#yes it's a costume prompt list but i just had to give him whiskers + fangs
fishedeyelenz · 1 year
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Catboy Billy, based on @hollowslasher's prompt list
Now you guys can see when my bday is lol :3
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Title: Traditions
Author: @dailyservingofhope
For: @hiddenkamukuraproject
Rating/Warnings: PG-13 (A few vague sexual references, Nagito joking about death, alcohol mention)
Prompt: Going out on Halloween and having fun
Author’s notes: AU where the tragedy didn’t happen. 100% pure organic fluff.
“You’ve never been trick-or-treating?!” Nagito smiled and raised his hands in a placating gesture, “Sorry, I had no one to take me when I was a kid. But it’s fine! It ended up being good luck!” “‘Good’?” Hajime asked pointedly as he rested his coffee mug on their kitchen counter. Nagito had a way of twisting things to fit his strange worldview. “I gave out candy instead. Since I could afford full bars of chocolate for all the other kids, I became sort of popular for a little while… at least until they got to know me better.” “That’s not the point,” Hajime said, “I just get upset when I think about your childhood. It’s not fair that you missed out on so much.” He felt robe-cloaked arms wrap around his waist and a soft peck on his forehead. “Don’t worry. I’m fine, promise,” Nagito reassured him. Hajime grumbled in response, wondering if it was okay to be annoyed at his partner’s cute attempt at deflecting. Sometimes Hajime felt that he was more bothered by Nagito’s troubles than Nagito himself. 'Fine’ to him often meant 'Not in the hospital’. How much disappointment and grief did he suffer in his youth before the bar lowered that much? This wasn’t about some silly holiday tradition, this was about making him feel included, and giving him access to experiences that most people took for granted. “You shouldn’t feel sorry for me, you know,” Nagito gently chided him. “I don’t,” Hajime said, worried that Nagito noticed his increasingly pitying expression during their conversation. “Good. Because I secretly switched your coffee with decaf.” “What?! Nagito!” “I’m just kidding. You always look at me like I’m a kicked puppy when I tell you about my past. I prefer it when you’re annoyed with me. Your voice gets this adorable lilt to it.” “No, it doesn’t! I… think?” Nagito chuckled. “Look, it’s not pity,” Hajime sighed, “I’m just worried you feel like an outsider because you had such a different childhood experience than many of us. It’s important to me that you feel welcome and have lots of happy memories. And if I have to take you trick-or-treating this weekend to make that happen, then I’ll do it.” Nagito’s face lit up, “You want to go trick-or-treating with me?” Aware that he just invited Nagito on a date involving an activity generally enjoyed by children still in the single digits of age, Hajime backpedaled, “Wait! I-It’s okay if you don’t want to! I know we’re too old for it, and we told Ibuki we’d be at her Halloween party, so we’ll get to dress up, anyway. There’s no pressure-” “I would love to! We can pick out costumes this afternoon!” Fear of embarrassment ranked high on Hajime’s list of top motivators, but it was nothing compared to Nagito’s sweet face. He couldn’t back out now. “O-okay! Sounds great!” ___ Hajime pulled a scarf around his mouth to warm the crisp, fall air flowing into his lungs. Yellowed leaves danced on the sidewalk with every breeze as he and Nagito strolled through the city. Their destination was a costume shop located in a quaint, less-trafficked district, popular among the dating crowd for its restaurants and shopping. They found it nestled between a cafe and a boutique clothing store. Walls painted black and covered in wheatpasted underground band adverts gave an eccentric touch that made it stand out from the conservatism of the surrounding businesses. Through the windows, there was a display of the typical bats and pumpkins, along with more unnerving props like costumed mannequins covered in fake blood and gaping wounds. Cosplayers and street fashionistas were the store’s year-round clientele, but nearing the holiday, they widened their selection to include Halloween costumes. Hajime pulled open the door for Nagito, “Have any ideas about what you want to be?” “Dead?” Nagito offered. “I really wish you wouldn’t joke about that.” “Aren’t ghosts popular