#yes this is a grian reference and also a way to make the void even more terryfying
piecanl · 7 months
nim... do u have any theory for qtubbo backstory or tubbo lore in general ? peeposhy
oh do I have the lore drop for you........
so first of all, credit where credit is due:
This is all very HEAVILY inspired by these two fics, please give them a read! The world building and storytelling is very elaborate and I cannot recommend it enough!!!!!!!!!
ok now to the theories I have:
Tubbo is Iskall and the Captain's son and grew up in Vaults, and because of the Captain he's an ender dragon just like him! (basically just read the first few chapters of the first link for more context because it's straight up what I hc as his creation)
His dads alongside other VH members teach him everything he knows about create and other related mods! While growing up he also gets closer to 5up and CPK because of their smaller age difference than with others on the server.
One day while on an End expedition with them both, Tubbo ends up wandering off deeper on his own. This leads to him getting lost in the void.
Thing is, because he is a dragon, he doesnt die in it like others would, so he just falls deeper and deeper in it,,,, until he ends up in a whole new place he doesnt recognize.
Where he ends up is a lush field and what he's greeted with is curious people in white coats. Despite his better judgement, he ends up following them out of curiosity.
Soon enough he has to deal with needles and arm restraints on a daily basis. That is, until he shows interest in his surroundings, particularly all the machinery. So the coated figures give him the means to create all he desires, studying from behind.
He is smart, really smart. Smart to the point of being put off of the medical procedures and onto the field. He creates factories, he helps develop better tools for the other scientists around him, and he climbs the ranks.
Tubbo becomes a respectable member of the Federation, having brains equal to his witty quips. But respect in the field came with a prize.
With his position he received more and information, a lot of it unsavory, a lot of which he had to keep his mouth shut on. Confidentiality was key.
Or it was, until he saw the kids. It was no secret the young scientist had a soft spot for kids, often being seen helping them with evaluations and lessons on their math, never ever raising his voice at them and patiently guiding them through problems. And when he sees all the kids? He breaks.
He joins a secret comity of Federation rebels, all conspiring on ways to take their employers down.
And yet despite their efforts to keep it secret, someone leaks.
There's no mercy for them, animalistic experiments, cruel treatment by their captures and a soon to be executed death sentence. Except the sentence never comes. They're too important, too powerful. So they're frozen, to be brainwashed and reused in the future.
The time comes when they're freed from their prison and introduced to others, relationships and bonds quickly form. And the rest is history
Bonus idea: CPK and 5up never gave up looking for Tubbo. As soon as he vanished they gathered everyone they could to scour the end, it for obvious to us reasons, yielded no results. Eventually though, years later, they got a lead in the form of an invitation. An invitation to a death game. Callum decided he was the one that was going to join.
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skrimbled · 11 months
do it coward
Ok- here is my rambling.
Bfau is a fantasy au indpired mostly by @hopepetal and @applestruda and their boatem knights au, but i put a spin on it and changed a lot. (sorry for tagging you two if you see this lol)
Rambling is under the cut :]
Basically- Grian the avian fire sorcerer is tasked by the king to assemble a small team of warriors to defend an ancient village called Boatem, which has an open rift to a dangerous void-like realm inside of it. It's dangerous as they will live there full time and will be the first (and only major) line of defence against anything that emerges from the rift. Grian agrees, and sends out letters to those he sees worthy.
The first was a ranger called Scar, his former party member and travel buddy. They used to adventure with Grian's adopted older brother Jimmy, and Jimmy's boyfriend of the time BigB, but due to a tragic event BigB passed, and Jimmy left adventuring for good to mourn, leaving Grian with a now unpredictable teammate. Scar died too in that event, but a stolen artifact they had brought his soul back to his body. The problem? Souls that are angry when they die become vexes, which are wild and violent. So when Scar came back to life, he gained otherworldly abilities which he couldn't control. They tried to continue travelling, but eventually Scar couldn't keep risking Grian's safety and they parted ways so that Scar could understand his new life and powers. He had to have control by now, after years of minimal contact, right?
