#yes i use dark mode and refuse to turn it off for screenshots
shonificrec · 3 years
Congrats to The Wilds fandom for reaching 1k fics on ao3!!! 🎉
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fandom-sheep · 3 years
Eret 11 MAY 21
Cat and DSMP Part 1/1
Cat! Goose!
Goose my beloved.
Eret’s streaming very late for me again. So I’m not staying the whole time.
Hello Elaina. Enjoy Goose.
Fundy! Kinda...
Fundy hearing the donations. LOL.
Fundy enters a stream and it starts to scuffed. Scuffed just follows Fundy wherever he goes.
A wild my beloved on the cube.
The Drista stairs.
Wait what. Why is the tower gone?
I have missed some lore.
Ah... it’s part of the nightmare thing.
Eret offering Fundy housing like a good almost adoptive parent.
Sounds like Fundy about lost a lung. Good gracious.
The bargaining between these two.
Cat, Handsome, said cube was massive
You know what that works.
It’s hard to keep the audio right for Eret’s stream for my headphones. It’s either too quiet or the loudest my headphones can go and my family can hear it.
On stream explosions. Noice.
Wow youtooz. Not super cool. Permission is usually a good thing.
Eret keeps on sizzling.
Getting dirt for scaffolding. Going old fashioned Minecraft for this.
“Why is the Cube kinda hot” cue Eret losing faith in her chats sanity.
Cube go poof.
Oh. Red stone. That’s dangerous.
I like this song. Oh klahoma. Gorgeous song.
Love joy is such a fun band. I want to make a plushy of the cat.
It’s kinda sad that Eret can’t see themselves the way chat and their little fandom sees them. Most all of us think they look fabulous.
Not Arson. Just bombing. A bit of anarchy by the king.
Demolition. Now there’s the word.
Controlled ish demolition.
Ah I’ve almost saved enough channel points for water. Nice. I’m not going to redeem it I’m just going to keep hoarding the points.
Flame Arrow. Nice.
Eret cleaning up the SMP eye sours.
Watch me attempt to sleep to Eret here in an hour or so, but keep getting distracted.
Explosion time.
Someone get ready to clip it.
Bye Bye Cube. Let’s go.
Gotta get a song that fits the vibe.
Hayloft. Time to go poof.
Turning up my brightness just to watch this explosion in the best way possible.
Still wearing the red dress I see.
I hope the music isn’t too loud to get this part muted.
Drum roll...
Drum roll continues...
Drum roll still going...
That was so smooth and good looking!
Overall a very good explosion.
Just a little bit of a hole in the other building.
Twitch Pr-
Poor being’s so confused with his hair. Someone help them.
Twitch bleep.
Everyone attempting to give hair styling advice. Everyone’s trying to help the being.
That bird is majestic. I remember seeing that tiktok.
Animals just decided Eret was the animal whisperer.
Yes! Disney Princess Eret fanart! Someone make it, I shall reblog all of it.
Likes to hug cute animals and cute animals like being hugged by her. Nice.
It’s alright. Names are difficult. I have to like put name tags on people to learn who they are. That or name tags on their space (like on campers bunks and door decs on dorms)
It does feel very February. But I’m very ready for summer because that means I get to do my favorite job.
Hooray. I hit 15k points.
Eret trying to prove to us a ponytail won’t work. Like we aren’t going to hype them up no matter what.
Gotta heart in the chat. All Eret’s chat does is hearts and encourage. It’s a lovely place.
Oh Eret forgot his cat ear sub goal. It’s alright I know I forgot.
Pride is next month. Nice.
Oh. We’re almost halfway already. Why does the world spin so quickly?
We forgot a dirt tower. Whoops.
I would wear Eret merch. I like it when people release merch around Christmas. Then I can ask for it as a gift.
Oh it wasn’t a dirt tower.
Just looking at Elaina’s stream in the stream selection screen it like very cozy.
All the way up the Drista stairs.
Look it’s the museum!
Eret’s got most of the builds around there. The museum. The fortress. Nice.
Some things are too historical to remove. Somethings are historical because they are being removed.
Oh no. L’sandburg.
It’s taking over the summer home.
Ah the lore is coming. It just seemed to be too early.
Hello unofficial ranboo Raiders.
Foolish making the awesome tall thingy!
Foolish’s builds are so neat. I want to watch Foolish’s streams more. Maybe just in the background but I start wanting to delayed liveblog and that requires attention.
Oh the giant portal turned out well. Sorry that was the lady’s foolish stream I watched.
Shulkers. The forbidden mob.
Eret with just a pit in the desert filled with llamas. Bones. And discus.
The mansion has been finished?
Alright is better than bad. It’s alright to be alright.
Lucky being not getting tired. I got the Johnson and Johnson vaccine and I was so so tired. I also had just no appetite.