this time of the year?” With a deadpan expression, Hajime poked Nagito in the belly. He then turned his attention to the racks and shelves, not wanting to take the bait. As they perused the aisles together, Nagito suddenly snatched a large package off a rack and hid it behind his back, “I’m going to try something on. No peeking!” Hajime continued to browse while his partner thrashed around in the fitting room. A rather seductive vampire costume caught his attention, and he briefly lost himself in a daydream involving Nagito and lots of sexy nibbling all over his body until he heard someone walk up behind him. He glanced over his shoulder. The glance turned into a double take. To say that Nagito was dressed up as a dog was about as true as saying The Big Bang Theory was a comedy. There was an element of objective truth to it, but it failed spectacularly to articulate that everything else about it was an abomination. The costume was like a long fuzzy tube, white on the belly and black and tan along the back, indicating it was probably intended to be a corgi. The head perched on top of Nagito’s head, its mouth gaping around his face as if it were a python swallowing its prey whole. His feet, which were only just visible from the bottom of the tube, were adorned with paw slippers. The hand-paws were so padded and fluffy that they appeared useless for any practical purpose other than being cute. “How do I look? Wanna be my owner for Halloween? I’ll let you walk me on a leash and give me commands! I know how to beg and lay down!” Nagito said as he shook his rear to make the stubby tail wag. Hajime blushed, looking around to see if anyone overheard, “Shhh! There will be kids around, so nothing… kinky!” “I would never do something I thought was weird around impressionable youth!” “That’s the problem, what you think is weird is a whole world away from what everyone else thinks is weird…” Hajime looked him up and down, “So why this, of all things?” “Most of these costumes aren’t really appropriate around children. What did you think I’d be? A sexy demon? A sexy cat boy? A sexy werewolf? A sexy…” “I get the point… they are a bit provocative, aren’t they?” “Don’t use big words like 'provocative’. I’m just a silly little dog!” he whined, covering his face with his paws in mock shame. “God, Nagito, can you be normal for like one second?” Hajime said, turning away to hide his laughter. Nagito closed the distance, picking up his hand and kissing it. He looked down into his eyes with a charming smile and whispered, “But this is what you like about me, right? There’s no way someone would ever go out with me for any rational reason. Doesn’t that make you abnormal too?” Hajime shivered at his touch. Even dressed in the most absurd getup he’d ever seen, Nagito was still hot, and when he cranked up the charm, he had a terrifying ability to render Hajime as helpless as a fawn. He pushed Nagito away, hoping he didn’t notice, “I-I guess I just don’t know how you do it. You can be so confident sometimes. I’d be afraid of wearing that in public.” “There’s a difference between confidence and being so resigned to loss that you stop feeling anxiety over the little things,” he said, a bit sadly. “Besides, it’s fun!” He waved his paws comically to accentuate the point. “Now we have to find something fun for you to wear.” “Okay, but let’s go by MY definition of fun.” “Whatever you say, Hajime,” Nagito beamed. His eyes darted around, then settled on a mustache and beard set which he handed to Hajime, “How about this? You can go as a grumpy old man. Bonus! You won’t have to be seen with me.” “Oh, come on.” Hajime said, snatching it from him. He looked it over then held it up to his face in front of a mirror. “Hey, I could go as Izuru Kamukura,” he joked, referencing their old high school’s founder. Nagito folded his arms and side-eyed him, “Don’t get all full of yourself now, Hajime.” He then backed away as Hajime approached him with a toy sword taken from a rack. “Wait! What do you plan on doing with that?!” ___ “Happy Halloween!” Hajime, who had been sleeping quite peacefully until then, would have fallen out of bed in fright if a heavy weight had not subsequently landed on him. He opened his eyes to find Nagito sprawled out over his lap. “Sorry, I missed you. I couldn’t wait any longer,” Nagito said. Hajime slammed Nagito on the back of the head with his pillow, “Being cute won’t save you this