The second invite went to his twin sister Pearl, who he hadn't seen for many years. She had left their home town in response to strange dreams and visions calling her somewhere. Grian hadn't heard from her for a long time until recently, when Tim got word from a traveller that she was alive and well, and strong too. She was some sort of paladin now, and neither of her brothers had any more information than that. Grian knew that his new life would be tough and he would be lying if he didn't admit that he really wanted his twin's support.
The third person to contact was another close friend, a vampire called Mumbo. Grian met him when he was weak and starving, having offered his blood in exchange for temporary shelter. They became fast friends, and talked often. Grian wasn't sure how he was in combat, but the guy was hella smart! He had so many ideas for traps and weapons, and knew hoe to make them. Grian felt that having a more technical teammate would be valuable, so Mumbo was a no brainer really.
The fourth and final invite was tough, as he had ran out of connections. Well- he had his older brother, but Timmy had been left flightless by the same event that took his lover. While he and Grian occasionally talked via messages, Tim was never a fighter, and what magic he did have wasn't suited for combat. Even then, even if Tim somehow said yes, Grian could never put him through all that pain again.
He settled on talking around, and found out about a veteran adventurer called Impulse.
Impulse was a bit of a wild card, and it also showed in his personality. He was noticeably older than everyone else, but his portfolio was nothing to sneer at. He had been a part of an adventure party like Grian, and had gotten pretty well known and respected. Impulse was a knight apparently, the brawn to a pair of brains. But when Grian first met him, he was instantly a little strange. He would frequently refer to himself as a 'we' or 'us', and Grian was convinced he'd caught him talking to himself once as if there was a response. Grian didn't know this yet, but Impulse wasn't just a knight. He was a human sharing his body with a (kind of stupid and annoying) demon, and had been for many years. By now it was almost second mature for him to include Skizz into conversations, even if no one else could see or hear him.
These five indeviduals were the only ones to guard and interact with Boatem, and just kinda have to deal with each other. Not much happens at Boatem, but at least the down time lets them get to adjust to each other and their quirks.
So yeah. Grian gets his sister, two besties and a random dude together to do nothing but bicker and train unless shit goes down, featuring LOTS of background characters with their own stories and development that don't matter as they aren't the pov. I will talk about them though. Just not now.
I hope you enjoyed my midnight ranting :]
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catamaurrr-star · 1 year
maur's super duper awesome list of Some of his ocs!!! celebrate!!! (note: some are missing because. i am layzy)
PLEASE ask me about my ocs PLEASSEEEEEE (explanation for the world [number] thing here)
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my comedy relief/intense angst little guys (world 1)
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name: umbra chrono age: 23 pronouns: he/they info: my favorite oc (dont tell the others).... time travelling catman who really misses his parents and is having a horrible time at college. is tormented by sadness every now and then BUT he's also good friends with maur and gude so that helps. oh yeah also haunted by the narrative i guess fun little fact: he's a siamese ragdoll!! he dyes his hair black though to try and hide that. this doesnt work as he has the brightest bluest eyes on the planet
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name: MAUR !!!!!!! age: 15 pronouns: he/she info: technically not my sona. but they do look VERY similar. anyways so this guy can turn into a cat whenever he wants and was raised in apocalyptic warzone australia (just go with it) but escaped on a boat onto the rest of the world and now steals from places as a homeless stray cat. he likes to annoy umbra as often as possible and steal food from him when he's not looking fun little fact: his eyes light up REALLY FUCKING BRIGHT in the dark. like led lights
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name: gude normal age: 19 pronouns: they (but he and she are also accepted. they mainly preferred though) info: most mentally stable oc. they're half elf and they only got the ears from their dad. they love monster hunter and its their favorite thing in the entire world. oh yeah their brother is also kind of a god. OH YEAH ALSO they have a Power!!!! they can make chair arms out of nothing. there is no limit to these chair arms but it gets more and more physically draining to have too many of them for too long. they can disappear whenever gude likes fun little fact: they only wear shorts. not a single set of pants. also striped shirts or tshirts with really stupid designs on them that they thought were funny.
