#yes it is about cryptid eclipse by naff
lavenoon · 2 years
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It's not like they dislike getting their teeth brushed, the opposite, really! Having their little hunter get so close without being scared, being cared for - that's why they drag it all out, and get more time with their hunter! <3
@naffeclipse and I were talking about brushing the cryptid boys' teeth after @themeeplord's jaw anatomy, and turns out I can draw non spoilery fluff!
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enigmaticcattic · 1 year
Me, upon finishing Cryptid Sightings:
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@naffeclipse YOU DID THIS 🫵 /POS
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naffeclipse · 1 year
Hi Naff! A question: so I was talking with @chaotikanvas, and she mentioned that there's an Sleuth Jesters AU in which Sun and Moon stayed with Eclipse after he became a Mob Boss, and in which he spoils them both because they're his family and now he has the power to do so. That's roughly how she explained it to me, so now I am REQUIRED to ask:
Can you tell me more about this AU?
Where can I read more about it, if there have been posts about it? (Like, how do I look for it?)
I love this AU idea because it so wholesome (even if Eclipse uses the wrong methods to show his love for his family). It has already sparked so MUCH inspiration in me!
As always, keep being the awesome person you've always been!
P.S: I believe I once read that you kind of had an AU idea about Sun, Moon, and Eclipse being faes and Y/N accidentally entering their territory. Are you going to make a fanfic about this AU? (No pression, just curious!)
Heya, babe! Ahhh, it's been a hot minute since this AU has popped up and I'm so happy you enjoy it!
Yes, it's called Our Vigilante and this tag is the gist of it (I tried finding my initial post talking about it but searching through my tumblr without a specific tag is like looking for a needle in a haystack so you'll have to bear with me alsdjfas)
More or less, the AU explores the dynamic of the celestial brothers staying close and taking care of each other with the added dilemma of Sun and Moon being conscientious objectors to their older brother's criminal empire but regardless, still benefiting from Eclipse's illegal activities. It's a standoff but the brothers work and live together, though Sun and Moon are very much sheltered from the bloodier side of things.
The vigilante sets their sights on Sun and Moon and intends to use them as stepping stones to finding a way to take out Eclipse's gang from the inside out, but with their seduction of the younger brothers, the vigilante discovers that Sun and Moon are quite charming and sweet and desperately trying to hide the fact that they're technically gangsters (which makes Y/N laugh). It's a bit complicated with the vigilante well aware of Sun's and Moon's relation to the mafia boss but the boys are doing everything they can to convince this seemingly lovely little person that they're just average, totally not mobsters, animatronics.
Lots of shenanigans and hijinks ensue. The vigilante catches feelings while growing worst about 'seducing' these brothers whom they are actually growing to truly care about. Sun and Moon become wild with worry that their beau will figure out that they're not so squeaky clean and turn away from them, but, everyone's got secrets, some not so well kept, and others neatly tucked away.
Meanwhile, Eclipse and the vigilante are still at each other's throats but will drop anything at a dime if Sun or Moon are in trouble and need to be bailed out. The vigilante loathes having to work with the mafia boss, but they'll hold their tongue just until they know for certain that one of their favorite gangsters is safe and sound. Eclipse, of course, is not one to squander opportunities and uses every second he has to convince the vigilante to join him.
Eclipse wants the vigilante, and discovering that they have a fondness for his younger brothers is a pretty tool of leverage he deems fit to use as he wants—and Y/N will agree with him, one way or the other.
As for the Fae AU, I'd love to write a fanfic—I've already got a few different ideas for it now, and how to go about it! I still gotta get the last episode of Cryptid Sightings out and then tackle Deep Dreams 2, but mmm, I'd love to maybe write a first chapter just to get it out there!
So many things to write, so little time
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the-river-runs · 1 year
Yet another round of memes from my best friend (http.redshoes on insta)! She has asked me to share this to Tumblr for her, and everything in the video was edited by her.
This video had to be split in half unfortunately, so this is only part one!
These memes are for @naffeclipse fic Sleuth Jesters.
She has a message for everyone!
"Hello Naff!! I hope that you’re doing well today <3 I’m so normal about your fics that I created yet another meme comp for you.
I’m glad that I was able to create a “golden collection of memes” for you with Cryptid Sightings! And for everyone else who added their own tags/comments in the meme comp, or in the Sleuth Jesters meme comp, thank you!! I appreciate all of you. And yes, I agree. We must bully MB!Eclipse even though he would be after us 🫡 (But yet again, I think some of you would be happy about that haha.)
