#yes it might have started from a “reptile people have blue blood” joke that went too far to revert it to something else
sir-fluffbutts · 1 year
why does pepper bleed blue
scentifically? no idea
story wise? its sort of a simbolism to peppers whole arc, both in a negative and possitive light depending on how you're looking at it
out of the world wise? this specific universe is created in 1999 and its full of mystaries where even the creator went "fuck it, science be dammed they have taxes and mental illness to worry about no time to think about how everything works in a grander scale"
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Meeting Maturin (Pennywise x Reader)
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You trudged from your bedroom into the living room and kitchen area, rubbing the sleep from your eyes. You had slept a little rough last night, even though you'd been exhausted. Probably to do with the fact being that you were missing your lover, who had been away for a few days. Hopefully, he would be back today.
You wandered into the kitchen, hoping a large, hot cup of tea would do the trick.
And that's when you noticed it.
The more you were awake, the harder it was not to notice.
You walked over the window, your mouth agape and your eyes wide.
Outside...was different.
Very different.
From out your window, you couldn't see the familiar scene of Derry with the Paul Bunyan statue by the town hall. The blue sky, the white clouds, the sun or rain, the people. They were all gone.
There was nothing.
Derry was gone.
The scenery that had over taken Derry was something that you would have seen in the opening of a Sci-Fi film.
It seemed as though you were looking out at some kind of galaxy.
Was it a galaxy? Were those stars. Was that...a planet? It didn't even look like Venus or Mercury. Or any kind of galaxy you knew of. Just where in the world were you?
“Ah. You're awake.” said a voice.
Letting out a cry of surprise, you spun round and saw a man standing in your living room. He was tall with long dark blonde hair and a growing beard of one month on his face. His clothing – robes – were a dirty beige colour and looked something from an occult standard. His eyes were startling however. They seemed to change colour from a grassy green to an ocean or sky blue. Like oil swimming in water.
“Who the hell are you?” you spat. “Why are you in my home?”
“Calm down, (Y/N). I mean no harm.”
“How do you know my name? You're lucky my boyfriend isn't here, pal.”
The man huffed a laugh. “I know what our dear Pennywise is capable of. He won't do anything here.”
Your blood ran cold at the mention of Pennywise's name. “H-how do you know about Pennywise?
“I've known him since birth. I know him...relatively speaking.”
“What?” you squeaked.
The man sighed, almost annoyed by the way you had ignored his joke. “I'm Maturin. I am The Turtle. I am Pennywise's brother.”
Your eyes widened at this revelation; whereas Maturin's narrowed in confusion.
“He never told you about me.”
“He told me you were dead.”
Maturin nodded. “Yes, that would be the first thing he would say about me.”
“How did you die, by the way?”
The Turtle coughing in a discomforting way. “Well, I, um...I happened to be vomiting up a rather large galaxy and...ended up choking...on it.”
You gave your mate's brother a dead-panned expression. “That was a dumb ass move.” you hissed, very much unimpressed.
“Yes, well. It's not something I'm proud of.”
“He also told me you were a little dumb.”
“He's one to talk.” Maturin huffed. “There are some things that he's done that he's quite ashamed of.”
“I don't care. Now, can we get back to the matter at hand. Why am I here?”
“Ah, yes. The crux of the matter. Well, I brought you here on Pennywise' wishes.”
You blinked. “Why would he trust you? You hate each other.”
“There's a reason for that.” Maturin said, softly. “Come sit.”
Trying to ignore the twitching nerve in your temple, you sat on the couch with Maturin next to you.
“Pennywise told me.” he explained.
“That he discovered that another being has come to earth.”
“And just what is that creature? Is he like Pennywise or you?”
“He's very powerful. The Crimson King is a being that is just as powerful as my brother.”
“Just as?”
“I'm afraid so. The Crimson King is very much like Pennywise...but possibly without the fear and human eating.”
“And why has this Crimson King come to Earth? And why does Pennywise want me to stay in this...in this...wherever we are right now?”
“The Crimson King believes my brother to be his son. Which is completely false. He is not Pennywise's father nor mine. But,” he went on. “He does know about you. You, my dear, have changed Pennywise dramatically. If not completely.”
“Why would I change anything about Penny? He's never changed me into something else.”
You narrowed your eyes. “You go by The Turtle, you numb-nuts.”
“Touché.” he cleared his throat and continued. “So, anyway, as I said, you have changed Pennywise. Somehow, The Crimson King has found out about you and wants to put an end to it. So, Pennywise turned to me. For help, of course. So, I took you to the farthest reaches in the Multiverse so that he would not find you.
“The different realities and world here. The Macroverse being one of them. I assume Pennywise told you about the Macroverse.”
You nodded.