Eret doing an smp tour. And looking at foolish’s builds.
Flickering the switch on the rainbow beacons.
Eret just knowing where everything is.
Kinoko is super pretty. Just for the aesthetic value of the kingdom I appreciate it.
Yeet. Just defenestrated himself out the window.
Oh? Spectator fly over the smp?
That would be really neat to like. Watch in VR. I think I’ve only used VR maybe twice.
Pretty Rainbow beacons.
The nurse who gave me my vaccine hid the needle from me because I mentioned to her that I was afraid of needles. It wasn’t a big deal at all.
30 minutes till I attempt sleep. Woo.
Goose my beloved. Someone make the gif because I’m not quite sure how to make it.
Oh yeah. Goose in Marvel. I hear MCU and think Minecraft cinematic universe. Not marvel.
Ghibli is so nice. It really romanticize small moments of life.
Yeah the characters are all really supportive in Ghibli movies.
Someone subbed for nine months “that’s enough to make a child” -Eret
That mansion is like a maze. I’m so lost already.
Everyone encouraging Eret and telling her she looks pretty. Good.
Eret needs all the hype and encouragement.
Antarctic empties flag. Yeah it does have a similar color pallet.
Michelle! Hello!
Fortress work. Nice.
Do it. I’ll listen the Eret play other games.
I don’t usually watch game play for non Minecraft games. But I’ll listen to it all.
Hbomb and Eret living in the same city feels like two worlds that shouldn’t meet. But it’s awesome that they have.
TOS means against twitches terms of service. Nice. Glad to finally have an explanation of what that means.
Look at our handsome and pretty streamer. All the hype.
I keep turning down the stream to hear the show my mama has on because I’m curious about what happens.
Yeah. Backseat gaming can be annoying. That’s part of why I share my thoughts here just in case I do start backseat gaming.
Almost to the sub goal. Hooray!
Ooo food.
No no. I see where they are coming from. Eret does give a bit of cat bus vibes. I can’t explain it but the vibes are there.
Creeper causing issues at the fortress.
Ed Sheepran my beloved.
I should draw more ferrets. Maybe tomorrow. Maybe I’ll draw us doing stuffs.
Actually I kinda want to make a little animatic of some heels walking across the screen followed by a hoard of ferrets. I think it’ll look cool. But I need the artistic ability and the ability to not scream making that.
Woop. Ad time. Off to the void of where ever the ads game me.
Bread. Flowers. Ted. Crown. And of course Eret.
We V O I D and get our streamer bits.
Hush the chat is V O I D and the occasional emoji or emote.
The void being centered looks good. Maybe that’s just the symmetry speaking but it’s good.
Oh. We hear the being. The being in void mode. And spooky mode.
Chat just starts yelling corpse.
Hydration. I try to stay hydrated. But I fail often if I’m not doing something active.
Casually makes and snags tree.
Eret does read chat often. It’s strange. And it is weird how often it ends up being you.
You can tell I’m a tumblr peep. I may say stuff in chat but I’m fully not expecting or wanting to be noticed by the streamer.
Others hitting darkness o’clock and saying goodnight.
It’s sleep to the stream hours y’all. Whoop.
I need to visit the parks out west. I’ve only really seen the eastern US ones. But I have been to the Great Smokey Mountain park which is gorgeous.
Eret thinking of his friends triggers when naming his cat.
Eret’s builds are so casually pretty. Not like Foolish’s which are intricately pretty. Not like Phil’s or Sam’s which are complicated pretty. All pretty. Just different breeds of pretty.
Alrighty. It’s sleepy hours for me. As much as I love Eret I want to read some fanfiction and daydream a bit before I head to sleep.
Have a good rest everyone and may all your coming meals be delicious.
Wait no is it our turn with goose?
Eret honey that’s the ceiling.
Cat stream. Cat stream.
Sleepy kitty. A cat cam would be good.
Yeah. That happens with cats. Especially strays.
Goose captured the computer mouse.
Goose straight up chose Eret and Elaina.
Goose really just chose not to leave.
Oh my stream connection is acting sad. But I want Goose content.
I want to draw Goose now.
Maybe I’ll do water color for Goose. I know I tried to do that with Boots (Fundy’s cat)
Hopefully there will be some Goose face screenshots I can see. Maybe I can see him well in the Tiktok.
Artists just violently refusing payment. Sounds about right. The MCYT artists just kinda go “yeah give credit and we cool��
Cowboy cat. Nice.
I want to paint Goose in the cowboy hat.
Hype train! That we are zooming.
Bucket sponge?
WATER BUCKET FROM WET SPONGE! Tiktok people giving all the cool info.
Go Goose. Catch the computer mouse and the screen mouse.
Just sitting here at 11:30 at night getting screen shots of Goose for painting purposes.