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name: jimmy falenhardt age: 10 pronouns: he/him (he;s a cis girl though) info: other most mentally stable oc. he's just a little guy who likes doing postal service and is OBSESSED with cats. like he brings cat food and cat treats with him everywhere. he's very very silly and makes cat puns at every single opportunity he gets. other than that he's very adventurous and a little bit cocky. fun little fact: he picked his own name. he didnt even have a name beforehand everyone just politely referred to him as The Child
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name: iron age: ???? pronouns: any info: no one knows what their deal is. no one knows where he came from but apparently she's australian. they rarely ever talk and when he does its the most ominous confusing or just frankly bizarre shit ever. she has So Many scars its crazy. resident little freak fun little fact: yes they look like that in canon too. bright pink hair and paper white skin. so much wrong with her ❤️
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not in world 1 2 or 3 ocs
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name: nil age: ???really REALLY long though pronouns: any info: MY FAVORITE GUY. used to be an all powerful god but got a little too silly (did something Bad(i dont know what it is either)) and then was punished for it by being eternally trapped in The Void with no way out ever. they also cannot die. so as you can tell this has been driving him Crazy. can also make clones of herself and some objects as well but after a while the objects just disappear if null doesnt actively keep them there. i like to make them sad fun little fact: if the design looks familiarthats just cause he was originally grian but then it got a bit too ooc so i made her an oc. null's basically grian adjacent. the lore reason for this is they took the form of a fictional character he remembered fondly to cling onto what she remembered before null forgets it all
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genshin ocs time (i barely talk abt them anymore though)
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name: pyre (not his real name) age: mid to late 50s pronouns: he/him info: sumeru pyro claymore 5 star. somewhat possessed by a flower and lives in the sumeru desert. used to have a wife and a kid but his wife died in a sandstorm and he got separated from his kid and doesn't remember either of them anymore. due to the flower possessing him. he just kills people now and is the #1 enemy of cyno fun little fact: at some point he gets free from the flower and has to deal with The Horrors of losing like. 20ish years of your life
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name: qamar (no last name idk) age: late 20s pronouns: she/they info: sumeru/mondstadt anemo sword 4 star. got separated from her family by a sandstorm basically wiping out her home in the sumeru desert and she got lost and adopted by rhinedottir who happened to be in the area. grew up with albedo and is on a mission to find out what happened to her family and friends and if all of them truly died or not. also mentors sucrose sometimes and is unintentionally Very Mean fun little fact: she REALLY likes dragonflies. there are several dragonfly motifs on her design (if i actually ever draw it ...)
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name: FELIX!!!!!!! age: 40ish pronouns: she/her info: fontaine pyro catalyst 5 star. was part of an ancient race that died out and is basically the last of her species. performs as a popular actress in the opera epiclese for plays and stuff and works with lyney sometimes but SURPRISE!! she's also an UNDERCOVER REBEL!!! she goes by the name "Rouge Résistance" while trying to show all the cracks and flaws in the fontainian justice system by graffiti and stealing stuff to give out to others later . and also arson. kinda like robin hood but with fire fun little fact: her weapon? these fucking hands
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au name: pope!maur (i thought it was funny) info: was adopted by the church after escaping australia and is now a tyrannical pope at age 15... very insane everyone hates him. he uses his position to do Not Swag things. somewhat of an infamous celebrity fun little fact: originally i made him (and incel umbra) as just maur and umbra in different outfits but then i gave them different persoanlities and origins and boom!! different characters
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au name: incel!umbra info: after his parents mysteriously disappeared he went on the internet . and got ruined forever because of it. now hes a really fucking mean nihilist who's generally draining to be around and one day wants to burn down the entire world fun little fact: he and christian!maur DESPISE each other and will go out of their way to annoy each other at every single opportunity. not in the friendly way either they genuinely hate each other
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au name: time god!umbra (usually shortened to tg!umbra) info: basically just works for the higher time gods in the world. makes sure everything in time goes well and can vaguely control it. also doesn't follow linear time it's kinda wild. doesn't follow the normal umbra lore either he was just made like this and he just has to accept it fun little fact: he does get paid. just not a lot though. like very little payment for his work
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au name: space god!maur (usually shortened to sg!maur) info: like tg!umbra, he works for the higher space gods and he makes sure everythings position isnt getting weird and fucked up. he can teleport wherever he wants and he can work outside of 3 dimensions. thats how silly he is fun little fact: the gods have forced his face to be smiling forever. he is actually not happy with this
thats probably all of them for now
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The comment section from Ao3 sort of helped with this fic. and by that I mean certain people can hear their comments. if you want that to happen to you, go to the work on Ao3 and leave some comments!