time.” “Noooo, don’t kill me! I’ve never been kissed!” “Yes, you have.” “Could you remind me?” Nagito said, puckering his lips. Hajime played along and kissed him, “There, now I can kill you.” Moments later, Nagito flew through the air from a good whack from the pillow. Their day went on with the two enjoying horror movies playing in the background as they enjoyed a peaceful afternoon together. After the sun set, they prepared themselves for the night ahead. Hajime had settled on being a black cat, largely because it worked as a couple’s costume, but also just looking at Nagito’s cumbersome outfit made a simple and light costume seem more appealing. The set consisted only of ears and a tail, with a fluffy black sweater and black jeans from his closet to complement it. There was also ancient makeup in the back of a drawer from his scene kid phase which was totally just an ironic experiment and definitely not anything he ever took seriously. He leaned over their bathroom sink to get a better look in the mirror as he used an old eye pencil to draw whiskers, a nose, and thick eyeliner with wings that swept out half an inch. “Who said scene was dead?” Nagito said, as he smirked at him in the mirror. “Hey, I can’t help it that I can do a perfect cat-eye.” “Can you do my makeup sometime?” “Oh please, Nagito, you don’t need it. People would kill for your lashes.” “You know, you’re starting to sound a little… catty.” Hajime groaned at the pun. He reached an arm behind him to blindly swat at his partner, only succeeding in stirring the air around as Nagito dodged the attack, “Is being sarcastic the only thing you’re good for? Why aren’t you dressed yet?” “I will, it’s just hard to move very well in it and I wanted to bother you more effectively.” Nagito draped his arms over Hajime’s shoulders and leaned in. “Actually, I’d like to thank you. I know you get scared of embarrassing situations, so for you to take someone like me out doing something meant for kids, knowing people will look at us funny… It’s sweet of you.” “Why do you think I’m putting on makeup? If all goes well, I won’t even recognize myself.” He chuckled, “But in all seriousness, you know I’d do anything for you.” Nagito buried his face into Hajime’s neck and said nothing. ___ “Everyone looks so happy!” Nagito said, gazing at the lively scene. Costumed kids flocked together at doors or ran around screaming and laughing in excitement. With jack-o’-lanterns on every porch and fake spider webbing drooping from trees, the neighborhood oozed Halloween spirit. Hajime caught himself staring at his adorable partner, “I’m glad you’re enjoying yourself. Are you ready for some trick-or-treating?” “Tell me what to do! I’ve never done this before!” “Come on, you know what to do. Here, try this house.” “What if they yell at me because I’m too old?” “In that case, we threaten to egg their house, then run away.” He responded, hoping Nagito wouldn’t take it as a serious suggestion. Nagito’s eyes swirled. “I wonder if we’ll get chased. That would be exciting,” he said breathily. “You seem a little too excited by that…” Nagito wasn’t listening, he was already halfway up the driveway of a house. Hajime remained by the street to watch while Nagito knocked on the door. An old woman appeared. She looked him up and down as his outstretched arms presented her with a wicker basket ready for filling. “Trick-or-treat!” She gave a tactful, patient smile, “You’re so cute, but aren’t you too old for this?” “My boyfriend is forcing me to do this,” Nagito said, “He’ll be angry if I don’t come back with anything.” “Oh my… well, here…” She dropped a few pieces of candy into his basket, “You look like a sweet boy, you should get away from that awful man. Good luck, dear.” “Yes ma'am! Thank you!” Nagito chirped as he skipped back to the street, somehow managing not to trip over his slippers. “I couldn’t hear you guys, but it seemed to go well?” Hajime asked. “She wasn’t going to give me a treat, so I tricked her.” “Nagito, she was like… 80.” “It’s the Halloween code. I don’t make the rules.” “What did you say to her?” “Nothing to worry about. Let’s go on to the next house!” ___ “Really? You’re trick-or-treating at this age?” “I’m dying of lymphoma, it’s my final wish to trick-or-treat one last time.” “Oh my goodness, of course! Have as much candy as you want!” “Thanks!” Nagito said graciously as he took a few pieces. Hajime looked at him askance