@lavenoon - hello again Luce! Congrats, your self insert is part of the Sleuth Jesters universe now. I hope that you enjoy the memes I made!!
My name is Fandom btw!! I’ll be a regular here with making memes for you and hopefully other fic writers 😊" -Fandom
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naffeclipse · 1 year
Naff, just wow.
Immediately after I finished reading the CS chapter the tears came all at once, streaming down my face and leaving wet streaks down both of my cheeks. It is hard to make me cry like that. I’m floored, just completely stunned.
I’m soooo happy you gave us a chapter like this, giving the characters and the reader a safe space to digest and get some questions answered. It was also much needed after the action filled chapters before it and it’s a nice resting stop before the horrors waiting before us.
Naff, you write so beautifully, I’m looking back at the lines of text I saved to keep for this comment and I’m gonna cry again from just reading them! (Also sorry,, this is gonna be a long one,,,)
They ate and came back to your trailer, where all of your weapons reside. Holy water, silver knives, and bolts, the Latin incantations to exercise beings just like them.
Just, I’m crying at this. To me it holds so much emotional weight. This story is so close to my heart you don’t even know AAAAAAAA
The repeating “Eat.”, “Please. Eat.” and finally “Ask, then eat.” has me on the floor weeping and I don’t know exactly why. Just the ‘ask’ before the ‘eat’ feels so calm and like they’ve fully opened up. Ready to answer any question.
“Yes,” Moon answers softly. “We ate their hearts.”
You jerk in your shock, almost flinging the egg and sausage bit off of your utensil and to the floor.
“You ate his heart?”
Moon becomes completely still. He stares blankly at you then at your chest.
I swear they can’t keep doing this! But they must! But please phrase it differently boys! XD
The nature of the demonic cryptid before you tumbles through your brain and into your heart—a monster that protects children. An instinct to reject it as a fairy tale touches your nerves. It’s too good to be true, that’s too romantic to believe a being of teeth and claws would seek to protect vulnerable children.
Again, your writing!! And AAAAA IT IS TOO ROMANTIC TO BE TRUE BUT IT’S!!!!!
I’m so happy mothman came up again! And slkfdlfkfsahvjdf that whole bit was so needed oh man!! Perfect way to break the tension! “You killed it,” “It’s not your boyfriend.” FDKLKFSAJKADFG
I love that Y/N isn’t afraid of Eclipse, they’re afraid of Eclipse hurting others. This is why they love Y/N, their heart is filled with only compassion and an undying will to protect others. That scene by the gully, my brows still hurt from how much I was furrowing and straining them, I was at the edge of tears the whole way through. (I’m crying rn reading it again)
“Life means much to you, we understand—”
“No, you don’t! You don’t know the value of life at all,” you jab your finger at him, hitting the yellow button on his chassis, “If you did, you wouldn’t kill an innocent person!”
“Heart, we have acted too long upon fear.” He holds your gaze, their voices low and rumbling with pangs of remorse and pleas. “We are still learning, but we want to show you that we are better for it.”
And the vow!! aaAAAA!!!!
Deep in the darkness of your sleep, your fist closes around their true hand, and squeezes.
They hum low, rumbling you into ease with a purr of promise.
They are yours.
I’m fucking CRYING!!!!!
The back rubs have me absolutely MELTING! that’s how touch starved I am at this point
The slow slooooow build of trust, acceptance and some fragments of happiness coming back was a wonder to read! And the still lurking distrust in the form of the salt shaker is tugging at my heartstrings so hard I think I’m gonna cry again..
Absolutely AMAZING chapter as always!!!
I told you before but please, pleeeeease don’t worry about taking your time with your writing. Waiting one month between chapters is nothing. I’d wait an eternity if necessary❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
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Meep, I'm gonna melt into a puddle, please!!! I'm thrilled that you enjoyed this chapter and I'm seeping into the floor knowing you like it so much! I also love that you shared your favorite paragraphs/quotes because alsdjflasdfj it's always a warm-fuzzing feeling when I hear what people were affected by!