Mumbo wasn’t sure what the look on the two smp member’s faces were concerning. “Does… does he have a base with plenty of defenses? If so, I’m sure there’s got to be a weak point that he-”
“Dream doesn’t really have a base. He’s essentially homeless.” Techno answered Mumbo. “The best chance we have is possibly tracking Dream and tailing him for a while, but that likely won’t work. There’s a chance that he may be at the vault, but construction there only recently finished, and that’s only the exterior as far as I know.”
“Then we’ll have to try there.” Mumbo replied. “If he isn’t then we’ll keep looking.”
Techno rolled his eyes. “Look, I want to see my brother again as much as I’m sure you do, but that’s going to take some preparation. That place is supposed to be unbreakable.”
“I’ve got a book from Impulse. I can get through bedrock if I need to. I’m going to do anything to get Grian back.”
“Who?” Techno tilted his head.
“Right, yes. I’m such a spoon. He’s going by the name Grian now. Has for a long time.”
Sapnap treaded carefully, not knowing why Dream wanted to meet with him. He wasn’t sure why the admin gave coordinates so far out until his eyes spotted what seemed to be a building in the distance. He was wondering if this was someone’s base that they didn’t know about until now until he could see Dream there and working on building it. “What the fuck is this Dream?”
Dream looked over and spoke with a smile in his voice. “My evil lair. Out here where no one is likely to find it.”
“Never thought you’d try making a place for yourself.” He heard a noise that left him confused. “Do I hear parrots?” Dream nodded and then led him into the building. There were a few rooms they passed through first before getting to the largest of them that was filled with parrots. “Why the fuck do you have twelve parrots Dream?”
“Easier to lose one out of twelve than one out of one.” He then put down a jukebox and played a disc of cat. “And I can do that.”
Sapnap just watched, wondering if this was really why he had been asked here. “Alright. And did you just want to show me your new pets?”
Dream turned to look at his guest, trying to hide any disappointment in his voice as he stared at the magenta eyes that replaced the formerly black ones. “I actually have a proposition for you.”
After a small bit of nether travel which Tommy and Techno were reluctant on, Tommy since he was banned and Techno feeling they were unprepared, the trio reached the vault. Tommy contacted Sam at Mumbo’s insistence of learning information. He seemed to be taking a break at the time, so it worked well and the brothers talked with him, Mumbo staying off to the side.
So, I’m wanna go murder that green bastard. Yeah, let’s go commit some acts of violence! Anyone else concerned that all three of these guys have the exact same eye color? Dream please leave the vicinity of the family.; You cause problems. Blow up the vault!; Free Grian!!!!
Mumbo excused himself for a second and moved to somewhere nearby but private. “Alright, you have all been slightly helpful, but I really need you all to go away. I don’t need these people wondering why I’m not paying attention because I can hear hundreds of different people at once. You also aren’t supposed to be here in the first place anymore. Grian made that clear to me when we first got rid of you. Right now if you are planning to stay, I really need you to not be sending be violent messages and instead just help me figure out where Grian is.”
“What’s going on over here Jumboli?” Tommy spoke up, making Mumbo jump.
“Ah! Er, I’m just talking to myself. Building confidence and all that.” He tried to hide what was going on.
“Really? Cause it sounded like you were actually talking to someone else.”
Mumbo wasn’t sure how to deflect any more than he already had. “Nope, really I was. I mean, I was talking to myself. I don’t mean I was talking to someone else.”
Tommy nodded, but Mumbo wasn’t sure he bought it. “Well, Sam says Dream hasn’t visited recently, but the place is actually complete. They actually are weeks ahead schedule which, they’re not quite sure how they got that far ahead.”
Mumbo had an idea of why that might be based on how Tommy and Techno were acting. “Can we still look around? Just to be safe?”
Tommy shrugged. “I can ask.”
