#yes the catchers mitt is straight up ripped from taz
jumpboy-rembrandt · 1 year
here’s some of the items i made as rewards for a mission based around the album art guards by fishboy. they’re for, in order, wildfire druid, fairy barbarian, celebrity bard, and smooth-talking mobster. i have no idea how balanced these are lmao the party is level eight after that adventure but i trust us to balance them out as we go.
(if you listen to the album, which i highly recommend, you can tell me if you think these items fit the characters they’re sourced from!)
Fight Light: a hefty flashlight stamped with the initials L.H. Once per day, you can use it as a focus for your magic to convert your fire damage to radiant or lightning. Additionally, the target(s) must make a CON save against your spellcasting DC or be blinded for one round. Stunning!
Catcher’s Mitt: a mitt autographed by Bo Armstrong. If hit by a ranged attack, and the DM deems it appropriate, you can use your reaction to grab it, reducing the damage by 1D10 + DEX + level. If damage is reduced to zero, you can make a ranged attack with proficiency to throw it back. What a catch!
Dramaturgeon’s Amulet: a stethoscope engraved with Hugh Boone’s autograph. Upon casting a spell that restores hitpoints, you can put on a performance (DC 16) and, if it’s dramatic enough, it will not consume a spell slot. Heart- and show-stopping!
Fake Up Until You Make-Up: Seren-branded makeup that, once per day, allows you to convince people you did well at something you actually fucked up quite badly. Looks picture perfect!
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