Thankfully I won't make you wait a full month again, but I do appreciate it ♥ ♥ ♥
Ah, thank you so much, babe! ♥
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naffeclipse · 1 year
Wait Naff wait. I reread old asks and I'm back with CS no one is surprised
Would Vanessa/ Vanny have access to whatever cloud the cryptid hunter Eclipse killed uploaded that photo to? Because I can't imagine the hurt, even after perhaps the boys admitted to killing another hunter, if Y/N tries to sound confident declaring they're different, only for the mocking question of "Are they?" to be the reply - together with a picture of a blurry cryptid with glowing eyes, hunched over the corpse of a werewolf inside of a cornfield. Vanessa knows about the scar and what caused it, so it'd hurt extra to have something pretending to be her to rub it in
I hope u beat your finals ass, and until then im going rotisserie chicken mode over the last episode yes yes 💜
Oh ho, okay, so, this will be a little bit of a spoiler because you are on the right track, just the wrong person. Someone has access to that late cryptid hunter's picture, and it is not pretty.
That incident will rear its ugly head despite the boys' best efforts to soften the blow, photographic evidence and all, and Y/N will not take it well.
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naffeclipse · 1 year
Heya Naff, song rec time!
I was recently having a little brainrot for the Umbrage Embrace prompt again and specifically a sort of 'au of an au' idea that I’ve been meaning to explore. Would love to tell you about it, but I haven’t quite figured out how to approach it :x
Anyway, short but sweet, I found Arms Unfolding (by dodie) while in said brainrot, and then thought it kinda fits Cryptid Sightings too :3
Brain ticks a certain way, so yeh, gives me warm monster lover feelings ^^
That's all :) Hope you have a lovely day/night, Naff <33
Heya, babe! Oh, I'm also eager to hear your thoughts, Piixel!! I definitely see the CS vibes but I do love it for Umbrage Embrace!! The softness, the walls cracking, and the need for self-defense when there was only a need to open their arms—yeah, I can picture Eclipse with this so much ♥
yes, these new walls are pretty hard to crack it might take a while until i trust you won't attack oh i apologise, but it was only self defence running away just made sense
but here i am with arms unfolding i guess it isn't quite the end old partner in crime, i am going to try to fall in love with you again.
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naffeclipse · 1 year
(Warning! Discussing CS The Episode Bedeviling Bodies Part 3 parts, if someone does not read it yet)
Thank you for the angst Naff🥹😭💔🔥💞
It was heart ripping, but the tension!♡ I really enjoyed torturing myself with this part :,D your writing skills always amaze me♡ you are such a big inspiration for me🥺💞
It is interesting that Vanessa is just the same as before the posession🤔 it would be such an interesting topic, what happens with the mind, that got possessed, so when the yn part came, I was like :0 wow! You wrote it so well!!!
You dropped this queen: 👑♡
I am just imagine what if the boys find yn and they can't do anything about it, so they have to submit to the "bunny" (I don't know if I could call it Afton, so I will just go with bunny and "it"😅) and follow them along as a servart, because they still care about yn too much, they just can't abandon them, even in this stage. And Vanessa do the same, and help provide for the "bunny", to keep yn's body safe at least...waiting for an opportunity to exorcise the bunny, working together with Eclipse but being for years alongside the bunny...
To make the situation worse, the bunny literally just have to stick on themself the spell, that contains the demon in the vessel, which yn already has in the pocket or backpack...🤔🤔and so it would be more difficult to just peel it out of yn...
I guess Eclipse cannot pull that paper away, because they are a cryptid too, ...buuut maybe Vanessa...
But there is also a possibility, that if Vanessa and Eclipse work together,and Eclipse will hold the bunny/yn down, and pervent it from escaping, till Vanessa read the exorcist verse, they could win... but if Eclipse is also there, the question is: will it affect the boys too? Probably yes, and they probably know they will die with the bunny, if Vanessa finish the exorcism, and I see the boys deciding to do it anyway, if it means that YN will be safe and themself again, even without them. And I see them blame themself for this bunny situation in the first place, so this decision would feel like them like kind of a redemption🥺
And when yn wakes up, and Vanessa embrace them into a big hug and cry on their shoulder, they would be so confused, what just happened, and the hurt, I imagine, when they realise Eclipse died with the bunny to save them... :,)
This is the worst ending possible that I see...so I hope you have something else in your pocket, because I spiraled into this rabbithole of angst, and I don't know how to get out of it...
Maybe sending Eclipse away, distracting the bunny, and Vanessa exorcising it can work??... please give me hope Naff :,) because I literally cannot see how yn and Eclipse both could survive this situation, and why would the bunny decide to go back into Vanessa, when it just got the best vessel with a free cryptid protector to it... literally "posess one, get 2"😭😭🤌 or if we count Vanessa then "get 3"
I promise it won't be a sad ending, but I am eyeing your theories so hard rn hehe I won't say anymore!
Ahhh, thank you so much for reading! ♥
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