Sam let them into the building and Mumbo couldn’t help but gawk at everything. It was built so well and filled with amazing redstone. He’d never dream of making something like this back on Hermitcraft. It wasn’t needed. But it still really was impressive. He would need to come back once everything was fixed and take notes.
Multiple times Techno had to drag the hermit back as he started wandering off to check things in depth. He was so focused he didn’t realize the number of people trying to get him to check on Tommy until just a little too late.
“Tommy! There you are! I couldn’t find you in Logstedshire.” Mumbo heard the voice of Dream and he tried to enter the room to see what was going on, only to find a barrier in his way and mining fatigue keeping him from breaking through it.
“You came looking for me? I thought you weren’t coming back.”
“Tommy, I’m your friend. I wouldn’t just leave you back there forever. I guess I should have been more clear.” Mumbo moved enough that he could see the masked man facing Tommy. “That being said, you running away isn’t a good sign. And something tells me that gear isn’t something you got yourself. You were banned from the nether after all.”
Even though Tommy held a weapon, Mumbo could see Tommy’s hand trembling.
“You’re going to need to get rid of it before we go back.” Mumbo wasn’t sure how Dream could dig a hole with the mining fatigue. “Tools in the pit Tommy.” Mumbo watched in horror as Tommy got rid of all his items without hesitation. “I’m surprised Tommy.” Dream spoke again after a few unnaturally silent seconds after Tommy had given up everything. “You leave exile and break the other rules I gave you yet you were so quick to listen. Maybe things are finally getting through your head.”
TNT was placed and then lit, the explosion destroying Tommy’s items. Again, they just stood quietly before Dream left once more. Then the barrier fell and Mumbo was able to run to Tommy.
“Tommy, are you okay?” Mumbo placed a hand on Tommy’s shoulder. Techno walked up behind him, just lookin in the direction Dream had left.
Tommy turned to look at Techno and Mumbo, but his attention was drawn to his brother. “Techno, what the fuck is with your eyes?” Techno looked down, his magenta eyes meeting Tommy’s which had returned to their familiar blue.
“Ok thank goodness I’m not going completely crazy.” Mumbo sighed. “So far everyone’s eyes have been like that, and I didn’t think that was normal but no one was reacting to it.”
“The fuck are you talking about? They’ve been fine until right now.”
Mumbo shook his head. “No. They’ve been that way since I first saw you and you had them.”
Tommy wanted to argue, but before he did, he grabbed Mumbo’s hand and used his sword as a mirror. “They look fine now.”
“Well they are back to normal now, but until now they weren’t.”
“You’re telling me everyone except you and Tommy have the same eye color?” Techno asked, sounding skeptical.
“I know it sounds crazy, but it’s true. I think this is even more of a reason to find Grian because this might be due to him.”
“How?” The piglin hybrid asked, making Mumbo rub the back of his head sheepishly.
“Well, I sort of left this part out, but Grian is also a Watcher.”
“A what?” Tommy asked, not knowing what that meant while Techno seemed to.
“We need to find Philza.”
Mumbo kept Tommy close to him as they walked into New L’Manburg. He followed Techno along as he brought them to a house that looked like it had broken into then boarded up. After seeing and hearing about the rest of the server, Mumbo wasn’t surprised, but Techno seemed to have not expected it as he started acting more cautious.
The hybrid broke the planks covering the door and stepped inside. “Phil? You in here?”
“Techno?” The voice of Philza spoke up, communicator in hand as he stepped into view. “I was just about to message you. They found the compass?”
“Quackity just showed up with Tubbo Fundy and Ranboo. They were asking about information on where you were then went through my chests until they found it.”
“Tubbo was here?” Tommy spoke up, making Philza look over at him.
“Yes, and he put me under house arrest.” The avian pointed to his boots. “I would have messaged you sooner, but we found something concerning.”
“Hi!” Ghostbur came up through the floor with a wave. “There’s a basement that opens up to the void.”
“There’s no bedrock down there?” Tommy asked, but then Mumbo cleared his throat to get everyone’s attention.
“Look, I’m sure you all want to catch up seeing as how you’re family and all, but we really should wait until everyone is here for a family reunion.”
