#yes im voltron posting in 2022. Mind Your Business.
nothazellevesque · 2 years
i stopped watching voltron as soon as season two ended based solely on a singular Bad Vibe. i adored the first season, got through the second, and for some reason, the moment shiro vanished, alarm bells went off in my mind like “oh. this is going to go downhill QUICK.” literally had a that’s so raven like vision of the show becoming dogshit, and walked my dumb ass out of the show and the fanbase. watched the entire voltron phenomenon from the outside after that, and i truly believe that something stepped in and saved me from falling down completely into that hell. i can’t be sure if it was an older me who managed to send a singular message back, or some form of divine intervention that allowed me to escape voltron before it Did That To Itself, but i was spared, and for that i am eternally grateful
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