“Good. Then...welcome to the Macroverse.” and he gestured to the intergalactic scene outside your window.
You followed his hand and slowly got to your feet. You neared the window and gazed in awe at it.
“This is the Macroverse?”
“It is.”
“It's beautiful.” you whispered. “Have many people been here?”
Maturin shrugged. “A fair few.”
A small heartfelt smile blossomed on your lips at this. “So, he did all of this for me? He brought me here?”
“Well technically I did. But, yes, that he did.”
“But...and I don't mean to put a damper on Penny's actions. But if this Crimson King is like you and your brother, won't he be able to find his way here?”
“There are thousands and thousands of realities of which you might have been taken to. He'll be at this for days.”
“And yet he was able to come to Earth at the drop of a hat.”
“Yes, I know. It's complicated. The point is, is tat you are safe now and that Pennywise is dealing with him as we speak.”
“So, what do you get out of this?”
“Hopefully, some closure between us and we can put our differences aside and work together.”
“And it took you, what, a thousand years, a millennia to finally do that? Yeah. Okay, I'll take your word for it. So, how long have I been here?”
“In this world, two hours. But back home...about two weeks.”
Maturin flinched at the sudden shrill pitch of your voice. “(Y/N), calm down.”
“Calm down?! I've lost two weeks of my life without even knowing it!”
“It was for your own good. My brother wanted you safe.”
“So, then where is he? How come your here and not Pennywise?”
“Because my brother is trapped in Derry. He has been since he first woke up on Earth. (Y/N), just wait until he—.”
“No. You can't just expect me to sit here and wait. You've practically sent your brother to his death sentence. He was right. You're a coward. If you wanted closure you'd be there to help your brother. So, why don't you go back into your shell and hide like you always have. Oh, that's right. You can't. Because you're dead!”
Maturin didn't even rise. He looked completely calm, as though he saw reason in what you said.
“Take me back, now, you pathetic reptile.” you hissed.
“I wish I could. But Pennywise told me to keep you here and then bring you back until the Crimson King was sent away. To wherever he came from.”
You could feel tears beginning to pinprick at the corners of your eyes at The Turtle's words. You just wanted to be home, away from here and back in Pennywise's arms.
You got to your feet and scrambled over to the kitchen. Maybe that cup of tea wasn't a bad idea after all.
As you switched the kettle on to boil a blinding white light filled your apartment. Turning round you saw another man in your living room. He was as tall as Maturin but he was bald with several odd looking symbols of his head with a scraggly beard. He wore the same robes as Maturin did and he looked more haughty. His eyes were different. One was silvery white and the other was a startling gold colour like Penny's eyes. 
Oh, great another one.
“Ah, Gan. What news do you bring?”
“It has done what needed to be done. The Crimson King has gone back to his own world.”
“Oi! Less of the IT.” you barked.
“Thank you, Gan. It's all right, now, (Y/N). You can go home now.”
“Good, then hurry up. I've already missed two weeks.”
Gan looked to Maturin and then back to you. The next second the house shook violently. You fell to the floor, screaming in fright. Gan and the Turtle stayed still. The whole apartment felt as though it had been sucked up through some kind of cyclone and was being tossed about every which way.
“Derry, Maine.” said Gan.
Using the kitchen counter to help you up right, you looked out the window that you were indeed back in Derry. If you were outside, you would have been kissing the ground by now.
“Thank goodness.” you whimpered, softly. You sagged against the counter.
“I'm fine. Just relieved.”
“We shall leave you in peace, now, (Y/N). My brother will be home with you soon enough.”
You nodded. Not knowing what to say. You didn't know if you wanted to scream or cry or run out like a mad man, screaming out Penny's name in public. You head was all over the place.
You weren't sure how long you been standing in the kitchen for but the next thing you knew was your numb mind waking up as a pair of arms slipped round your waist.
The sound of bells jingling. The sweet smell of candyfloss, popcorn and...blood.
“Pennywise.” you whispered, leaning in to the clown's hold.
“Hello, my little mate.” the clown purred.
And that's when the flood gates opened.
Tears flooded down your cheeks as you spun round in Penny's arms and wrapped them around his torso. You cried helplessly into his costume. He started purring. The sound was comforting you, helping to ease your sobs.
“Missed me, little one?” Penny cooed.
“So much. I was so scared.”
“I know. I can smell your fear. I did ask my brother to tell you everything.”
“And what of this...Crimson King? Is he gone? For real?”
“Yes. We may not see him for a long while. For now, let's enjoy the peace.”
“And make up for lost time.”
Penny smiled as he brushed a tear from your eyes. “Exactly. Come. We'll celebrate.”
You matched Penny's smile as you leaned in to kiss him on the lips. “Couldn't have put it better my self.”
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