when he returned. “Wow, you’re getting a lot of candy. I… honestly wasn’t expecting this…” he said, gesturing at Nagito’s nearly overflowing basket. It seemed like every house in the neighborhood was eager to give him everything they had. “Yeah! Everyone has been so nice!” “I’m glad you’re having a good time, but what are we going to do with all this candy? You don’t even like sweets.” “I had no intention of keeping the candy, Hajime, this was all just for fun.” Nagito’s smile transformed into a grin. “But now that you’ve brought it up, there’s something I’ve wanted to do all night.” Hajime watched as Nagito trotted towards a group of teenagers. Sneaking up behind them, he reached into his basket and tossed a chocolate bar over their heads. They jerked back in surprise, and as they turned to see where it had come from, they were immediately pelted with handful after handful of candy. The next minute was pure pandemonium. Children ran from across the street to join in the fun, grabbing as much candy as they could while it rained down on them. And somehow in that moment, with the kids cheering and Nagito laughing joyfully among that beautiful chaos, Hajime swore his boyfriend never looked so handsome. Yeah, even despite the costume. ___ Ibuki’s Halloween party was well underway by the time Hajime and Nagito arrived. Blaring music greeted them at the door before she did. “You made it! Look at Nagito, so cuuuute! And Hajime, Ibuki loves your makeup! Meowwwww!” Being a world-famous musician, she could afford the finer things. Her house, which better resembled goth night at a club than a habitable dwelling, boasted enough space to host a party with room to spare for dancing. Witch-house played from an expensive sound system that cost more than Hajime and Nagito’s annual rent. It went without saying, Ibuki threw the best parties. Hajime hardly had a minute to take in the surroundings before Nekomaru had him and Nagito locked in a crushing hug. “Hahaha! We’re all here now!” Nekomaru beamed. “You made it, I am so happy!” Sonia said. “Yay.” Chiaki added in her trademark 'not sure if sincere or not’ tone of voice. “Look at you losers wearing a couple’s costume.” Saionji sneered as she eyed them up and down. Mahiru cleared her throat, “We are too, Hiyoko,” remarking on their Sailor Moon outfits. Saionji pouted, “But it’s cute when we do it!” “It’s too bad Teruteru died in that freak accident involving the helicopter tour over that active volcano, he would have liked to be here right now.” Souda said, idly scratching his head. Tsumiki dropped a piece of food on the floor and bent over to pick it up, showing her rear to everyone, “I’m sorry I’m so clumsy! I’m ruining everyone’s good time! Don’t worry about me!” “It’s okay, no one is worrying about you. No one is thinking about you at all!” Saionji cheered. “Waaaaaaaaah!!” Byakuya shook his head in disdain at Hajime and Nagito. “You’re late for the party, you missed out on donuts. Where are your priorities?” Akane’s mouth was too stuffed to respond, so she waved the last donut at them in greeting instead. Gundham held out his arms, letting his hamsters crawl up into his hands. “My Four Dark Devas are enraged at your tardiness for the most evil night of the year. Now the ritual can begin in earnest. Count yourself lucky that they have chosen not to kill you where you stand.” Peko had the eyes of a predator fixed on Nagito’s fluffy animal costume, while Fuyuhiko grinned and raised a shot glass containing an orange liquid, “Hey guys, come drink up! I brought juice!” Ibuki squealed, “Baby gangster is so adorable, only drinking mixer!” “I don’t need to drink alcohol to be cool!!” Amid all the shouting and arguing, Nagito turned to Hajime, “You know, this might be the best Halloween I’ve ever had.” “Same here. And I think you actually taught me a thing or two about the spirit of giving. Wrong holiday though.” “Yeah, too bad it doesn’t count.” Nagito grinned. “I’ll just have to fill up a stocking for you when Christmas comes around.” “I’d love that, Hajime! I’ve never had a stocking for Christmas before!”
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sasuhinasno1fan · 7 years
Princess’s first Halloween
@shadowdragon1553, I hope you enjoyed the trick. Now to make it all better with the treat! Your prompts were really cute and I was debating between which one to do when I thought maybe I can do all of them. We’ll see. Enjoy!