Goose please. Look at the camera babe.
My phone is dying. And I can’t charge it and type.
Alright the camera is off the cat. The cat is also blocking the screen.
But no cat on camera means I’m getting some sleep. If I do any of the projects I’ve mentioned I’ll let y’all know.
Have a good rest everyone.
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megatentious · 5 years
Majin Tensei 2 and Shin Megami Tensei If… let’s talk about them
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This past year saw the fan translation release of two 16-bit Megaten games, Shin Megami Tensei If… (lord help me if I need to type this ellipsis every time) and Majin Tensei 2. I am maybe the only person who decided to play through both of these games for the first time in English in one year, and so maybe it will be instructive to see how these two series black sheep (can you call a game a black sheep if no one has actually played it?) fit together in the context of the larger franchise. Or maybe this is just an ungainly excuse to cobble together months-old observations into blog content. Let’s find out!!
Both of these games come from a period when Atlus was still trying to figure things out from a game design perspective, testing how much they could push their console audience with PC dungeon crawler inspirations. There were no compunctions at this point about making unforgiving design choices, even in their crowning achievement mainline series games. Sometimes this worked, like the lack of guidance in Shin Megami Tensei 1 leading to perfectly tuned feelings of lonely exploration. Sometimes this didn’t quite work, like the tedious backtracking and brutally untelegraphed stat skill check requirements of Shin Megami Tensei 2. “Getting Megaten’d” is a message board expression meant to describe the sudden game overs that can occur in this series after hours of play, so it’s not as if unforgiving punishment is something that has been eradicated from the more modern games. But there’s a reason even many Megafans (yes i just said megafans, please deal with that) refuse to play anything in this franchise that released before the Playstation 2, and it’s because of choices that are perceived as promoting tedium and time-wasting. We’ve seen how this can affect their big marquis mainline successes, but what happens when you apply these principles to dicier spinoffs? Well…
Majin Tensei 2 is at least, quite conceptually ambitious. Spanning numerous worlds and time periods, showcasing political intrigue and explicitly defined characters with varying motivations, five distinct endings across light-dark and law-chaos axes, hidden events that depend on how many turns you take and which demons you have in your party, there is a lot (too much!) to keep track of. There are ideas in Majin Tensei that pre-sage much of what makes up Devil Survivor, from demon races with differing map skills to introducing demon fusion to a strategy RPG space that was mainly just Shining Force and Front Mission. In practice though, what you do repeatedly in Majin Tensei 2 is slowly s l o w l y clear fifty plus maps, maps that will occasionally provide fun challenges, but more often that not will repeat large not particularly memorable landmasses with simply hellish amounts of monsters. Seriously look at this screenshot I took, this is less than one third of the map!
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There’s a reason that so many volunteer debuggers dropped out during playtesting, and there is a reason that 100% of the ones who persevered used fast forwarding emulation features to finish. This is because Majin Tensei 2’s sluggishness can be linked to the infamous Code Name: S.T.E.A.M. problem, S.T.E.A.M. being a largely unloved Intelligent Systems strategy game on 3DS that was raked over the coals in reviews for allowing enemy phases to go on for inordinate amounts of time. Majin Tensei 2 does that game one better by allowing literal minutes and minutes to pass as each enemy decides its action one by one. Do you remember that map in the screenshot above? Imagine twice as many enemies as that taking 10 seconds each to complete their own turn. Majin Tensei 2 makes it clear that you are absolutely not supposed to kill every enemy, through turn limit bonuses and appeals to your general sanity. But that still doesn’t stop the game from dumping demons haphazardly across each map in the manner of someone pounding the bottom of a trashcan to make sure every piece of refuse has tumbled out. So even if you are trying to be efficient, with each passing turn you’re going to be dealing with plenty of downtime.
So yes, the game is cruel. Just to take one example, Majin Tensei 2 spends the whole game teaching you that you need to keep someone tough at your home base even if you think you are safe, since at any moment some sort of aerial demon can sweep in from 12 spaces across the map to occupy it and end your game. And then in one level 40 chapters or so in, the game will punish you for keeping anyone behind at your home base by spawning multiple inaccessible dragon type demons who will one shot anyone who was trying to hold down the fort no matter what (did I mention that this game has instant permadeath for all demons and instant game over for any of your five human characters, five humans whom you cannot possibly level up sufficiently to all be able to survive multiple demon attacks?). Majin Tensei 2 is willing to mess with you to the extent that it absolutely wants you to cheat. After all, this is a game that in 1995, allowed you to save after every turn, which is another way of the designers telling you that savestate abuse (or in my case, copious use of the rewind button) is built into the design.
