fusion set in victorian london where werewolves, vampires, humans, and some other creatures live in harmony (sort of) and basically everyone is queer i mean everyone the main character is bi demi and two of her closest friends are a gay vampire and a lesbian inventor
blind items by matthew rettenmund - about a history buff who falls for a tv star who has to stay in the closet for his career great if you love pop culture references a lot very sweet not as heartbreaking as it sounds
p.s. your cat is dead by james kirkwood - based on a play doesn’t focus too much on the characters sexuality but for 1972 it’s pretty boss
the egyptologist by arthur phillips - my mom sent me this one once in a care package because it was about egyptian history and had a gay character because obviously that’s my whole personality it doesn’t focus that much on his sexuality like at all and the book is alright but i figured i’d include it
221 baker streets - there’s only two stories in this anthology that count but they’re both worth it another sherlock holmes one the two stories are wildly different one is of sherlock and john in the 60′s and they’re a part of the factory in new york and the other one they’re teenage girls solving mysteires in their boarding school
ghost hunter series by victoria laurie - ok so gil is sometimes the stereotypical gay bff and it drives me crazy but this whole series is cheesy as hell but i adore it so it’s making it on the list it’s exactly what you think based on the title they’re ghost hunters and that’s about it (plus some romance troubles for both m.j. and gil)
the raven cycle by maggie stiefvater - ok as said before most of the questions i get is about this series YES ronan is gay and adam is bi are these words ever said? no is it annoying? sure but the series is really good and worth it ask me to sum it up? yeah i still can’t do that but you can check my tag and try to figure it out
lumberjanes by noelle stevenson and grace ellis - girls solving supernatural mysteries at summer camp could you ask for anything more? mal and molly are absolutely adorable
giant days by john allison - another graphic novel all the characters are absolutely amazing and it is fucking hilarious we don’t get into daisy’s sexuality until a couple issues in but it’s still fun
station eleven by emily st. john mandel - ok i know i keep saying this but we don’t even find out about clark’s sexuality until the end BUUUUUUT this book is so good i rec it to everyone it’s about a pretty simple disease wiping out most of humanity and then follows the survivors 
the foxhole court series by nora sakavic - another tumblr fave you probably know about this thanks to me as well it’s definitely not for everyone it can be extremely violent but i love it so it’s on here
the captive prince trilogy by c.s. pacat - i’m not gonna say anything about this it’s my guilty pleasure ok
nimona by noelle stevenson - noelle’s lesser known graphic novel! it’s adorable but also very bittersweet nimona becomes the side kick to villain lord ballister blackheart who is hellbent on destroying his nemesis, and jilted not-quite-lover,  sir ambrosius goldenloin
aristole and dante discover the secrets of the universe by benjamin alire saenz - another one you probably know :)
every heart a doorway by seanan mcguire - PLEEEEEEEEEEEEEEASE read this book because guess what? my url is from this book! meet kade bronson my sweet child he’s a trans man and the main character nancy is asexual it’s about people at a boarding school to help them recover from falling through magical doors and living in magical worlds so like rehab for alice after coming back thru the looking glass
rainbow boys trilogy by alex sanchez - alright this trilogy is from the late 90′s so you gotta take a lot of it with a grain of salt but it really good for what it is just about three boys (two gay, one bi) and trying to navigate through high school, coming out, life after graduation, etc.
marine biolgy by gail carriger - it’s my girl again! this is the first story she’s wrote that’s set in present day it’s about alex, a werewolf, who’s starting to fall for marvin, a merman it’s just a short story so i don’t wanna give it all away but there’s a full length book coming soon i’m excited for that!
a charm of magpies trilogy by k.j. charles - ok i still have one more left in the trilogy to read but i adore this series! it’s a little risque ok but it’s about magicians and has some crazy mysteries and i’ve been really enjoying it
alright that’s the list for now i only quickly went through my book journals but i may think of others as time goes on!
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