“Do you think it’s possible to do it?” Lance asked
“I mean, maybe. I’ve never tried but do you think they even know what those are?” Pidge wondered, not paying any attention when Shiro and Allura walked into Pidge’s lab.
“I mean, maybe? They have sporks.” Lance pointed out.
“Good point.”
“What are you two doing?” Allura asked, like she was expecting the two of them to be up to trouble.
“Allura! Do you know what pumpkins are?” Lance yelled, running from his place from behind Pidge’s work desk over to where Allura stood.
“Pumpkins? No, what are they?”
“They're these orange gourds that grow from the ground and they’re used for pumpkin carving!”
“Pumpkin carving?” Allura asked.
“Wait, what time is it on Earth?” Shiro questioned.
“Halloween is tomorrow!” Pidge called from her desk. “We were trying to figure out if Green can use her cannon to make pumpkins.”
“You mean the same cannon that makes plants grow from inside things and suffocate it in effect? Pidge, I don’t think that’s a good idea.” Shiro said
“But Shiro, Halloween!” Lance whined
“Um, what is Halloween?”
Lance turned to the princess, who looked genuinely curious. Most of the time she’d get the mice to tell her about what earth things they heard the paladins talk about and Lance couldn’t really think of a time that she came to him to ask about that stuff.
“Allura, allow me to show you the wonder of Halloween!”
“I suppose, but what is it?”
“It’s a holiday celebrated on Earth on October 31. There are a lot of different reasons why. Some say it’s because of the best time for magic, or the Day of the Dead or even because you can talk to spirits. But the best part, you get to dress up as anything you want and go around asking for candy! Craving pumpkins are one of the few activates you do leading up to it. Oh back on earth, my family would get really into it. My parents loved decking the place out in all this spooky and scary stuff.”
“Sounds like our parents would have gotten along fine.” Pidge said, already turning back to her computer, no doubt typing in the possibilities that her lion might be able to grow pumpkins after all.
“I’d take my little sibling to go trick or treating and getting into costume, oh it was the best. We made everything by hand, unless we really needed to buy it and it was such a big bonding activity. I really miss it.”
“Was it fun?” Allura asked, looking genuinely interested.
“So much fun. I know saving the universe is important and all, but I miss being able to celebrate this with my family.”
“Perhaps we can do it?”
That got everyone’s attention. Allura wasn’t one to deviate from the normal schedule of saving the world and getting people to join the side of Voltron, but she looked interested and excited.
“Really? Allura, don’t play with me please.”
“It sounds like fun. We don’t really have any sort of sweets here but I’m sure Hunk won’t mind trying to make something. About pumpkins, I never heard of them and I think Shiro is right, I don’t think it’d be a good idea to get the Green Lion to grow whatever they are but Coran might know of something similar to it. And the idea of dressing up is something I haven’t done in a while, since I was a child. It sounds like fun.”
Lance was vibrating with joy. He pulled Allura into a hug, spinning her around in excitement. “Oh, thank you, thank you, thank you! You will not regret this! Oh we’re going to make your first Halloween amazing! Pidge, go tell Hunk! I’ll talk to Coran and hopeful we can wormhole quickly enough. Oooh, Shiro, maybe you can Keith could come up with simple costumes.”
“Oh yes, that’s perfect. We can wear them tomorrow.”
Shiro looked like he wanted to protest but the utter excitement shining from both the Blue Paladin and the Princess was too much not to say no to.
“Alright, but any attacks,” he warned
“And straight to work, we know. Ohh, Allura you are going to be in love with Halloween when this is over.”
“Coran, our bodies can’t handle acid, so that’s not going to work.” Lance said as Coran gave him a list of any alien vegetables similar to pumpkins.
“Right. How about this, an Audian fide?” the royal adviser pulled up a picture of a purple looking thing. The shape looked similar to a pumpkin but taller than wider. It was also smooth, unlike the bumpy surface of a pumpkin.
“I guess, is it hollow inside?”