So why put up with this sort of nonsense? Well, for one, you’re dealing with the atmosphere of a 16-bit Atlus game, a combination of visuals, sound design, music and tone that is simply unlike anything else in the industry. And there is absolutely satisfaction to be found in slowly conquering the game’s maps. But those who scoff at something like, say, Soul Hackers, will find this game absolutely impenetrable, which likely means it will only ever be played through by advance Megatenists (okay i changed it to this, are you happy). Majin Tensei 2 tries to do quite a bit, switching up much even from its direct predecessor, and the play experience ends up suffering despite the ambition.
SMT If in comparion, well … If is by far the least ambitious game in the series to date. While Majin Tensei 2 lavishes you with cool unique digitized photo backgrounds, an extraordinary soundtrack with lengthy moody electronica from the late great Hidehito Aoki, and spectacular boss sprites, SMT if reuses all the most drab and uninspired wall textures from its predecessors, and offers absolutely nothing in terms of new music. Worse yet, many of the reused tracks have somehow depreciated in the conversion. Listen to the offkey shrillness of the iconic Ginza music here , seriously what did they do to it!?. If does feature some lovely new boss sprites, showcasing demons from rarer mythologies that were never again revisited (where are all my Persians at ATLUS???), but even some of the best of these are hidden in new game plus routes the average player will likely never see. The general fugliness of the overall game and relentless asset reuse gives the whole experience a very unfortunate rom-hack feel, and though it’s not hard to figure out why the game ended up this way (it was cranked out less than 9 months after SMT2) it doesn’t make things better.
I should note one important item here, however, and that is that the PSX version renders almost all of these complaints obsolete. It’s the version I first played actually, stumbling through the first few hours untranslated during a Japanese PS+ trial period. The PSX version not only offers very dramatic visual upgrades and some excellent needed remixes, there is a small measure of kindness built in for the player through the game’s Easy Mode. It’s only in this mode for whatever reason that Atlus offers a design “solution” for the most infamous portion of the game, a dungeon in which you are required to wait for hours of lunar cycles in order for students to dig your path forward. In Easy Mode the time requirement is halved for you. Behold the design advancements of the 32-bit era!
If is generally an odd game in the context of the series. There is a type of person out there who likes to call this game Persona Zero, and for people who have played the Snow Queen route of Persona One I can see why the comparison is made. But despite the initial high school setting and pseudo-selectable party members, it still feels strange and off-putting to play a Shin Megami Tensei game with almost no meaningful narrative choices (routes here are essentially locked in at the start). Guardians are seen as proto-Personas, but in this game they are earned only through dying and are associated with combinations of stat augments and skill lists that are frequently at odds with each other. What you end up with is a system that is interesting conceptually (should I die to gain useful spells at the cost of my current stats?) but unworkable in practice (it is almost never worth the steep steep battle count cost to experiment). The seven deadly sins theming is sometimes used to inform the map design and dungeon concept, but again more often than not these concepts simply lead to unfortunate tedium for the player (shout out to the final dungeon of Reiko’s route though, which very brilliantly mashes together traditional SMT dungeon design and a thematically cool map floor I won’t spoil for you).
If we look at SMT If through the prism of 16-bit Atlus design principles, having the foundation of SMT1 and 2 to work from should in theory have led the developers to refine their decisions in ways that ought to have helped the player experience. Instead, the game makes bold choices that result in remarkably less fun. For example, If understands that guns were ludicrously over-powered in 1 and 2, and tries to course correct by … making it much more tedious for the player to use guns? Bullets now cost money and can only be bought by slowly ticking up the counter to 99 one click at a time, with each bundle purchase of 99 filling up a limited inventory slot. The encounter rate is as insane as usual, Estoma takes a little bit more time to get than usual, and the game’s economy does not afford you that many useful things to spend money on in terms of equipment. Combine these three aspects of the game and every player invariable ends up large quantities of makka on hand to spend on bullets to your hearts content, and given that bullets are still far and away the best way to dispatch groups of enemies, you’ll find yourself engaging in this tedium in order to play the game efficiently.
I’ve spent a lot of time repeating the word tedium in these observations, and it’s unfortunate that this is the main takeaway most players will get from playing these two games. Both SMT If and Majin Tensei 2 devise interesting systems and then execute them as grimly as possible from a playability standpoint. There are aspects of true unique accomplishment in both games (Majin Tensei 2 has the funniest demon negotiation dialogue in the entire franchise! SMT If’s final dungeon really is super cool!) but the kind of player who is willing to experience them is essentially a rounding error. I don’t have any regret at all that I played through each of them in their entirety (FYI Majin Tensei 2 is longer than Dragon Quest 7 or Persona 5 and SMT If has a new game plus with all new dungeons that increase difficulty and dullness), but I might understand if you have regret. Then again who knows, you made it to the end of this aimless and dull writeup so maybe these games will be right up your alley! Be sure to let me know!!!
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