#yes its one of the Tramp Stamps peeps but i really like her solo work
emma-before-dark · 2 years
My current audio obsession. This one is an odd one, for me (and I imagine a lot of other lgbt+ people). Childhood isn't something I'm nostalgic for, its something I didn't experience and desperately wish i did. Sure I can remember Saturday morning cartoons, playing at friends houses, the occasional care free week at grandma's. What I remember better though is periods of despair and having a parent convincing me mental health care was a scam, missing my opportunities to get ADHD and Autism screenings while on insurance that covered them because "no your not, you just need to run around outside more", suffering through insomnia and ED related acid reflux untreated because "those aren't problems kids have", trying desperately to escape who I am due to all the horrible things people around me were saying about queer people, cramming 6 people into an apartment designed for two because we were all out of the house and supporting ourselves by 17. I love my parents, and our relationship has come a long way in the past few years, but there will always be a ball of resentment against them, and a sense of mourning for a childhood I never had.
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