“It’s filled with a pulpy liquid that hardens with contact to air. It’s no problem to get out though, I wouldn’t recommend eating it. Mild poison, though to you 5, I wouldn’t risk it.”
“Right, anything else?”
“It does turn the hand purple for a few vargas.”
Lance cringed. He wasn’t sure Keith would like that so much. “Uh, no. anything else close to that that doesn’t turn you colours, or hurt you?”
“Hmm, gimme a tick.”
Coran typed away at the holoscreens while Lance turned at the sound of the doors sliding open. He smiled at the sight of his boyfriend, usual red jacket gone, no doubt still thrown on the bed from the drill Allura pulled that morning.
“Babe, light of my life, sweetheart. I missed you. I haven’t seen you all day. Can I get a kiss?”
Oh, Lance recognised that tone. It was the same one he used when he was trying to contain his anger. Lance was sure he didn’t do anything. He had been complaining about Lance leaving bed when he still wanted to cuddle but it worked out when the drill happened.
“Um, yes?”
“Why did Shiro just tell me we’re celebrating Halloween and to think of really easy ideas for costumes? Lance.” Gez, folded arms and speaking clearly, like Lance wouldn’t understand him. Keith was mad.
“Because I was talking to Pidge about missing Halloween with my family and she had the idea about using the Green Lion to grow pumpkins but Allura and Shiro vetoed that idea, but Allura doesn’t know what Halloween is and was interested so we’re going all out tomorrow. I’m looking for pumpkins, Hunk should be making some sort of candy and you and Shiro are thinking costumes.”
“No.” it was said so final.
“Oh come on Keith, it’ll be fun.”
“Halloween is just some corporate holiday to sell candy. It’s pointless.”
“You say the same thing about Valentine’s day.” Lance reminded
“I’m not wrong.”
“Keith, come on please? This is my first Halloween not spending it with my family.”
“And I’m really sorry about that, but no. Forget it, I’m not doing this.”
Lance pouted. Keith could be so stubborn. But thankfully, Lance had a few tricks up his sleeves. He hid his face in his hands, making his shoulders tremble and sounding like he was holding in noises.
“You hated Valentines and all I wanted to do was spend time with you but you just spent the day training. I didn’t even get you long enough to give you my present. I had to wait like two days for you to stay still enough so I could give it to you. Do you even like the sweater?” Lance said, sounding like he was crying.
“What, Lance. Of course I do, why would you think I don’t?”
“Because I never see you with it on and you never want to spend time with me unless I can drag you from whatever has your attention. I just want this one holiday but apparently I can’t even get that.”
“No, Lance. Stop please. I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to make you feel like that. Ok, I’ll…think of costumes, if it makes you happy.”
“Really? Yay, best boyfriend ever!” Lance cheered, throwing his arms around Keith.
“Wh-Lance, were you faking?”
“Not my concerns but yes to the crying. Seriously dude, wear the sweater once in a while. Maybe you can think of an idea so you can wear it.”
“Aha! Lance, my boy, come look at this. A Buterina gourd. You said you put lights in them right? Well these special little gourds change colour when exposed to light. The inside stuff is the same consistency as goo unfortunately and I still wouldn’t recommend eating it.” Coran said, the picture of the grey coloured gourd on the screen now, odd little bumps reminding Lance of the yellowy green types of pumpkins Lance would see decorating some people’s steps.
“It’s prefect. Where are they and how soon can we teladuv over there?”
“It’s the Buterina system. I’ll go tell Allura to head on over.” Coran said, disappearing and leaving the Red and Blue Paladins by themselves.
“Does it really bother you I don’t wear your sweater?” Keith asked
“A bit, but you can make it up by using it as a base with your costume. It’s red, so you have some choice. I look forward to seeing what it is.”
“What are you supposed to be?” Lance stared down his boyfriend as they stood in the doorway of the dining room. Keith was in the sweater like he promised and his face has grease on it in the shape of whiskers and a nose.
“A cat? I didn’t have very many options, ok.”