Philza shook his head. “I would prefer not to see Fundy again that soon.”
Mumbo looked confused for a moment before he remembered. “Oh right, he’s your grandson, isn’t he. No I was referring to Grian.”
The hardcore player didn’t recognize the name? “Grian?”
“He’s Xelqua.” Mumbo said exasperated, upset at himself for forgetting to give that detail once again. But it didn’t last long as he and the other two he arrived with looked at the one who had echoed his words.
Ghostbur looked between his family and Mumbo, wondering why they were staring. “Oh, did you guys not remember and I did? That’s a little out of character for me.”
“Are you telling me you remember Grian?” Mumbo asked, suddenly feeling hopeful.
“Yeah, he had a very nice mansion and gave me a blue feather.”
“He has a what?” Philza started to ask, but Mumbo signaled for him to be quiet.
“Alright, I suppose now is the best time to go over everything. I’m from a world Called Hermitcraft. Grian, or as you better know him as, Xelqua, lives there as well. Iskall too if Fundy mentioned him to you. One day out of the blue, Tommy showed up and ended up living with us for a few years even though it was just a few months for everyone here. Your admin Dream showed up to attack us and get Tommy back and while it didn’t work, for whatever reason everything went sideways and now everyone is back here, Grian and I included, no one can seem to remember anything, and Dream likely has Grian trapped!”
The others stared at Mumbo with a range of emotions from looking like he was crazy, to unsure, and to enthusiastic, though that last one was mainly Ghostbur.
“Now, you lot have a better understanding on how things go around here while I have a fair amount of resources. I’m sure if any of you have ideas of what to do, we can find some way to do it.”
“He does redstone stuff, so he may be the best we can do without Sam.”
“What?” Mumbo seemed offended. “You didn’t say that when I showed off my walking house.”
“You made a what?”
When the green man walked back into the room, Grian was very happy to see him holding seeds. He chirped, hoping they would be brought to him. But instead they were taken to another parrot. Why did the green man need so many parrots? Wasn’t he enough? Oh, but here he came and he had more seeds in his hand. They were even pumpkin seeds! His favorite!
But when he ate them, they seemed lacking. Maybe a little salt would be nice. And roasted too. That’s how Mumbo always made them. Who was that, a voice asked him. You’ve never heard of a Mumbo before, have you? Grian paused. That’s right. He didn’t know a Mumbo. The only one who gave him seeds was the green man. The green man asked him to do stuff and he would get seeds. He was a good parrot. With his mansion and barge and… wait what were those? He just had his little perch and cage.
Then he was given more seeds. The green man was happy about something. About someone named Tommy. Was that one of those other parrots? But then why was Grian getting seeds instead? Oh, maybe the green man wanted to call him Tommy? It wasn’t his favorite name, but it would do. Music started playing and he started to dance to it. It was so nice here. He couldn’t think of anywhere he’d rather be.
Grian had no clue where he was. It wasn’t Hermitcraft or the realm of the Watchers or any place he’d been before. Well, it was sort of familiar. It looked like he was in the middle of an infinity room. “Hello? Mumbo? Tommy? Xisuma? Anyone?” He called out, looking around. He tried to reach out for a wall but was too far away. He tried moving around but couldn’t seem to get any traction as he moved his feet. “Is anyone around? I think I’m a little stuck here. Did we fix everything?”
The question suddenly gave Grian an idea of what might be going on. “Did you lot put me in an infinity room to calm me down? Because I think I’m fine now. Can you tell me where the way out is?” There was still nothing. “Guys? Hello?”
Grian realized he had his wings shifted away and attempted to bring them back to test the ceiling, but they didn’t appear. “Um, guys? I’d really appreciate some sort of message or something. I’m beginning to panic a little.” He tried to reach for his communicator, but it was also missing.
“I know you probably just calmed me down from overloading my Watcher powers, but I really don’t like being stuck here, so I’ll wait until the count of three.” He counted down but there was still nothing. “Alright, hopefully this doesn’t take much.” Grian tried to reach inside himself for the suppressed energy but found it missing. And that’s when it finally dawned on him. “Oh… is this what death is?”
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