Lance understood that. He was in his undersuit that was worn under his armour, a scarf around his neck so he could cover his mouth, like the ninja he was.
“Well you look very cute. You gonna use your claws to carve the pumpkins?” Lance teased
“Ha ha, very funny. What is Shiro even supposed to be?”
“Winter Solider.” Lance had stuck a red star made from some paper he found on Shiro’s arm and made him swipe his hair back. “Hunk is a ghost and Pidge is a mad robot, hence all the extra wiring she stuck to her. Allura isn’t here yet. Come on, let’s see if I can get that mullet of yours into space buns. They can be your ears.”
Lance sat Keith down and stole two wires from Pidge before going to town on Keith’s hair. By the time Allura waltzed in with Coran, their usual clothes swapped, Lance made something resembling space buns to be Keith’s cat ears.
“My boyfriend looks like such a cute kitty.” Lance said, squeezing Keith’s cheeks which were turning red.
“Lance, you’re smudging my whiskers!”
“Are you really getting into this?” Lance teased, making Keith turn even redder and shove Lance’s hands off his face. Said whiskers were smudged, but Lance was too busy smirking at his boyfriend to say anything.
“Alright, we’re all here and the pumpkins are ready. Dump the insides in the bowls and for the love of god, do not destroy my knives. I spent way too much GAK on them and we don’t have any other knives.” Hunk instructed, trying to move the sheet he had on so he could have access to his arms.
Slopping noises of the gourds being opened and emptied filled the room, with a few squeaks of disgust when it would get on anyone. Keith was being as careful as possible to not get it on his sweater while Shiro moaned about how long it would take to get the guck out of the hinges of his hand.
“So after I empty it, I just carved something on the pumpkin?” Allura asked.
“Yeah, you could either carve it on the surface or you could cut out the shape you want. What were you gonna do?” Lance asked.
“I was thinking of making a mouse.” The mice, who were sitting on Coran’s shoulder to fit the costume, squeaked in excitement.
“Well cut out the shape of the mouse, but try to make it one stroke, if you get what I mean. You hack at it too many times and it’ll look weird.”
Allura nodded, looking extremely focused on the pumpkin.
Pidge was the first to be done surprisingly. “Ta da! It’s Rover!” the familiar shape of the lost Galra Bot was both cut out and carved onto the pumpkin. She grabbed one of the lights and stuck it in the pumpkin, waiting for the colours to start changing. The grey faded into blue, then green and yellow, continuing as the shape of her lost robot glowed happily.
“That’s quite amazing Pidge.” Coran said, flinching at the sight of the mess he was making on the princess’s dress.
Hunk and Keith were the next to finish, the face of the Yellow Lion and a façade of flames for each respectively.
“This is so cool.” Hunk said, watching the pumpkin change colours. “Oooh, I’ll go get the candy. I think you’ll love it.” He dashed off to the kitchen just as Lance finally finished his Blue Lion.
“I wanted to do a kitty for you but I thought you might hit me.” He told Keith, who glared at him like he made the right decision.
Shiro was all the way at the other end of the table working on his while Hunk brought back his imitation candy.
“What’s the magic words?” he asked.
Allura looked at Lance in confusion and he leaned over to whisper it to her. “Trick or treat? What’s does that even mean?”
“I don’t remember the exact reason, but I think back in the day you could either perform a trick or ask for treats.” Hunk said, handing Allura a handful of circular candy.
She popped one into her mouth and scrunched up her face. “It’s sour!”
“Oh hell yes, I love sour candy.” Pidge called.
The group were in different stages of dying from the sour candy when Shiro finally came over and plopped his pumpkin down. It was an extremely well done carving of Voltron. They all looked at Shiro who just shrugged.
“My parents liked pumpkin carving. We did it a whole week leading up to it.”
“So how was your first Halloween Princess?” Lance asked as they cleaned up the mess.
“Absolutely amazing. Perhaps when this war is over, you can show me how it is on Earth?”
Lance threw his arm over Allura’s shoulder, “stick with me princess, I can assure you you’ll have the time of your life.”
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